Period 4 APWH Review

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hey everyone we are back then a few years since I made the last videos but we are finishing up periods four or five and six for you guys to get ready for the AP exam so we're going to start with period four today looking at the years 1450 through 1750 you want to realize why these dates mean different kind of turning points within history and why they kind of made this period what it is so we'll look at that throughout this video and make sure we zoom in on some of those differences that will occur during this time period now concept 4.1 is the first one that they want to make sure that you know about and this is the globalizing networks of communication and change now when we're looking at this the biggest thing to realize is this is going to be the period for the first time where the Americas join in the global trade network in exchange we're going to look during this period at the different parts of this and we know that there have been different civilizations in the Americas however this will be the first time the first period the first major turning point where we see that the globalization of exchange happens so that's key to a period for one of the major turning points and as we look at that year that started this 1450 in this period we know that 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue and so that is where we're going to see the first time kind of interactions between a major trade network that will happen between Europe and the Americas as well as Africa we'll talk a little bit more about that well the key thing to realize is what made this all possible is the idea of advances and new technologies so we've had some of these things before but we know that they're going to really build on the classical world they're going to build on the Islamic world and the Asian world especially when we're talking about how do some of this that China used to really be the hub of learning and then at this last period we talked about how Europeans just kind of reimagine after the Middle Ages and the rest of the world really is the people that are developing these new things and so we see that European technology is going to be based off of kind of what other people built before this and they're going to build upon that and so we see things like the compass we're going to see cartography cartography is the study of maps and map making and so as people tried to put together what the world look like this is what they had before they didn't even have the Americas on the map and so that's going to be a major development the astrolabe as we see down below the ability to kind of follow a horizon as we're looking at that huge thing then we also have on land routes here so especially when we're looking at trans-sahara trade we've seen this kind of Imperia 3 as well but the camel caravan and kind of the purpose of because people traveled across the Saharan desert but we see again these new technologies interlocking these different groups during this period we're going to see the intensification at the key word that you want to remember intensification of existing regional trade book networks like the Sahara Desert also Indian Ocean also the Mediterranean also silk world you talked about those before and other periods but we're going to see how technology will make that even better and allow it to happen even easier to intensify also larger ships like we've been talking about here as we will to add this to it like such as care about such as as we're looking up here and larger ships so we talked about before these are key things and the ability to is just understanding the winds the both of them are the idea that you can sail against the winds and get places faster by catching the wind key we're looking at sailing and then the whole idea of the economics behind this credit and paper money so many credit cards it just means where you could buy things kind of on credit to kind of set up an account if you will not digital banking by any means we're not there yet but these are the new technologies that are going to assist as we look through and be able to connect to the whole world together and so we're going to see a trade network here we're going to eventually see they're going to connect this way and come into Asia so again the big thing at this time is trying to get around into the Indies so we'll talk as we look at this globalization and how at this time first time the world really becomes connected now another key place that you want to look at is there's some of these remarkable new transoceanic maritime reconnaissance missions if you will now we all know about Columbus but we may not always think about Ming China and Ming China we have the Ming Admiral Shanghai and he is going to be exploring essentially from China down into the Indian Ocean Network and so when we're looking at him it's really important to understand that this is going to enhance Chinese prestige it is going to really bring them into the future now we know that eventually the Ling's are going to become more isolated and destroy a lot of the records about Rahab so just when you're looking at this know that he has voyages way bigger than Columbus did but we do know the distance that he traveled is slightly different and kind of along the coast down into the Indian Ocean connecting China to this trade at this time making them very powerful for this period of time during the Ming Dynasty in China we also know another major player really kind of from the get-go before we even get to major exploration like Thomas you need to kind of backtrack a little bit and talk about the Portuguese and the Portuguese we know kind of where they geographically are located over here that little green spot and we know that they are going to start a major kind of education system for sailing and so we have a school of navigation and this led to increased trade and it really was centered around if you can kind of see these green little spots they set up eventually trading posts there's going to be some different Trading Post cities kind of along the coast and eventually we're going to see them get into the Indies which is their goal here and we know eventually is we're going to get into they're going to set up things in Brazil and so the Portuguese are going to have a major global trading post Empire that is a result all the way back to this idea of starting this print Henry's School of navigation for when we're looking in sailing and then obviously we can't forget the majors from Spain Columbus being the first one we know that key date 1492 we know that he made many trips the main thing that you have to remember is because especially if you are American and you're watching this we know that people think of him and we think you've discovered the Americas he didn't think that what he was doing he also his whole goal was not to find newand his goal was to find a shorter way to the Indies or the Indian Ocean trade network essentially and so when we're looking at this he's trying to find a shortcut he finds something totally different he doesn't realize he's found something totally different but we know that's what brings the Americas into this global trade network and then we have some other key figures that helped this maritime exploration help to know we what we have here today in light of knowing that they wanted to reach the Indies we have three major explorers I do this in different ways first of all like Dee is right here I can write all their names yes reaches the tip of South Africa but does not make it all the way around the gamma I can write that on there nice drama makes it and kind of builds on what Diaz does not only makes it to the tip of Africa makes it around and makes it actually to India and then we have good old Magellan here which we know that he is the first person to circumnavigate the globe well kind of he dies in the Philippines but his crew makes it all the way around and they're the ones circumnavigate meaning going around the entire globe so these 15th century Mariners going into even later into time we see that they build on each other they are key for exploration it brings the world as we looked at the key concept for five-point-one it brings the world into this kind of globalizing of networks of trading communication and these are the key people you'd want to talk about your turning point in history now another kind of economic side to this we're gonna see the power of silver and what happens now when you're talking about the Americans what kind of go back to this in a little bit we know that there are some major silver mines that are going to be found in the Americas and so here are they potosi you probably talked about this one down in South America we also know that Japan has one as well maybe you've seen this in a DBQ before but we see that silver begins to flow out of the Americas and into other markets it does is you kind of see from the map go back to Europe but then what we see is everybody is buying Chinese goods and other goods from the east and so it's kind of a silver drink it goes out from the Spanish Empire brings it back to Europe and they just buy lots of things and it flows out of their countries so now they have goods but they don't necessarily have the wealth and the wealth from the silver trade is now going to be circulating as we tackle this new global circulation of silver moving from the Americas into Europe and then buying goods that we see in the east and so this is kind of a major understanding you want to understand that's going on during this period of time also when we're looking at this idea of the globalized networks of communication exchange is the idea of mercantilism my hair say that word million different ways but we're going with that in the whole idea of mercantilism is kind of this idea down here and my political cartoon you see here it's the idea that they have colonies a kind of a mother country as we see here has colonies their little political cartoons and the colonies are then to provide raw materials food gold and silver back to the mother country which makes the mother country very rich and so the whole goal of mercantilism is this idea that they need to get lots of gold and silver to the mother country's Treasury which we see that does happen the mother country wants to make sure they have fewer imports and more as we look here exports so there's a favorable balance of trade so you're not importing everything now we look at the silver trade we saw in Europe what was happening is while this whole process of mercantilism was happening we saw that lots they were importing way more and so the fact they do not have a pair of balance of trade in the Spanish Empire which eventually led to their decline has were once really prominent Empire and then we see kind of this whole idea even with the Americas the idea that the mother country has these different goods that they're getting from their colonies just like we saw in our picture right here they are sending those goods to the mother country the mother country that makes goods out of them and then sells a basket at the colonies for more money which doesn't make the American colonists happen and happier we'll talk a little bit more about that later closest idea of joint-stock companies would be another keyword if you ever had to write an essay or talk about this but it's also is this an idea that kind of we have these early kind of companies where they spread the risks around between other people we buy stock in the company but then you can also share and reap in the benefit now one of the major things that is key to exchange and the globalization of kind of exchange during this time is we see the Columbian Exchange this is a key one this would be a great question you got an AP test because it makes sense to us is we look at the Columbian Exchange is based on Columbus and the idea that he came to the Americas and connected the European world with the Americas as well as you're going to see what happens with Africa as well but we see that certain Goods and items the Europeans bring to the Americas as you can see from this arrow right here and then other goods are brought back to Europe and some of this is good and some of this is bad and so we know on the bad side if you look at here we know that the Europeans are going to bring all these different diseases like smallpox which is going to be devastating to the Americas but other things that we know like the flu typhus measles mumps capture all that kind of death that's not good at all but they're going to bring that with them because of their kind of close proximity to livestock and so we loved your diamond and we know that because Europeans have been around life after so long but they have communities to these however those that we're living in the Americas did not have the same livestock they do not have cattle and sheep and pigs and horses and so instead and they when the Spanish specifically came and brought these animals they had never seen them before well because they did not live in close proximity to them they also then have these different diseases and then we know all these different goods that they brought with them as well from grains like meat and rice and barley and oats are very exciting European diet they did bring coffee we all coffee well we finding you know that olives onions and so as well as some of these other things from Africa and through the Mediterranean area maybe you don't think of as European but like grapes and olives etc now the other way we see that the exchange brings items that are super tasty that they do not have in the European diet and so when we're looking at those we see some key things that are going to impact the European history and so we're looking at sweet potatoes and squash and pumpkins peppers when we're thinking about delightful Mexican food none of that would have been possible for Europeans even have half of those things because they don't have things like tomatoes as we're looking here the idea of peppers putting these foods together in a corn huge one that we see as well and so the all the really good food actually is from the Americas and that's going to be sent back to Europe which is going to change the diet and increase life expectancies even in Europe one of the key ones is the potato now a lot of people go ahead the potato was just from Ireland but really it was from the Americas it's going to be huge back in Europe and then we're going to see population increases happen because of that but then we know about the potato famine that's going to happen later on in history but again that was a good that was originally from the America and so we see that diets will improve life expectancy will improve we do know the first devastating it's going to wipe out a ton of the population from the people in the Americas based on these diseases based on the fact that they had not been around livestock and we're not then have these immunities in so the four main exchange so many things we could talk about beyond just Goods and diseases you could also talk about people and the exchange of people we're going to get to that in just a second we also see that this idea of this globalized world will bring the spread of religions to different areas we also are going to see that syncretism is going to happen now when you look at this word you want to think of the word blending straight blend okay so we're going to blend different religions together and so we're going to spread and we're going to see blending so the first one that you look again is we're seeing again the spread of Buddhism which we know has already made its way into China but it's going to continue to make its way through other areas throughout Asia into Indonesia as well just Southeast Asia we've talked about how it has gone into Korea and Japan and down into Vietnam and so an Indian religion spreads to different areas so that's a key thing to talk about that it's native Indians and it's going to be throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia one when we're talking about the Americas it's really key to understand is the idea of well done or rooting that you've probably heard of but may not realize that it is in combination of kind of the West African religions with kind of Catholicism and Christianity that we see especially in the Caribbean going to be very popular in that area and so when we look at that that's going to need some blending that's kind of a scurf due to the globalization of trade Sikhism is another one where we're going to see the blending and again these are individual religions they wouldn't necessarily call themselves a blend of different religions but historically we know that for Sikhism there's going to be a blend of both him beliefs as well as Muslim beliefs that are going to occur some syncretism and then create the religions that we know today of Sikhism so in India Sikhism is very large religion as well as we know that the major ones still are going to be Hinduism as well as Islam so spread of religions happens because the trade networks we talked about that before in the last period with for example how Islam spreads across Africa as well as into the Indian Ocean as well so whenever you think of spread and trade you want to think of religion as well now something that happens is we're looking at this globalized trade world you want to understand of some of the benefits is basically the profits merchants profit increase governments are collecting more taxes and then they're spending more money on visual and performing arts and so we see an period for kind of in this overlaps just wee bit but we're going to see right at the beginning the Renaissance and how people you have patrons are the Arts and they're in a fund the people that you've heard of I always think of the ninja turtle and of drama that would be really bad though but the Ninja Turtles because those would help you remember some of the Renaissance artists like Leonardo DaVinci Michelangelo because we coming on Raphael these were actually all great Renaissance artists we know that this really starts in Florence Brunelleschi the idea of breeze building the dome and the aroma and then we see just kind of throughout Italy this spreads into the northern Europe huge deal there now we also see besides the Renaissance that happens we also are going to see in other areas like in East Asia specifically we're looking at Japan we're going to see that Kabuki theater is going to be a big deal and we're going to see how this arts and drama is going to be brought together during this time we know that Japan also have their own silver mined we also know that they are going to be developing and spending money on this as well and then even back in Europe we know of classics like Shakespeare let's during this time period okay 4.2 4.2 now is going to go a little bit quicker that's four point one is big the whole idea of globalisation four point two is going to talk about these new forms of social organization and modes of production so because we have a connected world because we are in areas like Latin America North America and the Caribbean we have these new types of labor systems some of these are built like for example in Latin America we've talked about the meter system we're gonna talk initially about the Inka and that this is their system and then the Spanish will come along adapt that and make it tenants for their own so we're going to see as we come together how that is going to happen in Latin and South America in the Caribbean area we're going to see the encomienda system we've talked about the massive amount of native labor that's used by especially the Spanish in this case and we have the encomienda system really brutal the idea of how they're going to force native laborers to work for the Spanish Empire and so we see this enslavement of native people with the infamy and assistance this could be a great essay question if you were to describe kind of the labor here we've seen in the past we've described the labor system between the Americas and the Ottoman Empire and so it could be a really good thing in lots of evidence so you could talk both name-drop things like the encomienda system explains the enslavement of natives talking about the Mita how it started with the Inca but then was adapted in this South America in the North American colonies we see initially this idea of indentured servitude of people that are moving to the Americas but then we see over time with all of these areas the development of what the massive amounts of deaths that occur to natives due to the Columbian Exchange we see some other systems that will develop over time that being the slave trade and so the slave trade is mostly going to be based off of West and Central Africa will be the key areas but it has happened some other area as well and we're going to see and this is kind of saying that every year people forget that a majority of slaves are going to go to two different areas one being South America in general and then going to the Caribbean we have a very small percent that is going to come to the Americas or North America and when we're thinking about that that kind of comes into the idea of our maybe if you're American you're American perspective is thinking of slavery being a big deal which it absolutely was but I want you to remember how big of a deal it was when we're looking at the Caribbean and South America and you can see the areas of Africa which where people are coming from and you can see from this map like who's dominating where we still know that the green areas being the Spanish is the largest area but the Portuguese are in Brazil also a major player in the slave trade and no one's really exempt because we know that many Europeans even if they're not Spanish or Portuguese are going to be involved in the slave trade including Great Britain even though they will not have as many slaves so we'll look at this as we move forward another outcome of this is going to be these new social hierarchies that exist due to this and so we know that if you're looking at the Spanish Americas we know that the peninsula's are going to have the most power as we look here in a few people they these are the people that were born in the peninsula if that helps people like the Iberian Peninsula from Spain that moves to the Americas and are now in the Americas and so they're born in Spain but a lot of times they have the most power in the American colonies that we see throughout the Spanish Empire then the Creole are going to be 100 percent Spanish or of European descent but they're going to be born in the colonies so they don't know Europe they know the American that's what they are born but ethnically they are 100 percent 100 percent European okay then we have some mixture and there's like some subcategories to all these things this is kind of a very basic way to look at the social hierarchies in this time but mosquitoes are going to be the mix of natives or Native Americans and people who are Europeans mulatto is going to be a mix of Africans and Europeans we don't use that term anymore today but then too for modern-day times obviously our kind of the bottom rung here with the most people with the least power we see people who are natives in the Americas and also those of African descent that have been sent there against their will because of the slave trade so these new hierarchies emerge and there is lots of sub castes if you will on classes in this system to rank basically based on skin color who has more power there and so new social hierarchies will emerge because of this good analysis good thing to talk about if you ever had short answer or an essay about them and then the final part which sometimes I think we go to first is the idea of these major empires during this period of time and so you could split them up into two categories those are maritime empires those that are laying them layers maritime empires are going to establish colonies around the globe our biggest one obviously during this time period is the Spanish we know about the Portuguese which are going to be in Brazil and then having their different trading posts and then other players that you can't forget me about the Dutch Empire who are going to be in the Indian Ocean the French the British which as we went into period 5 we're going to go from a little bit of power to some major power especially as we look at Africa and we look at Asia now there's going to be some land empires in Africa and have the Songhai and then when you look this down below you're going to see all these other ones on the map we're going to see the Ottoman Empire I'm going to see this at famine I'm going to see the Mughal these often are coloured gunpowder empires and they are all during this period we also know that they're all Islamic empires we see use ours Russia's come into the party here a large Empire especially move east across Asia and then we have the Shang Empire so we have Ming and Qing and China that will happen over this period Ching even more so into period five but these are the major empires that you'll want to know the key ideas about and again like we talked about before with the other key concept about labor systems the Ottoman Empire will have their own system of kind of being able to control it we'll talk about that in just a second and so when we're looking at this all these different empires both European and and those around the world especially in wealthier land and maritime people use different ways of using religions to legitimize their rule and so we have the idea is we have these great kings here we go I can't forget about Louie of divine rights that Europeans believed this time that their right to rule came from God what you're going to do a little synthesis here is terms a lot like Mandate of Heaven and China but again we see that idea here the Safavid gunpowder Empire modern-day Iran Persia ancient Persian area we see the Safavid with Ishmael who's going to use Shiism or the Shia belief we know that today that Sunni and Shia are the major denominations or sects of Islam and Shia is going to be those that believe that power came from Ali throughout the family it should be passed and so we see that as well we know that in the Americas that the ass type of the Mexica practiced human sacrifice we see picture that down here again way to legitimize the rule activities that they went through to show that God essentially was the one that was leading them we see in West Africa the idea and promotion of Islam and still in China this idea in kind of going back to Confucian rituals Confucian beliefs mandate of heaven etc use of religion to rule but there are some limits to in some challenges to bureaucratic systems in the Ottomans here's what I was telling about the system of just shy Roman where they would then be able to I see a picture right and we're Christian children were essentially given to the Ottoman Empire and then they were kind of allowed to pass either they would become the Janissaries which we see right here which is going to be that elite fighting force super reputable like this is like for some people they gave up their children because they know they would have more opportunities all the time what a lot of times has happened but then we also see people if they are not becoming Janissaries but to say they have more of the blames they would be able to work in bureaucratic positions the reason they use the whole system is no one's going to challenge if you're a Christian child you're not going to challenge the right to rule and try to take over the Ottoman Empire you have some kind of an outsider but so they will allow you to this and we saw this in China throughout this course as well where we have the hiring of the eunuchs we can't challenge power we also see kind of this labor system you could do a great comparison between what's going on in the Americas and the labor systems like the encomienda and the slave trade as well we also see that the Manchus during this time are going to eventually leave in shame China and they're going to have their cue and it's going to be ways where they can kind of legitimize their power they are outfitters again we saw the puss mom moves with the our dynasty our outsider rule in Japan or even China we're going to see the same thing that happens here under the Qin Dynasty and then again trying to use bureaucratic systems we see the civil service exam now all these were always successful at times is going to be going to evident flows to this but that is key to know and that my friends is period four and I hope that helps you review for the AP exam and again welcome back period five videos next and hope that helps you as well
Channel: Stephanie Gorges
Views: 163,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ap world history, apwh, whap
Id: pHpfUDdVJDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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