Performance Testing and It's types

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Hi Guys, I welcome you all to my YouTube channel SoftwaretestingbyMKT. In this video I'm going to talk about what do you mean by performance testing and what are the various types of performance testing before I proceed with this video I request you guys to watch this video till end because this is going to be very very knowledgeable video and many people requested on my channel to talk about performance testing so this is for you watch it till end, I am giving a guarantee that you won't regret it. So let's get started to talk about what do you mean by performance testing. Performance testing is nothing but testing the stability and response time of an application by applying load is called as performance testing if I say like that you guys will not understand I'm going to divide this definition in three parts and make you guys understand step by step by step. Guys one more thing if you guys just understand what do you mean by performance testing then understanding that types of performance testing will be just like a tuk(easy). so make sure that you listen to me completely in the next five minutes I am giving you a guarantee that you will understand just be with me. Let's get started to talk about what do you mean the performance testing so performance testing is nothing but testing the stability and response time. Performance testing is nothing but testing the stability and response time of an application by applying load is called as performance testing. Now what do you mean by stability? Guys when you develop any software when developers will develop any software, customers or business analysts or product managers they will tell whatever we are developing it should be able to handle how many users at a time so talking about the stability stability is nothing but ability to withstand design number of users that is called as stability. Stability is nothing but ability to withstand design number of users is called as stability now what do you mean by response the response time is nothing but whenever you deal with any application let's talk about your whenever you are trying to do a payment so when you are on the payment page and you are doing the payments you have entered all your credit card details or debit card details and you're clicking on the send button what actually happens it the request will go to the server it will run a program in the server and finally it will send the request from the server which will change the page from payments page to the OTP page. Now it will tell you to enter the OTP how it happened how much time it is taking that is called the Response Time. The response time is nothing but time taken to send the request to the server run that program in the server and then finally taking back the request from the server it is called as response time. Now what do you mean by load, load is nothing but number of users using the application at a particular period of time that is called as load. Usually load is nothing but number of users using the application now let me tell you guys the definition of performance testing once again this time you guys will be able to understand it so I told you performance testing is nothing but testing the stability and response time of an application by applying load is called as performance testing you are testing the stability you are testing that you have designed your application for 50 users so you are testing the stability ability to withstand the design number of users. You have developed for 50 users, to use your application any moment of time so you are testing the stability now you are testing whether it is able to handle the request for 50 users at a particular period of time or not. Performance testing is nothing but testing the stability that is you are testing if you have developed the software for 50 users whether it is able to handle it or not and also you are testing the response time by applying load it is called as performance testing I hope it is clear to you guys now let's talk about what are the various types of performance testing. Talking about the types of performance testing the first type of performance testing is called as load testing so in load testing you are testing the stability and response time of an application by applying load which is equal to the design number of users and also which is less than the design of our users examples my application that we have developed we have developed it for 50 users at a time now we have developed it for 50 users but when I am doing your testing I am testing it with only 45 users or maximum I'm testing it with 50 users because the load testing says that testing the stability and response time by applying load which is less than the design number of users or equal to the design of your users that is called as load testing now let's talk about what do you mean by stress testing. Now stress testing, in stress testing you are testing the stability and response time by applying a load more than the design number of users it is called as stress testing suppose you have developed an application and requirement is telling that my application should be able to handle thousand requests or thousand users at any moment of time and it should give the response time within three seconds this is my requirement but in stress testing I am testing the stability that is ability to withstand at least the design number of users and the response time that is three seconds how by applying load which is more than the design number of users so definition says that, definitely I'm not going to apply the load as per the requirement but I will apply the load more than the design number of users so since it is a stress testing I will I am Here I am testing the stability and response time of an application by applying load which is more than the design number of users I have designed the revision 4,000 users but since it is a stress testing I am going to test it with more number of users at any moment of time and also I will check the response time now let's go ahead to talk about the third type of performance testing which is called as scalability testing, So in scalability testing it is a type of performance testing where we test the stability and response time of an application by applying load which is more than the design number of users and here we try to find out where exactly my software is crashing that means you are applying load more than the design number of users and you are exactly trying to find out where my software is going to crash examples you have the your software for 1,000 users for any moment of time which should give the response time within 2 seconds but since it is a scalability testing I am going to test my application by applying load more than the design number of users and I will try to break my software by applying more load I am just checking since my software can handle thousand users at any moment of time but what happens if you apply one lakh of load and any moment of time your software will crash definitely since your application can handle only thousand users at any moment of time if we apply one lakh what will happen your software will crash so in scalability testing you are testing the stability and response time by applying load more than the design number of users and here trying to find out where my software is crashing that point it is called as scalability testing so we have developed a software for thousand users which should give a response time within 2 seconds but when I am testing with thousand five hundred(1500) users it is working perfectly fine let's say I'm just giving you an example to make you guys understand by giving you a small example so my software will give me I am testing my software with thousand five hundred users and it is giving me responds in 2 second I am testing my software with two thousand users it is giving the response within six seconds , when I started testing my software for five thousand users it took time to give the response but it somehow gave me the response in 42 seconds finally when I tested it with 5150 users the software got crash so this point we are trying to find out in our scalability testing that is where exactly your software is breaking you are trying to find out is in your scalability testing so we will say that when we applied 5150 users load in the software our software will get crash. Let's go ahead to talk about what is the fourth type of performance testing we have which is called as Volume Testing. so the fourth type of performance testing we have is called as volume testing the other name of volume testing is also called as flood testing now why it is called as volume testing and why it is called as flood testing let's get understand so in volume testing testing the stability and this response time of an application by transferring not by applying load but transferring the huge volume of data in volume testing we test the capacity of my database let's say I have created a website called a SoftwaretestingbyMKT my database says that you can use up to 1gb of data on your website suppose i have uploaded 50 youtube videos on my video it is able database is able to handle the request because it has the capacity to serve 1 GB of data or 2 GB of data now what will happen if some day I try to upload 100 more videos at a particular period of time your database may get crash so in volume testing you are testing the stability and the response time of an application by transferring the huge volume of data in volume testing or flood testing you are testing the capacity of your database or your DB. Let's go ahead to talk about the next and last type of performance testing which is called as Soak Testing. The other names of soak testing is also called as endurance testing now what do you mean by soak testing or endurance testing? Guys if you attend any interview if you are a fresher chances are there that people won't ask you what do you mean by performance testing but there are many chances that people will ask you what do you mean by soak testing or endurance testing this is one of the most important type of performance testing. Let's get understand so testing the stability and response time of an application by applying load continuously for a longer period of time. I will give you an example you all watch TV right in home when you are watching TV I am sure that someday it would have happened that you must have you are watching TV and somehow you got sleep and your TV is on whole night not nowadays now nowadays we have a facility that it gets turn off automatically but in olden days chances are there that when you were watching you got sleep and when you woke up in the morning TV is still running how because the company have done, thoroughly soap testing or endurance testing when any company they are developing anything or they are developing any software which consumers are my customers not one customer to customers but millions customer they want the software to be in such a way that customer do not complain later so what exactly do they do soak testing or endurance testing so what they test in this they test the stability and they also test the response time they also apply the load and they leave it like that they leave it like that continuously for a longer period of time let's say they leave it for continuously for 18 hours of time or 24 hours of time or maybe 72 hours of time depending on the type of the application if I am giving some example where and all this kind of testing take place so it takes place in mobile in mobile when any company is developing any mobile let's say Samsung or Apple they do this testing because mobile is a product mobile is something which people will use for months so they will do complete soak testing for that when you are driving your car or two wheeler even if you drive for three hours continuously nothing happens to the bike or your car because company has done proper soak testing. Guys I hope this video was useful to you guys if you think that I have missed anything list out all your doubts in the comment section I will be very happy to it to answer each one of you and if you think this video was useful to you guys I request you guys to share this video with needy friends and subscribe to my channel SoftwaretestingbyMKT. Put out all your doubts in the comment section I will be answering. In next video what shall I make next? put out in the comment section you can also reach to me out by my gmail account, quora account and Twitter account link is there in the description please check out soon thank you
Channel: SoftwaretestingbyMKT
Views: 94,954
Rating: 4.9558754 out of 5
Keywords: performance, performance testing, performance testing tools, load testing, stress testing, soak testing, scalability testing, volume testing, endurance testing, softwaretestingbymkt, software testing, qa, api, sdlc, stlc, adet, qa engineer, performance testing in software testing, performance testing process
Id: -dI_gKRePRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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