Perry Stone | Prophetic Update | 3.28.2021

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it's important that you listen to all of this and so we're going to begin and i just simply call this a prophetic update in my 61 years of being alive and 45 almost 46 years of being in ministry i don't think i have ever seen in the united states of america these strange attacks that are coming against scripture the bible christian people and actually churches and there's three notes that i've made here i believe that we have the most anti-christian leadership in this nation that we've ever seen and don't think of only dc think about states think about regions think about counties i've never seen anything like it at least in my lifetime number two the persecution that is being headed up by certain areas or certain sections of the media and the outlets has moved from individual attacks to the attacks on the entire church it used to be maybe you would see attacks in the northeast coming against the catholic church and then in the southeast the protestant church but now it's all together and anything that can be reported or in your windows or have truths or even in some instances lies that can be reported to try to harm the body of christ in any way it's simply open season to attack the christian church in the united states and the third thing is this the level of hatred and i don't mean just disagreement or opinion but the level of hatred that has been leveled against the biblical concepts that our very nation has been founded on we call them the judeo-christian concepts i have never again in my entire lifetime and most of you who have lived long enough and served the lord for years can say the same thing have seen the level of attack against scripture or against the bible in general there are actually in certain states some are in the midwest the northern part of the midwest a few are in the northeast and several are on the west coast literally are we're talking about state individuals who are legislators in states or specific large liberal counties are wanting to just ban the use of the bible in any counseling whatsoever or to ban the use and the teaching of the scripture in any way possible and there are people that would literally love to see the entire church shut down for those of you that would like to see the church shut down i would like to pose a question to you how many atheists do you know that have built hospitals in poor countries how many atheists do you know that have built feeding the poor centers and clothing centers in nations of the world or let's make it this way name an atheist that has their name over a downtown center that's trying to help drug addicts get free from drug addiction for you that want to shut the christian church down maybe you should take a second look and come to the understanding that most of the help for the poor and the needy and the clothing and the feeding and the helping of drug addicts and the helping of abused children and the helping of abused women and unwed mothers is not coming from ungodly atheistic unbelieving men and women who are wealthy in the united states it happens to be coming from the christian people that are catholic and protestant from north south east and west somebody give me an amen if you believe what i'm saying so maybe you should reconsider the hatred that you have toward people whose basic goal is trying to help society and help people to get freedom and liberty in areas of their life where they're experiencing different types of bondage now the fact is this that the real reason for the persecution and we can go to the scripture and identify this from the beginning till the very end of the book of revelation is to attempt to silence the people who have truth there is something today about that the the truth that is being presented by the preaching of the word of god is contrary to the cultural fads and the leftist opinions of those who are controlling both parts of the media and also in the legislative branches of our government so we have a problem with this in order to silence the truth they must silence the people that are either printing publishing or speaking the truth now the true christians opinions now this is interesting the true christians opinions in their beliefs and their ideas based on the bible the real reason to try to turn people away from the word of the lord and those who speak it is to try to disrupt the influence of those people that they're having in helping to change the life and the lifestyle of many people who hear the truth and receive the words of the gospel and receive the word of god you know the third thing i'd like to tell you is that the reason for this persecution is to try to prevent the gospel from reaching the nations of the world here's what you have to understand that the world doesn't like to be uncomfortable no one wants to be convicted or feel convicted of anything they've done wrong the bible said that there was a time in israel when every man did that which was right in his own eyes and of course it got them into captivity it led them into bondages to pagan nations and it actually eventually led them to the disfavor of the lord coming upon certain tribal regions in the ancient nation of israel now it appears to be and i'm going to say i'm going to use this word differently than what perhaps you have heard it or used over the past several months i believe that we can call this a widespread conspiracy of conspiring against the christian church in the western hemisphere now when you talk about a conspiracy of the bible the bible actually uses the word conspiracy several times now in my instance i'm talking about both a political and a spiritual conspiracy to quiet or silence the messages of truth that are being preached and presented now in the bible it says this that joseph's brothers and i quote conspired against him genesis chapter 37 and verse 18. and what the conspiracy was is they joined together to create a lie in order that it the lie would cover what they actually did they said he was killed by a beast and that was the end of him that was a lie in reality they had sold him to the ishmaelites who took their brother down to egypt who was later who later became a servant in potiphar's house we find that in the time of king saul in 1st samuel chapter 22 and verse 8 that he had a figment of his imagination it really wasn't happening but in his deceived self-deceived mind and the spirit and the demon that came on saul was a spirit of jealousy he can say he said to his children you are conspiring against me you love david more than you do me and basically saul's attitude was this in his jealousy if you don't agree with me if you don't stand with what i believe then i'm going to attack you and i'm going to deal with you and he's speaking to his own family he's speaking to his own children here the word conspire is found 19 times throughout the old testament and you're going to find this interesting it doesn't mean a theory it doesn't mean just false information the word conspiring hebrew means to tie up physically or mentally now think about this for just a moment to tie up mentally or physically what it actually means is to tie up the person's hands to tie them up where they're not able to do what they normally should be doing to tie them up to the point where they do not have the influence that they should be having so when it conspired when a conspiracy is worked against an individual whether it's in the political realm or whether it's in the spiritual realm the the goal behind it is tie the person's hands to make them ineffective in the political sense it would be tie up the persons from speaking or tie up their mouth or shut their mouth we would say to prevent them from sharing information that would somehow affect a situation or affect a law in a manner that the other individuals on the opposite end do not want changed in the way it could change so a conspiracy literally is to tie the hands so that the job does not get done now i'm going to go into some things in the next few moments and before i share them this is information that is public it is information that is available on different websites that have researched the information and some of the information deals with the politicians and the money that they have and how much money actually we would call it their net worth and i just thought that you would find this interesting because one of the things about the ancient roman empire was this that it was their politicians who had the money and it was their politicians who accepted the bribes and it was their politicians that learned how to manipulate the tax system where they didn't have to pay the taxes but all the other common people had to pay the taxes and so if you study the roman empire which i have and gibbon wrote a great book that our founding fathers studied in detail at the same time that they were writing the constitution the bill of rights the declaration of independence all during this time frame the reason that we are so much patterned after the roman empire and the reason that our three-tiered government was set up the way it was is to prevent what gibbon was writing about on the history and the actually was called the rise and fall of the roman empire american the american founders did not want us to experience the same fall that the ancient empire of rome did therefore they knew the information of the history and all of our founders i should say the majority of them were men that read and studied both greek democracy and roman history and that is the reason why our architecture is greek and roman that's the reason why a eagle is the emblem of the american a military for example on the back of a dollar because that was the same emblem of rome and i could give you 16 to 20 parallels of the roman empire 10 of the grecian empire that are part of the united states in our founding even up to this day but we don't have time to get into all of that because i want to focus on this part the real issue in any federal level government or state or local government is money and how do you get the money and collect the money for example to keep those who have been elected officials in power by paying both their salaries and in our modern time their insurance in fact if you are a politician in washington dc everything is paid for your travel is paid for it doesn't come out of your pocket unless it's a personal trip of course but if your travel is paid for your fuel is paid for your housing is paid for your salary is paid for so really someone who has risen for many years in a level of dc of control and position even though they have been elected they have these enormous benefits and when you understand what i'm about to tell you now you will understand why they do not want to lose power they do not want to be voted out now what i'm going to do is go to an internet site of public information on the wealth of american politicians and here's what it says president trump is worth at the time of this this was night 2019 three billion dollars now let me add he's not a politician and never claimed to be he was a businessman and his money was made in real estate and also in investments and some of course not that level but some was an inheritance as well now when it came to earlier presidents washington george washington was worth 525 million dollars jefferson was worth 212 million now wait a minute that's a lot of money now go back to the 17 and late early 1800s this would be billions of dollars today if we were to compare it we find out that um jackson for example was worth 119 million dollars now in the 1700s to the 1800s there were four presidents that made great money from inheritances and check this out from selling slaves now while all the civil war monuments are being pulled down you will find out that the men who sold slaves who are of the liberal party today are never pulled down okay you'll get that in a minute maybe i better leave that alone so so four of them made income by milling states by selling slaves bloomberg said that some of them were worth a total today if you add up all the money all the money 53 billion dollars by today's standards now politicians in washington john kerry according to the report is worth 200 million mitt romney is worth 250 million al gore is worth 100 million and has made of course a lot of income on books and the films that he has made hillary clinton uh this is an estimate here based on uh this study was worth somewhere between five to 11 million mostly from books deals and speaking fees however her foundation according to the report in 2016 was worth 2 billion dollars and that was the clinton foundation there was some of course some controversy with that now how many of you have noticed that the left is a master of talking about criticizing the rich did you go home are you still here now there's an old expression we hillbillies heard growing up called that's the pot calling the kettle black because they're they're complaining about the rich they're complaining about all those evil rich people all those evil stock brokers all those evil investors and yet at the same time they have all of this income and investments that are tied up worth millions and millions of dollars as a matter of fact it has been rumored that only the republicans have the money however in 2019 and this is how it's presented if you've watched the news that's how it's presented in 2019 the report says that out of the top 48 members of congress that were millionaires 21 were republicans 27 were democrats and yet we keep hearing about the evils of the rich and yet the very ones who are screaming about the evils of being rich themselves have made money now when you understand the income that comes in and understanding that they are going to pass the law on fuel or what kind of fuel all you have to do is pick up the phone and tell your relative there's coming a change in a law you might want to look into this next thing you know the relatives not you you've got to keep your hands clean the relatives at that point can invest in new clean energy turbine energy green new deals and suddenly the family on the side becomes extremely wealthy and while the poor american people out here are paying extra for this and gas has now gone up in some places a dollar fifty a gallon will be two and a half dollars more than a year ago perhaps and we see all of this craziness happening because it is what i say a conspiracy not a conspiracy in the way that we use it on uh the youtube channels you see that word used or the the media secular even the secular media not that way but in the way we're talking about it from the hebrew scriptures and that is to tie the hands of an individual now america's parallels and america's internal clash is now beginning to ju i'm saying i'm going to say this to you i believe this is really just beginning we're only seeing this attack on the christian faith in the bible in its very earliest stages now let me say this this is nothing new when you go into both the old and the new testament you will discover the persecution against those who actually spoke the truth was extremely severe whereas those who aligned themselves with the leaders to give the leader whatever they wanted to hear were able to sit at the table and exempt themselves from any kind of persecution whatsoever in the bible there was a prophet by the name of micaiah that was locked or michael that was locked in a dungeon and ahab hated his prophecies he put him down there to shut him up and this is what happened jehoshaphat was joining ahab in a battle ahab says we're going to go because my 400 prophets here have told me we're going to win jehoshaphat said do you not have a prophet of yahweh here not your clowns over here that tell you what you want to hear he said well there's one well where is he at well he's in the dungeon we'll bring him out as the guard went to bring mckay out he said to him now you prophesy politically correct whatever you do you tell the king what he wants to hear don't you go off on some crazy tangent and make him feel bad and he said whatever so the king said ahab said to michaela can i win the battle yay says the lord go ahead you're going to win. well he heard the man prophesy under anointing and that wasn't anointed he said come on and tell me the truth he said you don't want to hear what i got to tell you he said well tell me anyway he said i saw the host of heaven on the left hand and the right hand of the throne of god and i saw the lord say who will send a lying spirit out to lie in the mouth of all of ahab's prophets that they have might fall at ramoth gilead he said thus saith the lord god the lord has put a lying spirit in your mouth and in the mouth of all your prophets to get rid of you to remove you out of your position and all of a sudden i mean one guy came up and slapped mckay on the mouth and said which way with the spirit of god from me to you and he said you're going to know it when you're hiding in your closet when this is over my lord i felt something now i want you to think about this for just a moment in ii chronicles 18 and 7 this is what the king ahab said about michaela so the king of israel said to jehoshaphat there is still one man by whom we may inquire of the lord but i hate him because he never prophesies good concerning me but always evil and his name is michaela the son of imla now when the officer retrieved him because i want to give you the quote he says this to him now listen the words of the prophets are with one accord encourage the king therefore please let your word be like the word of them and speak encouragement and and i like what the prophet said back to the real prophet he said back to him as the lord lives i'll say what god tells me to say you see it would be easy and i want to say this based on a story many years ago and i was trying to think how long ago it's been it was when i believe it was when gina bean was my secretary uh she served as my secretary for 15 years her and larry you you all know him i know from the conference two of the greatest people dear lord i've ever met in my life and we miss him dearly and uh pam stays in touch with him quite a bit but uh when when gina was my secretary she said you have a very strange call and we don't know if it's real or fake and i said well well who is it she says he claims to be a retired colonel with the u.s military and he's watched a program of yours from israel and i'm thinking to myself okay that's somebody trying to fake it just trying to get through to me and i said well you know what i just finished something let me talk and she says really you might want to talk to him because he does sound like he's legit so i answered the phone and he's aunt he says i am a so-and-so and he gave me his name retired colonel i've been to i was educated at harvard yale university and he then says to me and this was now you gotta remember this was years ago this wasn't under um this was under bill clinton it was that long ago he said i received a call from the from the uh the state department and they have asked me to call you and i'm thinking okay this guy's really way off here he said first of all you taped a program in the upper golan heights in front of a tank he named the tank it was an old tank and he said in the middle of your program you gave out something that is classified that was about the tank called the merkabah and the missile that it shoots out and i went oh my goodness i had just been on a base i saw the merkabah but i didn't know it was classified now it's not classified now it's public knowledge now but in that day israel didn't want that out and he and he started cussing me and they're they're upset at you and by the way and the israeli ambassador to the u.n has given me a call and i said well man i must have a popular tv program if all these people are watching you know i'm my my goofy self i don't realize maybe the seriousness of this so and then he began to uh say some other things to me and then when i really started talking to him this was a legit guy but i want to tell you what he said to me that i have never forgotten i want you to listen to me and i want you to think about what ahab's guard said to michael the prophet keep it in mind as you hear this he says now i want you to know that the government leaders that i know and he didn't not the president he's talking about the people in these departments they know you they know all about you and they watch your program and i said so they just said he said oh no no they monitor every christian tv program especially prophecy because a lot of you prophecy guys start telling stuff and we're trying to figure out where you're getting your information from and i did find out late i did find out later that was legitimately true i may have told him you'll never know i mean i may have said that to him i don't know but uh we discussed that a moment and then he said this to me he says now you know what mr stone i believe that you're really a sincere guy but i want to give you some advice and i thought well this should be interesting after this conversation he said you're too controversial he said now if you would get on tv and smile and be nice and stay off all the controversy he said you could be the next billy graham people be eating out of your hand but he said you get up there and tell all this controversial stuff preaching against sin and all this kind of stuff nobody's going to watch you you're going to start losing them and i heard the enemy speaking through that man i say that sincerely just like when peter rebuked jesus and it was the wrong time and the wrong thing to say and my answer was this sir god didn't call me to be popular he called me to be obedient and i said i've watched you know i don't remember my exact words but it was something like i've watched them come and i've watched them go i've watched them stand for me and say we'll stay with you if you're thick and thin then i've watched them bail out and they're going to do it the rest of my life but i'm going to one day have to stand before the lord and he's going to say i gave you something to preach but you didn't want to preach it because you were afraid what the people thought so when we hung up with respect toward him and respect toward one another and i came to an agreement to actually remove two television programs that you've never seen on manna-fest again they're not available on them you'll never see them on any social media because by the request of him and the men with him out of respect to them i bumped two programs off but i want to tell you that came to me today as i was sitting here and thinking about this whole idea of trying to somehow silence a person from saying what they want to say elijah stood up and said this in first kings 17-2 there'll be no rain these years according to my word then a drought came for 42 months now how many of you know when you prophesy that it's not gonna rain you're gonna have to live through that yourself you just said a famine's coming and you happen to be living in the same land where the famine's at so guess what you're gonna have to sit by a brook and watch ravens feed you and then watch that brook go dry because every book in the country is going dry so what happened was ahab is angry at him and hey watch this ahab says that this prophet by the name of elijah has troubled israel if it were not for his negative preaching and his negative prophecy we would not have a famine going on well the prophet of god just sent him word and said you don't even know what you're talking about the reason we're having a problem right now is because of all of your crazy sins you've been beheading prophets you've been shedding innocent blood you killed an innocent man named naboth and you want to know why god is displeased and he has shut the heavens up now here's what's interesting let's talk about this for a moment weather patterns because the weather patterns have gotten really weird now certain people will say it's climate change or global warming but you must understand that hurricanes have been around since the beginning job's property was destroyed by a wind in the desert it knocked a house down and killed 10 of his children now how old is that story the answer is 3 500 years ago now we know that we do have there are changes taking place but we also know that some things that we see are cyclical you'll have a dry spell where there's no rain and then you have nothing but flooding you have a time frame where it's extremely hot then for years it turns extremely cold so there are cyclical patterns and this is not what i want to get into i simply want to show you what the scripture says deuteronomy 11 17 the lord's wrath will be kindled against you and he will shut the heavens and you will the land will not yield its fruit first kings 8 35 but when the heaven is shut and there is no rain it is because you've sinned against me zechariah chapter 14 17 in the millennial reign if a nation refuses to come up and worship the lord the scripture says there'll be no rain in their land and the crops will fell them now the thing that i want to share with you because we're we're realizing that if you study prophetic things especially if you keep up with our ministry which is sort of geared in that direction you will know and you will understand that we're living in the same parallel times of many of the old testament stories that you read about it's as though they are repeating themselves in our generation and the same things the same reactions of the people the same persecution the same thing that we see taking place then seems to be rising up to repeat itself now isaiah 30 9-11 said this this is a rebellious people children who will not hear the law of the lord who say to the seers and that word sears is the same hebrew word for prophets do not see until the prophets do not prophesy to us right things speak to us smooth things watch this prophesy deceit basically they're saying simply tell us what we want to hear if you tell us what we want to hear we'll stand with you we'll support you paul said it this way and i want to give the church this little warning from paul ii timothy 4 3-5 for the time will come when they will not endure and that means hold up in the greek to sound doctrine but well according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned into fables and i did a word study just to check out four words itching is a metaphor meaning now listen to this condoning your lifestyle hello so in other words it doesn't mean i just want to hear what i want to hear that's how i've always heard it taught it actually means they will come and say we're only going to listen to the preaching that condones what we think seducing spirits first timothy 4 and 1 tells us that they'll be seducing spirits it ties in with the itching ears here and that means a roving misleading spirit to draw people away from truth or true doctrine so if it draws you away from truth and how many of you know it's not always just reading something and misinterpreting it it's listening to people teach it wrong or it's listening to someone say something that's deceptive that's the result of a seducing spirit fables a myth something that is not in the scriptures false teachers and these are people that would teach or prophesy for the wrong motive now the bible says that there would be in the last days people that would raise up they would make merchandise of the people of god now someone saw i remember i remember one time i've got to share this i don't even know why this came to me it wasn't in my notes but i'm from the mountains of southwestern virginia and west virginia and kentucky of course now tennessee so in these four states many years ago we had a lot of rural churches that i preached in i never i don't remember the exact location where this was and i would not say it out of respect for the people there that may still be there but i had a little book table and it had three books i had written and i was selling them for a dollar i mean i wasn't making anything on those books because about what it cost me to print them but i wanted to get the word out and i had a little table in the back of a little church and i say the lobby was probably as big as this platform right here wasn't much i came to church that night and found out that my book table was missing and i said what's happened to my book table they said well and they kind of said it like this brother perry up there on the shed there's a shed with a light bulb on we kept the light bulb on we got it in there and i said well this is the lobby i'm not in the church yeah but you know brother perry jesus ran the money changers out of the temple and he they didn't understand i didn't at the time but money changers were legit people you could not go into the temple with a coin that had a idle god on it or a face you had to exchange it with a jewish coin that that did not have that now they changed that later on in the roman uh i don't remember the exact year because they let the entire shekel go in but in the beginning a guy would come and say how many of these you're giving i'm giving these five coins i need to take these and we're going to give you this this amount for this but what happened is the money changers were charging interest on it so in other words maybe they were maybe they knew that they were going to charge 2 they're charging 10 and 15 and 20. so they've got a business going and they're not giving anything to the ministry they're not helping the temple they're helping their own pockets that's what made jesus angry then they were also selling doves that were blemished you can read about that in the book of malachi so the sacrifices were not the best they were the worst that provoked him and so he walked there one day and here's these hundreds of people changing money and does and it had nothing to do with a book with the gospel message in it because they you know they didn't have printing presses back then but i remember that and i out of respect for those people i went ahead and did what they did and asked them you know did what they required for me to do but even to this day it's hilarious when you have a ministry the way we do your television airtime now let's say your my television airtime now is about 5 million a year now the question is where do i come up with 5 million and the answer is when you get on the manna-fest telecast or sometimes our youtube channel and you'll see that little advertisement for a book i've written and you can get it for 15 or a set of uh resources for 30. that does not go in my pocket i wish i had a dime for everything i'd ever sold i'm serious i would go off my salary and live off the dime just the dime we've sold millions of books but you know where it's all gone 100 voice of evangelism ministry to take care of a budget that's 14 million dollars a year now this was when we had when i saw when we had iso and oci it was much more than that thank god samuel's taking care of those burdens now everybody look at samuel over there and thank god for samuel oh he's now under the burden [Laughter] i'm sorry i had to do that because i feel so relieved god bless you we pray for you all the time by the way we give our tithes and offerings just so you'll know and you all know that but but oh lord i'm going to lose track help me stay on track jesus help me stay on track here but it's amazing how people think you should give everything for free let's try going to starbucks and asking them for free coffee tomorrow or go to the grocery store and fill up your cart and say all you all are after is money and i'm walking out of here with this food because i deserve it isn't it funny we will buy our coffee we'll buy our gas never complain maybe complain about the price but never complain about it put new tires on our vehicle go down spend 20 for a wash but every time somebody even says can you help us to do something here come the critics like a flock of bumblebees on honey on a flower trying to criticize you when you have to have the my finance i don't know why i'm saying that but i just feel like preaching it on the internet right now for somebody to hear what i've got to say so you should never criticize people who are trying to do something for god if it's your local church or ministries don't be critical you might not be behind them you might not support them you might not have their revelation but if they're doing something for god let them do something for god now so what's happening here and i want to go back to this original thought as we have warnings in the new testament to be aware of certain things in the church and it's all about the attack on truth the attack on the gospel the attack on the scriptures because how many of you know when you know the truth the truth shall make you free how many of you know the lord says all power is given in heaven and earth and heaven and earth will pass away but my word shall not pass away how many know paul wrote that the word is quick and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword the word of god ran the devil off after jesus quoted three scriptures and if it can run the enemy off it can set somebody free deliver somebody from captivity raise somebody that's dead heal somebody that's sick deliver somebody that's bound so we have to understand satan and the kingdom of darkness is threatened by one thing the power and the authority of the word and yet the word does not stand by itself that bible sitting there on that table does absolutely nothing it only does something when i read it get it in my heart speak it out of my mouth read it get it in my heart speak it out in my mouth so what do you do if you can't stop the printing of the book if you can't stop the reading of the book you stop the delivery and the preaching of the book so now to preach against sin is a hate crime you know there's certain things that if you say it you're suddenly some kind of a phobic and i'm not going to go on all that right now because i want to stay where i'm at now one of the things that i want to share with you i'm going to skip over something to get to this and that is what i call the unjust balance the unjust balance is dishonesty dishonesty uh in business or it can also be political dishonesty the scriptures on the unjust balance are leviticus 19 35 through 36 ezekiel 45 10 proverbs 2 20 and 10 jeremiah 5 1 amos 4 i'm sorry amos 8 verses 4 through 8. what is the balance it was a scale it had two bowls on either end i'm going to say bulbs they were actually plates with edges around them and you would put weights on one side and what you were wanting to purchase on the other side and you would weigh it out and then you would base the weight the price would be based on the weight so you could do you could trick people though you could hollow out the weight and them not see that it was hollow and made that part lighter or you could do a heavier weight and have a wrong balance so a person that was crooked would would sell you their product and you have to pay more but if you were selling them their product and you were buying their product they could make it to where they'd pay less despised this in proverbs 11 1 he says this a false balance is an abomination to the lord but a just weight is his delight now in in line with the false balance because i'll explain this in a moment there's what's called perverted judgment perverted judgment in the hebrew perverted judgment actually means to falsify something like dossiers or i'm just you know i don't know what you're thinking of i just that word came out of me just now news reports based on false information newspaper articles based on a source that cannot be named but can i tell you something why do we even listen or pay attention to information where the source who gave it's not willing to put their name on it i just want to say something in kindness to those of you watching me if you send perry stone a letter and you don't sign it i have file 13 which is a shredder because if you're not willing to put your name on your word then your word is not worth saying what you just wrote because what that is that's deception to to present someone information and nobody's name on it and you have the excuse oh i can't tell you who it is it's awful quiet in this place information is falsified or perverted judgment takes place or unjudged balances to change the outcome in order to have an outcome that is desirable versus one that is not desirable the false balance was used or what is called perverted judgment now what is righteousness you know i think one of these days i just need to preach a message on the hebrew and greek word righteousness because there's a little bit of a misconception like when we were growing up in the early full gospel movement righteousness was based on how you looked did anybody remember those days if the woman had her hair high and hadn't cut it and i'm saying this respectfully this is not criticism or if she didn't wear makeup or she didn't wear jewelry we consider her to be righteous but my dad pastored some wonderful people that looked that way but i can tell you there are a few of them that had a tongue so long you could wrap it three times around the automobile in the parking lot so they had a righteous body without a righteous tongue and of course the bible says in james that if you can't control your tongue your religion is in vain we don't hear that preach much do we oh preach on preach on i'm going to righteousness basically means do what is right we would say it this way in our modern vernacular follow the law or follow the rule when you follow the law or you're following the rule you are doing the what thing right thing unrighteousness is to unfollow the rule to unfollow the law to unfollow what is required and that and honestly that's the basic meaning now when it comes to people not following the rule now and i told you this was going to be a little bit different for an update than what we normally do but i'm very stirred at what i see by people who are elected to positions and they promise you one thing but once they get to that position it is totally the opposite of what they promised and then i have wondered about this and then i've looked at the the wealth schedule of these individuals and i said how did you get you're supposed to be making this much and living off of this much how did you move from making four hundred thousand dollars a year to making 200 million as a politician well good investments yeah i call that insider trading is what i call it that's what i call i'm not saying i'm just not accusing i'm just saying that i would call it that uh it's it's supposed to be legal but you know depends on what side you're on whether it's illegal or not i guess i don't know i'm playing ignorance here there are three i'm going to give you the bible and show you how important it is to teach the bible this shows you why we want to teach it and this will show you why some people don't want to talk in the political realm there are three sins of politicians root number one is first timothy six and ten the love of money is the root of all evil the love of money to stay in a position to gain more there's nothing wrong with buying things purchasing things being blessed and have an income absolutely nothing wrong with that but when you love it you got to have money to make it but when you love it that's where the wrong comes in and i looked at this up in the greek and it means to be fond of silver now that doesn't mean of course you shouldn't invest in silver people are doing that but it means to be fond of what is shining back in that day it was silver and gold did see it shine you're fond of it you want it you agree you know you hoard it you collect it whatever the case may be now that so in other words the love of money becomes the root of evil romans chapter 1 22 professing themselves to be wise they are they become fools and so what that means is pride the love of money is the first sin pride is the second sin because they profess themselves to be intellectual more superior than you more above you in knowledge i went to the greater university that you all couldn't even afford you know my family is the family that's been in this system for many generations and it's p-r-i-d-e and i will remind them or anyone that's in it pride comes before destruction and a holy spirit before a fall god god honors the humble amen second timothy chapter three and verse two now this is just self-evident there is a warning of people in the last days who are lovers of their own selves [Music] sherman sherman oh sherman that's a joke boasters proud high-minded now think about this lovers of their own selves boasters proud and high-minded and i think that's self-explanatory now here's what the scripture says about two men in the old testament now as janice and jambrez withstood moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith their folly shall be manifest unto all men can i read that again because if we're in the setting of what we're talking about here and the kind of like the little bit of corruption we see and the ego and the pride and the hating christians and we'll shut them down and you know the right you know it's right versus left conservative versus you know you see the war what let's read it again now as janice and jambres withstood moses so do these resist the truth what are they doing they don't want to hear it you're you're doing a hate crime you speak about that that's a hate crime you need to be silenced okay watch this men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning faith their folly shall be made manifest because if you'll go back to the story of moses janice and jambrez counterfeited one miracle counterfeited another miracle and moses may have been standing there saying dear god what am i going to do if i if every time i do something of course let me show you how stupid the devil is moses produces frogs and janice and jambress says we can do that and they produce more frogs and the frogs are tormenting everybody i mean janice and jim breast take the frogs away if you've got power take them away don't add more lice don't add more frogs and the enemy was dumb because he thought he was showing himself up how smart he was and how much power they had in reality they're making the problem worse but let me tell you what janice and jim risk could not do when they laid a rod down and it made a snake moses snake swallowed up theirs they lost their rod when moses snake swallowed up theirs and the second thing i want to tell you is this that every time they tried to counterfeit a miracle they could not undo what god did what god did they couldn't undo it they couldn't take away the lice they couldn't take away the frogs they couldn't make the sun shine again they couldn't make the darkness go away they couldn't make the red water become clear but that shows you who the real god is everybody's trying to say my god is real and this god is real and i'm of this religion and we're of that religion and every way is a path to god oh let me tell you something friend if every path is a path to god then why didn't pharaoh's ten gods stop the ten plagues that jehovah sent that to the ten gods of egypt could not counter nor could they stop one plague if all gods are equal pray tell me how come when they brought the ark of the covenant in at dagon's temple daggone fell apart and everything his head fell off and he fell off backwards off of his pedestal and the ark remained intact if all gods are the same why is it that the three hebrew boys when they were thrown in the fiery furnace they came out without smell or a scorcher but the men who threw them in all died burnt up when they got near the furnace why if all gods are the same was daniel's god able to bring him out of the lion's den without a scratch but when the babylonian men were thrown in they were eaten by the lions i've come by to tell you that not all gods are the same that you can have a god that is a god in name only you can be from a country that worships broomsticks and water flying in the air and a tree that just got uprooted but there's only one god and there's only one mediator between man and god and that is the lord jesus christ and i've come by to tell you he's going to demonstrate who he is and the folly of some of these people will be made known in the name of the lord jesus somebody give him praise in this house today hallelujah what i want to show you quickly and then i'm going to get to the solution is there's a three-part process and i want to expose this process a three-part process to what's happening promote it permit it then pass it that's that's the that's the law promote it permit it pass it you promote it to desensitize the population when uh the guy with big ears on gone with the wind what was his name flynn clark gable i was thinking the wrong guy shows you i wasn't from that general when he said one when he said one cuss word the whole country it was in national news was appalled even sinners now christians will watch ged movies well it got quiet why do they do it why do they keep promoting this why do you keep seeing the advertisements it absolutely is a fact watch it too many times it desensitizes you sin does the same thing a person goes out and does something wrong they get convicted they get convicted again again and finally you keep doing it god just stops convicting you well thank you all three of you that's been there hallelujah i'm glad i got a real audience today then you permit it how do you permit it to normalize it it suddenly becomes normal well i'm this way i'm i'm born a certain way so you know that's i can't help that or this is how i feel that i am and so i can't help that so you hear it over and over now you're desensitized now you're normal normalized and suddenly you legalize you go to the supreme court you legalize it you go to the local court seventh district or whatever it is suddenly becomes legalized he becomes protected by laws so i i've just asked the lord i said tell me a little bit for the people who will be here and watching what your plan is and god said now people need to understand this people have seen this happen and you're going to see it continue to happen time to time god says i predicted i would lay the axe to the root of the tree therefore bear fruit worthy of repentance and do not think to say to yourselves we have abraham as our father for i say to you god is able to raise up children to abraham of these stones and even now the ax is laid to the root of the tree every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and cast into the fire when you are saved but you think the same way of the world you're not going to produce fruit when you're saved but carry on the old habits you're not changed and you accepted that as normal you're not going to bear fruit when you haven't won a soul since you've been going to church for 50 years there's a problem somewhere when you're interested in the things of the world and would rather spend time with the world than you would in the presence of god with god's people there's a problem when you spend money on yourself and never give a tithe or offering i got a decent amen there something's wrong so what is god going to do god's going to let laying the ax to the root of the tree he leaves the stump so it'll grow back again and that's where your fruit's going to come from by your growth your regrowth but god lays the ax to the root of the tree because he says you are not bearing the fruit for me that you need to bear so what does he do he creates some very harsh circumstances he lets sometimes trouble come it brought watch it draws you back to him it draws you back into prayer it draws you back into intercession and then watch this and then you'll look back and what do you see you will see things begin to grow again in your life how many cold you ever been there buddy you know we've been there and so that's that's what god does so he look a cut is painful but the fruit sure does taste good the results are worth it all right here's the second when i'm the vine you're the branches my father is the vine dresser every branch in me that does not bear fruit it's all about it's it's about results it's about winning people it's about showing who you are and people looking at you looking up to you saying you're a believer and helping them and praying for them and seeing results all right every branch that does not bear fruit he takes away every branch that bears fruit he prunes that it may bear more fruit and you know i looked up this pruning thing and uh i do know that they trim them and i always thought it meant to cut it you know what it actually means the goo there's goo that gets on those vines and they actually take it and they clean the vine completely clean it they go through a whole cleaning process and that was called the pruning and what it does it enables the pollen to get back in it enables all the natural things that a vine is supposed to do to get back in now if a branch is dead they do not leave it on my sister went to now none of us drink alcohol but my sister-in-law went to a napa valley one time she was on a business trip and saw these vines and they had red tags around them just not not all one here one over there and she asked the question what's the deal she said i want you to look at this branch he said we know what's going to happen if this branch which has died stays on this vine it pulls the sap it everything else starts dying around it so we cut it we cut it so that the energy is not waste trying to go into something that don't produce she said i just got a message she's not a preacher i just got a message all right so you need and i'm going to tell you right now what jesus is going to do and everybody just stay with me because i want you to hear this it's going to be four one minute points but when you feel like you have had the axe laid in your life you feel like that you have had the vines pruned and i'm not going to go through the list i could list 10 things that this could represent in everybody's life everybody's sitting here you cannot you will at first if you're not careful you will despise it and if you're not careful you'll think it's the enemy it's not the enemy because what you will look back on one day is say oh wow look at what god did and had we been going in this direction would never happened we would have never heard his voice we would have never followed him and i tell you something i'm going to say this with samuel sitting here and i'm going to be vague about it but when i was in a hotel i couldn't even remember when it was the actual month and i am praying about what to do because i am physically not well i'm just not well just not well and i heard the lord say ramp cleveland and he began to show me that night how karen came here years ago for the ramp we got behind her we were going to i went i went and bid on a school building for hundred thousand dollars and i was outbid by fifty thousand dollars to have karen wheaton move her ministry or start i should say not move a ramp in this cleveland years ago and the timing was off wasn't it it was just timing so when the lord tells me to give it up do you know what that was for me laying the axe to the roof of the tree because if i had not gone through some crazy stuff i would have not been willing to give it up and you see a dead perry stone two years from now because my doctor said unless you get out from stress you're dead you'll never see your daughter's wedding and they were serious we're talking about a top-notch i don't tell you who he was in the whole united states he said preacher you're going to change your lifestyle you're not going to live long that's all there is to it and i had to get out of stress and so i want to say something not only do i get to come and sit out there and just huck and buck and shout and holler and run i guess that's old term i hope that's not bad usually when i say something oh gosh you don't know what he's saying so but but the pressure and you do carry a weight but god's blessed us right he's blessed us look at all these people he's blessed us with all these people but to for me to be out from under that you know do you know do you know what do you know how much blood sweat and tears i went through to build that thing do y'all really have a clue a 72 000 square foot building had to come up with 18 million dollars and didn't have it are you kidding me huh see nobody know there is no god bless all of you you've been with us from the start but and one of you got a clue what it's like not unless you've been there and then i'm suddenly releasing my baby one of my babies into the hands of another ministry and god laid the ax and said i'm releasing you so that you can have some fruit i'll take it iso dr cutshaw and i were running iso i was doing outlines 30 to 60 to 100 pages to teach here driving myself crazy study until my eyes were burning i said doctor shaw you take it you take it i'll come here and preach look i get to preach here on a sunday afternoon in my own building that god gave me hallelujah but this he's over this he oversees it and that was my vine so god says we're going to have you have some more fruit and we go off the air i'm going to tell y'all something we're going to have some fruit hey ain't going to tell anybody on the internet no that's why you got to come to these meetings i always close the cameras off and tell them what we don't tell you this drive this shots my partner's crazy the phone's only number what do you say what do you say what do you say what do you say barb what'd he say barb what do you say barb's not here so she won't know so so here's the thing and i want you to hear this what god is doing he's going to purge individuals pruning and purging he's going to pro prune and purge the church and he's going to purge and prune the nation but remember this he's not your enemy he's not doing this to for your demise he's doing it because way out there he sees something you don't and one day one day we'll all be sitting around a big campfire at a tabernacle and we'll talk about and sam we'll talk about how we overcome do you remember when look what the lord has done i'll be up there i'll be 90 years old jesus tears said look what the lord had done i'll say honey what was the rest of that song some of you are a little older so you'll be 95 and 100 say sing it what's that preacher's name my parents sing it what's up jesus help me please get ahold bring it back in i used to preach and say here's the four things god's going to do i'm just giving to you in a minute number one is going to baptize people with the holy with the holy spirit [Applause] and not just the holy spirit but fire what does fire do warms and purifies he's just going to get you in that condition of walking with impurity number three he's going to clean out his threshing floor that's what it says up here when you keep reading that verse it says he lays the axe through the tree and then john he talks about cleaning out the threshing floor and he's going to take his winnowing fork this is all in the scriptures i gave you and he's going to burn out your life don't look at preachers yeah preach it preacher okay how no look at yourself the one thing that always disturbs me is people who judge other people and they're out there doing the same thing or they or they judge other people and they got their own mess and issues i mean i just don't understand it oh my god keep your mouth shut now those are you that's watching me right now here's the thing i want to say in closing and that is this we're not going to be able to fight what's happening in america with weapons that is not god's way violence is not god's way of dealing with anything and it never will be we have a weapon that the world does not have and it's called intercessory prayer god can send an angel like he did to herod herod beheaded a man of god named james and god sent an angel that touched him in his intestines he never saw the angel touched him and five days later he died with worms eating his intestines out i don't want to go through all the acts of god's judgment in the bible but when god wants to get something done all he's got to do is send an angel into that house wherever it might be and touch that person's heart and they're gone so we have to start leaning on god in the past i feel like sometimes we put too much trust in men as though a man was our answer a paul listen to me the political system of a man or men has never been the answer it is god's people being in prayer intercession binding and loosing doing the right thing and then we vote and do what we need to do very simple very simple but right now here's what i'm going to do there's an anointing here and i felt it real strong i believe some of you are feeling the anointing where you are and if you need a refilling of the holy spirit or if you've never been baptized in the holy spirit you just feel like you need god to refill you i want you to get up on your feet right now and just stand right where you're at if you will just stand where you lay yourself outside and just stand right where you at where you're at and i'm going to begin to pray for you that god will do something in your life today you didn't come here by accident you came to the right place so everyone in this building that needs just that's it keep standing keep standing keep standing anybody else keep standing praise god praise god thank you lord all right all right now now raise your hands raise your hands now when we start praying i'm going to ask all of you that are still seated to start interceding just like you would at a thursday night prayer meeting god will tell you what to pray and i'm going to ask god to fill each of these with a new a presence a peace there are several of you that need peace from god you've came you've come here to get god's peace in your life now as i begin to pray you begin to say holy spirit feel me just just begin to say that and then you will sense the presence of god come to you and as the presence of god comes to you i want you to open up your mouth and let him begin to speak through you and he'll give you it sounds very strange but it's the prayer language of the spirit you might not even it may sound odd to you it may seem strange to you but you let him do that right now come on let's begin to pray all over and those of you at home if you'd like to just sit where you're at at home or stand up let's let's pray together gracious god right now in the name of jesus by the mighty power of the holy spirit we come to you in jesus name we thank you heavenly father because that when we call upon your name there's authority and there's power in your name dear jesus oh my god samuel i want you to come up here and just pray under the anointing i'm going to go through here and lay hands on some people that i feel they have to pray for and nobody nobody watch me i don't want you watching me but just samuel's going to start praying everybody began to pray out loud amen amen amen come on those in this room those who are still sitting father thank you in jesus mighty name thank you father for the promise of the holy ghost hey come on lord we pray for an open heaven just like when jesus came out of the river the bible says that the heavens were open and the dove descended upon him and remained lord we pray for the dissension of the dove let your spirit be poured out today in jesus mighty name thank you holy spirit those who are watching online right now we pray for a fresh infilling just like second corinthians 6 it says that you will dwell in us and walk among us lord fill us fill us he that is joined to the lord is one spirit with the lord lord we thank you for the power of the holy ghost acts chapter one verse number eight and you shall receive power after that that the holy ghost has come upon you lord i thank you for the power of the spirit of god in jesus mighty name lord feel them fill them fill them to overflow fill them to overflow in this room right now right now lord come on even you who are sitting down you you didn't think that you were coming for another filling of the holy ghost i declare over you in jesus mighty name he wants to fill you all of those in this room thank you holy spirit more more more more pour out the spirit of almighty god more more come on he wants you to hear his voice like you've never heard it before he wants to give you the eyes that see into the realm of the spirit come on eyes that see and ears that hear oh holy spirit phyllis phyllis fill me up lord give me an appetite for more of you come on pray in this room fill me up [Applause] fill us up lord fill me up jesus fill me up jesus change the way that i think fill me up jesus oh thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord lord we pray for the fire of god he said he will baptize you with the spirits and with fire lord we pray for that fire that purifies that fire that warms lord purify us let the cleansing flame of the lord come jesus jesus praise god let's let's lift our hands oh there's some oh lord bless your name bless your name bless your name we give you glory lord we feel your presence is the brother that works at vae that was broke his hips is he here i s where is he at oh he's on the camera oh now i want you to look at him everybody turn your head and look at him he's sitting on the camera now several how many go four weeks ago five weeks ago he was in his vehicle and there was a pole here and the truck got loose somehow he went to get in it and it crushed him the door came in and crushed him right am i telling this right you were your hip was broken how many places four places broke he's laying in the hospital and i feel the anointing now now i'm telling you i i want to tell you all do you remember the night when am i preaching again lord i want to preach now i'm getting back into my preaching condition next tuesday okay lord i got to get back on the road the weather's breaking and covet is dying come on now we're going to believe we got to believe it's dying i got to get back i got to get back out to the preach jesus when he said judy we need some road trips [Applause] some road trips all right listen to this do you remember the young man that came and he wanted prayer they came from minnesota drove all the way and you remember when i was praying for him how the power of god hit him and he said i can feel it my head electricity is in my head i can feel it all right now he is watching from a hospital bed on an ipad he's watching us when we when we start praying for the young man god's anointing the same electricity that boy felt came into it from his head all the way into his body how long did it last was it 20 seconds 20 seconds now he's got four hips like four broke four pelvis right here broke one of them's like this about that long he felt the pain lift felt the pain go make a long story short the doctor said to him here's your x-ray before now here's that one it's it's completely fused here's that one it's confused and here's the biggest one it ain't even showing up that it was broken shut down so he he came to work the other day and told told me that it says now look you're talking about they were going to have to go in there and do this this and this and in one minute now here's what we're going to do we're going to ask god look look look look let me tell you let me tell you i'm just going to tell you something i'm just going to tell you something i'm going a little longer on the internet than i want to are we still on the internet jonathan i hope y'all want anybody to hear this dennis mcguire came to me years ago and i had several other people and they said god wants you to begin to operate the way your daddy did in all this healing you just haven't done it and i and i didn't i didn't i didn't want can i tell you something praying for sick folks made me tired and i didn't want to do it because you know why i was look i have been living three years exhausted a study bible i an entire commentary in the bible took seven years uh 14 16 hours a day i was exhausted so when i go preach on tuesday nights i didn't want to pray for nobody because i didn't feel it i didn't have it i was exhausted i wanted to go i wouldn't even go and i used to go and eat with people i quit going out need with people i'm gonna go home and sit in my chair and sleep i'm being honest with you boy the weirdest things are happening i am seeing i'm having dreams of people that are planning things now i know what they're doing and i know i might want to go into all that i really don't need to go to i have seen people's text messages appear in front of me in the middle of the night people talking about me i know what they're saying and who they're sending it to you know why guys let me do that because i see them one of these days says hey by the way that text message you sent privately they had my name in it and see god's going to do it to put the fear of god in people that's not that they're just crazy they don't have no fear of god they'll say and do whatever they want to do and and so i felt that anointing that i had not sensed that in a long time and you'd listen to me just wait samuel you know it you've already seen it it's going to be in that building down there too we're going to start seeing people come long ways do you remember the woman that came from oklahoma that was actually dying y'all remember that and i just said well why should you sit there and suffer let's pray now did you know i saw her two years later in tulsa oklahoma at the daughter's church she was in the partnership and she said you don't remember me dude i said will you look for me it says i'm the lady this is my daughter remember us driving to cleveland oh my lord well you were dying oh yeah that was that's what that's what i was doing she said god healed me that night there everything everything started reversing in my body that night she said i'm healed now god wants to do this to because it's his will and because he wants to show people jesus is alive all this unbelief toward jesus and unbelief toward the bible god's going to change it with some people okay so let's just point our hand toward the screen now if you're here and you need healing just put your hand on where you're hurting god will take care of it father in the name of jesus i point my hand toward this screen i believe i was raised to believe the book i was raised to believe that god is still the same and i pray right now in the name of the lord for every person every precious person who needs healing at all in their body touch them in christ them just like you touched my brother you can touch them you can minister to them you can heal them lord and you can raise them up not for anybody's glory not because a certain person prayed but because you're alive hallelujah and your spirit is working and the anointing of god desires to do something the holy spirit desires to do something in jesus name oh hallelujah hallelujah candy look at me brian's uh uh dale i'm sorry not bro put your hand right on your mama right one one right here right here on her stomach all right right up there right yeah right where you got it lord lord now from the top of her head to the very bottom of her feet every organ in her body her esophagus heart stomach liver intestines pancreas lined up now to the word of the lord in every spirit of infirmity go from this woman in jesus name where she will absolutely feel the peace and presence of god taking care of all these details from now on from now on thank you lord in the name of jesus now god for those watching let them be let them feel lord thank you for touching pam and thank you for touching the others anyone watching god that's having coveted lord we ask you to absolutely defeat and destroy that virus in the blood right now in christ's name we ask you to give people strength we ask you to give people immunities because lord enough is enough we've lost too many good people with this and it's now time god that we rise up and speak i know the world doesn't understand it and they don't believe it we're not we're not preaching to the world we're preaching to the believers who believe what the lord said and in jesus name hallelujah somebody clap your hands praise god do something [Applause] hallelujah charlie bring bring one of those up here just bring one i want to show you now if you have enjoyed this you you're always welcome to contact our ministry you can do that by phone or is our website perry stone ministries you have to put the word ministries in perry stone ministries facebook page or we have about almost 600 000 subscribers on youtube this video will be on there and you can subscribe now the reason you subscribe people don't understand is it's not a fee you're not charged anything but when when i do a new video i do them at different times you will be able to know that i am on your phone will go ding ding it makes that little noise that way you don't miss one and some of them maybe be timed on a major event that just happened so we want you to do that you can also watch our manifest telecast that way if you're not able to get it on cable somewhere in your area you can always go to our channel to watch it that way if you would like to help us and support we're going to receive just we do this just to help with what we're doing we help pay probably half of the electric bill here at iso because of prayer and so on so if you want to get an offering ready you can make it out the voice of evangelism if you'd like to do that i don't think we brought any envelopes do we bring envelopes i think i think we forgot to bring envelopes but you can just make out a check if you like or uh where's the buckets do we know they've had they've had things going on here so every we had to take tables down this morning so thank you for your giving i want you to know something that we do not i have never done this but we do not take out of the offering anything personal we do not take out of any sales anything personal we do not take out of any manifest tv sells anything personal and all has always gone back to voe voice advantages and ministry for seven worldwide outreaches and so thank you for your prayer time i appreciate that and we're gonna we're gonna say goodbye to you and don't forget usually usually the first tuesday night it may change with my schedule where i have to bump it to another day but the first tuesday night of every month i'm ministering when i minister in may i think judy look up in your calendar what's may the first part of me i'm going to be preaching everybody say i'm going to be preaching no you're not i will be preaching but we have a really special guest coming and you guys who are college football fans are just going to want to be there we're getting ready to sow into something big that's about to happen uh in in his ministry and it's going to be historic it's going to be televised they're going to make a movie out of it and we're going to pay for the banquet and his name is jeremiah castille alabama football star every every son of his was a football star he he owns alabama records okay what's the tuesday the 4th that's when he'll be here and i've asked him to come and receive a check from our ministry and we'll let him share a few words and he's never actually heard me preach he is the chaplain for the alabama football team when i go to games jeremiah and mike and syrian stacy we get to go back where the players are having chapel with him he's a african-american brother and he can preach too he's got some fire in him so he's going to be with us so all you alabama fans especially tennessee fans you might not want i don't know you may not want to be there i don't know but no no i want to he's a man of god and i want to i want people to get to meet him and you actually might want to participate with what he's about to do i'm going to talk about it that night and preach the word so we hey great things are happening thank you for joining me god bless you and let me know jonathan when we're done amen you
Channel: Perry Stone
Views: 266,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0AJ9bs0pGOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 21sec (4821 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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