This Weapon Did Over 40 MILLION Damage in Deep Rock Galactic Survivor

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welcome back to De brck Galactic Survivor and today we try to beat Hazard 3 on the first stage and I have two possible plans and the first one is with the Gunner where we'll take the chuggernaut okay and the plan is we mostly run away but the enemies will not like survive okay that that that that's a part of the plan once we I'm level five you'll see what I'm talking about so I would just say I'll mine up a bit in the beginning but I've noticed in these difficult stages you don't want to run around too much okay that's a horrible start oh that's bad but yeah you don't want to run around too much you want to focus on actually killing the enemies and getting experience because otherwise you okay sure because that's insane because otherwise you just fall behind since they are way tankier they also deal more damage so you can't just like quickly walk into them for efficiency because you do that a couple of times and you die see why I took the tank yeah exactly for that reason I'll take the crit here you may say that's what I are you doing how how do you intend to kill all the enemies if you only take like crit and experience you'll see you'll see I mean I don't know if you'll see because I have no idea if the weapon is actually good or bad but based on my testing which is like just the time where I unlocked it like where I overclocked it to level 12 as in I didn't do the overclocking yet but I just got it there to unlock it it did a huge amount of damage so I really hope that it's just broken there's more Nitro that's very good because that's weapon upgrades and I think we'll need them oh I have to run away don't I I guess I could attempt no I need this oh that is evil okay so I'll do something stupid let me hopefully do this okay we have it incendiary grenade now the incendiary grenade even without overclocking upgrades that's okay I had huge amounts of damage on it and my dream is that's just way too much experience wait if I find these caps now I will get a huge explosion ion of experience and that may be enough that means I have to take damage here is that really worth it uh yes there is the last one oh my God okay please give me like two level ups that would be great it's not that much it's not even close right well well it tried its best okay so yeah I have I'll take this upgrade it's just way better I don't mind taking this to one overclock level upgrade but we don't want to focus on it though it's still okay at killing some enemies you know I have so much bonus experience gain and it's still so bad I don't think it's enough in this game you know okay there's reload speed nice that's good let's start this growing I hope that the overclocking upgrades are ridiculous like something like make it way bigger maybe wait there's a magnet oh that's insane because that means I do not have to focus on the enemies anymore like to GA all experience and instead I can just run away mine the Gold Mine the Nitra we have 31 Nitra that's not enough enough I need way more than that but uh we do have a lot of gold okay the boss spawned it's the slasher luckily the worst thing you can get is the flyer in my experience it's really hard to deal with him I have two weapons level two so you know oh wait that will do a lot that's nice that's actually really nice our main weapon targets the closest enemy and it pierces so we can hit the boss but it's just very unlikely if I do something like this it works but like does this look like I'm getting a lot of like hits in pain do I just take the magnet now it means I will miss out on a lot of experience but I may be able to kill the boss fast I will do it it it's a difficult call okay but I need weapon upgrades that's good this is good uh I have to roll here oh that's not what I hope for are there maybe some explosion guys oh there a lot of explosion guys that's a huge Chain Reaction here let's walk close explode nine that's not what I hope for um huh how do I get there headache headache headache headache headache nice that's a little bit of bonus we have decent values here even though I rolled that's decent but yeah do you see the issue now we don't have the magnet so I can't guarantee I will get this bunch of experience you are about to level up though maybe you have something amazing in there that will just carry me okay I will roll once I will roll twice I'll take the damage here but that's really not what I wanted I need the upgrade I need something amazing oh that's really not what I wanted wait shoots a barrage of exploding projectiles in One Direction no let's go for this I guess because it's also grenade and maybe that will help us but I know it's a loser but you know maybe maybe if we get it to six and it has an insane upgrade who knows it could be good how hard can it be to get one single upgrade on the weapon okay you got to be kidding I I'm actually going to use all of my money there we go I will take the damage here imagining is wait what what is better for wait this is like 210% damage right 3070 uh time 3 210 let's do that like both of these are did you see how we just exploded the entire Army there uh yeah more damage on that one is also okay more experience even okay reload speed on all the throwables did I only unlock because we have two of them that could be so now we have the problem though the enemies have gotten stronger quite a few times and as you can see they have a huge amount of movement speed like I can barely outrun them so please like these explosions have to kill them all need to move oh my God it deals 200 damage as it explodes that is a lot that is like the bullet damage we have right now reload speed on you is very good we need to get the area upgrade that is important I really hope there are not that many upgrades in there like that it could mess me over and I get something else the boss is about to die I think when the boss dies you always get the experience right uh throwable sure okay yes I got it that's perfect I don't care that there's so much experience on the floor I just want out like I I'm happy what we did here more throwable damage I need to get this to 12 please I need red upgrades here we don't have a lot of resources let's just hope for the best well that's straight up perfect that's exactly what I was hoping for nice and I can't even buy anything else so let's just continue in the beginning again I will try to get as many resources as possible there's healing right away there are two of these flowers and we only need six there are two more up there that is amazing what a great start so you are about to be level 12 this is about to be six but again I don't care about this one at all so yeah wait there's the fifth one down there I just saw oh look at this sneaky big boy oh I hate these bosses like these Elites the random ones so I have five out of six where is the final one I want these dudes to explode on the Rocks here uh I kind of also free them I just realized that's maybe not the best thing to do but I need him to explode perfect perfect now I walk in we get a huge amount of experience you are Level 10 um I have to dig out though yeah I can't just stay it's impossible but the good thing is these little choke holes there the enemies take a huge amount of damage when the fire lands in there and that's a lot of experience nice just look at all the experience I can get we'll get a drill first because there could be something in there like per Nitra you get crit I think that would be the best one because that also means I can focus on getting more L Nitra and just turn insane other things that would be good is like get more damage damage per gold we have a lot of gold right now so that would help us out a lot nice huge amount of experience so what do we have this sucks oh this sucks a lot I will take the HP and the healing because that can actually save your butocks okay do I get the Nitro here in time before they appear oh that's easy P lemon queasy nice so I have to circle around that means I have to take damage I think in these stages you have to be very precise about when to take damage and when to just run away and ignore everything because if you always just run away then you miss out on the experience right in the direction you're facing I have no idea what this does so I'll just take it the last weapon doesn't matter at all you know so I'll just take it uh are these just the big bullets that it's shooting I don't really know what it's doing let's roll let's roll there we go level 12 explosion radius this could be interesting but I don't know how good it is I'll take the explosion radius is because now we have a ginormous thing that is normal right I think oh my did you see the other why is it shooting so fast wait what is this what is this reload speed this is okay even more reload speed this is just going crazy okay there is a pretorian nice not a flying guy very important to us because the flying ones they are way harder to deal with wait we just nuked the entire enemy crit also very good not even sure if Elemental damage can crit but I hope it can wait did we just did we just eliminate all of the enemies they're like only a few weak ones left look at this what you have no idea how much I struggled with this uh I don't need any of these I guess crit is fine yeah sure let's do it like look at this I mean okay how do we kill the boss though we have huge AOE clear but how do we kill the boss do we care about killing the boss huh why do I say that well if we can kill the enemies always then we can just run away and mind the entire stage H oh well maybe I'll just do that so the goal is to get this to 18 to get its huge upgrade 18 is always a stronger upgrade to compared to the other ones so given that this is already completely busted I really need to see 18 soon and I think on the next stage I will not be able to kill the boss anymore because we have focused way too much on AOE that means I need something on the fire like increases damage over time or so since we they are so big and we have so many of them I think increasing damage would be the best thing because they keep standing in it more crit more reload speed on grenades let's take the reload speed uh can I get this before he tickles me I mean I'm also kind of just killing him right why am I even so concerned okay one big explosion on top of him and I think he'll just die more projectile more CR how much crit do we have 34% okay that means I need crit damage I'll focus on that if I see it but not over an upgrade on this okay so many explosions now they stay alive for way longer though this could become a problem but it's not my problem right now that's a problem of future decks my problem is right now just get all experience because that's a bunch of level UPS one more level in it guys a singular level in it and I think I'll get a level here yes oh we got it okay what do you have PS in enemies before detonation and 25% explosion radius it's time to kill uh uh uh I thought he would die okay he did die that was um okay it's bad to test that on enemies that are so tanky right now but does it actually pull in enemies it really doesn't feel like it I'm not going to gamble around we're just leaving and I'll I'll keep focusing on this even more reload speed what what are your stats right now reload time is 2 seconds explosion radius is 4.65 it doesn't say how long it lasts though that would be nice to know because I think we have it stacking right now on multiple layers like we shoot it multiple times before it expires oh my God I'm going to focus on crit damage okay do we have anything else here um even more crit damage I can do that sure and I guess I can upgrade this maybe it has something like everything else deals more damage that would be not the caps again oh I have to find 12 okay I'll do it this is like my most hated Quest so how are we doing with the explosions I don't I don't see them pulling in enemies I'll be honest like I see a wave that happens but I don't see the enemies physically getting pulled in does that really happen look at how explosion is though oh I hope there's a legendary upgrade that gives you like plus one grenade just imagine that because right now they split up into three that means we would have six of them um got what just happened to him what is with these what I need what I really need is a magnet though I I need a magnet badly okay I mean that's a that's a lot of explosion damage nice that's a bit of HP back maybe we kill him here if we got a good explosion come on nice that is on top of him he just got pushed away he didn't get pulled in he got pushed away fake news fake news Okay reload even more reload speed on this let's just let's just cover the entire stage in it you know why not uh that's a Pokémon okay careful careful careful careful careful uh the issue is is I don't really see the enemies anymore you know because they're just there's just fire and explosions everywhere so these just landed now another one went off okay they do overlap but not that much that means what I need is lasting well or reload time I guess oh my God increases your damage per Nitra you have that is that could actually end up killing me if because we notice we have problems killing bosses right so I have to kite them that means the fight takes long and if I'm slowed down as I am right now oh this could have been a huge like mistake I really hope it's not let's get even more experience I guess that n it's way too late I shouldn't take that anymore yeah that was a mistake okay do these guys die here yes got I'm level 38 how am I level 38 wait what this is sometimes a level I ended an entire run with and now we are already 38 that's ridiculous so the issue is at the bottom there there's a huge amount of experience and I need to get back there that was a 500 where did that come from I mean I I could just take this to six if it's a 25% damage upgrade on my other weapons that would be so ridiculously insane H there's gold over there but I can't afford it like yeah no no no and I I can't even mind Nitra because it slows me down even more the good thing is the boss is the slasher so that means he'll get hit by a lot of my explosions because he has to walk through them that is horrible oh um I guess I'll go for the crit damage then I think I ended this run by taking the Nitra slow that that is way too bad look at how slow I am and they didn't get stronger so far this is just a normal speed so yeah this will uh I'll I'll just take it let's get the upgrade so what do we have doubles your armor while the weapon is reloading you know what that's the kind of support that I need that's actually nice now I kind of wish I had this earlier um all projectiles I I can't roll so I'll just sure I guess 18 damage though that is so much this dude will explode Chain Reaction maybe or they just naturally die nice I get the huge chunk of experience this dude should die any moment throwables have more reload speed sure why not okay nice we did it so it's up there oh that's bad oh that's bad is ready get on it before itav I wish the enemies had an outline that I could actually see where they are because red fire on on red enemies not that great it's level 23 though look at this look at this beauty can I mine a little bit of gold no I can't we'll just hope that we get an upgrade that costs like something between I don't know 18 24 24 would be perfect because I have 25 uh 18 on you imagine it two levels higher sure let's take it to 12 maybe we can get get another support upgrade nice I like the blooms as long as you can actually find them you know but the thing is you only need six of them that makes it very easy I guess we can also take you to six and see what you do but it's not my priority okay okay there is gold I should get the gold for rolls why did it just lag so much I'm getting a little bit concerned there was like a huge leg Spike for me how much gold do we get out of this okay there's an explosion on me that's nice that should deal with most of the weak enemies uh we have I think we right now have two rerolls 38 gold that's good Nitra is also nice but I have to be careful with that to not get too much so let's just do that [Music] now he's mining for me you know this is the part that I like there's another Bloom wait we almost have all of them oh that's nice can you actually see who of the enemies is alive or not in my fire because I don't see it the the best belief is that everything is just dead but let's be realistic some of the enemies they they just stay alive they are way too tanky okay there is another Bloom something happened down there what was that did you see that explosion not sure okay and I got distracted by that and now I have to somehow Run for the enemies great can I get a magnet please whoo What what just happened the issue is I can't really look around like where the experience and everything is because otherwise I'll just die if I focus on that too much 24 oh my God I wonder how much damage this will deal at the end this may actually be the first time we reach what was the highest we had like 2 million yeah this could be the first time we reach more than that then again it doesn't have like gig high but it actually has a lot of damage it exploded deal like 500 do you see there then it has taking damage actually I'll call something really ridiculous oh mama I have to take that even though it's not what we are mainly going for I have to take that I'll call something ridiculous I will say We'll reach 10 million damage with that weapon what is this all of your weapon reload speed that applies to that as well that's okay I guess yeah the explosion boy will help me here I took 54 damage in a single hit and I'm Giga tanky huh uh I have a feeling all of these enemies will die yep was a good feeling Dex okay um I'm trying to figure out where the enemies are it's hard the slasher is here let's let's just focus on that okay let's just focus on the boss let's focus less on Gathering the all of the experience on the floor man man there's so much I need this give it to me okay but like do you understand what that means for the game if there's so much experience that means so many enemies have died there are no enemies [Laughter] left what was I scared about okay don't become cocky decks you know exactly what happens when you become cocky you do stupid things like running for exploding enemies okay the more explosion I mean I'm I'm being cocky I know I know I shouldn't be I shouldn't be but I need this experience because we fall off so quickly if I don't get it there's more I need all of that okay you level six sure what do you piercing shots okay both of these are insane but piercing shots the issue with these is the bullets they just hit One Singular enemy and then they disappear so getting piercing shots on them is actually like really good I missed a huge amount of experience I wish we had a magnet I didn't do the drill on that Dr it's about to head up look look congratulations it sucks a little bit I get it but think about it we got so much experience we're level 52 okay do you really think I'm mad about that no okay so this is the final stage that means I will focus on what do I focus on here oh that would have been insane uh what I need mostly is I will actually buy that let's do it knock back the en knock back the enemies sure that's that's fine that's totally fine that will help me to survive and now we somehow have to beat the final boss do not pick up Nitra I think we need the movement speed over the bonus damage okay listen I can pick up a little bit of nitro okay I know it's greedy I know I shouldn't do it oh my God I know I shouldn't do it but um I have a feeling we are safe enough I have a feeling nothing will happen to us yeah there we go gold for rolls maybe get a legendary would be nice with all of my luck well I still only have 14 luck I never took more luck but but still 14 luck is 14 luck you know how am I so unlucky uh can you throw a grenade in here just just got to ask for it you know Big Boy big boy big boy Nitra do I really want to do that decks you shouldn't do it you honestly yeah I'll not do it I should I shouldn't get the Nitra there you know because I get to slow down way too much it's just risky and I also need to avoid these little globber dudes because they also give me nitron even though it's just [Music] um um um what's the plan de I like the plan of just kill all the enemies but what is your reload speed 1.45 seconds we were at 2.1 seconds once that is a 50% increase well no no the 1.45 to 2.1 is 50 so it's 33% oh wow so the scary part is they survive for way too long like you know because that means the boss will survive even longer I have a feeling we did something amazing here but it's just not enough to kill a gig strong boss like look at how long he survives and he's the lead he's the easy one okay well but he's flying Flyers are actually quite annoying to deal with with what we have let's see how it is with the slasher here um can you give me your experience please thank you 54 man I'll do it but that's like what why even care about that that's not our main focus okay m is out m is out mine is out um well no I will not use this on the final boss the issue is just it's really hard to get this right as in to not take damage and get it right so yeah I'll not do that 20% fire and reload speed if I stand still huh can I move around a little bit and then and then it Stacks again okay so I can move a little bit like this I have now I have to find HP yeah that that that that is bad I don't know I I wanted to see if it's good or bad oh no why is it another flyer at least the boss doesn't fly right right guys I mean we know the boss we know that he doesn't fly it's not random like [Music] why is there no healing on this stage hello uh can I can I can I just get a little bit of feeling even just one note would like do a lot oh okay uh explosions nice is I just took 29 damage for that how much do I heal 45 29 I took heal for 16 that's not a lot and there's the big boss you can actually get him out before he spawns which is kind of funny um I think moving around was a problem I shouldn't have 48 damage 48 damage um don't charge don't charge okay now you can charge thank you for your cooperation that was nice he doesn't take any damage look at this he got a full EXP lotion to the face he doesn't care at all I have to go back I have to go back I have to do it this is so stupid if he charges now because I'm straight up dead but I have to do it oh no I need to roll yeah come let's take the little bit so the reason why I say that is my experience is up there and I think I'll need movement speed to survive this so I need to level up charge now nice perfect dude he's just listening to me he's like my little pet please don't hit me can you charge now that would be great come on charge he's not listening anymore oh no oh no it's his teenager face he's not listening to his parents why is he so fast okay y nice that was that that was wasted nice that's really good explosion boys they can they can almost one shot me if he charges now well now he can charge that's fine yeah nice I need to mine this get through don't get hit by explosion okay there's a magnet 209 damage are you mental are you me you did 29 damage in a single hit are you insane bro what is that wait what what oh yeah really got 10 million damage what is that what oh no so I I actually don't think this killed us I I don't think it would have changed a lot because they speed up so fast we would have died either way but if I would have gotten maybe a bit better upgrades you know like crit for Nitra would have been so ridiculously insane but what the hell is that like look at the damage numbers here the DPS well the next time I'll take out the big guns because I have a second plan and I hope you enjoyed it and if you did then don't forget to subscribe and give the video a like see you the next time
Channel: Dex
Views: 41,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dex, deep rock galactic, deep rock galactic survivor, asmongold
Id: Ta47vF2wW8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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