Difference Between Smoke and Sanity Testing

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hi guys welcome you all to my youtube channel software testing by unity as a part of this video I'm going to talk about difference between smoke and Sandra testing many people on my channel and requested me to make a video on this topic so this is finally I am reading for you guys make sure that you utilize this video with watching it designed many people have this doubt what exactly is the difference between smoke and Sandy and whichever video you see on YouTube there is a measure on this topic so I'm going to explain the stopping in such a way that I'm giving you a guarantee that once you see this video full you guys will be clear about smoke and Saturday it's a promise so let's get started so talking about smooth testing smooth sting is to done on each and every part of an application attend high level or in a casual when you are testing the whole application at a very high level you're not going deep into the application you're just testing at a high level you're testing each and every part of an application and you're checking whether it is working perfectly fine or not that is cornice smoke testing and just because we're not going to depth into the application and we are testing the application at an high level smooth testing is called as shallow and white testing and talking about your Samri testing semi-interesting is a Nega regression testing that focuses on few areas of functionality one or few areas of functionality and just because it is a narrow regression testing it is also called as narrow and deep testing so this is one of the main difference between your smooth and Saturday your smoke testing is done to make sure that the basic and the critical features of an application is working perfectly fine or not and we do sanity testing to make sure that the new functionalities in the application or bug fixes are working perfectly fine or not your smooth testing is generally like a general health checkup of the product or your smoke testing is generally the health check of the build before going deep into that that is called a smoke testing on the other hand your sanity testing is the subset of your regression testing example consider this whole white sheet is your regression testing so you can see that your standing it has been maybe only this much so I hope this is very clear to you guys what is the meaning of subsets so we say that your sanity testing is a subset of regression testing the meaning is if your full white board is your regression testing we will consider standard a testing only this much or maybe a small portion of this white board so that's the reason we say that your sanity testing is in subset of regression testing your smooth testing is usually automated your smoke test cases are usually automated your sanity testing usually not automated and we usually do documentation for your smoke testing and it is not necessary to do all this documentation for your sanity testing your smoke testing is always a positive testing your sanity testing is it is a combination of both positive testing and negative testing your smooth testing is usually performed by both developer and testers now question ever is why and how sega's before giving the bit to the testers to test it developer will do smoke testing to verify that whatever he is done because of that is the basic functionality of an application are working perfectly fine or not so he will do smoke testing him and he will give it to the tester to test it now when tester will start testing the application he will do smoke testing first to make sure that just because them has done some changes because of his changes is my functionality or basic feature of an application are working perfectly fine or not so that is the reason smoke testing is done by both developer and tester on the other hand your sanity testing is usually performed only by testers as I have said in the previous part of the video because sanity testing is usually narrow and deep testing and it is the job of only testers to go deep in allocation and tested it is not a job of developer to vote people know the application understand he can do that but it is usually done by testers see guys whenever any company start making software for the very first time that time it takes developer almost 30 to 40 bills to give to the testers and to make the software stable so until the holidays your your software is actually stable we do smoke testing to make sure that basic features are working perfectly fine or not so at the starting level that means whenever any company is developing any software for the let's say for 20 or 30 builds or maybe 10 builds or eight to ten builds since they're developing it the very first time their software will not be so stable so that is that is the reason why they will do small testing to make sure that bill is acceptable or not and to make sure that basic features are working perfectly fine or not so when build is not stable we do smoke testing once after once after four tables or 50 builds or lexical tables when your build is actually stable you focuses on sanity testing you move focuses on the new implementation new functionality and the bug fixes similarly your smooth testing is like a general health check-up it is like it is like checking the health often software without going deeper it is like a general health check-up on an other hand your sanity testing is like specialized health check-up in which here you won't consider more about your gender and checkup but you will more focuses on a for a particular specialized health check out I hope whatever I am saying is totally understandable by you guys when I say gender and checkup I mean that you take an example of a body if you go for any gender and checkup they will check your weight they will check your height they will check your blood pressure and they will check whether how much body temperature you have and that is what small testing do it will just check the applica very high level whether the basic or critical features are working perfectly fine or not on another hand we talked about straddle interesting it is like a specialized health checker in which they won't test the application having very high level how do you go deeper into the application and tested for maybe one or two functionality or feature let's say the if you're talking about my like if I go to a doctor your sanity testing means they will go to a particular organ and they will test it in very detail let's say they will go to my heartbeat and there it tests those organs in very detail so guys I hope the differences I have said is Toki understandable well you guys if else please give a big thumbs up to this video subscribe to my channel software testing by I'm giddy and please share this video with you any difference have any doubt list out all your doubt in the comment section you want to reach to me out I have already added my core icon Twitter account gmail account my Instagram account my telegram account in the link description please check it out have any doubt put out you're down in the comment section thank you guys
Channel: SoftwaretestingbyMKT
Views: 103,051
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Keywords: software testing, software testing by mkt, softwaretestingbymkt, smoke testing, sanity testing, smoke vs sanity testing, Difference Between Smoke and Sanity Testing, exact difference between smoke and sanity testing, testing, manual testing, software testing tutorial, smoke and sanity testing in software testing, smoke and sanity testing with examples, software testing material, what is software testing, software testing tutorials, software, software testing course, what is api
Id: Nd7TEhFtn4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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