Perspective Drawing for Beginners

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perspective lines what are they made of how did they get here if i race them will everything fall down those questions and over 8014 others will be answered in today's lesson which is all about drawing in perspective not again everything in this school is flat our desks your globe that giant sack of salmonella over there that's my lunch it's not flat this is what happens when you wait this long to teach us perspective we have to live in this flat world okay yeah you're right let me plug in the perspective tron this machine could take anything 2d and turn it into a three-dimensional perspective drawing automatically so you're not gonna teach us how to draw in perspective trust me kids this machine is going to save us all a lot of time he hates teaching perspective and he thinks this machine's going to get him out of today's lesson come on work i found this old dvd of him teaching a class years ago pop it in let's give it a shot perspective gives our two-dimensional drawings a three-dimensional appearance it's made up of a horizon line and at least one vanishing point with one point perspective drawing the planes will face us and those will be flat but the sides will recede towards the vanishing point what's that on his lip ew i think it's hair if we put another box over here on the other side and follow that back to the vanishing point you start to get the idea of how this works imagine this was a small town with a street and buildings all of these lines recede back to our single vanishing point since there is only one point here we call it one point perspective it's great for simple scenes where you don't want things to feel too flat like my desk yes like your desk is the dvd talking to you whoa two-point perspective has you guessed it two vanishing points the second vanishing point is also located along the horizon line finding the right spacing between these vanishing points can be a little tricky if they're too far apart there isn't much depth to your drawing if your vanishing points are too close together things start to look way too exaggerated there's also three point perspective this is the point that we've been drawing out our vertical lines up and down on but three-point perspective gives us another point in the sky this is great if your character is looking up at something or if you position that vanishing point just a little higher it gives you a little more height to your scene unlike the first two points the third point doesn't have to be on your horizon line okay i got it working no but lunch back to the dvd back to the dvd let's take a little closer look at the horizon line the position of the horizon line determines the viewpoint of your drawing for most photos and drawings the horizon line is somewhere in the middle of the page if you want a top-down view move the horizon line to the top of the page or even off your canvas completely if you want a mouse eye view of the world put your horizon line along the bottom of the page in order to look up at your subject another technique is to have the horizon line on an angle you don't see this very often because we're used to looking at the world when we're standing up but if you're seeing the world from the eyes of a person who is lying down then a sideways horizon line will do the trick use this technique sparingly it may look cool at first to tilt your horizon line but since it's unusual for the viewer ever to view the world that way they might end up reading too much into it or just might not connect with the scene because of a lack of realism even if all the lines are correct check out these really old paintings they didn't know how to draw perspective yet they didn't know how to draw cats either or baby humans it's ah it's working did you see that i turned your desk into a real desk um no you turned that rhino kid into a desk you did what now activity draw perspective lines over photos if your perspective line looks exaggerated or just kind of off drawing perspective lines over photos is a great way to figure out what realistic perspective looks like doing this a few times will help you see how far apart those vanishing points should get in order to find the effect that you're looking for this will also help you find the horizon line if it's not apparent at first you could do this with pencil and paper just tracing over a photo that you've printed out or already have or you could do it digitally like i am here it's going to be easier if you pick out a photo of something man-made maybe something with buildings or inside of a room because it's going to give us some nice straight lines to work with when you're drawing your lines don't stop drawing where the line stops keep going it's gonna look sloppy at first that's okay then we could jump in and trace out some of the other lines where these lines meet is our first vanishing point we can then follow back the other lines that are going in the other direction to our second vanishing point now that we have the vanishing points we have all of the basics we need for a good perspective grid we can add our own lines now to make a real grid if we wanted to draw a box in this scene we could use the perspective grid to do that or if we wanted to get a feel for where a character would go we could draw a box roughly the size of that character to figure out the proportions the next video is going to be all about drawing characters and objects in perspective so subscribe and ring that bell if you don't want to miss that one after practicing this a few times you're going to start to be able to pick out the perspective lines pretty easily and you're instantly going to be able to tell which photos are one point perspective two-point perspective or even three-point perspective did that did that work yeah i think so no i think not at least mr brad has a lunch now he has a what now activity draw some boxes on a plane we've been on this plane forever we should try drawing boxes nope wrong kind of plane this is going to be easiest if you use one point perspective create a horizon line and then place your vanishing point anywhere along that line now let's get to drawing start by drawing a box just a rectangle the part of the box that is facing you and now we're going to create the side of that box so we're going to draw our lines going back to the vanishing point you don't have to draw them all the way back you can use a ruler if you draw it digitally sometimes it's just easier to go all the way back and then erase the parts you don't need once these two lines are in place i'm going to add another straight vertical line to show the end of that box so for this activity i want you to end up with six total boxes so if this is our first box let's add one two three four five to the page practice drawing some boxes so that some are gonna be in front of the other boxes and some of those boxes are going to be behind other boxes this is too easy okay then let's shift this from casual mode to normal mode try this exercise again but this time i want you to do it from a two-point perspective this time just draw a vertical line and then each plane of the cube is going to recede to a different vanishing point and again for this part of the activity i want you to draw six boxes on your page again still not much of a challenge all right well if you're ready to turn this activity to hard mode try it without a ruler this is terrific practice practice drawing the lines above the paper or your tablet first when you're done you can pull out that ruler and see how close your lines were there's actually an entire website with challenges like this on it okay you're right this is hard mode i know sometimes i'll warm up just by drawing a bunch of boxes freehand just like this it helps me understand perspective and you could never get enough practice with this sort of thing i think i got the hang of this now that we have a better understanding of perspective we are going to draw a thing an actual thing this thing is a door yeah we can see that what does it do it opens its stuff let's just draw it you know the drill by now like everything we can start with our horizon line and we can pick out our vanishing points but i am going to cheat many drawing apps like the one i'm using here which is called procreate for the ipad have perspective grids built in that you can go in and modify and then you can draw all of your lines already on that perspective grid if you don't have an app like this don't worry about it you can use the same pencil and paper that you've used up to this point but this oftentimes really speeds things up to start our door we are going to draw a simple box and we're going to draw that in perspective using our perspective guides just like this but a door has a lot more detail than you initially see for example that box has some depth so it's going to go back towards the other vanishing point and then i'm going to draw a line over here and now we have a very thin box but that door also has a frame so let's draw the frame of that door as well and that's just going to be an outline around the box like that that frame also has some depth to it so we're going to come in here and we're going to add that depth just like that and by adding depth to your drawings like this you're not just drawing boxes but you're drawing the inside of the boxes and the outside of the boxes and you're starting to give the entire illustration more depth than it had before so when we go and add something like a window to this door if it's just a simple straight window that's just going to be another box that we're going to be drawing here in perspective and that stands out a little bit too right so let's add another line over here to make sure that that has some depth as well and then of course there is the inside outline of that window so we're going to go in here and we're going to draw that and then we're going to add depth to that as well it goes in right so let's add some lines to show that there's some depth there as well and then i'm just going to draw some little cross bars here for the window to show that there is some little lines in there separating it and there we go we have a basic door dang it that doesn't work either let me try one more thing i feel fine no that's not right keep on trying i believe in you what on earth has he ever done to make you believe in him okay okay i'm getting close i can feel it yes yeah i did it i did it nope that is a hippo totally different animal i remember the release valve this time
Channel: Brad's Art School
Views: 272,701
Rating: 4.9785509 out of 5
Id: qq8SO9tMI8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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