Peter Gets Tied Up | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] out of my way worm I'm taking Mom and Dad that juice [Music] you always take them their juice Slow Coach oh you haven't put something horrible in here have you Henry no open the door oh I can take it in for you no let go oh don't be Horrid Henry go and get something to clear up this mess okay [Music] can I come with you dad I love going to the supermarket of course you can Peter [Music] out Henry yeah why can't I come because I remember the last time you came shopping [Music] was an accident good I promise I just want to help please [Music] cucumber Tomatoes salad dad said I could push the trolley you did it last time Dad Henry's being mean don't be Horrid Henry okay Peter can push I don't care what what did you say Peter can push the trolley I don't mind are you feeling okay Henry fine thank you um well well done well done then being good is really hard work hmm I don't know how about leek and broccoli um yes but Mom likes spicy parsnip fine Henry we need baked beans I know where they are dead it's okay I'm on to it foreign ties Oh Henry Jones oops oops nearly forgot Henry what are you doing get down from there Dad I've got it [Music] start [Music] lunchtime Peter can you lay the table yes please what car do I do it well I want to lay the table all right Henry but don't break anything oh always lay the table [Music] let's go [Music] okay have it your way foreign thank you Peter what a good boy you are [Music] Henry sit up properly I am sitting up properly oh so you are well don't slurp your food I'm not slurping I've eaten all my carrots good heavens Henry what a good boy oh I've ignore my carrots too [Music] oh take me Peter [Music] I know what you're doing you're only being good so you can go to the fair but it won't work so there oh no no because sooner or later you'll do something horrid you always do smelly I forgive you mom can I do some gardening you why to be helpful of course well um there is one job needs doing you said you wanted to help it's good for the Roses [Music] here's your present Peter [Music] Henry how could you be so horrid now inside everyone the clown is about to start [Music] one little trick like that and there'll be no cake for either of you oh cake no cake now come inside with the others let's get this over with [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't do lions why not let's just say I had a bad circus experience [Music] right well now for some magic oh [Music] I want my cake my next trick is the amazing disappearing milk the milk is gone oh it's okay look I found it for you don't be hurried Henry anything for my next trick we have the amazing Vanishing banana [Music] now I shall make the banana vanish does anyone know where it went yeah [Music] can we have cake not until the show is over how clever you are Henry how would you like to be my assistant what for the box of bewilderment I shall now attempt to make this clever little boy disappear hello oh lovely step inside oh all right I'll do anything for cake silly me that shouldn't happen should it let's try again abracadabra [Music] One Last Time Big Bang [Music] don't be Horrid Henry nah I think it's time for tea and yes the show will continue after tea no we'll never get to have the cake [Music] did you see that he really doesn't like lions [Music] sandwiches are in the dining room oh this is the best birthday ever and remember no cake until after the clown has finished you look good in a skirt Henry yeah [Music] foreign [Music] come on everyone into the living room while I get cleared up my done did you do what I said oh I said I'm ready to rumble I am the great Mysterio I can escape from anything [Music] it's so easy being me [Music] I didn't start it I don't care who started it play nicely or else what not fair [Music] what's the matter with you are you in trouble good I got rid of my remote oh no oh yes unplug more vegetables instead Ah that's really mean yeah really mean cause stipples wouldn't want to join your ratty gang convertible again you'll probably stinkier than a pooper scooper everyone knows the purple handgun is best you think so well why don't you prove it are you challenging me I dare you to challenge me okay I challenge you [Music] I declare that today will take place a series of challenges and dares to decide which is the pre the the premium the premium the best the best the secret Club oh the purple [Music] let the bottle commence foreign [Music] [Music] it's not the best you could do no this is the best I can do [Music] [Music] one point [Music] rinsing ready ready ready ready oh we're all ready start King one two three four five six seven eight nine ten [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what's next it's crop time [Music] [Music] wow mine's going to be the yuckiest mine's going to be the yuckiest luckiest most revolting drop ever [Music] what's that my secret ingredient [Music] foreign [Music] it's all yours oh I nearly forgot I won't you won't it's so easy being me [Music] oh oh the pain oh oh Henry I know it's injection day today Henry and you are going to school whether you like it or not no let me see B for broken leg just lie back and relax Henry I can help you yes Peter yes you can [Music] but I don't want to pretend to be you for the day to brighten a Big Boy's playground yes [Music] and you got to sit in the Big Boy's class so [Music] you'll get Mass homework [Music] um but if I'm you would I get your orange action oh yeah I hadn't thought of that but think of all that Matt's homework this is never going to work of course it will Henry eater you're right it's never gonna work ah this injection better not leave a mark my arms are beautiful and I want them to stay that way you better hope she doesn't hit an artery this causes massive blood loss gangrene and possible amputation that means they cut your arm off oh please it's only a pen prick yeah only a pin prick [Music] oh don't pick me please don't pick me William you're next [Music] save me somebody save me don't be silly William it's only an injection yeah cry baby [Music] oh wait oh I'm going to cry not me oh I'm tough and strong [Music] oh I could take anything [Music] Margaret can't wait to hear you scream this is almost worth having an injection for hearing Margaret scream any moment now I've never seen such a big needle you can't frighten me it's as long as my arm bigger the better Henry no I don't want an injection [Music] [Applause] all right everybody [Music] no room push off Henry thank you [Music] thank you [Music] aha there you are Henry oh needle turn now shall I roll up my sleeve thank you Henry but the injection will be in your other arm the other eye [Music] I wish the teachers wouldn't leave their lunch lying around
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 6,800,113
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Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, full episodes of horrid henry, horrid henry movies, horrid henry the movie, horrid henry in english, horrid henry cartoon, cartoon horrid henry, horrid henry english, cartoon of horrid henry, horrid henry song, horrid henry theme song, horrid henry audiobook, horrid henry season 1, horrid henry theme, horrid henry noooo, horrid henry new episode, new episode of horrid henry, horrid henry intro, horrid henry birthday
Id: Wp89XWyyukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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