PERSPECTIVE DRAWING 01 - THE BASICS - Horizon Line, Vanishing Points 1,2 & 3

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how's it going everyone this is the first episode in a series of tutorials where i'll be covering perspective drawing perspective is a fundamental aspect when it comes to drawing so having an understanding of the subject will really help you improve your work and so in this one i'm going to be covering the basics starting off real simple and then in future videos we can build on top of that and cover the more complex things but i hope you enjoy this and i look forward to covering this subject now in order to draw an object without it looking flat on the drawing surface like this cube which at the minute is just a square we use a method of perspective this doesn't only give our object dimensions but it also gives us an idea of how close or distant the object is in space what i'm going to do here is draw a simple line in the middle of the page with practice you'll be able to do this freehand however for the purpose of this tutorial i'll go ahead and use a ruler so i can get those straight lines now this line is what we call the horizon lan this can also be referred to as the eye level everything i talk about in this video relates to real life for instance perspective is visible in everything we see imagine we are standing in the desert and it's just completely flat for mal's there's nothing in sight and we can see as far as possible what we have here is the horizon land it's this continuous land and it also is our eye level for instance if you was to lay down on the ground our eye level would be lower so the horizon line would appear lower as well and the exact opposite happens if we was to be looking from above with our eye level higher the horizon line would appear to rise the horizon line will always be there if we was to stand in a busy city street it's still there but in some sense this straight line has become obstructed because of all of these objects so going back to our horizon land here we are able to start using this in our drawing but first we need to add something called a vanishing point a vanishing point is a point which always sits on the horizon land a common example is to imagine a train track going off into the distance like what i've just drawn here we can see that this train track converges to one point on the horizon land this is the vanishing point let's take a look at how this horizon land our eye level affects our drawings so in these early examples i'm going to be using one point perspective we start by creating our horizon land now everything that is placed above this land we'll be looking up at and everything below we'll be looking down on so let me create a simple cube using a vanishing point and place this above this line so i'm starting off by drawing a simple square feel free to create any shape you would like but we will be looking at creating more complex forms in later videos i then draw some lines from the vanishing point to each corner of the cube and then i create some vertical and horizontal lines so that this gives us the sad and bottom face also you'll notice that i drafted the edges of the cube that we normally wouldn't see this allows me to get a better sense of the form and shape of the object now i'll quickly do two more around here so you can see how the placement and vanishing point relate to each other you can do these at any size and place them anywhere on the paper [Music] so now we have a range of different cubes above our eye level and we are looking up at them seeing the bottom and sides depending on its placement now i'm going to do the same but below the horizon so we are looking down on them i also want to start this one directly from the convergent lands so instead of having a shape at the start and then adding the sads here i'm just taking a bit of a different approach it's pretty much the same process i'm just drawing the shape whilst we have those lines converging to that vanishing point although we are just creating basic cubes right now through these tutorials you'll see how much we rely on simple shapes like these in this first episode i'm going to briefly introduce two and three point perspective i think at this stage it'll be useful to see how we can create a cube like we have just done here but with the extra vanishing points [Music] so two-point perspective if you haven't guessed already it involves two vanishing points so let's start by creating our horizon line like usual and then marking two points on here at the sads you can change the distance of these points but be warned that if you bring them too close together warping could take place in your drawing but now that i've got these here i'm going to go ahead and bring two lines down from one of these points and this will give us the bottom and top edge of our cube and i can draw this in now i'll go to the next point and bring lands down to these corners and this will give us the next sad finally we can use what we've just drawn to add the top of the cube just to make this more clear i'm going to draw the other edges and sads as if we can see through this this is below our eye level and we are looking down on it i'm going to do the same again but this time above and i'll do this in time lapse [Music] i'm going to draw some more shapes around here to give you a few more examples and an idea of how a sense of space is formed as we start to add more into it also on this fed cube notice how you don't see the top and bottom due to it passing over the horizon line [Music] so that's two point now let's take a look at three point perspective again we have the horizon line and like in the last example i'll place two vanishing points now we don't place this third vanishing point on the line with these instead this point is going to relate to a different set of lands in our drawing in this case with the cube it will be the verticals so with this example i'm placing the point down below sometimes this will be off the page depending on how extreme you want this convergence to be also you'll find quite often that your vanishing points will be away from the drawing surface so you'll have to estimate the convergence and direction of your lands but that will become easy with time and the more that you draw in perspective so when i start to draw in a cube here using these vanishing points these lines which was vertical in the other examples are converging and going towards their own point below this gives us a cube which looks like this and it gives a more dynamic appearance in some sense so along with that i'm going to show you another example i'll forget about that vanishing point to the left and create a new one here on the horizon line this is going to be a smaller example where i'll show you the location of all three vanishing points this is going to be quite an extreme perspective view due to the points being close together but like usual i use the two on the horizon to start constructing the cube before finally dropping these vertical lines to that fed point located below and this results in a cube that looks like this [Music] but that's a quick overview and finally i want to show you how you can locate the horizon land and vanishing points of a ship that already exists so this will probably be easy to understand now that we have been through it but if we have a cube on its own we can locate the eye level by working backwards simply follow and continue the lands of the shape at the edges until these lands meet and at that point we would have our eye level we can draw in the horizon land and then from that point we can work on this drawing if we need to knowing where the horizon line is that's pretty much the basic stuff that i wanted to cover today i'm trying to separate these videos into sections so that we can take it one step at a time so there we go that pretty much concludes this first episode i'll have some more out soon where we can build on top of what we looked at today we have a lot to cover on this subject and a long way to go but i look forward to it and if you enjoyed this video then please leave a like because it really helps me out thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Dan Beardshaw
Views: 1,425,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: perspective, perspective drawing, drawing, lines, shapes, tutorial, introduction, how to draw, drawing tutorial, design, perspective tutorial, one point, two point, three point, horison line, vanishing point, ruler, pencil, paper, pen, how to get better at drawing, fundamental, guide, danbeardshaw, narrated
Id: ePv-9mVnTVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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