Understand Perspective Drawing like Kim Jung Gi

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hey there you might have seen this video in which i explain how to draw like kim youngji now one of the main takeaways in that video is that kim youngji is a master in using perspective so let's take a deep dive in understanding how it works [Music] now kim yong-ji is very hot right now and if we look at the drawing like this you can actually see that he's doing more than just making a drawing he's actually telling a story and he's doing this by using several perspective grids in one drawing he's actually using five different grids to tell a story from standing in line in the airport to getting him onto the airplane and in these grids he's just following the rules of the grid right he's just drawing boxes and filling them with different forms now i don't want to sound like this it's easy because he's filling them with pretty complicated forms like people and in other drawings these are dragons or whatever although it's awesome what kim youngji does there's also a pitfall in being obsessed with his drawings and that is copying his work instead of understanding the tools he's using you know it's fine if you copy his work but this also means that you're actually not visualizing your own imagination and sharing your vision with the world now to be able to share your vision with the world you really need to practice the tools now to do that there are two things that are important the first thing is understanding the theory and the second thing is practicing it now to practice perspective i've actually created a video which you can find in the description and this is a video with very specific workouts to slowly build up your perspective knowledge and let it sink into your subconscious but of course you also need to understand the theory and that is what i'm going to be talking about in this video we're gonna be starting with very simple one-point perspective and then moving towards a five-point perspective and eventually we're gonna look at lenses and how they influence our perspective grid so let's have a look alright so let's start with the easiest perspective a one point perspective now before i start drawing you can already see that there's a grid in here with green and pink lines the greens represent the vertical lines and the pink represent the horizontal lines this grid already gives us a guideline on how to draw in a one point perspective drawing now let me show you what i mean with this we start with drawing in a horizon line over here and let's say this horizon line has a vanishing point over here i put a one in here because this is our first vanishing point to create depth we'll need to follow the guidelines from these vanishing points which are actually radiating lines coming from this vanishing point like this now if we want to draw a box that goes towards this vanishing point then the front of the box is actually following the green and pink lines so let's say we have a box over here then you'll see that these vertical lines and these horizontal lines are just following the green and pink lines but when we go towards the the vanishing point then we need to follow the blue lines so we go towards here and then we go up again then already here we're touching the line or the corner of the box and this one also goes towards the vanishing point so we can just see the top of the box so this is actually how we draw boxes in a perspective grid now let's say we want to draw something more complicated let's say we want to draw a street that goes towards the horizon we're going for a road trip next to these streets are standing street lights and let's say we have a very distant street light standing over here this is a really small street light and it's really far away now to measure our next street light we know that the front of the street light actually touches this line so let's say we draw this street light over here now the back of the street light also has a line and here we're drawing it but you'll need to try to understand to visualize this instead of literally drawing it we've drawn in this line and now we're actually again following the pink lines where we hear we're touching the back and then we go down and we follow the green lines so now we actually have another street light now if we want to draw our third street light it's pretty hard to understand where should we draw the street light is it over here or maybe over here or you know if these are consistently far apart from each other then we need to measure how far or where do we placed our third street light now there's actually a trick for this because if we have these points then this distance is actually one third of the distance that the next street light is now it sounds a little bit complicated but let's say that we do this times three so we this is our also another third and this is our another third then this so we started measuring from this line then this is where we place our third street light and again here on the top we're following the pink lines and here we go down and we have and we're following the green lines and now we have three street lights that are all the same distance apart from each other and they're all similar and that's how we start drawing in a one point perspective now when we look at two point perspective actually the same is going on as in one point perspective so let's draw a horizon line but instead of having one point we have two points with both the radiating lines that create depth now this actually has an effect on our current grid that we have with the green and pink lines because the pink lines which represent horizontal lines they don't exist anymore we can just take them out because now we have an extra vanishing point that represents the horizontal lines now this has an effect when we draw boxes because now our horizontal lines actually need to converge towards vanishing point in this case the second or the first one doesn't really matter now again if we start drawing in street lights you'll see that the top of these street lines which are horizontal in the first image are actually getting a bit of an angle here you can actually see that on the third one where the angle is really converging towards the second vanishing point so here on the right we see a box coming to life that looks kind of funny and the reason is because we can only see two sides of this box compared to the box in the middle which has three sides this really clearly communicates a box while the box on the right communicates more like something else now what's happening here is that distortion comes into play and distortion is something that explains when perspective is getting a little wonky now let me show you what i mean with this all right so let's say you're drawing on a wall right we have the edge of the ground here and you're here standing and thinking and contemplating on what you want to draw now if we hang up a piece of paper on the wall here you can decide where you want to place your vanishing points now the way i do this is by writing down vp on a post-it and literally placing it somewhere on the wall so let's say we have a vanishing point over here which has vp and we have a vanishing point over here which is vp now again we of course we have our horizon line which goes like this with its radiating lines coming from the vanishing points just like we had before now we can decide as an artist where to place these vanishing points right we could also say we place one over here all the way towards the left it doesn't really matter where we place them but it does have an effect on our boxes so for example if we draw a box over here this box is just following the rules of the perspective grid and it looks correct but if we start drawing a box over here for example and we follow the same grid then this box is getting really strange it's starting to look like this now the reason this happens is because when we start placing boxes on the outskirts of our vanishing point so that means in this area then they become distorted although you can use distortion as a tool i highly suggest you stay away from it because it interferes with our communication of realism so choose vanishing points as far away from the page as possible this makes your drawing easier and communicates form a lot better [Music] alright so let's have a look at a three-point perspective you would have guessed it a three-point perspective just has an extra vanishing point if we draw another horizon line and add our existing vanishing points from the last one we get actually the same image now the extra vanishing point for the third one either goes above or below the horizon line so in this case let's choose a vanishing point that goes below the horizon line now also this vanishing point has radiating lines which has an effect on our last green grid lines we can actually take them out now this makes drawing a box of course a little bit harder because all the lines that we are drawing are converging from some vanishing point either the left the first one the second one or the third one now let's see what the effect is on our street lights so if we draw these streets lights you'll see that the left street lights are really kind of leaning towards the left which seems to be unreal but in this case they are really following the rules that we set up for this perspective grid and in that case it's correct so you can actually see that you as an artist can create whatever grid you want it doesn't really matter but you just need to keep following the rules you set up in your own grid or in your drawing [Music] all right four point perspective now four point perspective as you would have guessed it has four points now like i said before the third vanishing point either goes above or below the horizon line so that means that this vanishing point as we have already a vanishing point below the horizon line this one actually goes above it so we know where the vanishing points are we can draw out radiating lines that create depth and now we have a full scale grid now when we are looking at this grid you can probably guess this makes for a very difficult drawing because we have to count for four points whenever we're drawing now when you're drawing a cube in this grid i always advise you to first put a dot where you're going to aim for with your line if you don't do this you have to think about the angle and location of your line which is almost impossible so it's always handy to put dots before you start drawing a box or anything in this grid now what you'll see is that the boxes that go below are going towards the vanishing point below and the boxes on the top are going towards the vanishing point on the top this also means that we kind of look on boxes which are under the horizon line and we look on two boxes we can see the underside of boxes if they are floating in the air now what happens if a box is overlapping with the horizon line then all the lines are actually converging to their vanishing points so that means that both the top and the bottom are converging towards the third and the fourth vanishing points so this means that actually the lines are getting a little bit curved and this is already the beginning for getting towards a curved linear perspective or a five-point perspective [Music] now five-point perspective is actually quite similar from a four point perspective we have the vanishing points one two three and four and if we connect the third and the fourth vanishing point with each other we have the four point perspective but we're just adding a fifth vanishing point in the middle now instead of using straight radiating lines from these vanishing points we're gonna use curved lines and that means that they start at number one and end at number two or the other way around and the same habits for the vertical ones start at number four and the number three and the other way around and the more these lines move away from the fifth vanishing point the more curved they get you can actually say that there is a circle around this grid only the lines that are from the fifth vanishing points are straight but actually this is not true because this is how we view the world you can actually say that we're standing over here and we're looking at the world with a round view right this is this and what we see is this and the fifth vanishing point which is over here these lines are actually going around us and they also have a point where they meet another vanishing point which you could say is the sixth vanishing point this is the the vanishing point we don't see you can't forget this because you're not using this in drawing but you are going to be using this grid or at least kim yong-ji does now this looks very complicated but if we make it a little bit more simple like this and we take away the grid then you can actually see that this grid is very similar to a one point perspective the only difference is that these lines the the pink and the green lines are just curved a little bit if you train yourself and using a one point perspective and instead of using straight lines you use curved lines you're already using a five point perspective now someone who's very good at this is paul houston so check out his instagram because he makes these awesome five point perspective drawings that if we overlap this grid with the drawing you can actually see that it gives a little bit of guidance to how to look to the world another way of how people describe a five point perspective is saying they use a wide angle lens so let's have a look on how lenses influence our perspective grid [Music] lenses come in a wide variety and the reason we're talking about lenses is because lenses have a big influence on our perspective grid now you could say that lenses could be placed on a scale going from a narrow angled lens towards a wide angle lens now a narrow angled lens is for example a 70 millimeter lens also known as a telescope lens and a wide angle lens or fish islands is around a 15 millimeter lens now now don't ask me about these numbers because i don't know where they come up with this but what i do know is that our eyes have approximately a 55 millimeter lens now what does this effect have on our grid if we draw three frames underneath this skill you can actually see that when we draw out these grids is that the grid for a narrow lens has vanishing points that are very far away from the frame while when we move more towards a wide angle lens these vanishing points come into the drawing or into the frame another way of explaining this is by looking at the fisheye grid that we used earlier if you're using the whole grid or the wide angle grid in your drawing then you're using a wide angle lens but if you're using just a part of this grid then you're actually using a narrow angled lens because as you can see over here as well the vanishing points are further away they're not in the frame so if we imagine this grid being our head and we look up the frame goes up and then we when we look down the frame goes down and if we look straight the frame goes straight and i see you guys [Music] the final thought i want to share with you guys is the difference between the horizon and the horizon line although they sound very similar they are actually pretty different and let me show you this with an example you'll see here in the middle we have the horizon right this is where the sun sets and the moon rises and all the objects that are standing on the ground are actually following the rules of the horizon for example this goat here if we draw a box around him you can actually see that there's a vanishing point here on the horizon and there's a vanishing point somewhere off the page but all the objects which are above the horizon which are floating in space these actually have vanishing points which don't meet the horizon for example this house you can see that the vanishing points are not meeting on the horizon you can see that but actually this box has its own horizon line which is this now i hope that makes sense in this video we looked at all the theory of perspective that you need to know and if you really want to be able to train yourself and apply it in your own drawings then check out the link in the description there's a video with very specific workouts but for now i want to thank you for watching click the subscribe button give it a thumbs up and share your comments because i'm very curious what you guys think have an awesome day bye
Channel: dr. Draw
Views: 494,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understanding perspective drawing, perspective drawing for beginners, how to think when you draw, what is perspective drawing, perspective drawing theory, drawing from imagination, one point perspective, two point perspective, three point perspective, kim jung gi perspective, theory of perspective, step by step drawing, draw like kim jung gi, perspective drawing, drawing psychology, drawing tutorial, how to draw, perspective, kim jung gi, sketching, art lesson, drawing, sketch
Id: Sgm1oNt7cNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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