Persona 5 Vanilla and Royal Differences - Major Changes

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hello and welcome to a new series of mine named vanilla and royal differences in persona 5. throughout this series i'm going to detail most of the differences between the vanilla and royal versions of persona 5. in this video specifically we're going to be looking at the major changes between both games this first video will likely be the only one in the series to have little to no spoilers in it the main reason for this is because this video appeals to people who either haven't played persona 5 or have played persona 5 vanilla but not royal and can help them make the decision on which version of the game to play hence why i wouldn't want to spoil their experience with either version of the game the reason the decision between royal and vanilla may be more difficult than you think is because despite royal being the definitive version of the game it is also far more pricey and not everyone may think the changes made in royal are worth the extra cash this video can be used by said people to decide which version is better seated for them before we begin however allow me to disambiguate all the games with persona 5 branding on them as i have seen many people get confused on what the different persona 5 games are there are 4 different games that carry the persona 5 brandon the first of which being persona 5 released in 2017. this is the original version of persona 5 and the one that i will be referring to as the vanilla version throughout the series this is a game that started at all for persona 5 and is likely the game people are referring to when they say they've played persona 5 before the next game i want to go over is persona 5 royal which released in 2020. persona 5 royal is an enhanced re-release of vanilla persona 5. it's called an enhanced re-release because it's not exactly a remake of its original game like for example final fantasy vii remake is the final fantasy vii royal is still in the same engine as the original game and retains a lot of the same content the best way to think about royal is just an improved version of the original game as it adds more content and adds tons of quality of life changes as well as just changing around a lot of the things that people didn't like about the original persona 5. i really want to stress the fact that this is not a sequel to the original persona 5. persona 5 royal has all of the content of the original persona 5 plus a final chapter added at the end of the game the two games we've gone over so far the original or vanilla version of persona 5 and persona 5 royal are the two games i'm going to be covering within this series but very quickly before we start how about we go over the last two persona 5 games the first of which is persona 5 dancing in starlight released in 2018. persona 5 dancing in starlight is a spin-off of the original persona 5 game and it's what the title implies it's a dancing game well more so a rhythm game and the characters just happen to be dancing either way it features songs and remixes from persona 5 as well as some other persona games and finally we have persona 5 strikers released in 2021 this is the newest addition to the persona 5 family and it is a spin-off of the original game however this spin-off is a lot more in-depth than pretty much every other persona spin-off up until this point and i'm not even talking only persona 5. i'm talking the entirety of the persona series this is probably the most fully fledged spin-off they've had yet but you can tell because the price is a lot higher than the other ones this is a canon sequel to the original persona 5 and takes place a few months after the events of the original game persona 5 strikers is different than the original game however it's not a turn-based combat rpg like the original persona 5 instead this is an action rpg hack and slash type game this one i'd highly recommend playing after the original persona 5 or persona 5 royal considering it's a continuation of the events that happen in those games and those are the four iterations of persona 5. i hope those who didn't understand the difference between the four persona 5 branded games understand the difference now as i said earlier this series is going to be going over the differences between the original persona 5 and persona 5 royal so without further ado let's get into the major changes between vanilla persona 5 and persona 5 royal now throughout this series i'm going to be playing and covering the english dub version of persona 5 and persona 5 royal whether you play the game with japanese or english voices it's not like it changes the way the game plays or anything so they're exactly the same in that respect it's just the way i prefer to play the game now let's get on with the changes in persona 5 royal textures and models look better this is in part due to the fact that the phantom thieves models have been ripped from persona 5 dancing rather than being ported over from the original game also due to the fact that the vanilla persona 5 was likely held back graphically due to needing to be developed on the ps3 as well as the ps4 persona 5 royal was only developed for the ps4 and could use the better technology to its benefit also persona 5 royal has the added benefit of being able to run in 4k on the ps4 pro as well as on the ps5 via backwards compatibility in vanilla persona 5 all character portraits are very similar regardless of what emotion the character may be portraying in persona 5 royal most characters have more poses for their portrait expressions here is a quick comparison on screen to show you what i mean on the left side of this image is a character's default portrait then on the right side is a different portrait that is supposed to convey a different emotion you can see where the similarities are now let's do the same comparison but with the royal version of these portraits in the royal version you can clearly tell where the differences were made i'll do this with two more characters before moving on [Music] persona 5 royal adds three new important characters to persona 5. these characters are kazumi yoshizawa takadomarki and jose kazumi and maraki are both confidants kazumi represents the faith arcana and maraki represents the counselor arcana not including dlc personas persona 5 royal adds 14 new usable personas to the game and one new treasure demon persona 5 royal adds a new palace of the game but i won't be saying much about it to avoid spoilers however i will tell you about the conditions that you must meet to actually be able to play this palace as it's the only palace in persona 5 royal that you can actually entirely skip over however you wouldn't want to because i mean it's quite good accessing this palace is only possible if you max out mark he's confident this is something that must be done by november 18th as that's the cut-off day for his confidant well in reality you only manually have to get him to rank 8 because rank 9 and 10 will happen automatically if you've gotten them to rank 8. persona 5 royal adds a grappling hook to the game this grappling hook can't be used that well and can only be used when your hand is flashing blue aka whenever the game puts down somewhere for you to grapple however it's still a good mechanic because it gives you multiple routes in some areas where in vanilla you would only have one route to take even if the grappling hook routes are pretty much always the better routes to take here is a quick comparison between the vanilla and royal versions of just one area where the grappling hook can be your used [Music] this isn't good it might be hard to get through here [Music] royal adds a new third semester to the game and this third semester is accompanied by new cutscenes new characters a new story arc and a new palace and much more that i won't get too in depth to because of spoilers however i will say that during this third semester your party members can actually get a third awakening to their personas if you get them to max rank and then hang out with them in extra time similar to the second awakenings among other things it'll give your party members persona a new skill but unlike the second awakenings it will not be a passive skill to help them against their weakness rather every party member has their own unique third awakening skill and they're all really good in addition to kazumi and morocco being new confidants akatchi's confidant has changed in between vanilla and royal in vanilla his confidant was automatic while in royal it is now manual because of this almost every rank for akechi's confidant is now completely new and royal furthermore in royal almost every confidant in the game has been rebalanced in one way or another most of these balancing changes are quite good and make some confidants that weren't so good in vanilla quite good in royal i will not be going into detail but the confidant changes just yet but there will be a separate video in this series detailing the changes of confidence in royal persona 5 royal contains all the dlc from the vanilla version of the game for free furthermore royal also adds its own paid dlc these dlc include 6 outfit bundles a battle bundle which mainly includes optional challenge battles against the protagonists of persona 3 and 4 and a persona bundle which adds 4 new persona to the game in vanilla persona 5 there are 49 trophies in royal there are 53 however the trophies in royal are significantly easier than most of the ones in vanilla the reason for this is likely because getting trophies in royal means a lot more than it does in vanilla because getting trophies in royal is actually tied to getting different themes of the characters for your ps4 however if you want to achievement hunt for harder accomplishments in royal no worries as the thieves then adds challenges to the game which essentially work like trophies and while we're on the topic of the thieves then persona 5 royal actually thieves then to the game to put it short the thieves den is basically a little area where you can look at everything in the game to briefly go over every area there's first the palace maker basically what the palace maker is you can place a bunch of things you've seen throughout the game and kind of i guess make your own palace but not really it's really just a way to view the more standout objects in the game you can also get a lot of new interactions with persona 5's characters in it there's a music area where you can play and listen to a bunch of the music that plays throughout the game there's a movie section where you can watch things like the cutscenes i play throughout the game the trailers for the game and a lot of other stuff there's a gallery area where you can look at photos from throughout the game some concept art and some other special stuff and there's a tycoon area where you can play a card game named tycoon with the characters from persona 5. i have spent so much time playing this also playing tycoon gives you some of the thieves den currency as well persona 5 royal adds a new battle mechanic to the game named showtimes showtimes our attacks are randomly triggered in battle and can do a good amount of damage to one enemy showtimes trigger an animation between two of persona 5's characters and honestly they're all just really fun to watch royal adds a new thing called will seats to each palace there are three wheel seeds in each palace in the game and when you find all three or by the ones that you missed off jose and mementos you get an accessory based off one of the seven deadly sins specifically the deadly sin that corresponds with the palace you got them when you give one of these accessories to jose he turns it from a crystal accessory to a ring accessory and it basically becomes an even better version of itself each ring accessory has two skills associated with it a passive skill and a regular skill with the exception of the ring of lust which only has a regular skill and these accessories are some of the best accessories in the game so i wouldn't miss out on them if i were you oh and each skill these accessories give to you also have a really cool unique animation to them since royal adds a lot of new content to the game there's also new songs to go with it give or take there's about 30 new songs added in persona 5 royal one of the more notable additions to the soundtrack is that now almost every layer of mementos has its own song i'm really glad they did this because while i don't mind the original mementos theme it does get tiring after a while if you have saved data from the vanilla persona 5 on your ps4 and you play persona 5 royal you get a special bonus which consists of a few items and 50 000 yen that is a really lame bonus an entirely new area with tons of new things is added in persona 5 royal named kishijoji there's a lot of new things to play around with in here so i won't go over all of them but i will mention the two most important ones the first of which being the darts and billiards club penguin sniper now believe it or not in the darts and billiards club you play darts and billiards darts has an actual mini game to it and playing it with different party members ups your baton pass level with them upping your baton pass level gives you extra benefits when you perform a baton pass in battle and playing billiards after reading a few billiards related books in game can up your technical rank with your party members furthermore playing darts and billiards can also help you up your social stats and get confidant points the second thing i want to talk about in kikijoji is the jazz club the jazz club works differently in which you can invite your party members into the jazz club on different days and up some of their stats inviting a party member on sunday can teach them a new move a move that they perhaps otherwise would have never learned in persona 5 royal morgana tells you to sleep less than he did in vanilla i know this doesn't sound like a big deal but it was a big enough deal for a bunch of articles to be written about it and it to be a part of the advertising campaign for the game so yeah he tells you to sleep less you're welcome some scenes of persona 5 royal have been re-translated to be more accurate furthermore a lot of scenes in persona 5 royal have been voiced when they previously were not in vanilla and it's actually a quite significant amount throughout the series i will likely be indicating which scenes have been voiced in royal when they weren't voiced in vanilla for now i'm going to give one example in this video [Music] you're a guy right you know what i mean let's give it a try yeah yeah luckily some guy on my floor just moved out so there's a vacant apartment in my complex many of the palaces and bosses have been revised in royal to fix some of the things that people didn't quite like about them in the vanilla version of the game the spectrum of how much they've been changed from vanilla really differs from boss to boss and palace to palace but i can pretty confidently say that most of the palaces and bosses have been made better in royal here's a quick comparison of just one fight between vanilla and royal in vanilla persona 5 after you beat matarame's face phase he goes into his regular form in which you just attack him for a few turns and then he goes back into the face form and you repeat that until he's dead in royal he goes into an entirely new phase where he creates a bunch of clones of himself and they're all weak to different elements and changes like this persist all throughout persona 5 royals bosses but of course we'll get into that as the series continues persona 5 royal adds two new types of shadows to the game the first being savage shadows which are shadows that are considerably stronger kind of like mini bosses but a little bit weaker they're marked in red mist and have considerably higher stats than any other enemies in the palestine disaster shadows randomly show up in battle and they're enemies that explode once you kill them when they explode they damage any other enemies in the battle however if you do hit them and don't kill them they'll retort by doing a pretty powerful attack and finally for the last major difference that i think is in persona 5 royal persona 5 royal adds persona traits to the game what this means is every persona in the game has a trait and traits work kind of similarly to the way passive skills work in battle what these persona traits can be are things like you do more counter damage sp costs are reduced on some skills healing skills do more healing and things like that and that's every major change i think was made in between persona 5 vanilla and persona 5 royal in the next video in this series we'll be comparing the differences between the introduction of persona 5 and persona 5 royal and the entirety of the kamashita arc if you know any differences in the introduction or kamashita arc between vanilla and royal feel free to leave them in the comments section and i may put them in the video also if you want to see me tweet stupid persona stuff you can follow my twitter at screenmints or if you want to watch me make stupid persona stuff you can follow my twitch although no promises that i'll stream very often until then i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] goodbye you
Channel: Screenments
Views: 544,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gameplay, persona, persona 6, persona 5 royal, differences, changes, whats new, kasumi, maruki, palace, story, semester, how to, persona 5
Id: kER78nxqNw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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