How Vanishing Points Work As Objects Rotate (Multiple Points Perspective)

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hi in this video i will be discussing how vanishing points work as objects rotate in perspective we will be discussing how and why there is a one-point perspective two-point perspective and three-point perspective and also this video is a part of our skillshare class how to draw the head in any angle and if you're interested in taking that class i will link it in the description below so you could check it out now let's get to it let's first discuss the anatomy of a cube and some terminologies just a disclaimer these terminologies aren't what is considered standard and to be honest i don't know what the standard terminologies are but these are just terms that i came up with so that you and i would be on the same page and that you'll know exactly what it is that i'm referring to planes are basically the flat surface in any 3d object a cube has 6 planes the front plane the top plane the bottom plane back plane and the left and right side planes to which i will just simply refer to side plane so whether if it's the left or right side plane i'll just call it side planes just for simplicity if you look at the human head it also has those six basic planes the front plane top plane bottom plane back plane and the side planes when we will be drawing the cube think of the front plane as the front of the face this is what will indicate if the cube is facing up down left or right another part of the cube are the lines a cube has 12 lines if you look at it at this angle we'll notice that some lines are facing in one direction and a different group of lines facing in another direction going by this let's group the lines by direction and we'll end up with three groups let's call the horizontal lines as x lines the vertical lines as y lines and the last group of lines as z lines take note that no matter the angle we will refer to them as such so in this angle these are the x lines these are the y lines and these are the z lines in this angle this is the x lines this is the y lines and this is the z lines in the previous lessons we have discussed about the vanishing points and multiple points of perspective if we look at it at this angle the x lines are converging at a single point let's call this point as the x vanishing point if we extend the z lines they will be converging at this point which we will call the z vanishing point the same with the y lines they will converge at this point which we will call the y vanishing point so just to recap x lines would converge at the x vanishing point the y lines at the y vanishing point and the z lines at the z vanishing point now for the fun part we will now observe how these vanishing points behave as the cube rotates so at the start let's have the cube face straight the camera at us we see that there is only one vanishing point and we'll notice that this is the z vanishing point because these are the z lines and the x lines right here are parallel to each other the y lines are also parallel to each other but if we rotate the cube to the left we see that the z vanishing point is moving towards the opposite direction and we'll also see that the x vanishing point is now visible now if we continue on rotating this the x vanishing point would be at the center and the z vanishing point would be way off screen so from one point perspective it becomes two point perspective and then back to one point perspective so what does this tell us it means that if an object isn't angled meaning it's facing straight at us it's going to have a one point perspective it only begins to have two point perspective once it's rotated and if you rotate it enough it goes back to its original point of perspective which is the one point perspective you can also think of rotating an object by moving the x and z vanishing points this also tells us that if the vanishing point is so so far away the lines will be parallel but the vanishing point is still there it's just so far away we can't perceive it now what about the y vanishing point the y vanishing point only appears when we rotate the cube vertically as we rotate this vertically you'll notice that the x vanishing point is in place it doesn't move but the z vanishing point moves up or down and as we rotate this we'll notice that the y vanishing point begins to appear and it's aligned to this line right here and if we rotate this further we'll see that the y vanishing point would take the place of where the z vanishing point originally was and if we keep on rotating it's going to be a loop so what is the point of all of this does this mean that we need to memorize the vanishing points the measurements the lines um no not really the point of of this lesson is to help you visualize how perspective works and how a cube rotates we could also use that information later on because a cube and a human head they're similar so now we would be able to understand better when we discuss how the head would rotate how the head would look up and look down these information would be helpful to you but you don't have to worry because you don't need to memorize all those vanishing points measurements and lines and really what i'm trying to do what i'm trying to get you to understand and develop is to help you develop your mental model of a cube if you enjoyed this video and want to learn more i teach a skillshare class on how to draw the head in any angle skillshare is a platform where teachers can post their classes online so if you sign up to skillshare not only you get access to my class but also the classes taught by other amazing skillshare teachers and if you use our link which is found in the descriptions below you will get a 14-day free trial of skillshare instead of the standard day free trial found on their website so if you want to try skillshare out make sure to use our link so you get a 14 day free trial instead of 7. thank you for watching this video and i hope you learned something and i hope to see you on the next video
Channel: Plainly Simple
Views: 10,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanishing point, perspective, how to draw, 1 point perspective, 2 point perspective, 3 point perspective, multiple point perspective, what is vanishing point, perspective drawing, how vanishing points work, how objects rotate in perspective
Id: rkp1xfWJ9n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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