Perona's Hollow-Hollow Fruit EXPLAINED! - One Piece Discussion | Tekking101

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guys help [Music] I'm back hi guys how you doing okay so I guess two points about being a ghost that you should be aware of in case that ever happens to you the first one is it's incredibly painful like every cell of your body is being pricked with a sewing needle so just you know adjust for that and also for some reason there's this really annoying fairy that follows you around and gives you helpful advice at first it's like oh I have a cute little fairy companion but then it just gets really annoying after the first three minutes or so but anyway uh today's video is about Perona and her ghost ghost for I'm sorry I'm sorry not not the ghost ghost root that's a common misconception you know just because she's able to eject her spirit from her body and she's able to control a bunch of these little familiars that take the appearance of cute ghosts I could understand why you would think that her fruit is just called the ghost ghost fruit but no it is in fact the hollow hollow fruit or as with her laughter style indicates though I don't know me and so let's just do that for a little while because that's really fun to do alright um like the fairy I think that would get annoying after a while but anyway I was actually kind of curious as to why it was just called the hollow hollow fruit instead of the ghost ghost through because the literal meaning of it you can take it to mean ghosts because I looked up on nihongo dictionary which is a website that I use sometimes to find out like what certain Japanese words mean or English words translated into Japanese and and sure enough when I typed in ghost horror was not one of the first responses there um I think what Oda was trying to go for here was sort of like a double meaning because Oda likes to do that a lot I mean he could have just went ahead and named it the ghost ghost fruit nobody would have cared it would have made perfect sense its Gothic Lolita girl that's living on thriller bark which is an island that's whole horror aesthetic like Transylvania creepy castles creepy cemetery creepy foggy forest zombies roaming around so yeah like here's the ghost girl you gotta have a ghost girl right but um no I think the double meaning with that is that Hollow can also mean referring to like hollowing someone's spirit out and that can itself mean two things either physically removing your spirit from your body as Perona does with herself she can you know astral projection basically you know her spirit can leave her body and she can do a bunch of freaky stuff with that and she can fly in everything but on top of that she can also hollow out somebody's spirit metaphorically in that whenever one of her hollows or her ghosts travel through someone else their spirits don't get removed rather they become incredibly depressed you know absolutely just completely depressed it doesn't matter really how powerful their will was up to that point even somebody like Sanji and Zorro and I think even Luffy did Luffy ever have to deal with the negative Hollow I think I'm pretty sure he had at some point the ones I'm remembering immediately are Sanji and Zorro but I'm pretty sure Luffy also had to deal with it too and whenever that Hollow passes through them it doesn't matter if it's like straight through their heart or just a portion of their body whenever a ghost comes in contact with them they immediately lose all will to fight and in fact all will to live they literally just collapse to the ground as like I'm lower than a sea slug actually a sea slug is as more you know right to life than I do right now I'm lower than a sea slug [ __ ] you know so the positive there is that the effect doesn't last very long now you would figure in theory Perona because she can control all of these ghosts there doesn't really seem to be an upper limit on these things she usually has a you know half a dozen of them just following her around wherever she goes but if the need arises too she can summon you know dozens of them and she has the mini variety the mini hollow and she can summon giant ones doesn't really seem to be a limit on that so you'd figure like even if the effect of the the depression doesn't last very long the hollowing out like it really only seems to last like less than 10 seconds just long enough for a character to be made fun of and then they snap back to howdy link it'll get happening Zorro it'll pass the room is like I can't be the best swordsman in the world I can't even inspire to be a log crap and then someone will make fun of him like Sanjay you'll be like yeah I've been telling you that the whole time freaking Marimo head and then Zorro will snap back to reality is like aw screw you so it doesn't happen very long but if Perona can just make an infinite number of these things or not even infinite just a lot of them she can just keep sending a ghost like a ferris wheel just constantly cycling through the person's body because the ghosts have a quality of ghosts of spirits in that you can't attack them I mean you can try but they're intangible it's not gonna work you know you you can't cut them you can't burn them you can't destroy them in any way so don't even bother trying to attack the spooky ghosts it's not going to work in fact well they're not really spooky they're more just kind of they honestly kind of just look like an emoji that has yet to be released yet they are kind of adorable I guess and they all repeat the same thing over and over again the so they don't really strike terror in the hearts of men but they strike depression in the hearts of men if that makes sense right but yeah she doesn't really do that mostly because she doesn't need to Perona is a character that because her ability is just so unblockable no matter you know it doesn't matter how strong armor you have it doesn't matter how powerful you are it doesn't matter what devil fruit ability or how much hockey you have you can't block these things they're going to hit you even I saw who is like the only person that was immune to this and I'll get to that in a second he still wasn't able to block it it's just that he was immune from the effect all right because he was already so pessimistic and he was already so kind of just down in the dumps about himself that he's like you know what I'm already negative it doesn't work I've already hit rock bottom I don't know about you but that made me feel really bad for ruse off at that point like it made me feel good because I'm like okay now they we know that Perona can be defeated that that I saw is gonna be the one to fight her and he's gonna be the one to prevail over her ability he just has a natural immunity to it but it's like a natural immunity but it's like oh sob come on man you're not giving yourself enough credit come on I saw that fight with you in Luffy you win but you got pretty far you know so that was really sad you know is like all the things that people say when they get the negative hollows shoved through their bodies like I'm lower than a sea slug and all that crap I'll never amount to anything it's like does Asaf think that about himself 24/7 I hope he's improved on that since the time-skip it would actually be really funny if he did improve on that from since the time-skip like this op is still like a scaredy cat sometimes when they were coming up to a like a like a really you know scary island or they have to face a really strong opponent but I think he's doing better than he used to be so who knows maybe the negative hollows might have somewhat of a more effect on him now because he's trained and he's gotten his confidence up a little bit and that's what the negative ghosts prey on that confidence that the enemy has okay so some other techniques that she has other than just making people incredibly depressed and the thing is with that is that you figure you know after somebody's on the ground and they have no more will to fight even if it's only for a couple of seconds you you can have their your way with them you know you can you could finish them off in a variety of ways at that point now Perona doesn't really do that you think the smart thing would be Perona having some sort of weapon concealed on her and then after the negative hollow passes through their opponent and they're on the ground and they're not moving and they have no will to continue you finish them off I mean if you were practically trying to take out your enemies that's how you would do it Corona is somewhat drunk on her own power in the sense of just like you know this is my fairy garden I am the master here and you know there's nobody that will oppose her but at the same time she doesn't really like to soil her own hands so she'll have kou mushy or Hippo gentleman or another one of the zombies on thriller bark attack the opponent for her but you'd figure the smart thing to do is don't play with your opponents don't toy with them you know she revels in it whenever a strong opponent walks up to her and it's like I'm gonna take you down Gothic Lolita ghost girl and then prone is like really negative Hollow and then she's only oh my god what am I gonna do now and instead of you know finishing them off she's like gloating like what do you think about my ability now huh and then they get back up is like you you got me off by surprise that time but this time I'm like negative hollow something interesting I've noticed though when I'm going back and looking through all of these devil fruits because I'm doing the devil fruits on the mysterious for we did the Cuyahoga know me wielded by Moria the horahora no mean wielded by Perona and there's gonna be a third video on Absalom's sube sube no me hog back didn't have a devil fruit so it's only three out of the mysterious four but something I've noticed about all three of them that they have in common is that the wielders of these fruits don't take their abilities far enough like we've already talked about Moria like if mauryas ability was wielded by somebody with more initiative they would get stuff done like if crocodile had the COG a cog in ohmy crocodile would use his fruit to its fullest extent he wouldn't be just lazing around you know what I mean or if Kaito had it you know if this fruit was wielded by somebody with more intelligence more initiative wanted to get it done you know faster and more effective efficient Li then they would be close to unstoppable same thing with Perona and even the same thing with Absalom where Absalom was more interested in just gratifying his own lustful desires you know like he just wanted no that's what he used his devil fruit for like he went invisible to like creep on like Robin and Nami like remember that seemed real I clicked Robin on the ship and then he you know it was touching Nami in the shower you know that was into some dark creepy places for one piece you know but that's that's when he used it for like I'm just going to satiate my lustful fantasies rather than all the other stuff you can do by literally turning invisible same thing with Perona if Perona was if the horahora know me was wielded by like Blackbeard or somebody Blackard would use the negative Hallows make his opponents drop to the ground and then take out one of his flintlocks and then that's all she wrote at that point you know what I mean also I have a theory that you know that the comical appearance that the the hollows take you know that that funny emoji face kind of appearance I have a feeling like the user of the fruit can choose the form that the ghosts appear as because they're ghosts they're hollows you there they're not they don't have a physical tangible form so you can basically make them look like whatever you want and Coronas the gothic lolita girl so she made that kind of like goofy cutesy kind of appearance but if it was wielded by somebody like Blackbeard or somebody like Kaito I think the the ghost would take a much more intimidating kind of appearance ah man if they were wielded by Kaito because Kaito you know like feudal Japan all the oni and everything i could totally imagine him taking the appearance of like like this the mask that the no mask you know what i mean that kind of thing oh my god that would be terrifying right though so some other abilities that she's got okay well i did say that the ghosts don't have a physical form and that's partially not true okay they can explode okay that's what i'm getting across here okay you could have a moment where a ghost could attach to you and then she could snap her fingers and then and then you know the opponent would definitely feel the damage from that we don't really get an equivalent like how much you know did you know explosive power the ghosts are really packing but suffice it to say that the mini hollows the smaller ghosts result in a much smaller explosion and the larger goes that she makes or a much larger explosion to the point that it could actually destroy the opponent altogether when she did this with Asaf and she made that giant ghost that like bit down on him that the bite didn't do a lot of damage like the giant like big boo from like super mario brothers like that the bite didn't do a lot of damage who saw us just trapped in this ghost but she mentioned that when it blows it's going to completely rip him to pieces okay it's not even he's not even gonna be around anymore at that point now who's up was clever enough to stop the the explosive impact using an impact dial he stored it in an impact dial so at some I don't know if it was ever shown at that point that an impact I'll could store explosions but it's kind of good that you figure that out or you know sooner rather than later who's up is the guy that likes to tinker with things a lot so I can imagine he was on the the going Mary and in the sunny messing around with the dials and seeing what the upper limit of what they can or can't do like maybe who's soft took like a firecracker or a string of firecrackers or something and then use the impact down is like I wonder if I could store this and he and he figured it out he's like oh so these things work on explosions - that's that's good to know so yeah if that was the case who saw probably would have not been around very much longer but yeah they can they can explode something else that piranhas can do is like I said she can astral project her own spirit her own spirit takes the appearance of herself it doesn't take the appearance of the ghost like the hollow so perotta will look exactly like she looks when she's in her corporeal form she has the same clothes she has her crown she has everything he said umbrella she has everything except she's a ghost now so she can phase through solid matter she can fly she can even make herself appeared gigantic so she can more of her appearance I don't know if it's possible but I would like to assume that because like she's a ghost she could take any form that she desires that would be pretty cool we've just never seen it with that once again she's Lolita girl so maybe she's like I'm I could take the appearance of like this giant Godzilla dragon to scare the crap out of my enemies but that wouldn't be very cutesy you know what I mean that's not really my style now there's a downside to this while it works great for you know espionage and reconnaissance you can literally just leave your body and then you could travel around phase through walls she could also use her hollows as reconnaissance as well she could send her ghost out to observe things and I don't know if she can see what they can see it's kind of left vague or they come back to her and they report to her what they saw maybe it might be something like that but she herself can yet turn into a ghost and she can like be a fly on the wall in any situation I don't think she can turn invisible because that once again would be more into the land of the sube sube know me which is Absalom's fruit but you know it doesn't really matter because if there's a wall there she can just phase through the wall a little bit's just so her eye as president she can look through the wall and at that point it you know she's not technically invisible but no one's gonna notice her if she's smart with it however two downsides with this first downside is she's intangible so while she can't be hurt she also cannot hurt others now she kind of got around this by not only using the explosive you know mini hollows and her ghosts and everything but she also got around this by psychologically messing with her opponents so she was going after us off and then whose sock was already kind of terrified of her because he couldn't hit her but then Perona like creeps up behind us off and then puts her ghost arms right into sobs chest and like she makes it seem like my hands are wrapped around your heart one little squeeze and I can stop and there's nothing you can do about it cuz I'm a ghost Peron is just like yeah actually I can't do that so she's a ghost but she can mess with people like like your hands are in my body like that's gonna skeeve anybody out I don't care who you are you know of all of a sudden you're fighting this ghost girl and then her arms they're like reaching through you and grabbing you and it's like you can't do anything to stop her cuz you can't grab her and you know knock her off you that that's gonna psychologically mess with you if you don't know the intricacies of her fruit because for all you know she really could do that she could grab your heart and squeeze it and stop it right there like freaking you know law does with his ability so yeah you just never know but who stopped was able to figure out he was able to figure it out that like yeah she's intangible right now I can't hit her but she can't hurt me so it's all good the second crucial weakness of the astral projection thing is it's leaving your physical body completely open to enemy attack now the way that Perona usually does this is she runs back to like her hidden room so it's like a secret room that's in the wall and it has like a bed in it and she'll sit on the bed and then she'll leave her body and then phase through the wall so under normal circumstances you really wouldn't be able to find her body but it's not something you could do in the middle of combat you can't be in the middle of fighting somebody and then astral project because all the enemy would have to do is attack your lifeless body and then if the body gets destroyed your your ghost gets destroyed along with it you're dead at that point there's nothing it doesn't matter where your ghost is your bodies destroyed you're dead so yeah she had to like run away from usopp at first and she was terrified and then get to her room and then she you know she think she used kuma she to run interference so you know gave you know her time to get into her secret room and then she could leave her body so she can mess with who's soft with the heart thing and she made herself giant but at the end of the day yeah it really did nothing to actually it didn't do anything to actually physically hurt who saw but it didn't mess with him psychologically but then who saw it figured out the trick figured out where her corporeal body was and then used his own psychological means of defeating Perona by attaching her to the bed with the sticky bomb and then he used the Atlas shot while he used that shot to destroy the wall so he found her than the sticky bomb and then the cockroaches and then of course ending it out with the who saw a boo-boo boo-boo golden pound and then of course she gets completely you know traumatized to the point where she loses consciousness she loses consciousness all of the ghosts disappear as well typical devil fruit kind of weaknesses there and that's how Perona was defeated so yeah like I said though if this fruit was wielded by somebody with a little bit more like it like for example let me just throw something out at you here this fight was a little bit comical in the sense of like they're like Perona and who stops facial expressions cuz they make very unique facial expressions so there's like the time when she used the giant ghost the big boo thing and she's like I'm gonna destroy you I'm gonna blow you up and then she does that but then who saw fuses the impact I'll she after that she just kind of assumes that like this man is indestructible this man is so powerful you know like not realizing like you can try that again how about you try the same thing with the big boo again except this time maybe make a bunch of them instead of just one because you clearly can do that or just keep using it over and over like oh it didn't work the first time you had a method to nullify it alright how about the second time or the third time or the fourth time that little seashell has probably got to have to reach a breaking point at some place you know what I mean so it's sort of like a comical fight and like I said she doesn't she's so used I think to just messing with her opponents not worrying about getting hurt because she's a ghost and doesn't have to worry about her attacks not working cuz up to loose off they always worked always so she gets to that point where she's in a real fight with who saw and she doesn't really she's not used to it so she's like oh crap what do I do now and so that's that's where she failed there but yeah I I do think that this fruit has a lot of strong applications you know like beyond just what Perona did with it if you could literally shape-shift if you could change your body into whatever you wanted that would be very intimidating to the opponent there if all of a sudden ooh soft turned the corner and there was this giant Godzilla thing like like breathing right in your face and you could like create fake atomic breath or whatever like it would you know whose stuff we probably faint like a freaking you know piece of driftwood right there does it go you know but like I said that's not a guarantee you could do that but you're a ghost you lack a physical form you might be able to take the shape of whatever you want there like I said I think the ghost could also change shape depending on to the users desire when you send out a ghost to make someone feel the you know depressed and you hollow them out don't just send one of them cuz it only lasts for a few seconds keep like you know cuz these ghosts can't be hid so keep like four or five of them constantly attached to the opponent like like familiars like you can't get rid of them no matter what you do and they just keep on cycling through you like in like an infinity loop or something like do something like that and it would be really effectual um you know beyond that the only physical attack we've seen these things do or the exploding thing but you know you can make use of that not even like the way that Perona did with like attaching them to the opponent and then you know cause ghost or wrap you know that's the name of the attack there but imagine if you use these things like your opponent's running down a hallway okay and you want to get the jump on them you want to get an ambush on your opponent opponents running down a hallway alright well here's what you do go use your ghost powers go under the the hallway to the floor below that or the floor above it and use your ghosts to make the floor or the ceiling explode and just out of nowhere you're running and you're like I gotta get out of so you know and then that's when you launch a freaking surprise attack and that's when you launch your negative hollows to like go into your opponent and is like oh man I fell down that hole there's no way I could get back up there man it's like four feet I'm useless and just get the infinity loop going and then pull out a knife or something and then there you go that's all she wrote seemed like well you wouldn't be able to pull out a knife if you were in this Court if you were in the intangible ghosts form but you could still use the ghost wrap and then explode your opponent then you're done I mean like it would be easy to do that of course if your opponent was strong enough like if it's someone like Kaito who's built like a brick [ __ ] an explosion probably wouldn't do much to him or anything really but I think for most opponents like there's smarter ways that Perona could have went about this than what she did it wasn't a bad way she utilized her fruit it was just very underwhelming from what it was capable of so I'm something I always forget to talk about when I do these devil fruit discussions I sometimes I mention it sometimes I don't I forget every time usually it seems more than more than I remember but an awakening all right so the the hora hora Nami is a paramecia so with that being said going along with the logic of other paramecia so far we've seen that are awakened it would be allowed to change the rest of the world around you into ghosts now I can actually see this in a really effectual way if you could create illusions essentially so let's say your opponent is I mean this is a very particular thing but let's say your opponent is running away and there's a bridge and your opponent's like oh I'm gonna run across that bridge to the other side of it away but it's not a real bridge it's an illusion it's you changing the environment into your ghost into your hollows and you're taking the form of a bridge so they take one step and then they fall and plummet or you could you know that the problem is you know the thing is what we've seen with kata curries mochi and doflamingo string is that it's really useful to turn the entire ground into their elements so they could just use it at their will but Perona can kind of already create a seemingly endless amount of ghosts it's just that maybe she would be able to like like ghost with it would be like like the dead rising from Hell you know just like these ghosts would just start to bubble up from the ground like soap bubbles like this is like surrounding you for one thing it would definitely a [ __ ] owes but also there's nowhere you could go like the entire battlefield is surrounded by these things like a ghost dome or something and then once again you could do the infinity loop at that point so pip-pip cheerio you're you're done at that point so yeah umm really cool devil fruit I really dig Perona I think she's pretty cute we all know where she's at right now she's on the muggy Island or the muggy Kingdom hanging out with me hawk and you know what I've I've already I've made so many jokes about that I've made like me hawks giving it to Perona long sword style so um I'm not even gonna bring it up I mean I guess I kind of just did but I'm not even gonna go there but I will read a sexy fanfic about it Peron arrived on the bed her pink hair fluttering about like a lionesses mane as me hawk entered the room shut the door with a large commanding boom ripped off his wet shirt and then laid right on top of her his cross necklace dangling over her face and he asked her ghost woman are you prepared to deal with my expert swordsmanship you may not be ready yet Moroni could do nothing but simply let out a quivering yesmy hawk sama I am she was unsure of her words but they decided to continue and that's when me Hawk proceeded to whip out his and if you want to read the rest of that masterpiece go and check out my link in the description below have a great October guys we're just getting started
Channel: Tekking101
Views: 113,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tekking101, one piece, anime, devil fruit, perona, thriller bark, horo, hollow, ghost, usopp, negative, mini, mihawk, zoro, oda, paramecia, awakening, tekking 101, teking 101, tekking, teking
Id: N5Q9cjeLcpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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