GENIUS METHOD for Studying (Remember EVERYTHING!)

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this is Jerry Jung and in 2021 this guy earned a perfect score on his eight pushes and he was one of only six students out of 400 000 who took this exam to get a perfect score so I bet you wouldn't mind knowing Jerry's secret sauce for remembering everything he learned and it's not what you think he's not just a genius who can flip through a book and instantly know everything he worked incredibly hard for that score and he used a study method that mere mortals like us can use too it's not complicated you just have to do it I introduced this in a short earlier this week but here I'm going to explain it in detail and if you adopt this method you can get the score that you want on your AP exam so if you're ready to get them bring cows milked let's get to it now before I tell you what the method is I need to tell you why it works because if you understand the why then you're more likely to put this method to use now when I was 16 my first car was a manual transmission let me tell you learning to drive that thing was all right let the clutch out a little more a little more oh I could not get that thing to move without doing myself and my passenger serious bodily harm but then someone drew a diagram of how a clutch Works to engage the transmission this thing here is spinning and when you release the clutch it meets this part and engages the transmission so if you just jam it in there it's turning too fast and the friction is going to shut it down what if you just ease it in slowly then the light friction gets it spinning and then you start moving without any now I tell you as soon as I saw with my eyes what was going on under the hood it only took me a couple more tries and I got it and so if you're going to study and actually remember what you studied then you need to have a similar diagram of what's going on inside your brain and if you can see it then if you're like me you'll be more likely to use this method because you understand it so the way the brain learns anything is by creating what are known as neural Pathways you've got all these neurons in your brain and they communicate with each other when you attempt to learn something new it's like these two nerve endings are speaking different languages and so the neural connection is weak so the first time you try to learn the Monroe Doctrine or the Khmer Empire or Renaissance humanism these two guys are not understanding each other and Road Doctrine what you talking about Willis but the more you force these two foreign neurons to interact the more they begin to understand each other and speak the same language or switch the metaphor when you start to learn something new it's like you're being plunged into a thick forest without any path to get from point A to point B the more you study using this method I'm about to show you the more of a path is formed and as you continue to study trees start to get taken down the path widens and then even more study leads to a full-blown paved Road between these two points if you have this running through your brain then you will remember dang near everything you study okay so that's how it works now let me show you the method that will create this strong path in your brain so the method to actually remember everything you study is called active recall there is a mountain of science to back this up so listen up this could change everything for you here I'm just going to talk about the method next week I'm going to publish a video that will tell you exactly what content you need to know for your exam and what content you forget so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss now think about how a typical student study you got an exam coming up and there's a metric butt load of information you need to remember so what do you do well most students will read their notes or look over a textbook or watch a bald bearded gap tooth man flap his mouth hole on a YouTube video or you know something like that and you're putting some work in so it feels like learning but to paraphrase the great philosopher Ted lasso I hate to tinkle on your toenails but that ain't learning and you know this because when you show up to that exam all that information that's just barely hanging on and your brain falls into the abyss as soon as you get to that first question it's because you haven't actually created that pathway Through the Woods by cramming look I've been doing this a long time I know exactly the kind of comments I'm going to get below at toe flosser73 is going to say all I did was binge your videos the night before the exam and I got a four hey that's great who am I to judge but I'd be willing to wager that there was an awful lot more behind that score than just a few hours of binge watching he had a good teacher you've been practicing all year et cetera Etc but look even if not I'm not here to force you in anything I'm just trying to persuade you that the method I'm about to show you Works a hundred percent so active recall is the process by which you force your brain to recall the information you wish to master and here's how you do it step one read or watch a single bit of information that you need to know now step two reformulate that information in your own words this is a step almost nobody takes but this is the place where everything changes in your brain at this point close your notes or pause the video or whatever and say that information in your own words there are three ways to do this and each is better than the last first just do it in your mind second say it out loud which is even better third and best is to write it out by hand again lots of research about how riding by hand helps with Recall now listen the first time you try to reformulate that information in your own words you're not going to do very well what you talking about Willis it's going to feel very difficult and that means you're doing it right but you can't quit at that point because what's happening in that difficulty is that initial contact has been made between those two neurons that will be responsible for remembering that bit of information and that initial contact takes a lot of energy so then go back to the information and watch it again or read it again and then try to reformulate it in your own words again and the more you do this the more those neurons communicate and The Wider the path becomes and once you can articulate that information in your own words without looking at the source material you've got if you can do that a little bit every day between now and exam day you'll be on your way to Five Town baby and this is exactly what our boy Jerry did his studying strategy relied on brief sessions of study and frequent reviewing you know what that's called active Recall now I know this sounds like it's going to take way more time than the kind of studying you're used to and ain't nobody got that kind of time listen you're already going to spend some time studying and if that time is spent cramming all at once instead of practicing active recall that those are really just wasted out and if you don't believe me let Jerry tell you he said cramming is not only insanely inefficient but it also means that you retain information briefly so you may as well not have studied at all oh Jerry you talk tough but you talk true all right next go check out this playlist here which has all kinds of different videos to help you study for your AP exam and make sure to subscribe because I'm going to be publishing a ton of videos in the next few weeks to get you ready for your exams I'll catch you on the flip flop I'm larouche
Channel: Heimler's History
Views: 1,114,292
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Id: bNu26dHGDtY
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Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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