Everything you should know about Test Cases | Software Testing

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hi as a welcome you all to my youtube channel software testing by MPD in this video we are going to talk about each and everything about the spaces that is what is the spaces how it is different from test scenarios and when to write test cases what are the drawbacks if you don't write test cases and what are the benefits of writing test cases also at the end of the video we are going to talked about what are the characteristics of good test cases in my next video I will be uploading how good write test cases using an interest is tuned so let's get started today to talk about each and everything about the spaces talking about the test signal will be a high-level documentation which explains how your application functionality works that discord is the scenario it is a high level understanding of any application functionality that is as in are you talking about test cases it is the detailed documentation or it is a detailed explanation of any particular test scenario let's say suppose you are having a Flipkart application so test scenario will see that a validation of login into money Flipkart application with the correct credentials that means you are trying to validate the login functionality of the application this is your test scenario it will only tell what needs to be done but test cases tells you how to test it now talking about the test cases it will be having a brief description of how protested it will be having a step to step procedure needs that needs to be followed to reproduce that scenario so I have set you - testing area means validation of any particular functionality like like your you're trying to learn end of different application with your current relations how do you validate it what will be the scenario scenario will be variation of testing v cut logon feature with my correct credentials that is harnessed a scenario now what will be test cases excuses will be step two step procedure to execute this now just pieces it will be like point number one like open your browser enter flipkart.com third point will be like interview username for particular integral password su point will political login but this this is like this is your touched cases if any person is there if he is having an understanding of whole application if he is having the understanding of the application he can test the application just by looking into the scenarios but if any person is that who don't have the understanding of the application he cannot touch the application by looping into the test scenarios he should have test cases with him which will tell him step to step procedure each and everything what needs to be done I hope now you have understood the difference between test scenario and test cases now we are going to discuss what are the drawbacks of not try playing test cases so the main drawbacks are there will be no consistency in test case execution suppose for you first release you tested your application for let's say for 300 test cases and you said that the application is working fine render it got be able to the customer customer is now in your single one of the second release in stripped off so remember in your first release you escape the application for 300 test cases for your second release which we are going to give the customer you tested your application only for 280 test cases since you have not occupied today by looking into the requirement you would recognize only 280 this time when third release is happening you only one two three - mrs. so if we see this means no consistency first they were feeling the touch misses then they were - it attached business then there are only 150 spaces why it is happening so because we have not written two spaces so this is one of the major drawbacks of not writing and the second drawback of not interspaces is companies will not be good you won't be able to cover all the scenarios all positive and negative scenarios you won't be able to do it so coverage will not be good and the third product of not having test cases is if you are not like interspecies if you're not making the document of all the test cases testing will depend on the mood of the test engineer if his mood is good he will come up with the creative scenarios and he will just application whereas when his movies oh and he's taking some of the other thing that time he will not be able to come up with a creative scenarios and he won't be able to test the application and also when you are not a metastasis it all depends on the memory power of the particular test engineer so when I'm extremely whatever anyway Murray is coming I'm just testing it suppose when you are having a document irrespective of what is your mood how you are who you are if you have document you will cut it test all the scenarios everything you will test it but since you're not having it testing the application will it depend on your memory skills since you have not made the document of your just is list whatever things are coming into your mind you are you are testing it and since we have not documented our test cases quality of testing will vary from person to person some person may do it very good some person may not be able to do it good because they have not made the document so some some people will be able to test the application by applying their logic by applying their memory power and they will be some people will not be able to test it so quality of testing varies from person to person if you are not maintaining the document off so these are the major drawbacks of not writing justice let's talk about twenty do we like justice as you guys know when my customer is giving a requirement when my customer is give you the requirement that time my developers will be busy in the code what Q will be what establish tester will they will start writing test pieces so when to write test cases is when the customer gives the requirement that time developer will be busy in writing the code that enter stage here should strike rioters cases second point is when customer is changing the requirement that thank the stage here should update their test cases or when customer is doing some modification in that requirement that time test engineers should of build their expenses and also spend first engine testing the application and it is finally something new that needs to be written in your testicles document that time also they can update it when you have the requirement right that time it is highly possible for a testing junior to write all 100% of scales in the testers document there are chances that when you are testing the application also that time also some other other scenarios are coming to your mind that time also you should upgrade you should update the spaces guys now the question arises why do we write test cases so the answer is the reason we like test cases is to have better - discovery when I talk about best test is coverage in the sense I have covered all possible scenarios that is better test coverage and also to have better consistency in my test case execution when I state better cuz in execution it means when you're releasing a software to the first man that you tested for three-year scenarios right for the second release also if you're writing test is this that time this inconsistency will not be there you will be your diesel release to release the Oxford the resist with all the scenarios which you have tested in your stocking from Belize one the list or at least three there will not be inconsistency in test case execution and also being overwritten your or test this document when you are hiring a new test engineer you can just give them the document and then you to go through it and understand the application so you can avoid your penalty member time train that particular new test engineer you can avoid any stage of time offer any employee to spend this time for the newly hired test engineer in making the new mean higher distinction here understand how your application works you can just give me the best case document and ask the giving a higher test engineer to please go through the document and understand the application and also to depend on the process rather than the person when I say depend on the process that means when I have my test is document with me and depending on the process tomorrow my company let's say is two years old from starting of my company we have only one castilian who is working from the starting suppose two years down the line if he is resigning tomorrow I will not depend on him if you want to go he can't even go since I have the document I can hire a new testing junior and give him the document he can understand the application and he can start testing it I am not depending on the person rather than that I am depending on the process and guys when you have the requirement and you are testing the application it is very hard for the test engineer to come up with christena lenders the application there are 100% charge that you will miss some scenarios if you are checking your requirement and just in their testing the application if you are not having that during your testicles document then definitely you will miss some scenarios some person who is having the testicle document and if he is testing it and some person who is ruining the refund and he is testing the application definitely this person will miss lot of scenarios by the way the person who is looking you know the best face document in testing it definitely his coverage will be good his consistency will be good and one more thing when you have tested something and finally it has gone to the production customer are using it and now they are blaming that this functionality is not working which is very critical in that case test engineer have the only proof of the space they can show that see dude when I tested the application I have covered this particular test cases and it is passed so when you have the testers document it is the only proof for the test engineer to show it to the developers and customer that they have covered that particular scenarios while testing it otherwise they will come to you so it is always good to have your test this document or any all the time so now they're going to discuss what are the characteristics or what are the quality of a good test cases so the first point of the good test cases is coverage should be good that means when you are promoting you converting your requirement to the test in our industry says you should cover all the points you should not miss any particular scenario you should not miss any particular feature each and everything when you are converting your requirement to your consider your customers cases you should cover all the positive test cases that is called as test coverage should be good you should be able to cover all the possible scenarios second point is when you are writing test cases does number of steps to reproduce that scenario should be minimum should be minimum and it should be very understandable for any particular person third point when we are giving our test is as to any newly test engineer to understand the application he should be able to understand the application without asking a simple question to you it should be in a very simple language for the people for any new person who is referring the document should be able to understand it perfectly and third point when you are by interfaces you should always cover positive test reasons first and then go to the negative test cases for point whenever you are writing your test cases it should always be written in the testis template fifth one your testicles document should be in such a way that it should have a capability to catch number of defects it should have the capability to catch defects and your text document should be in such a way that when you are converting your manual test scenarios to an automation script it will be very easy for the person who converted those scenarios into this automation scripts Sixpoint when you are writing your test cases there should not be any duplicate test cases seven point you test cases whatever your writing should be written by applying recipes design techniques what do you mean vector space is an technique I will be talking in my later videos once the video is ready I will be adding that particular video link in the link description so these are the major characteristics or a quality often good test cases so I hope this video was useful to you guys if yes please give me thumbs up to this video and if you really want to reach to me I have added my gmail in the link description please reach me out in the next video I will be talking about how to write test cases in a test case tool till then take care
Channel: SoftwaretestingbyMKT
Views: 79,234
Rating: 4.9427404 out of 5
Keywords: test case, software testing by mkt, softwaretestingbymkt, test cases, test case vs test scenarios, test scenario, software testing, test cases in manual testing, what is test case, what is test case in software testing, advantages of writing test cases, disadvantages of not writing test cases, when to write test cases, why to write test cases, how to write test scenarios, how to write test cases in manual testing with example, manual testing, test cases lesson, sdlc, stlc
Id: kfvhVMEajMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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