Horrid Dad | Horrid Henry | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] so what lesson have we learned henry [Music] yes that's right henry [Music] oh [Music] yo big bunny it was just an accident why does everyone have to beep their car horns oh i'm getting really hungry have we got anything to eat mom yes sweetheart i've got some organic crackers [Music] okay henry let's get serious watch and learn henry [Music] [Applause] dad [Music] ah it's your mother hello dear howser i'm a lady going [Music] sorry dear you'll have to speak up [Music] oh dear oh i see yes uh well um whoa that is cool is that your play it's really cool can i have a go [Music] [Music] all right peter i give up hello peter look i'm not cross [Music] oops it's not as easy as it looks well i'm sure you'll be moving soon dear uh gotta go what is that noise true survivor adapts to his surroundings all we need is two dry sticks to rub together come on henry dad i'm really hungry seven eight nine ten no deep breaths why do you need such a gas guzzler anyway does it make you feel more powerful does it rain keep counting one two three what's all this mess [Music] little ouch yes yes i'm the same to you [Music] thieves this place is crawling with thieves [Music] dad the house keys were in my trouser pocket what about calling mom the mobile phone's full of water no phone no clothes and no fish for supper what a disaster well we do have something we do why gobble and go voucher eat your weight in burgers yes oh but i haven't got anything to wear [Music] try these for size [Music] i feel ridiculous oh relax [Music] [Music] uh what do you recommend uh one of everything sir mom how was i'm a lady we ran out of petrol care to join us don't mind if we do [Music] [Music] henry is that the post would you bring it it's up no fun being good [Music] [Applause] henry answer the door please hello sonny my more dad at home mama is but she's sick left me to clean up i'll call her if you want mom hello no no no don't bother her uh just pass on a message we're making some repairs and we've got to turn the water off for a couple of hours stop it fluffy that's peters we'll let you know when we finished henry coming fluffy that's only for sick people [Music] oh thank you who was at the door oh man they're turning the water off oh no not today i had forgotten all about it henry listen you need to fill the bath then fill saucepans um water jugs and everything else you can find and hurry and take peter his ice cream [Music] oh at last now i can play on the computer oh can things get any worse henry be a good boy get me an extra blanket and a hot water bottle i'm cold i'd like a seed my book some medicine some tissues henry get back will you [Music] henry henry please answer the door walter's coming back on make sure your taps are all turned off oh great someone else telling me what to do what anything else you want hot water bottle nice fluffy blanket um no thanks have a nice day have a nice day oh yeah i'll put it on the list [Music] hey hear that silence no one's yelling at me to do something at last [Music] oh henry i feel absolutely awful i'm going to bed yeah well one mom was sick too and i had to get her juice and peter wanted ice cream i miss on bob phoned and the waterman came and i had to fill everything and then [Music] [Music] i know i'm really sick and that's not fair i wanna go to school [Music] stay here boy [Music] mum wants to know how you're getting on with the hole oh you don't need to tell peter oh yes i do what are we going to do now basha [Music] hey good [Music] stop [Music] almost too good henry i'm coming outside now how are we going to get out of here [Laughter] [Music] now we need to fill the hole henry oh my goodness that's quite a hole yes i'm the fastest digger in the west oh well done henry smashing job [Music] how did henry dick that hole so fast and what's this a strange footprint and what's this [Music] i'm going to take this back to my lab for analysis detective peter is on the case oh poor basha out there all alone hope he's okay i know hmm this is definitely not a human hair and it's not one of henry's either aha just as i suspected this hair belongs to an animal [Music] hello wow here have one of my special biscuits here's something else to keep you company mr kill is my right-hand map they'll look after you night night basher [Music] what are you up to henry out of my way maggot face i'm watching you get weirder every day i'll find out yes henry i'll find out [Music] [Music] never mind that henry let's just get to our seats [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry sorry excuse me thank you sorry [Music] i can't see anything shh but i really can't see anything shhh [Music] [Music] what's going on [Music] oh this is great you can see everything look hold on a minute there's an empty seat down there [Music] henry oh excuse me henry [Music] this is really difficult hang on i don't need to crawl anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so if music be the love of food [Music] wherefore thou art fearless excuse me shh me thinks the lady death too much protest here we go again [Music] maybe i could get round the back [Music] it's very dark in here oh i found a switch maybe it's a light switch this is [Music] [Music] where dude [Music] [Applause] there [Applause] [Music] so you see i always say all the world's a stage [Laughter] turns out the great old greta's great nephew is the clown and that's how we got invited to tea afterwards well you know what they always say henley what do they always say worm what's wrong with dance wow [Music] have you done your homework yet henry dad's doing it for me what why i don't know he's just doing it now move smelly nappy baby we can't see what princess poppy pants is doing you're watching noodle poodles it's educational worm i'm telling mom she already knows [Music] that's clever see told you it was educational [Music] so how was your day henry not good lettuce sandwiches are even worse than carrot sandwiches homework thanks now get your trainers on what trainers on we're going for a run before tea i think my parents have gone seriously mad [Music] that's it i'm now officially on strike [Music] what's that that is proper music which you are going to listen to or else or else what or else i won't do your homework [Music] parents so weird so how was your day at school today henry i pretended to eat the beetroot sandwiches just like you told me to good any homework loads miss battle axe can't believe i'm actually doing my homework so she's given me loads more to prove i can do it oh your dad will be pleased oh i've got this stupid questionnaire to fill in questionnaire what questionnaire well we're having this observ obverse observation henry the word is observation now go on and we've got to fill in a questionnaire about all the things we like doing at home give it to me henry but we said we've got to fill it in all by yourself i said give it to me henry all right all right i've got it here somewhere [Music] definitely had it when i left school [Music] ah here it is how many hours of tv do you watch a week how much time do you spend on the computer what sort of music do you listen to do you read sweet that's it we're done for what are you talking about mom never mind henry go to your room oh could have my questionnaire back no go to your room now henry what about tea you can have tea in the morning now go oh i give up [Music] mushroom sandwiches yum yum off you go henry it's friday today i know that mom last day of the week i know that too don't forget your questionnaire i forgot to fill it in mr budd's gonna kill me don't worry i filled it in for you oh thanks mum see you later phew did we get away with it i think so so how much tv did he say henry watched in a week none of course hours on the computer none he does all his homework every night even when he gets double he only eats vegetable sandwiches he loves cross-country running and he doesn't eat sweets that sounds like our henry not such a horrid boy eh oh and i said that he made papio mache models in his spare time genius [Music] how i love mushroom sandwiches so henry how was your day okay we got given sweets for taking in our questionnaires really yeah cool eh oh and i've got a letter for you from school for us to henry's mum and dad we have been observing henry all week and we are seriously worried about him oh no they found out how horrid he is after all he doesn't watch tv or play computer games he only eats strange vegetable sandwiches he has never eaten a sweet in his life and he does all his homework even when he's given double but that's good isn't it apparently not all these things are really not normal for a boy of his age so we would like to recommend that you attend a course to learn how to be better parents straight away [Music] [Music]
Channel: Horrid Henry
Views: 1,151,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horrid henry, horrid henry full episodes, horrid henry full episode, horrid henry cartoon, cartoons for children, horrid henry new episodes, horrid henry 2019, horrid henry funny, horid henry, horid henry new episodes, horrid henry videos, horrid henry channel, horrid henry youtube, horrid henry characters
Id: rRQCUX7ioxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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