Permanent Firing Rocket Launcher Destroys Hazard 5 in Deep Rock Galactic Survivor

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welcome back to De Rock Galactic Survivor and today we are playing the engineer okay de demolitionist engineer so we have the big boom ability here 20% radius 20% reload speed on explosives and of course we're playing on H at level five okay um but yeah the goal is we have to reach level 60 with him and I have a strategy but I don't know if the strategy really works the strategy is a following get a huge amount of AOE that mass clears the enemies let the enemy elit stack up like stupid okay that they get like a huge amount spawn a ridiculous amount of enemies we get a that's good but also means my weapon has no damage that's a main problem but yeah AOE clear the enemies like stupid and you just let the like the the wave go on as long as possible that you can Farm a ginormous amount of experience okay now this is getting a little bit ridiculous you know the crit is nice the radius is nice and everything but I have no damage so I have now tried this multiple times the problem in the first run was or well the first successful run was that oh we already here uh guided rocket system you know what that's an explosive weapon yeah sure let's take that here couple of booms and the problem was first I got too many non weapon upgrades that were way better than the the weapon upgrades so I didn't go for the weapon upgrades and never reach level 18 so this is my goal focus more on weapons this time but like that was an ironic start right that we just had to it because level six is now super far away um then next St there is a big problem when you run around too much which kind of sucks because many of the amazing upgrades in this game either require you to have gold or to have Nitra but you can't yeah great okay okay what do I do now do I just go for it I mean I guess I could do that so I walk around the issue is like it looks like there's not a lot of experience being dropped but it's actually a ginormous amount and if you don't get that all the time you don't really level up give me weapon upgrades please like just look at this there's a little bit of experience around this is easily a couple of level UPS like look at this look at this I keep walking this is just a bit that was down here those were already two level UPS uh let's go for let's go for damage on you yeah that sounds good both of these are fine to take to six because both just clear more enemies oh that was a huge amount explosion radius is also good it's not really something I want to necessarily Focus on but the more we hit the more we wipe out and the biggest problem is dealing with masses it sounds ironic right okay let's take you further to six because you're level five like you would think an AOE build can easily deal with masses but the enemies are so tough on this difficulty that it's it's hard it's really hard and yes I rather want to have the damage over anything else the bounces on terrain this one is explosive do we just take that I mean it's as let's just do it and then I I guess the final one we could take the cryog grenade if I find that that's horrible okay I will take a bunch of damage here but now I will leave because all the masses are gone yeah sure let's do that the masses are gone okay so I will now walk around because there's like the experience is accumulated we got it we consumed it I will get all the Nitra that I can for crit and the goal is I don't really want to spend it but we may have to spend it for major weapon upgrades I think this is a bad habit I've gotten into that I stop spending Nitra just because I get crit out of it but the value of the crit is often not worth the loss in advances that you could have made at three more Rockets perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect okay so my goal is level 21 this would be great to achieve that since we have to reach 60 on the final stage and the longer it goes on the harder it is to level up the goal on the next stage is level 40 and the goal after that is level 53 so on stage three we want to be 53 uh reload speed on everything I don't think that's as worth it as upgrading a weapon or overclocking a weapon I mean oh okay well that was my entire HP bar great and there was a little Gremlin that just hit me man I hate this sometimes why is this so hard okay I got all experience that's good where's the drop podt down there crit is very nice reload speed on you is insane I will take that over the experience that it's just needed I need stuff okay so with my experience bonuses I should easily level up here yes nice that is huge we'll take that split into three weaker ones also very good because they can overlap I'm pretty sure at least that like this the same shot can hit the same enemy now three times cuz all in all this wasn't the best round I've ever had do I need to heal I don't think I need to I think I can just do it on the next stage and the natural healing is also high oh that would have been really good the crit chance that should be worth it right sure or the damage I I'll just get both of them right what am I talking about let's just do both of them there's more kite again perfect so right now we have a total weapon level of 19 we were level 23 that is a very good start that is that is a very solid start for the very first stage it didn't last as long as I hope but when I got squished into the corner I lost all of the HP that I had which is my gamble Zone like the moment I get lower I have to leave and that was really unlucky so I Hope on this stage maybe I can do it with some level 12 upgrades in our weapons okay there's more Nitra that means more crit beautiful there's the rest of the morite there's more gold maybe we get the upgrade that the more gold we have the more damage we deal that would be perfect right now okay you're level six nice uh add an additional explosion deals kinetic damage oh no weaker ones weaker ones weaker ones apply more a it to the enemies I don't even know how that really works like if it works the way I think it does that it Stacks up or or or how that is you know in reality oo oh that's spicy I shouldn't forget that I don't have a lot of HP hies G grenade perfect perfect freeze the enemies oh what what just did 59 damage to me was an explosion hitting me that I didn't see must have been I don't think anything else deals that much damage to you okay swarm incoming the drill is about to drop I will get the healing here and then I have to go back and get all the experience that is on the floor right now because that's way too much like I can't just ignore that you get an upgrade I guess damage on cryo is useless I just wanted to attack more often that it freezes the enemies more often this dude is about to die as well good there's more Nitra this is going awfully well but don't think it's over okay stage three is where the main story starts because this is where ranged enemies start spawning like these ones I I just got stuck on the Rock like these ones here but they range they shoot bullets and they are really hard to deal with like they are no joke you reload speed nice let's take you to 12 so I think this weapon has AOE as well I have two throwables I mean sure let's do it because reload speed means we fire it out more often that is the very first magnet I've gotten so far if I win now I already know why just because I've gotten a stupid magnet and I call it stupid because I don't like how rare they are that you sometimes see them like sometimes I actually get them two times a run and other times I make multiple runs and I don't see them a single time which is like they are way too good for that that is insane okay so uh slow back uh here is a problem I kind of want to have the Nitra for bonus Nitra but if we take that then we can get it again because you can get this x amount of times this one is only once and can say save me but I'll take the Nitra I'll be a little bit greedy it's not even greedy it's for farming up crit right but the issue is you get such little amounts I should I shouldn't take that it's not worth it yeah yeah I'll just go around and take the healing the elites have spawned that means I now need to get into a spot in a choke hold where the enemies all walk in from one side and I can bombard them maybe I can do that in a spot where was there still a bunch of experience down there maybe I should look for that or I should just get the gold here you know just saying that is a bunch of gold that is a huge amount of gold and I'm still getting shot at I love it reload speed on everything let's just do it because I don't really care about the grenades all too much oh yes I knew there's something left over okay yeah well that's not even that much well the point about the choke hold didn't really work out and now there are a lot of ranged enemies that are trying to kill me so I will just stay here I don't like how open it is with AOE weapons you really want to Corner the enemies I'll take you to six again I guess not [Laughter] again um this is fine I mean this is kind of a perfect chold if this dude wasn't there and this dude then it would be perfect yeah this is oh this is perfect this is exactly what I wanted nice a huge amount died there two more level UPS on you I don't care I'll upgrade you my weapons are still behind how is that possible this dude can seriously damage me oh we just got barely out okay I have to take some more damage here this is getting really concerning like this is just no joke oh all the experience reload speed on you if the game would give me a plus three on one of these two weapons life could be a lot easier but instead I just keep getting trash I don't want to have and the thing is the grenades are not the worst thing ever but they are also not what carries me I think so yeah I need these two on 12 ASAP the good thing is we have a bunch of Nitra and I will use that to actually buy weapon upgrades it's mandatory I need it I'm falling behind way too far I'm level 40 by the way and this is what my level uh weapons look like that is beautiful explosion radius insane because all of the little gremlins that we shoot out the triple ones they have now way bigger explosions and we have insane damage on them by the way so what is the plan here I yeah I wanted to say I have to dodge that hit and I just walked right into it great okay at least I only took 37 how is he even still alive shouldn't you be dead okay okay okay uh that much about the choke hold that much about the choke hold the choke hold is gone goodbye aridi chold chold it's choke point isn't it chold or something else yep yep it's getting worse I haven't noticed it at all dude like for me everything is totally fine this is just a normal Friday suay s Friday Sunday Friday evening okay yeah 42 is the answer to life didn't you know that so how do I get back there's a range bullet I have no idea how to do this like I have zero idea how to survive this okay okay okay I mean that's a way to do it D am I greedy I'm I'm just a little bit greedy bullets bullets bullets nice they squashed there's so much experience on the floor that was easily like three or four level UPS okay what do we have here um I will take that because it upgrades it I think this is horrible because I want to use the choke point so I'll not take that this is okay Max HP and armor I'll actually take that and because I didn't get the uh gold damage upgrade yeah I didn't get that I will just get H I feel like I should get just get these yeah and movement speed is also important I could just heal here because well pickup radius is okay that this is fine stage three level 43 we are ahead of the schedule because my goal was 40 we have the morite quest again let's just be very careful and before you say du you lost a lot of crits yes but level 18 and 12 is just more important it's a bigger damage upgrade especially 18 okay so it looks like right now we at least killing the small ones that's good the bad thing is I can't really walk out I'm stuck not in the good way with the camera like it's just like where do I go from here explosion radius that works on all of these ooh there's more kite this is what I was looking for okay I mean I would have loved to have some Nitra here to get some crit back but that's that's also good okay what do I do now there's healing ooh I didn't even see that o I didn't even see that nice nice nice nice nice let me get that perfect okay there are big boys this is an explosion guy can't really do anything I have to look out for the projectile they are shooting okay but not only that I also have to look out for normal enemies there are just there's just too much going on this is my main issue I don't even think that it like the the weapons are bad I just set the ground on fire is that no no no that's horrible because I I would see even less okay it gets even laggier than it is already pick up radius crit chance I'll take the crit chance we did we just kill every single enemy get ready oh 20% damage on kinetic is huge let's just take did we just kill everything really how did that happen nothing majorly changed well I guess it's really just about stick to the enemies as much as possible but the funny thing is I'm getting Nitra right when I just mine and I really want that I can't stay there because there is one dude that is very annoying so I will try to Circle them and shoot my projectile into them like this there's some healing I got it nice huge amount of HP not HP XP okay let's go back here there's gold that is not what I wanted but there's Nitra huge huge hug huge you get to 15 I don't care what even the other upgrade was I just need them on 18 I hope this is my main hope that the level 18 is an insane upgrade the only problem is in my memory the rocket launcher sucked it was horrible um can I get around these guys okay I have a tiny bit of nitro but it's not a lot I could squash these but I feel like based on what we have seen we are at a point where I don't need to kill them with this maybe one of them would be good yeah let's just do one of them you walk over here nice okay so only this one is left fire rate minus movement speed that can kill me that can easily kill me sure let's do it I like it I need more movement speed now but the thing is you don't need movement speed if there's nothing left alive to run away from that is an awfully optimistic kind of VI you know uh I'll actually roll here I'll roll here again that is horrible but at the same time is level 18 shoot an additional time in the opposite direction why why just why you know does the question make sense to you just why that is horrible um okay are we good are we friends I think we literally just killed everything that I'll take that I'll take that listen it's not going that well that I wouldn't take that this is the Fest I've gotten so far by the way okay level 52 we got 12 level UPS here I would really like to kill these Gremlins here but I'll walk up and I have to run away come on die die die quickly die they're just walking against the the ran by the way we got it okay I am I in okay that was that was that was very close 29 gold for luck I'll take that we will need luck and now we have to take this to 18 also very good quest in fact you could argue this might be a little bit better than morite because it allows me to stay like to keep walking instead of being stuck I could have played this by the way on the Scout and this would have been how many Rockets did I just fire out wait how why do we have so many Rockets it just keeps firing huh why do you not stop firing I haven't even noticed that so far was it always like that uh really really huh well that's interesting yeah I definitely have to take that to 18 I want to see what else is possible with that do we have some Nitra no it's gold do we have some Nitra no it's gold I just want some Nitra but it's even more gold um I don't even know if my weapons are exploding or if the enemies are exploding I'll be honest it's like like I just need help is that is this is this there gold again you got to be kid even more gold what is this this is a gold Paradise okay great amazing good job great broud of you where's my Nitra where's my crit look at this how the rocket launcher is just shooting above the the the Rocks hitting all the enemies mhm okay this is fine guys this is cool guys don't look at explosions we hey you know professionals call it running away but we call that cool guys don't look at explosions oh my God the the rocket thingy when there's only one enemy around all of them focus them jeez Louise yeah you don't say lit up like a Christmas tree D look at this it's lighting up everything I I I don't even see projectiles what am I supposed to do uh the drill is already down did we do that already I feel like I didn't right Jesus okay I need I need to roll I need to yeah I need to get this this is important okay so what I'll do is I'll run up here there's a huge amount of perfect that is amazing that is amazing this is like I think this is our biggest damage we have right now I could be wrong and it's not actually dealing that much damage but I think it is there's another level up 15% damage on everything is huge now I want to have the gold gives damage upgrade because we have a high amount of damage 17% and this wouldve multiply it please we can squish the elites here let's just do it let's just do it perfect nice okay that sucks a lot this sucks a lot okay there's a bunch of experience down there which I would like to have I don't really want to leave right now I mean I have to and I'm taking a lot of damage for staying okay you know what let's just leave let's just leave we need one more level up in this I will spend Nitra for that if we get it in fact I think I will use gold to roll a bit and then I will buy the upgrade with Nitra okay we managed to get out I don't see anything there this is bad I could no no no no huge huge that is that was everything that I had okay explosion damage is huge you are I can't even buy that okay I need one level up in it please yeah that's great wait look at the rocket launcher it will just focus on that [Laughter] now does like no damage at all like zero but hey it's funny you know it looks funny so my goal is I want to collect all the Nitra on this stage we want to get this to 18 for which I need gold but we have a bunch of gold now this dude is still getting bombarded by the way not sure how this will work out with the boss around you know I I I if this is just game over I think I'm actually that desperate that I will also mine these guys it's just a tiny bit but you know two of them is 1% crit chance I thought I exploded you guys why are you still around let's get the rid of them did I I didn't see that they were exploding I thought I didn't trigger them like that I failed okay there's even more gold do we need that much gold I can use it to roll for good upgrades I guess sure sure okay what do we have now that it's I need to roll I reload speed we have even more reload speed and a lot more Rockets what does that mean you don't show me how many Rockets you make but we shoot every 1.14 seconds okay are you ready guys how many Rockets just a few Ju Just Ju just a few before we couldn't see anything because of all the explosions now we can't see anything because of all the Rockets this dude doesn't even know how to walk anymore he's like help me help me everything is shooting at me from all sides no it's kind of fun kind of fun I'll be honest kind of fun okay this dude is dead should have maybe used this to kill the final boss but I I am in love that is so good that is is so good how much crit chance 99% 99 you know what that means this bit of Nitra here will put us to 100% and we'll have some explosion fun you know didn't get the gold yeah we didn't get the gold upgrade instead of this one that would have been insane actually instead of this one that would have been insane um because that is a lot of bonus damage but now I guess we just focus on more damage we don't take these to2 you can forget about that I don't think that's worth it I have to reach level 60 which we're about to reach I will get the gold though because that means we can reroll for legendaries potentially and yes I said potentially okay the odds of that are very low this dude is dead that's a level up that's level 60 not level 60 okay what happens if I stick close to them they just get nuked out of fix look at the rocket launchers I didn't even notice that we have a double beam or something like that I don't even know what it's doing it just shoots so many rockets that it can Target everything around us yes reload speed give it even more give it even more come on keep going keep going push push everything into it what is your reload speed right now 1.04 seconds I my game is lagging Jesus Christ okay so the downside is and I'll be absolutely honest I do not think we can kill the final boss I think it is impossible because our Rockets what they need is they need to kill the Target and then they shift who they attack but pretty much what will happen is we waste a huge amount of bullets into the main boss which will kill all the enemies around him then there are no more enemies around him so the explosions are bad on the boss we don't want that but he'll keep getting focused because he has so much HP so yeah that is what I assume that we can't do this but it was an insane run it was Giga fun and I'll try my best to do it but with the slow movement speed that I have I don't think I can do it and he's there uh can you wait with the charging okay now you can okay there we go crit chance is entirely useless kinetic damage is a lot I I will actually roll for explosion radius helps me clear the AOE that helps me clear the AOE yes AO is down the enemies that is huge uh I have a problem okay so I have to run back but there are a bunch of enemies if he charges now while I'm mining I am stuck uh-huh yeah see this is kind of what I was fearing because we can't clear the major enemies we can't clear the masses anymore is he charging I don't see anything is the problem I don't even know what he's doing you have to imagine me as the one playing and not as the one watching I have to focus on many multiple things so I need to be very fast about where I'm looking and if I'm looking for the boss and all I see is 5 billion explosions it's really hard to see what he's doing in that moment okay okay okay let's SLE around let's walk sideways let's walk back up again I got hit by a bullet that's totally fine you know nothing bad is happening here ever this is a dead end uhoh I don't even know how that didn't hit me I have no idea okay bunch of explosions me off that is very good okay okay he's charging range guys why are you doing this to me oh this is so bad oh this is so he's charging I can't I can't that was I I my nerves my nerves are dying shoot all the bullets into him please shoot all the bullets into him please I think I have to dodge sideways which is not good is he charging yes he's charging okay downwards downwards come on come on come on just a bit more just a bit more shisa I can't get out I can't get out you have to die now you have to die now you can't Dodge nine I how did I the HP yes go go go h h h h TR trp TR next to me next to me next to me where is it where is it I get there I can get there I can get without do it rain fire on these peasants rain fire on these [Laughter] peasants I deserve that I deserve that look at this look at all these rockets look at all these rockets look at this Festival this is a perfect ending for haard five oh goodbye manag I can't believe I won this so yeah I'm actually really surprised that we had such equal damage in there and this was utility you know that makes sense but that is wow I love that that was amazing I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 37,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, deep rock galactic, deep rock galactic survivor, asmongold
Id: i--_0T2tHAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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