Drawing Objects in Perspective

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you're going to learn about drawing objects in perspective today and you're going to hate every minute of it every minute of it [Laughter] hey this isn't a supply closet is someone in my voice oh no i know that voice hello hi mr sphere i don't get many visitors can i get you anything water fanta giraffe milk what no don't freak out about it it's chilled have a seat nice couch and it's in perspective the perspective lines are a handy feature that came with this void this is perfect for my lesson i can tell the kids to start by blocking out the space that the couch will take up and then think through the pieces that the couch is made of we'll use the construction method that we covered in an earlier lesson for example that base is just a simple cube we can block that in using our perspective lines the back of the couch also a cube the sides of the couch just two more cubes and the cushions you guessed it cube city there we're done my couch looks a lot more comfortable yeah yeah you're right i'm i'm pretty bad at that part i can help i read an entire book about this my book yes that's the one i'm looking for hand it over so i can get out of here yeah about that really don't worry i memorized the whole thing i'll walk you through it some things you just want to look less boxy those couch cushions you can just round off and make the shapes look more organic but for more geometric areas you have to be able to draw more than just cubes in perspective for the arms of the couch you can use a cylinder start by drawing a circle in perspective yeah that's the part i don't like a circle fits inside a square so let's put a square on the arm of the couch and then put our circle inside that yeah that's the part that's gonna take some practice and it's okay if it takes a couple of tries to get that circle to look good in perspective i know it takes me a couple tries i always try to remember that when we're drawing a circle in a square the edges of the circle are going to touch the square where the center point is and the same thing's going to be true when we're drawing a circle in perspective there you go and then i could go in and erase the lines i don't need anymore and then anywhere else on the couch like along the top cushions i can round off using the same technique i hear him in the supply closet is he talking to that crazy sphere oh no should we help him absolutely not the kids i hear the kids kids tell the people watching they need to subscribe what did he say tell the fecal matter to hide and ring that bell fling that smell definitely fling that smell well i think i made a pretty nice catch you did great why are you being so nice to me today i thought we were enemies nah we're frenemies i lull you into a false sense of security and then stab you in the back now you have to draw something in perspective and at scale no i hate figuring out how to scale things don't make me do scale you have to do scale all right let's draw a car right here on the street how do we figure out the scale of the car when we're drawing it in a scene first i'm going to rough out a cube and i'm going to do that in perspective roughly where i want the car to go right about here on the street the car i'm going to draw isn't going to be as tall as a person it's going to be a little bit shorter what can i use to figure out the scale of that how about this door in the background i know that that's going to be taller than a person so i want to use that as my basis to figure out the scale of this car i'm going to run some perspective lines down from my box towards the vanishing point i'm also going to run some lines away from the door where those lines intersect tells me what the height of the door would be at this location if i follow those green lines back that's going to help me figure out what the door is going to look like in the location where my car currently is since i want my car to be shorter than the door i'm going to cut off the top of that box this will give me the rough scale of my car that i'm going to draw your success has taken me by surprise ha i still got it wait where'd you go shoot well might as well finish this car we're gonna use the construction technique we used on the couch right here i have a little sketch of the side view of the car that i'm gonna use as a reference i'm just gonna box out the bottom of the car drawing that box in perspective the top box is a little tricky because as you can see here it's on an angle i'm gonna just start with a basic cube that's not on an angle and then shave off the parts that i don't need on the top of the cube i'm gonna start by drawing a line across the top of the car and then i can draw a straight line from where that line intersects here down to this corner down here i'm going to do that on the other side as well then i can remove the original lines and now i have a nice angle that's in perspective i'm going to repeat this process by drawing a line along the back of the cube and drawing two more angled lines to figure out the back angle of the car window as well did you catch all that yep yeah but can he do the tires without me you you have to let him out believe it or not he's the best art teacher we've ever had yeah he's bad but he's not as bad as the last one scotch tape in my days we use whale rubber as adhesive for the tires i'm gonna reuse the cube method i used on the couch draw a cube where the tire goes draw the best circle i can inside that cube draw the flat part of the tire along the bottom then we're going to draw in the back part of the tire which is just another circle that's going to match the circle in front of it we're just not going to see the back parts of that circle some of the other details like the grille of the car are just a bunch of lines that follow our perspective lines i'm going to use the angle method again but this time i'm going to use it to add a ridge to the car's hood these sorts of things do take some practice they're worth playing around with and worth trying out just to see what you come up with right now i'm gonna keep this car pretty boxy just to keep it simple and easy to practice along with we can hear you it's the students can you hear me yes that's literally what i just said i have an activity for you uh draw another car this time put it somewhere else on the grid what i want you to do is try to understand scale use the grid to help you you could try drawing a car behind the current car we have or you can try drawing one on the other side of the street if you want to use the same perspective grid and the same background that i have here to work from you can download it at bradsartschool.com i have a handful of lesson resources over there we can totally do this totally you have to free him fine but only if he passes my final challenge what's your final challenge he must draw a person in perspective from a weird angle or he will be forever trapped in my torture void hmm i like that it's really creamy mr brad you have to draw a person from this weird top down angle what you gotta be kidding me nope not kidding you okay here we go just like we did with the car i'm gonna block out the space where a person goes by drawing a cube in perspective i'm gonna be using the posing method we covered in a previous video in that video we talked about the seven head principle the one that said that humans are about seven heads tall this is gonna help me with my proportions i wanna figure out the center point of our box and to do that i'm gonna draw lines from one corner of the box down to the other corner and then do it again going in the other direction i'm also gonna do this on the top in the bottom of my box that's gonna help me find the center line that's gonna be the midpoint of my body now if we take a look at our figure over here the hip line is about smack dab in the middle of our seven headed figure so i'm gonna rough that in two i'm to rough in the head so that it hits the middle of our little center line here for the body i'm going to use a box that's just going to help me understand this three-dimensional perspective character a little bit better than just lines well to keep it simple for now i'm going to just use some cylinders for the arms and some cylinders for the legs just keep it in basics simple shapes here now i know looking at this i made it look really easy but with everything when it comes to drawing it takes practice where you're probably going to run into trouble while doing this is figuring out the head proportion once you get the head size right everything else seems to fall into place i personally have a tendency to draw my head kinda big i know shocking once you get all your perspective lines and your box into place it can be a little tedious to do that over and over if the proportions of your character just aren't right one thing you might want to try doing is once you get that stuff in place is put a piece of paper over and trace where you think your character is going to go within that box that way if you get it wrong you just move the paper over and try again and just practice drawing the character over and over again instead of wasting time redrawing those perspective lines there we go once it looks good i can clean up my character and add some detail yeah we did it you know i kind of like this void hey kids i'm back yay where's the sphere i thought he was here with you he was he disappeared when he zopped back here home sweet void hey where where's my giraffe you won't pay for this mr brad you shall pray
Channel: Brad's Art School
Views: 418,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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