Performing an exorcism or bathing a Shiba Inu?

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since my last Sheba was so much fun to groom I decided why not take on two more it's a girl this is Kiko and she is 10 years old okay now the last time I tried to bathe a Shiba Inu heavy on the tried it seemed as though I was performing a failed exorcism so this time I'm going to brush before the bath I'm gonna go in the bath I am bathing her today in fluff off de-shedding shampoo and conditioner good girl good girl don't start screaming [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's okay sweetheart [Music] if you couldn't tell sheba's really really don't like having a bath everybody who survived but what I'm really looking forward to is the blow dryer [Music] I ended up switching over to my small handheld dryer because her cries definitely pulled on my Heartstrings good girl yeah good girl good girl I brushed her again with the acri groomer and then the cameraman held her while I clipped her nails because the owners warned me that she really did not like having her paws touched good girl good girl good girl Kiko is all finished and now it's time to groom her eight-year-old Brother Bruno I used my best judgment call when deciding to groom Bruno he was extremely stressed out and just getting him onto the table was a challenge he wouldn't even allow me to remove his harness so I chose to only brush him today he has never been groomed before and I am confident he'd be hanging off my ceiling if I tried to bathe him good boy I'm just really shedding thank you it's so cute Bruno is shedding a ridiculous amount of undercoat and the equity groomer is doing a phenomenal job at removing that if you've purchased this brush from me and you feel that it's not removing enough undercoat you may want to consider Brushing in Reverse instead it's important to remember that not all coat textures are the same and sometimes we have to change our methods if you have a dog with a very dense coat like Bruno rushing in both directions can do the best job at removing as much undercoat as possible now I'll leave you to enjoy this very satisfying fur removal foreign for our pet of the day we have three-year-old Ella the Bernese mountain dog and Golden Retriever mix thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed these two sweet Shiba Inus
Channel: Girl With The Dogs
Views: 1,719,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zxWfZCeS6N4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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