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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] perfecting fellowship international welcomes you to holy convocation 2021 friday evening service holy convocation 2021 has reached the masses this week through the anointed gifts of bishop daryl hines linwood dillard pastors riva thames watkins larry lafayette carthan george blanks cindy flowers and our leader bishop marvin weiners the gospel has been spread all over the world our powerful virtual gathering concludes tomorrow morning with none other than pfi's own the anointed and gifted pastor donnie mcclurkin and the incredible music ministry of kalantay gavin in powerful mantling service as we welcome new churches to the perfecting fellowship international body please visit our website at www.pfi dot world for schedule and registration information now prepare for a powerful time tonight as we enter the perfecting fellowship international cyber sanctuary with musical guests kalante gavin and the ministry of elder mark moore come on everybody put your hands together let's give god praise why don't you stand to your feet come on while you're on facebook youtube come on join us and put your hands together and give god praise on behalf of our overseer of bishop marvin l winans we welcome everyone to our virtual holy convocation we want to say thank you so much for joining us everyone watching on facebook and youtube i want you to get ready because tonight we are going to praise god together come on i need to hear some noise in the room we're getting ready to praise god together here's what i need you to do i want you to hit your share button and i want you to invite someone in bring them in tag them like and share and allow them to be a part of what we are doing tonight here at holy convocation 2021 need you to understand that pfi has a facebook page and a youtube channel so please go on facebook and like our page please subscribe to our youtube channel at pfi official pfi official and be a part of our pfi family come on one more time put those hands together father how we love you we thank you we give you glory we give you honor come on let's create an atmosphere of worship lord we magnify you lord we honor you lord we lift you up you alone are worthy tonight of all of our praise and father we pray that you would have your way in this place we pray that you will saturate this room with your glory send the word that will cause us to be in power said the word that will cause us to be changed send the word that would encourage us send the word that will speak to us and give us direction on what you have for us to do next in our lives now father touch everything that will go before you on today let your anointing reign in this place and we'll forever give you glory we'll forever give you praise come on for the next 30 seconds i need you to open up your mouth come on right where you are in your home create an atmosphere saturate your living room saturate your bedroom tell god to come the way you are right now come on come on while you're here in person we want you to join us come on open up your mouth harley thank you chief come on come on don't stop there come on create expectation get it get a spirit of expectancy come on tell god i need a word from you tonight i need to hear from you tonight i need a move tonight if you're sick while you're at home i dare you to lift your hands up and give god praise come on if you create an atmosphere you'll move in your home hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah come on for the next 30 seconds come on come on hallelujah come on don't don't just don't just come in casually come on come on save that worship worship him in spirit and truth come on hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] come on come on come on come on come on that's it come on come on come on come on all 300 and some of you right now come on i dare you to give god praise come on i dare you to give god praise i dare you to give god grace come on this is the last night of this week but come on if god prays come on why are you here come on let him know he's worth it let him know he's worth it we honor you hallelujah this time pastor lafayette carthan is coming to give us our scripture second corinthians 4 and 3 but if our gospel be heared [Music] it is heared to them that are lost in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but christ jesus the lord and ourselves your servants for jesus is saved for god who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of god and not of us we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed and lastly always bearing about in the body the dying of the lord jesus that the life also of jesus might be made manifest in our body and the word of the lord is already blessed hallelujah how many are you ready for great praise and worship how many are you ready to go before the lord and let's just love on him and praise him and give him glory are you ready come on let's give it up for the pfi praise and worship team hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah god you're worthy you're holy you're righteous you're mighty you're excellent there is no other god like you you are our strength our shield our health our buckler our god our waymaker our provider our healer hallelujah we've come to bless you tonight we've come to magnify you we've come to lift you up and to give you glory we've come to bless your name for you are worthy and there is no other god like you we've come to give you glory to magnify your name to lift you up hallelujah you're a great hallelujah we bless your name jesus you're worthy you're worthy you're worthy [Music] we love you we adore you we magnify you we bless you your name is awesome your name is greater your name is mightier your name is worthy your name is holier we adore you we love you we bless you we give you praise we magnify [Music] nobody like you lord we love you jesus we praise you god your name is great your name is your name is awesome your name is holie you are the true and the living god you are the only wise god there is no one like you up no one above you we adore you we praise you we love you you name god your name it has all power it has all power hallelujah you are our salvation i'm healer our weight maker our provider our gloria the lifter of our head our hiding place our strong power our deliverer our way makeup i'll keep up [Music] hallelujah we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you we bless you in lecture hallelujah glory to your name jesus hallelujah we praise you we praise you we praise you [Music] hallelujah hallelujah oh come on i can't hear you praise him [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] victory [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord he is he is he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh with me hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he is hallelujah [Music] [Music] we love you we praise you we'll bless you we magnify you we lift you up we give you glory your name is worthy we adore you we love you we praise you hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah salvation and glory honor and power he is hallelujah salvation and glory come on we acknowledge the presence of our bishop if you don't mind put your hands together for our presiding prelate bishop marvin hale whinings god bless you god bless you we also acknowledge all of our pfi pastors you may be seated we recognize all of our pfi pastors in our in their families come on if you're a pfi pastor i want you to stand so we can see you on tomorrow saturday morning in our service we will recognize you formally we want to just celebrate all of our pfi pastors one more time from all over let's celebrate those who are watching our pfi pastors that are streaming we praise god for you also our international mother mother dolores winans is watching us cyber sanctuary tonight i need us to show some love in person by clapping your hands and while you're on stream i need you to put something in the comments to let our international mother know that we love her if you don't mind you can just hit some hearts right there and let's give it up for our international mother tonight i have the honor of presenting a walking miracle in the person of our own our pfi's own pastor kenneth family is here with us on tonight i'm not going to tell his testimony we're going to let him tell it by himself everyone please give god praise for pastor kennedy parents [Music] to god be the glory i just want to share just a few moments i've been preaching now right at 49 years god called me in to the ministry at the time and the height of integration in mississippi i grew up in most of my years in mississippi and my father had a saying he said that i want you to be a part of leveling the field of play he sent me to the schools that had amen that needed the fields of play to be leveled i found myself as the first african-american guy that was on the football team the treatment was beyond hostile i can't describe to you i can't tell it all i can't tell at all i can't describe to you how hostile the treatment was as time moved on i felt a need in my life the lord sent a man from los angeles california to memphis tennessee and he said something in his spirit led him to come to hattiesburg he came to hattiesburg and he knocked on our door his name was elder joe curtis and he offered jesus to me and i met jesus as lord and savior that a few months later i traveled with elder curtis and we went from city to city sharing jesus we went to new orleans in an hour's time in the design housing project over 100 people met jesus as lord and savior we went to pensacola florida 97 met jesus we went to mobile alabama we traveled in the projects and wherever we could telling people about jesus that god in my spirit so that when i entered to the university of southern mississippi ultimately i shared jesus then i i began to hear the god began to speak to my heart about standing up and speaking out i went to a couple occasions situations i don't know if you know about mississippi but i need you to know that reverend jesse jackson once told me that as mississippi goes so does the nation see because mississippi the the the the spirit of bigotry and racism is on another level what you think that you're tolerating in america we've been dealing with for a long time with god a place in my spirit not to hold my peace so i found myself over and over and over and over again involved in leveling the playing field i would go to meetings and find myself not able to keep my peace it was like fire shut up in my bones i couldn't hold it i had to say you're wrong then as time went by i can i began to feel the spirit of retaliation but how many know that when you're born again and you're filled with the power of the holy ghost that god does not give you a spirit of fear i wish i had somebody to help me so his time passed i kept standing and kept speaking finally there was a group of five hope elderly black men who called me to the drug store old-fashioned drugstore they one of them said can you come and get an ice cream cone with me and i went into the drugstore he treated me to an ice cream cone he said step in the back rev him fairly when i went in the back there were five men sitting sitting down two more came in total of seven and they put a chair down for me say now we need to tell you something we need you to know we owe it to you to tell you it's not if they coming it's a matter of when they come i said what do you mean what do you mean i was at that stage i said what you mean they're coming to get you reverend we owe it to you we've been in the south we've been in this area don't you understand that they killed the community leader vernon dame but they burned him out and killed him don't you understand what they're doing here black men were being found on the tracks after having been beaten laid on the tracks then they said they're coming for you of course your young brother i look at them and they say i say they can't come get me oh no god's got me god's got me god's got me they can't come get me but they came they came with some bogus stuff they trumped up some charges we were building houses we had done 24 houses in the community refurbished them they came and said we misappropriated funds from them on two houses rest over my ministry had done they were trouble that we were teaching a principle called speed spiritual empowerment that our people needed to be empowered spiritually that if we could share jesus in the community with the gang bankers and everybody else we could see things turn around then we believed in political empowerment political empowerment where we were registering people to vote we said we can shift the community if we were registered to vote out of that a deacon in our church became the mayor of hattiesburg mississippi then we taught something on the educational empowerment we developed a school from preschool to the 12th grade in two years school for additional training then we talk on the economic empowerment that we believe in the spirit of fair share fair share being said and however the money is flowing it needs to trickle down even through our communities we can't afford to let it go one way then we talked about developmental empowerment that we have to develop our own communities we have to rescue our own children i'm going to get real here with you for a second to take off the gloves here for a second we can't rely on mr charlie y'all didn't get that we can't rely on mr charlie to take care of us because martin luther king says how can you rely on your oppressor to deliver you when he's been anointed to oppress you so we began to believe that it was important and we believe that with god all things are possible so we began to build our communities reshape the community and then became a real target so one day they came to my office the fbi and some others came to my office and they said did you have you built or refurbished two houses were there a particular contractor who refurbished it i said no the men in our church refurbished it because that was what we like to do we like to see something dilapidated and we would pull the men together and we would go and refurbish the home and they said no no no no no no don't this man said that he did it no he did not do it and ultimately they said they were going to indict me when they told me they were going to indict me they said they were going to give me 20 years i said 20 years for what they say we're going to give you 20 years you better take at least three years that's the deal we offer you i'm so glad that i'm covered and i have a covering in bishop marvin l wine he's my pastor i did what i was supposed to do i picked up the phone and i called bishop it was on christmas eve bishop and i called him and i said listen man they they plan to come get me they said if i don't take the deal if i don't take the deal they gonna give me 15 to 20 years i've watched mississippi i know plenty of folks that are in jail innocent right now they do it on a regular basis and the shame is that nobody will say anything so i call bishop and i said bishop they offered me three years but i know these folks if i if i continue to fight they're gonna give me 15 to 20. it ain't fair there's no justice matter of fact i decree it's an injustice system not a justice system bishop told me on the phone fairly did you do it i said no bishop i didn't do any of this he said if you didn't do any any of it i wouldn't plea at that point i made a stance simply decreed and declare not yielding going to maintain my innocence i'm going to stand no matter what it looks like we went to court and the deck was stacked people lying thank god for the men pastors of pfi along with bishop they came to court with me they undergirded me supported me and then they watched a jury find me guilty now i need you to know they originally started out with nine different indictments and when court when the trial started it was narrow to three indictments but they found me guilty of all three of those indictments when they announced my guilt wasn't like i was going to run away the judge gladly said remand him put him in jail now i went to jail i'm gonna be transparent with you i i wept and cried out to god a few days later they were they allowed me to bond out when i got out they set a sentencing date i'm going to speed this up they sentenced me to three years in prison the same sentence that they had offered me they told me that by february the 26th i had to report to jail on february 8th i called a meeting with community leaders to set up a plan of action on how we can maintain the fight when they found out that i met on february 8th the next day the judge ordered me to prison right away but i need you to know god is faithful he's a wonder in my soul today glory to his name hallelujah my wife took me to the prison along with my sons when we drove into the prison there was a inmate sitting by the phone booths when i got out and my wife pulled out and they they did what they had to do to process me i want you to know i just finished cancer treatment and i could barely walk i could make it maybe walk from here to that camera before being exhausted when i went to the clinic there was a the guy that was sitting by the phone booth says i've been waiting for you he said what do you mean he said god told me to go by the phone booth and wait for my next assignment you can't tell me god ain't faithful glory hallelujah he said i'm here to minister to you and take care of you you're a pastor god has appointed me and anointed me for this time to take care of you i need you to know the brother walked with me and ministered to me every day come on somebody help me then one day they came and they said pack out say you've been to be shipped say why am i being shipped from pensacola this is close to my family the bus driver came and they chained me down my ankles in my hands when they chained me down the bus driver came in and said who did you make man i said why he says man you're going on diesel therapy and diesel therapies when they want to break you y'all ought to help me he says you're i got your orders right here and you to leave from here and go to santa rosa from santa rosa you to go to tallahassee and from tallahassee you're to go to atlanta and from atlanta you're to go to south carolina from south carolina you're to go to north carolina from north carolina you're to go to kentucky from kentucky glory to god you're gonna go to oklahoma and when you leave oklahoma you're headed to oakdale louisiana i cried again when i got this is when i got understanding when i made it to tallahassee i went in to myself and i laid down got my bible and began to read and lo and behold i heard voices where all the inmates said it's prayer time and i went out where they were having prayer time now you watch god when i went out they began to ask all of the new fellows what did you do on the outside and they went around and when they got to me i said i'm a pastor they began to shout they said we've been praying that god sends us a pastor to teach us the word oh glory hallelujah and then they'll announce bible study in 30 minutes now i'd like to keep it real i wasn't up to doing a bible study i needed something for myself but you know the truth of the matter when you get down the best place to get up is when you begin to minister to somebody else somebody ought to help me today glory to his name they picked me up from tallahassee and sent me to atlanta atlanta was a nasty place come on somebody been there it was a nasty place when i made it there i had a c-pack and then with a c-pack i needed a plug there were no plugs there was a plug outside the door but the bed was on the other side of the sail so if i needed the seat pack i had to sleep on the floor but how many know that favors not there there was a sister that was a god who looked at me and said come on you follow me and she took me to the other side where there was pre-trial going on when i got to the other side there was a man named dr calvin johnson he said preacher no he didn't know i was a preacher he said brother do you have you eaten yet i went in he had some burritos hey burritos with him and he asked me what did you do when you were on the outside i said i was a pastor he jumped up and ran and shouted we got a pastor bible study in an hour from now come on y'all god is real i laid in my cell then i heard the voice of god say they don't have you i have you i got you and i'm gonna take care of you i brought you here to speak a word into you to give you some direction in these last days i want you to know i'm going to deal with them you just do what i tell you to do glory hallelujah my attitude shifted my wife was on the phone constantly calling the bureau of prisons they cut my trip short and sent me to oklahoma and then sent me to oakdale when i got to oakdale i walked into the prison and one of the inmates said that's reverend family y'all want to help me and glory hallelujah he said i was planning to get shipped but because reverend fell is here i'm going gonna stay here because i know he's gonna preach a word can i get any help glory hallelujah but it didn't stop there another brother came in from dallas and when he got from dallas thank god for him when he got from dallas came in from dallas he asked see that man over there i want to sleep on the bunk on top of him because i've been sent here to intercede for him and his family come on y'all you gotta know god is real come on bless the lord with me and every day he would get up at five o'clock in the morning and begin to pray in the spirit he prayed for two hours in the spirit praying over me then he go outside and he kept praying in the spirit the next thing i knew i was outside with him and we were praying in the spirit whatever that grief was whatever that heaviness was how many know that when you pray in the spirit it will edify you it will build you up can i get any help here glory to his name and then y'all god really began to move we began to call bible study we had service not three days a week but seven days a week glory to god they stopped the pastor who was coming in from the outside on sundays and then they afforded me to preach every sunday can i get any help on monday we study the spiritual man on tuesday y'all ought to help me we had the book of revelations on wednesday we had bible study on thursday y'all ought to help me we studied glory hallelujah the book of galatians on friday we had something called friday night live where the saints in the in the in the prison now would get together and bring their food together and worship god you can't tell me god ain't real on saturday morning we had bible study anyhow they would come running to come to get the word i'm amazed at that here we are out here right now and people don't come running to get the word but i need you to know that we cannot live by bread alone but by heavy word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god there's power in the word his word is a sure foundation can i get any help glory hallelujah we can have all the experiences that we want but there's nothing can take the place of the word glory to its name now i'm closing because i want to hear the pastor i asked him how much time i had stay with me here's the beauty and then they're all kind of different face in prison everybody believe in something and then it got to be a challenge the god who answers by fire let him be god bishop when the muslims will come and they have a meeting ultimately they would find their way if they got sick come on they want the saints of god to pray for him but then they moved to another level y'all we wind up having a minister's class and we had a minister's class where 11 brothers amen were licensed to preach and they were ordained they are members of mount carmel right now come on y'all ought to help me they ain't in hattiesburg some of them are one of them glory to god is in dallas the other one come on they all over lay charms glory to god they're all over but now they're preaching the word what am i trying to tell you i'm trying to tell you that these are the last days i'm cutting it off and we can't play church amen this ain't no regular experience glory to god now god's word is true his promises are true i don't have to worry about getting evil with that evil system because i wrote it down bishop god said while i was there that i was he was going to bring america to his knees holy my goodness from zane now listen to what that says i need you to know that was before a pandemic wrote it down that he gonna bring america to his knees you look around right now and america is a crippling nation and i need you to know america needs saving oh y'all not hearing me remember dr martin luther king preached that as one of his last sermons what's wrong with america it needs salvation i'm still here to tell you that america if it don't repent things ain't gonna get better but they're gonna get worse you can't shoot people down in the street and think you're gonna get away with it i need somebody to bear witness with me we need to know who god is and god is faithful amen amen let me stop right here let me start bishop you have to bring me back another time i don't ask nobody no no i don't do that but i love y'all and i just need you to know that i thank bishop for praying for me i thank pfi for praying for me i think perfecting church for praying for me pastor blair thank you for coming to see me bishop came a few times oh glory to god so i'm appreciative y'all's i can't say i'm sorry but thank god for you may the lord bless you [Applause] now i i know we have to be conscious of our time bishop but i kept hearing this and what the devil [Music] meant for evil gone he's not turning it around he's turned it around look at somebody on your road don't touch him just look at him and just said neighbor that's a testimony to let you know what god did for him he'll turn around and do the same thing for you but you have to respond like you believe god is still able to do what he said [Music] i'm a witness he can't i'm a witness event i'm a witness he can't i'm a witness he can't i'm a witness he can't i'm a witness he can i'm a witness he can anybody believe he can we gotta move on quickly [Applause] tell somebody god could turn it around [Music] the devil tried it but it didn't work he tried it [Music] but it didn't work he tried it but it didn't work [Music] y'all please sit down pastor fairly and i spoke last week i said pastor are you coming to convocation what i love he had already purchased this ticket but hadn't been released yet that's faith come on y'all ain't talking back to me he purchased his ticket knew when he was leaving but yet waiting on somebody else but tell somebody when god is in charge when god is involved it works in your favor now i need y'all to scream come on i just need you to just just give god that praise i'm trying to hold this i'm trying to hold us as much as we can when i come to let somebody know god is [Music] still [Music] what the devil meant for evil [Music] god i i just need those five people who know god is turning it around right where you are just start turning around right there just just start turning around right there just i i need you to see that situation turning around for you we only got 30 seconds so if you're gonna get it in this will be your time right now you can praise it [Music] [Music] [Music] he's able [Music] oh thank you [Music] he tried it but it didn't work now if i leave the dance we all want to join in and just dance what i leave [Music] so [Music] [Music] two attempts on my life and i'm still here he tried it and it didn't work we got to move on but i feel breakthrough right up in there i feel breakthrough right up here [Music] victory is yours [Music] why you at home in your living room in your bedroom i dare you to take a moment and just praise god right where you are [Music] [Music] it [Music] now give god a praise right there open up yo shout out to god with the voice of trying [Applause] [Music] hallelujah come on we got to move on [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah when i think of the goodness of jesus my soul [Music] hallelujah thank you come on hallelujah come on put those hands together take your seat if you can come on we got to move on we got to get ready for the world you're going to live to see it happen whatever he's alive tell somebody you're going to live to see it happen we're getting ready to give [Music] i can just get to the sanctuary here this morning if i can just get to the sanctuary yes lord we're getting ready to give thank you jesus my soul loves you hallelujah come on one more time people of god clap those hands give god praise right there we're getting ready to give we're getting ready to give we're getting ready to give what an awesome [Music] what an awesome convocation this has been thank god for the word that has caused us to be empowered on this week we don't know the budget but we believe that the budget is met [Applause] we believe that god will make sure that the burden is lifted off of our leader and everything is done as it relates to holy convocation listen i'm asking every one of you who will and who can if you will sow a seed of at least 50 with me i'm asking over a hundred people to do that whether you're on facebook youtube or whether you're in person if you would do that in your in person if you would just stand real quickly and just let me know that you're standing with us pastor we believe in what god is doing here at holy convocation we believe there's over 100 people who can sow that seed if you're doing it in faith on facebook or youtube listen just put something in the comments and say we're sowing we're sowing we're sowing we're sowing pasta blair we are sowing you're joining us tonight in sewing and you can do so you can do so there are three ways that we are able to give here and we want you to know that you can do cash app and we want you to put dollar sign pc detroit please use this cash app dollar sign pc detroit if you're giving online by credit card go to www.pfi dot world and click donate www.pfi dot world and click donate if you're giving back paypal go to paypal and pay perfecting fellowship international you can go to your paypal account and pay perfecting fellowship international and if you're given by mail you can do that also pfi and you can mail it to 7616 east nevada street in detroit michigan zip code 48234 we thank you and appreciate you for joining and with us believing god for what god has given our president bishop for us to do in these last days here at pfi so we're asking that you would give thank you for those who are sewing the 50 pastor i did not have 50 but i'm giving my absolute best i'm giving my absolute best i want you to stand if you're giving if you're in here giving you're giving your abs salute best i heard bishop hines say that if you can't do that you can give him threes you can give in threes so we want to stand with our absolute best i want to stand with our absolute best i believe god is getting ready to do something spectacular in this place it's not over yet hallelujah father we thank you for for both gift and giving we pray now that you will meet every need according to your will we thank you father for the act of obedience of these your people those who have given out a sacrifice we thank you honor your word give it back to us in good measure press down shake it together run it over cause men to give unto our bosom now it's not a debt that we owe but a seed our soul in jesus name amen for everyone who's in person i want you to pass that offering down to the person on the end you'll pass your offering to the person on the end towards the outside aisles please [Music] hallelujah hallelujah again if you're on facebook or youtube there are three ways you can join us in giving tonight we thank you cash out dollar sign pc detroit given by credit card world click the donate button you have a paypal account you can do that by paying perfecting fellowship international and if you just want to send it in you can do so pfi 7660 east nevada street detroit michigan 48234 we thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] amen amen amen it is hard to believe that holy convocation is coming to an end our final service is tomorrow morning at nine o'clock a.m where we will hear a powerful word from our own pastor donnie mcclurkin hallelujah we will also welcome our new pastors into the pfi family if our new pastors would stand let us recognize we want to recognize our new pastors god bless you god bless you hallelujah we're getting ready to hear the word of god we're so honored to have with us on tonight elder mark moore in the room but before he comes we will be blessed in music ministry pastor donnie mcclurkin is coming at this time to introduce our musical guest well this is a privilege and an honor i want everybody in this room to just give god a shout a good shout out i said a good shot a good shot oh you got to do it on purpose take a deep breath and make a joyful noise give god a good shout out for those of you that may not have been here this morning the power and the spirit of the lord was so strong in this house that we were hard pressed to leave because of the glory that filled the room i'm trying to tell you this holy convocation is unique it is absolutely unique and i praise god for the word that has come throughout all of this entire week but it is my privilege right now to stand and as a as a as a musical singer to be able to introduce the generations the generations spawned many different gifts but it's very rare that you find the generation spawning this type of anointing this young man that is about to come and minister the word through saul is so anointed and so uniquely devoted to god that it is my joy to introduce an extraordinary young man hailing from south carolina glory to god not south carolina south carolina i want you to stand to your feet and welcome the ministry gift of a young man who you will remember for the rest of your life somebody give god praise but now wait wait before he comes let me explain something before he comes as you see him coming in his attire some of us older ones you know we get a little a little crazy but this young man came proposing to minister to the youth and tonight he comes and we widely accept him as he is so put your hands together for the ministry of collante garden please hold everybody while we're standing can we put our hands together for the angel of this house bishop marvin and widens thank god for you i love you so much one of my favorite songs in the world is a song that you infested donnie sings me and my bro quartz is here he's on the keys and we we would i say we would talk about legends and music we just love music and i know we're in convocation but if we wasn't and this was you know like church or something i would bust out with it because y'all are here and if pastor donald he didn't have to preach in the morning i'm not going to do it because you know the word is coming but hurtful talk about the things you've done i was just laughing what you say i'm 22 years old and i love jesus and jordans giving honor to guys out of my life can we clap our hands for elder mark moore who's here i love you man to the pastors of the perfecting fellowship international and uh i just got this song i don't know do y'all feel like praising god with me can you look at somebody next year and say i'm so glad i got the victory i have the victory yeah tell them you got it too you got it so it's it's on my new record entitled uh the now experience and it's just a collective of songs that that i recorded in all types of places and spaces and and conferences and all kind of stuff and and some of y'all will remember don't beat me up i know you know we this is a worshipping praising house and uh so don't be when you hear something that sounds familiar why would he think something like that wait just talking about jesus and so can y'all help me sing it is that okay if you watch it online i want you to help me say it says we're ready oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man can you i mean turn that track up for a sec give me that i mean something blow me out of here not too much though thank you jesus somebody said thank you jesus you all ready you got to move clap your hand come on little trifle [Music] say you got it and i know that nothing can stop me no no no you look good you gotta move [Music] anybody know victory is all over you okay [Applause] [Music] and i [Music] [Music] you say come on [Music] say [Music] [Music] [Music] i know [Music] [Applause] [Music] say victory everybody watch the move bust a movie i need you to give god a victory dance like you know everything connected to you v-i-c-t-o-r-i [Music] victory victory today is my death victory [Music] i'm getting ready to give god praise for all of the victory that i've seen in the past yeah let's go everybody say victory find somebody else if you gotta look at him because his neighbor [Applause] say that praise fool it's for what he did but tell him this praise is for what he's doing right now for all the victories you ain't seen let's go let's go we praise him for what he did he praised what he did right now now i need you to give him a place of expectation for the victories that's about to show up in your life are you all ready let's go inside victory victory [Music] [Applause] let's go [Music] [Applause] i'm [Music] anticipating [Music] can you lift your hands and you said i'm expecting oh come on don't fool me if you're expecting something from god anticipating and move from god i'm expecting [Music] bishop i remember 15 years old when i went viral i was two years out of coming out of a hard dark season of being a part of the church but while i was in the church i was offended in the church i know i know some people call it well that's a cadence what if it's a cadence it's actually sadder than you should call a cadence i was 5 to 13 years old at the hands of not a stranger but a family member who took my innocence but he didn't take my calling [Music] and church people mask trauma but we don't confront trauma and so the young boy who has a dichotomy of characteristics who sings one way but is risk move another we talk about it but we don't pray about it and so while i was learning church i was far away from god because they taught me how to ah [Music] and so i had the performance but i didn't have the power and i remember about 17 years old my manager is here i was staying with him at the time of the peak of my career and it was growing and i told him i said paul i got this this beginning of a song i i was down i was done with church i wanted to be finished and i said i don't want to keep on singing and keep [Music] i [Music] so please hold hold me closer i [Music] dripping i don't wanna know your name jesus and you before i get to the gate you said depart from me workers of iniquity i never knew you hold me hold when i met jesus for real i said i wanna hold you close what do you do what do you do when you're singing and you can feel the songs that you sing in church and while everybody else is feeling it you don't feel it you don't feel it what do you do what do you do what do you do when some seasons your tongue just don't work i said please hold me cause if my situation don't change i need you to change me if my situation don't change i need you to change my view i need you to change in my view can i get somebody to lift up your hand and say god please can you help me just say that one time [Music] please whatever [Applause] i don't get to see your face and while i was shouting i was slipping and falling in church i was singing i was sinning and while the church taught me how to do church they didn't teach me life they didn't teach me that i can be saved and my flesh craves something that my spirit is starving what do you do i said wrap me in your arms in your loving arms i got it for real now say tell me that you love me i told him this was seventeen i was done with you tell me that you care i'll stay by your side jesus if you teach me how to show my friends that they can't see you but you are near cause they keep coming to church but they keep going away where are they now where are they now [Music] get out the walls they could anoint their car because the presence of god that's getting ready to hit your address get out your eyes getting ready to follow them where they are lift your hands right there in your house because i feel the glory of god getting ready to break what's trying to break you and your family in the name of jesus it is so god is holding you glory it is there is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness in the atmosphere [Music] so come lay down [Music] [Applause] foreign is here everyone resting to your feet hallelujah hallelujah god will always have a voice he will always have a voice in every generation [Music] people lament and say you know church ain't what it used to be ah there's a lot of changes but they taught me when i was a little younger not many years ago that god will always have himself a witness [Music] so let's praise god for the ministry of brother collante god will [Applause] he is [Music] god is he [Music] he's here [Music] [Music] [Music] the berlin [Music] we praise god for the voice of this generation elder mark moore [Music] spirit of truth has a wonderful conference the youth leadership conference [Music] hallelujah [Music] would you come on and give god praise for elder mark moore as he comes at this come on let's open our mouth and give god praise tonight everybody uh come on that's an applause it doesn't become praise until you open your mouth and put your words with it david said i bless the lord at all times his praise will not stay stuck in my hands but it will continue to be in my mouth come on open your mouth and give god some praise in this place like you really believe that god is here because i heard a rumor that where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty which ought to let us know that whatever chains were on your life whatever shackles were on your feet whatever muscle was on your mouth is destroyed in the anointing of god i need the redeemed of the lord to come on and say so in this place who those that have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy come on open up your mouth and give god great praise like it's holy convocation come on i said give him great praise like it's holy congregation like the saints have come together come on lift your voice lift your voice listen i need you just real quick before you sit down just look at someone uh that you haven't been talking about this week look at somebody uh don't don't let your mask be a muzzle tonight look at somebody tell them to neighbor after the year that i've had i don't apologize for my praise tonight try that other neighbors and neighbor after all i've been through this year tell them we're not even going to talk about last year tell them i don't apologize if i run i don't apologize if i jump i don't apologize if i holler because when i think of the goodness of jesus said come on you ought to tell somebody my soul cries out hallelujah i praise god for saving me god bless you you may return to your seated place the hours far spent but it has been well spent some trust in horses and some trust in chariots but we will remember the name of the lord for the name of the lord is a strong tower and the righteous run therein and they are saved just holla at me what's his name tonight hallelujah we honor him and certainly it is such a privilege and a pleasure uh to be in this amazing place just one more time and to be here under the banner of holy convocation and it is it is a joy to gather it is a joy to be together uh but we must recognize that as powerful as this week has been as much as we have grown and gleaned from the vision that is pfi there would be no vision if there was not first a visionary and i need you all to help me make this side of detroit shake tonight with appreciation for god's voice crying in the wilderness the watchmen on the wall our pastor our leader our bishop the greatest of all time somebody help me give god praise for the one and only bishop marvin l winans y'all ain't shouting good we can do better than that for the bishop somebody help me what an amazing gift he is and to all of the incredible pastors and leaders that make up uh pfi so than the pastor mclurkin and all of those that have led us through the service pastor blair and uh y'all got to help me celebrate the former uh presiding bishop of prison ministries everywhere i never heard a testimony like this y'all make some noise for pastor fairley tonight no we can do better than that lord have mercy everywhere he went there was ministry everywhere he went they said we've been praying for you and so we are honored to have you with us tonight and certainly what can we say about the ministry gift that is kalantay gavin lord have mercy we thank god for him come on we can do better than and certainly all of you that are in the physical place as well as the cyber sanctuary we greet you in the name of the lord jesus grab your bible if you will and meet me in the book of joshua maybe in the book of joshua i was praying and seeking the lord as to which way to go and i thought i had a course charted and the lord changed my direction and so i'm gonna follow him tonight if that's all right with you if it's not all right with you i'm still gonna follow him joshua chapter number five thank god for all the musicians and brother joshua with me and for the dave and all of the amazing voices that have blessed us and and i must make mention for those of you that are not able to be with us in person i want to just confirm your suspicion uh that pfi is a place of excellence y'all ain't talking to me already i must say it again pfi is a place of excellence it's such such a blessing to sit and look and glean and just see you know i'm looking at chandeliers and and all these chandeliers all of them have light bulbs in them y'all ain't shouting with me hallelujah all the speakers are the same brand they ordered these from they didn't get these from radio shack i can tell amen everything is in place and we salute and recognize all of the behind the scene workers on our media team and our ushers and and our security everybody that helps us do convocation we couldn't do it without you and i gotta shout out the sound team tonight y'all make some noise for the sound team tonight i i'm not an old man at all but i've been in church long enough to know that nobody even looks up there until something go wrong then everybody want to turn around like you know how to fix it turn around look at me you don't know how to fix it and so i salute you you're my best friend tonight if you can give me everything uh on this mic that you can this is my uh uh 14th service in eight days and so i don't have a lot of voice to work with tonight but if you'll help me i promise you i'm gonna be your bet i'm gonna follow you on instagram and everything so please help me joshua chapter five i wanna read a little bit more than i normally would but just follow along with me beginning at verse number two if you will it says and at the time the lord said to joshua make flint knives and circumcise the israelites again and so joshua made flint knives and circumcised the israelites at gibeth harloth now this is why he did so all those that came out of egypt all of the men of military age died in the wilderness on the way after leaving egypt and all the people that came out had been circumcised but the people born in the wilderness during the journey from egypt had not the israelites had moved about in the wilderness 40 years until all the men who were of military age when they left egypt had died since they had not obeyed the lord for the lord had sworn to them that they would not see the land he had solemnly promised their ancestors to give us land flowing with milk and honey seven says so he raised up their sons in their place and these were the ones that joshua circumcised they were still uncircumcised because they had not been circumcised on the way it's a lot of cutting going on here verse 8 and after the whole nation had been circumcised they remained where they were in a camp until they were healed and then the lord said to joshua today here it is i have rolled away the reproach of egypt from you so the place has been called gilgal till this day but on the evening of the 14th day of the month while camped at gilgal on the plains of jericho the israelites celebrated the passover but the day after the passover that very day they ate some of the produce of the land unleavened bread and roasted grain but verse 12 is where i want to park here for a few moments it says but the manna stopped on the next day after they ate this food from the land there was no longer any manner for the israelites but that year they ate the produce of canaan father save your healer god lord tonight from the pulpit of perfecting at pfac holy convocation before we ask you for anything we thank you for everything for this day you've allowed us to see lord we thank you for the gift of the holy ghost lord we thank you for the power that we feel in your name lord we thank you we ask now that you do something that only you can do what a song cannot do do what a dance cannot do do what a clip track cannot do do that which only the god of glory can do and god in this moment even though we are a congregation and a fellowship comprised of multiple generations we pull on the petition of the old church and we ask you to throw your weight around in the place he'll save and deliver and we thank you for it now in jesus name let every glad heart say amen say amen one more time for just a few moments if you will go with me i want to preach and feel compelled to preach tonight from the subject and i need you to help me get this out find somebody that looks like they have the holy ghost look at them and say neighbor tell them i'm allergic to manna look look the other way tell somebody else say neighbor i'm allergic to manna brothers and sisters saints and friends ladies and gentlemen i begin by sharing with you that tonight's message is built upon the foundational truth that while many of us are new testament in power we are old testament in perspective truth of the matter tonight brothers and sisters is that as we celebrated pentecost on last sunday as we celebrated the birthday of the church and the release of the holy spirit and the fulfillment of that which the prophet joel prophesied that in the last days pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters would prophesy as we celebrated that a week ago it is important tonight that we do not fail to remember that jesus allowed us to receive the comforter so that we could have power and or authority i need us to understand tonight brothers and sisters that the distinction is important because favor is on someone else's terms but authority is on ours i believe pfi that instead of pursuing authority so many of us in our modern church have settled for favor we we have an approach and we have a mindset that i need y'all to pray with me because you know i know i know we don't do it everywhere anymore but i come from the kind of church where we used to do and i'm gonna see who the real saints are and who snuck in the convocation but we used to do something called praise and testimony service and i need i need those of you the thousands that are watching maybe you didn't come from the kind of church that had praise and testimony service i'll give you a crash course first thing you need to know is that every testimony had to start the same way okay i'ma see who's here first given honor to the god who is the y'all have been the church before we we testifying about things that god did that fall in the favor category and so we'll get up and say y'all i just want to stand and praise the lord that i went to the car dealership and i had no money couldn't afford nothing on the lot but god gave me favor with the salesman and we shout and we dance and we run but the question that i want to pose tonight is is while favor is something that we can thank god for for a season favor let you go to the dealership and have no money and let someone look out for you but authority says i walk in the dealership and have whatever i need to get the job done you're not hearing what i'm saying tonight just to just tell somebody say neighbor god wants to shift us from favor to authority because favor is a vehicle but authority is the destination and i would suggest to us tonight for our corporate consideration that nothing embodies our dysfunctional love affair with favor quite like the lesson that god shows us on the day that the man has ceased the bible says that the people of god have been wandering in the wildest wilderness for 40 years now as the result of their sin and their disobedience they they have been wandering don't miss me here not because of something that the devil did they have not been wandering because of something that a hater did or something that an adversary did but it was their own disobedience and their refusal to trust god that has caused them to spend generations now wandering in the wilderness the bible says that because of their sin because they did not trust god because we recognize that if it is not faith it is sin and because they did not believe that they could have what god said was theirs the bible says that god says i'm going to allow all of you unbelievers to wander until you die a generation has been lost now wandering in a circle in the wilderness wandering in the desert but understand tonight that because god is faithful he allows a new generation under the leadership of joshua to claim and possess the land that has been promised they have now crossed over into the promised land in the previous chapter and they're soon getting ready to seize jericho and move further but what's interesting here is that this chapter begins by informing us that before anything significant happens first of all they are circumcised somebody just say circumcised well what is what is the significance of this well in the natural circumcision is nothing more than the cutting away of the unnecessary it is the removal of that which is not needed or required but in the spirit understand the circumcision for god and his people was a sign and a symbol of their covenant it was for the purpose of making don't miss me here a distinction between them and everybody else i don't have time to go down that road but but it's a shame that we are living and preaching and existing in a generation where we no longer see a need for a distinction you're not here between light and darkness but i i still remember the bible poses the question what fellowship does light have with darkness and i know i know this isn't possible but can i tell somebody that god still wants his people different look at look at your neighbor and tell them neighbor he's talking about us god god still i know i know that it's 20 21 i know that things have changed but god still wants somebody that has the mindset i want to live so god can use me the bible shows us that the first thing that we see is circumcision but then in verse number nine the second interesting thing here as we hasten to our conclusion and our main argument is that after they are circumcised after they submit to covenant after they allow the excess to be removed the unnecessary to be taken away the bible says that they have the reproach removed yeah that the bible the bible the bible says that after they submit to covenant the reproach is then removed i need us to remember that these are people that are only here because they were born to a generation that did not believe god they were they were born to a generation that did not serve him like they should have and and can i pause and come down your role or maybe invite you to move your coffee table over at home and consider the fact that there are some of us in here that can be honest enough to say i don't trace my lineage back to the upper room my my auntie wasn't there on the day of pentecost i don't come from bishops and apostles and prophets and evangelists and the truth of the matter is there are some of us in here that know what it is to live under a reproach yeah there are some of us in here that know what it is to have shame over our life there are some of us in here don't look at your neighbor it might be them look at me there's somebody that knows what it is to have guilt over your head and over your life because of things that you did or decisions that you made or things that you were born into but i like what the bible says here because it reminds us that when we submit to covenant with god he removes the approach from our life and i wonder is there anybody sitting in here or maybe watching in the cyber sanctuary that can just pause and celebrate god because when you thought that it was over when people looked at you and said you could never be more than what you are is anybody glad that he removed the reproach off of your life i need i need some real people in convocation right now just to turn and tell somebody through your mask if you will just tell them say neighbor i know you know me now but tell them if you knew who i used to be if you if you knew some of the things that i have contemplated in my mind if you knew me before christ might be seen like you wouldn't even want to sit on my row but i'm so glad that if a man be in christ then he is a new creature and he has removed the reproach from my life they have been circumcised they have submitted to covenant and cutting they have had the unnecessary removed they have then experienced the side effect and the benefit of covenant and that god has removed the reproach from their life but then verse 11 is where i have to make my case because it's in verse 11 that it says that after they have now stepped over into the promised land they have not possessed it fully yet they have not fully moved out the inhabitants there is more work to do but they have now crossed over and as they're on the brink of getting ready to conquer jericho and move deeper in the bible says in verse 11 that that night they tasted the produce of the land i need y'all to hear this thing they tasted the produce of the land now realize they have been in an environment of wilderness they have been in a desert and in the desert all they have ever had to eat was man i saw this is now the first time that they have ever tasted unleavened bread and grain because they have only existed on manuel well preacher what is what is manna i'm i'm so glad you asked manna can best be described as heaven's wonder bread um it literally translates to mean what is it the bible says that every morning when the children of israel would go out god and his divine provision would rain down a manner for them to simply go out and pick up and take in to their home he was explicit he says i want you to go and i want you to get enough for today don't worry about tomorrow i'll take care of tomorrow when we get there i want you to get just enough for today if they tried to get too much it would turn into maggots in the basket it had to be rich in nutritional value matter matter because it was all they ate for 40 years it had to be it had to be it had to be rich in nutrients because they didn't have gout and high blood pressure you're not hearing me they didn't have high cholesterol and diabetes they still could march and move they still couldn't make their journey it was something that had grown accustomed to i can only imagine pastor james howe how many ways they had figured out how to work the man i know they probably figured out how to fry it how to saute it how to grill it how to barbecue the man and how to flambe it and smother it they were accustomed to existing exclusively on manner and i need you to hear me now because we have to thank god for the manner because it was necessary for a season yeah it was necessary for a season it was essential for a season because it was not only a reminder of what god can do but it was also a reminder of what we cannot do for ourselves i need us to understand that this is a generation now that has stepped into the promised land that did not know the farming techniques from egypt this is a generation that has been born in a wilderness they knew nothing of agriculture they had never worked a garden they never ran a farm there were no rivers in their desert they had been in a place where they were totally dependent on god just to just ask somebody say neighbor do you know what it is to be in a place as somebody saying have you ever been in a situation where the only way you can define and describe how you made it is god did it the only way the only way i can explain to you i even have my mind is because god when i could not do for myself god took care of me these are people this is a generation that thought it was normal to simply wake up go outside and pick up their nourishment off of the ground because this is all that they've ever seen understand that they had lived through the greatest and most extended miracle in human history this miracle lasted 14 600 days 2080 weeks 40 years they have grown and developed and nourished themselves simply by going outside and picking up their manner and so then for this reason i need us to imagine how something it must have been the morning when they went outside to scoop a handful of manna and found nothing but sand i can only imagine i can only imagine how they felt after leaving verse 11 and step again in verse 12 after the manna has ceased i wonder what they were thinking lord what have we done wrong lord what sin did we commit lord why are you punishing us by preventing the matter from falling but i must remind us that god does nothing without a reason and there's somebody listening to me now in this room and at your home in this room and in your bedroom and you're wondering why god is allowing certain things to dry up in your life and you're wondering why god is allowing certain things to come to a close but can i tell you that it's only because god's got something better for you i need you i need you i need you your neighbors tired and they're ready to go so just hell at them for me and tell them say neighbor the holy ghost said tell them say god's got something better for you the bible says that the manna comes to an end the moment they taste here it is the produce the the fruit of the ground in the land that they have been waiting for and has been promised to them and i'm getting ready to close but there are several things that god told me to tell you several lessons that we learned from the moment the manner stops in our life and the first lesson is that whenever manner stops in your life hear me church it is a reminder that god will not waste a miracle god help me preach in here i'll say it again whenever whenever the manner stops in your life it is a reminder that god will not waste miracles because the question is why would god do for you what you have the power to do for yourself you got to remember they have entered in to the promised land they have entered in to a place they have been waiting and i got to tell you you might not say man but i am afraid that we are a generation of miracle junkies ah yeah yeah yeah yeah we we are a generation that is addicted to miracles we we think we think that a miracle is supposed to be the norm y'all don't like the way i'm preaching we think that that a miracle is supposed to be god's response for our irresponsibility but can i tell somebody that you don't need a miracle in a situation that the right decision and listening to the holy ghost will keep you out of uh who am i talking to in here they can just testify and say you know what you write because i thought i needed a miracle of supernatural debt cancellation y'all y'all know how we do god i need you to get in the lightning storming and just strike the building that's got my student loans on this lord i know you're able to wipe my dead out but the question is why would god give you a miracle of dead cancellation if you keep making fresh debt ah god help me preach it here god i need a miracle to get my my diabetes under control no you need to stop eating pound cake at midnight oh god help me in here tell somebody say neighbor you don't need a miracle tell them say you need to make a better decision because what god is saying to the church in this season after bringing us through a pandemic as we are now sitting in a place where it seems as if the covet cloud is trying to pass over maybe god wants us to understand that now you should have learned enough to say god deliver me from miracles and give me the wisdom to make god feel decisions ah can i preach a few more moments in here because the desert is a barren place the desert is a uncultivated land israel understand needed god's special attention while they were in this 40-year drought but understand for somebody that will receive it that god is now changing how he will provide for them here it is for the three people that will praise him here because they are no longer where they were oh i need you i need you i need you to just look at somebody and just tell them say neighbor you are no longer where you were i'm talking to somebody that used to be in a bad relationship you used to have the wrong person but you are no longer where you were and at some point you got to say god deliver me from the trauma of what was there some of you there's some of you watching that yes you may have had church hurt in a previous experience but you are no longer where you were and you cannot bring the drama from there into the place god is trying to take you ah some of us have become so accustomed to slavery that we don't understand how to handle our freedom but canaan was no longer a wasteland the bible says that the soil in the promised land was now fertile as opposed to where they had come from and so because god has now put them in a fertile land he stops the manners to mature them to the place of saying god now i need you how to teach me how to do something new and so here's what god shows us when he stops the manna from falling the lord shows us hear me now that he will give you manna when you're in a dry place and the only way you can make it is by his supernatural supply but the lord will not provide manner when you live in a fertile farmland because he expects you you're ready to put the work in i need you to tell somebody keep your hands to yourself but tell your neighbor say neighbor god has moved me to a fertile place hi you got the wrong kind of neighbor look at somebody that looks like they're tired of being in a desert find somebody point around and look around the sanctuary if you need to until you find somebody that looks like they're ready to step in the promise and tell them neighbor in this new place of promise tell them you're gonna have to learn how to put the work in you didn't say it like i need you to say it tell one more neighbor say neighbor you got to learn how to put the work in because god is getting ready to shift us high to a higher level of living because much like israel brothers and sisters god says it's time for you to come out of a dry place and move into a promised land and i wonder i wonder i wonder i wonder i wonder is there anybody in the sanctuary tonight whether it's in person or the cyber sanctuary that can just lift up hands tonight and say lord i'm ready to go to a promised land hi because i need you to know tonight that when the matter stops in your life it's a sign that your location has changed and i wonder is there anybody in here that can just say lord it's all right if you change my location some of y'all are sitting next to somebody that doesn't mind staying where they are but is there anybody in here that can just lift your hand again and say i'm ready now to go to the place god has for me i've been in depression long enough but i'm ready to go to joy now i've been in sickness long enough but i'm ready to go to joy now because when the matter stops in your life it's a sign that you were moving from receiving the giving and i got to get ready to close the night but i want you to know tonight that this is not just an old testament principle but jesus he taught this to the apostles because look at the life of jesus he walked with them for three and a half years and when he was with the disciples he provided for them in every single way during the time that he was walking with them he provided lodging and made sure their expenses were paid when he was walking with them when it was tiny he multiplied the bread and the fish and he fell the multitudes it was time to find taxes he told simon peter that the money he needed was in the fish's mouth i wonder can i get a witness in here when the stone raged against the boat jesus stepped up looked at the waves and the wind and sent peace and another night peace be still if there was a miracle jesus provided if there was a way that needed to be made jesus made the way if there was a need he supplied it but notice something interesting in john chapter number 6 after jesus has fed 5 000 people with the little boy's lunch after the miracle he looked at the disciples and he said i i am the man that came down from heaven y'all didn't hear what i said josh i got to rewind i said jesus said i am the man that came down from heaven but y'all still ain't hurt i got to rewind it he said i am the man that came down from heaven and i want to ask you tonight why do you think jesus compared himself to man i want you to know that it was because he wanted us to know that in for you but he told us that i'm gonna sin i'll come for that yellow one that's gonna take you the rest of the way so i want you to know that jesus was saying that just like the matter i've got an expiration date before i give you something else because the man of hell was not supposed to be forever because they were generating to go to a season a season of farming help and i need somebody help [Applause] it's a sign that god is about to teach you something else i [Music] grab your sanitizer and rub it in real good and why don't you just lean over and grab [Laughter] i want you to know that god is getting ready to teach us something new i came on assignments i was on the plane today looking at my message and the lord said don't preach that tell them about the man he said because i i'm getting ready to change the season their head i'm getting ready to teach them something new the bible says that that year they ate the produce of the land and i got a problem know how to produce crap and the only answer is that god gave them revelation to hammer their new assignment well let's go ahead i need somebody to handle a new assignment i speak open doors i speak new ideas i speak new promotions and ask me new wisdom to know how to do it but the whole message is that they never would have gotten back to a place of production if god didn't stop the man and i'm going here now but let me remind you that it seemed like that stuff is drying up and closing your life but god said that i had to send it over i had to cut the help off because if i never stopped your man you never want to learn you can run a business if you can run a business you can start a company if you can start a company you can pass it down to the next generation and so god told me to tell you but i'm gonna have to stop your man up look at your neighbor and say neighbor i command you to develop an allergy to y'all named richard i said tell your neighbor i'm commanding you to be allergic to your comfort zone i'm commanding you but to be allergic [Applause] he wants to give you there's more he wants to download that but you got to get ready to get out of your normal class you got to get ready to get out of the familiar is there anybody that can open your mouth and just give god glory on a friday night because god is taking you into a promised land no more handouts he's anointing you to put the work in he's anointing you to sow and work the ground and god said that if you get busy the same year you're going to eat the food of the land can i get somebody that can say lord i'm ready now i've been desperate long enough but god has given me the authority to possess my promise he's given me the power [Music] can you get somebody and look them in my eyes just one more time and same day it's my last night on man it's my last night on handouts i'm getting ready to [Music] just pointing three people and saying no more man no more man no more man what do you eat now i eat deeds entitled i eat houses and lands he's giving me possession and property no more manner i need somebody to give god praise like he's changing your diet tonight i said i need some money to give god praise everybody's standing i'm finished god said that was the that was the introduction this is the message god says [Music] joshua 5. you're going now into the promised land the bible says first thing that happens is they are circumcised there is the cutting away of the unnecessary can i tell somebody tonight at convocation and part of what god wants to do is cut away some of the unnecessary in your life and here's the danger here's the danger what you can't do is you cannot chase after what god has ran away because you know what a lot of us do you know a lot of us do we ask god to take us to another level but when he removes the things that won't work with us at that level we chase them instead of chasing him and we undermine our own promotion but god said no no you have to submit to the cutting you have to submit to the covenant because god says i want my people to be different than everybody else after after we see circumcision in the text we also see something very interesting it says after the circumcision god says i will remove your reproach the shame the guilt the weight the pressure god says after you submit to covenant i remove the reproach can i tell somebody tonight watching in this room or at home that tonight can be your night where the reproach is rolled away but then the bible says they're stepping in the promise they've been circumcised watch me because you cannot enter promise without cutting away unnecessary stuff they enter promise and once they step into promise reproach is removed but then it says god does something interesting he says he allows them to taste the produce of the land remember these are people that have always lived in a desert these are people that have only eaten manna god has literally fed them ever god showed in the old testament the first uber eats the first door dash he would bring it to them every day and all they had to do was go out and pick it up this is their whole existence but the moment they step into the promised land god says now why don't you taste what's over here they taste unleavened bread and whole grains and the bible says that from that moment on the manna ceased it did not pause it ceased god said that season is over i will never again rain down food on you when i have put you in a place where you can raise your own you are not hearing me get ready to pray they've stepped in they've tasted the good of the land and the bible says that at this moment the panda stops they're wondering well wait wait a minute what do we do now what do we do now what how do we the way god has taken care of us all this time is now different we're used to life and church and ministry one way but now god is doing something different how do we handle this wait hold on wait a minute all of our life we've done it this way when it was time to eat we go outside this is our routine but now god has put us in a different place y'all hearing me now god says because you're in a different place you got to do things a different way [Music] i gave you manna when you didn't have the power to plant crops i gave you manna when you were in a place where the ground was not arable but now that i can put you in the place you've waited for now you got to go to work because god one more time number one will not waste a miracle there are so many of us that are asking for miracles for stuff we don't need a miracle for you don't need a miracle to get your credit right pay your bills on time oh y'all don't hear me some of y'all i'm praying i'm praying i'm praying that we don't have to call the president bishop or the prison ministry to come get you out of jail for this this ppp loan fraud some of y'all doing y'all don't want to hear what i'm saying now you don't got all this government money for stuff you don't you ain't even got and all you have to show for is gucci belts and new shoes and some red bottoms that you you keep putting in every picture you post y'all don't hear me you don't even shout the same way yeah you don't need a financial miracle you need to you need to make a decision addicted to miracles i'm closing we're getting ready to pray god says i'm not gonna give you any more miracles that you don't really need it's our season to grow pfi it's our season to elevate our thinking church member it's our season elevate our thinking no no wait a minute we don't need god for that he gave us the power to do it bible says i'm closed god says no no i'm not not gonna waste miracles because you're no longer where you were i will give you what you need when you can't get it but then i will put you in position to go get it and now you have a role to play jesus likens himself say it again to the manner as a reminder to us and to his disciples in that moment that you're not going to have me here to hold your hand all the time every time y'all in trouble what are we going to do it's a storm what we gonna do jesus can you call the storm all right peace be still i got it we we we need to feed the people we we we don't have no we don't have no food jesus what we're gonna do bring me bring me the the two-piece and the biscuits and let me do what i do jesus feeds them every situation he steps in he is the manna he made away but then he reached a point where he said all right i got to go but i'm going to give you what you need to get the job done i'm gonna give you the holy ghost [Music] what you needed me to hold your hand for the holy ghost in you is what i was gonna do beside you the message tonight is not a shouting message it's not a conventional message it's a thinking message and i want you to make up your mind wait a minute i've been shouting over manna when manna was less than god's best for my life manna you ready manna is favor and i thank god for favor but the destination is authority favor is god would you please drop some manna on me authority however is saying god thank you for giving me the power to get up and work this land i ain't gotta wait i gotta wait i ain't gotta wait i have the authority and tonight the lord told me at pfi friday night that he wanted to release a wave of authority in the house he wanted to release for you to take it back to your church and to take it back to your region and to take it back to your city we will no longer shout for favor when god gave us the power to have authority favor is seasonal but authority is supposed to be our i'm not birthright what i'm saying i'm talking the holy ghost now if you ain't got the holy ghost you ain't got no authority but if you got the holy ghost tell your neighbor today but i've got authority so we're in this room hands lifted the entire sanctuary is an altar [Music] in this covet age bishop is so wise and he has allowed us to have certain protocols in place and we want to respect those protocols but can i tell you you don't have to come stand in a certain spot for god to touch you where you are [Music] you're opening your mouth and i want you to begin on the count of three to open your mouth and begin to pray that god is getting ready to shift you out of your comfort zone i know i know i said this isn't a shouting message because sometimes we want to be comforted with the fact that everything's going to be all right but god told me to tell you and i know this sounds strange don't be mad at me god told me to say it god told me to say he told me to tell us that i'm getting ready to trouble some of your rest until you step into the place i've called you to you prayed for a land to promise why did you ask for a land of promise if you don't want to work the ground you ask for promotion promotion is knocking on your door but you gotta put the work in because god says the manna has now ceased now you gotta put the work in lift those hands one once you're ready to open up your mouth number one i want us to thank god for the season the manna that we had cause we would have died without it i want us to thank him for the season the manna that we had i want to thank him we want to thank him for the season where he did what we couldn't do for ourselves too we're getting ready to cry out but then i also want us to thank him because he has shifted us from that season we are not in lack anymore we are not in poverty anymore we are not in not enough anymore he has put us in a different place he has put us in a different position he is shifting us to a land of plenty he is shifting us to a place of great reward one two three come on open your mouth and begin to worship him now all over this room come on begin to worship him now begin to worship him now but the matter in your life you leaned on it you needed it you required it it was necessary but i want you to worship him that that season is now over i want you to worship him that he's bringing you to a better place i want you to worship him that he's taking you to a more a more suitable landscape i want you to worship him that you have been in a place of not enough but you are stepping into a place of more than enough come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on lord we repent for abusing the man lord we repent for straying in favor lord we repent for settling for a hand down lord we repent for living beneath our privilege when you gave us the access to have so much more but god we ask that you anoint us now to step into another dimension anoint us now to step into another level anoint us that yes god we release authority over the people of god we release authority give us the minds of law to say i'm taking authority give us the minds of the lord to say i will not settle give us your mindset lord come on there it is there's a wind in the house come on there's a sound in the house there's a slack of people taking their place taking their position taking their authority god anoints us to possess the land god anoint us to possess our promise god anoint us to do what you have for us god anoint us to receive instructions for a new level we don't want to stay where we were we don't want to stay how we were but anoint us god to have more to see more to do more to possess more to believe for more give us that attitude that says i'm leaving my manner i'm leaving my man i'm leaving my man and i'm pressing on to possess the promise now open your mouth up and give god praise oh come on i need somebody to give god praise i need somebody to give god praise i need somebody to give him god praise i need somebody to give god praise just look at somebody we're getting ready to go down from here but just look at somebody and prophesy now listen if they don't respond if they don't move if they don't get happy don't sit next to them in the morning don't remember take a picture of them and don't sit next to them next convocation but look at somebody and prophesy and just say name and name the neighbor tell them you are no longer where you were you got the wrong name you got the wrong name i said look at your neighbor and say you're no longer where your words god has shifted to you there it is god has shifted to you god has moved you you're no longer in the wilderness welcome to promise you're no longer in poverty welcome to abundance you're no longer in sickness welcome to healing you were not where you were say yeah tell yourself i'm no longer where i was tell yourself i'm no longer where i was no longer where i was i'm no longer where i was god bless you be seated no longer where i was i'm no longer where i was [Music] you're no longer where you were god has shifted you into a different season got to get ready to go tonight but i want to challenge us on our way out of here i want to challenge the people that are no longer where they were i want to challenge the people that don't eat manna no more to understand here's the part that blesses me the bible says that they ate the produce of the land that year you know what you know what that ought to tell you that ought to tell you that it doesn't take god a long time to do what he wanted to do for you just just prophesy if you got the holy ghost if you ain't got the holy ghost be quiet or either get it but look at somebody that also has the holy say but god's going to do it this year you said you you got the wrong neighbor tell somebody tell them say neighbor god's going to do it this year he don't need 10 years to bless your business god's going to do it this year [Music] he don't need 10 years to bless your church god's going to do it this year he don't need 10 years to save your child god's going to do it this year he don't need 10 years to turn it around god's going to do it this year somebody just run up to heaven and say this year this year for [Music] this year i want us to show tonight i want us to sold on it this year this year this year man of god this year don't run don't run don't run don't you understand that when we praise him for something our praise has the power to take it from this year to this summer [Music] y'all didn't hear what i said to tell somebody to neighbor the truth be told he don't need all year to do it he can do it right now [Applause] yes he can you can do it right now he can i declare the holy ghost by the time you get home from convocation things can have turned around i don't know you're not happy tonight but tell one more neighbor say neighbor i'm believing that before the summer is over i [Music] [Applause] he's going to do it i got to leave it alone i'm sorry he's going to do it though i'mma eat the good of the lamb this year and it might not take that long i believe god can do stuff right now in the atmosphere we in i said he can do it right now i said in the balcony i said he can do it right now i said he can do it right now in fact if you got real friend why don't you go ahead and say i believe he's doing it right now i believe and while i'm working in his house he's working at my house i believe he's doing it right now right now right now right now right now right now right now right now i gotta stop i gotta stop i feel the holy ghost right there y'all y'all sit down because i feel i feel another level of faith i feel another level of faith i feel and ain't gonna have you say nothing else but just look at one more neighbor and say neighbor say you can believe he's gonna do it this year tell him to say you can't believe he's gonna do it this summer tell him say you can't believe he's doing it right now but tell him my faith tells me that it's all ready done so i wonder since it's already done can you praise him right now for what he's already done would you take about 30 seconds and just loose yourself and act like it's convocation and you're gonna praise for what it's already done i said give him a praise for what he's already done [Music] everybody clap your hands come on it's friday night at convocation put your hands together everybody clap your own i said everybody clap your hand i want you to give him a right now praise for what is already done [Music] we got to get out of here yo some of y'all's still cute with george i need the people that believe god has changed your location right now to give him right now praise everybody clap your hands [Music] don't you let him run by himself ain't that one of the new pastors somebody helping welcome in the pfl show have a brother [Music] shine yesterday yes lord yes lord through your will to me away yes i'll praise yes lord yes lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the live stream tonight [Applause] now open your mouth and shout like it's done right now i said like it's already done i said like it's already done i said life is already done why you trying to figure it out god has already worked it out yes he has i'm sorry god bless you we gotta go down from here [Applause] [Music] have your seat if you will we're going home and i want you to get a seat in your hand i want you to get a seat in your hand you are not where you were you were not where you were you were not where you were you were not where you were the church is not where it was the world is not where it was and i want us to sow tonight on the level we believe god has taken us to i want to show on the level that i believe and that you believe god has taken us to there's a glory in here you don't you don't you don't know me and that's fine but you do know our bishop and you know that he would not have allowed me to come i was a gimmick or game kind of preacher we're not about to dim the lights i'm not about to ask for my prophetic key i'm not about to call your name um come on you you knew your name when you got here anyhow you don't you don't need to come to church and have somebody tell you you know if you don't know your name pull out your driver's license and look under michigan it's right there i'm simply here to remind you that god said i give seed to the sower bread to the eater and i want us tonight to sew very quickly very quickly i'm here i'm here uh i'm here by the grace of god but uh since the last time we were together god has done something different for me we stepped out on faith and launched a little online ministry and uh in the middle of the pandemic and god got involved in within less than a year ministered to over 3 million people around the world people being filled with the holy ghost on the phone y'all not hearing me folks getting on face time getting baptized in bathtubs and then swimming pools and all of this kind of stuff in that time we believed god we were traveling to a son of this house in south carolina and recording our services and i said lord we could do this better if we had our own space we believed god in in november of last year i said put it on facebook i said i'm gonna post this every day till it comes to pass so this is a faith declaration i'm believing that god's going to help me to build a production studio in the city of atlanta bishop i'm going to confess i was i was i believed but i needed him to help my unbelief so i said i believe in god for 5 000 square feet and then i went and looked at what 5 000 square feet looked at and i said i can't do nothing with this i said god give me 7 500 square feet and i went and saw that and said i can't do nothing with this either kept working kept confessing kept believing looking at places one day i drove by a building didn't have an appointment didn't know anybody there pulled in from the building looked at and said this feels good it feels good called my reality did we ever do we ever talk to anybody about this property over here off of off of this stream that she said we tried but nobody would answer we think it's been sold i said we'll just call one more time we haven't been able to reach the realtor she called on the first ring somebody picks up she says yes yes this is this is so-and-so with sudden such reality uh is this the realest of the property on such and such street he said no i'm not the realtor my feathers fail i'm on three-way on the phone my feathers fell rodney i said man somebody must have gotten he said i'm actually the ceo of the company that owns the building we said well wow would you give us the number for the for the realtor we'd like to set an appointment he said well if you can wait 15 minutes i'll show it to you now drives from where he is meets me there i'm waiting don't know this man never met him this little jewish brother gets out of his car mr noah roth walks up to me and says yes sir i want to show you the bill we walk in and we toured the facility and had been praying bishop that god would give us houses that we did not build vineyards that we did not plant wells that we did not dig we walk into the building there's no power on power shut off it's dark i got my flashlight on my phone trying to walk through and see what's going on and he begins to tell me says yeah man we just remodeled it before the pandemic here that's exactly what i said what you say he said yeah we just did all new offices we put in frosted glass walls and and we just ran fiber internet cables that uh he said and then watch this he says then when the pandemic broke we ended up moving to a bigger facility something came alive in me because i didn't want to have the spirit come on you know someone says god whoever's in my house now kill them no let them move to something better not the upper room just more bedrooms down here just don't don't kill nobody lord just shift them so that i can possess it so i said okay so y'all y'all upgraded it y'all fixed all this before y'all left yeah we just put new carpet into the and we walked through and it's a 20 000 square foot facility 20 000 square percent and i'm looking i'm saying man i'm i'm so glad god let me see this because i know i ain't no way i can afford this but this is letting me see what i can have one day we left and he shook my hand he said you reached out to me young man i got a good feeling about you we left went our way he tells us he says make us an offer i said are you sure make us an offer we made an offer and they responded and said essentially we had cash buyers that wanted it that we said no to because we feel like y'all are supposed to have this he shows up he shows up i want you to get ready to give he shows up with keys i never seen some of the keys in my life keys to everything keys gives us the keys now here's the crazy part i'm yet to show my id i'm yet to sit at the closing table i'm yet to show proof of income he said give me this many thousands of dollars and i'll see you in x number of years i gave him the money he said the building is yours do well haven't talked to him since now wait a minute wait a minute the pastor james you know what i'm talking about we now have a building for a studio with no no studio equipment so there's a church in the city that was going through some transition pastor needs to be encouraged right now church is in the city and i get a meeting with with the first lady of the church and uh she has a drum set pastor coleman i want to look at i got drum set money and she has like a camera so i'm gonna go cause i'm gonna piece it together piece again i go and i tell her my story and she starts crying and i sit down in my mind this could either be good for me or bad for me i don't know what these tears are she starts crying and she says the lord wants me to help you i said well i believe you're right she said let's go to the other storage unit she takes me to five storage units and ends up giving me listen to this over a hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment y'all not hearing me the church had closed its doors and they had everything we needed cameras furniture desk chairs pull pit pull put props cranes generators we were walking outside my faith was real risky then i said she said we have some more pots on the buses in the back and so we went look at the buses and i said now what you doing with these buses two shuttle buses six thousand miles on them she said you like the buses i said yeah i like the buses she said you can have the buses too the deed is in the title's in the office i'll sign it over when we finish left there with a hundred thousand dollars worth of equipment two shuttle buses we start working i'm getting ready i'm getting ready i'm gonna open it up i need your faith to go to another level we start working we're raising we're raising we're raising we're raising god is allowing sowers to come and we reached a point pastor edwards where we were a week away from easter and i wanted to finish a phase we've been having church and they're on concrete we we didn't have no air in there when we moved in in december we were in there with blankets on trying not to sweat when we were saying i said if we sweat everybody getting pneumonia this this ain't we got it we got to make it work we did all of this god's raising things up and i said we got to finish this by easter i'm 29 000 away from our goal it is the sunday before easter it's palm sunday i'm sitting in a leadership meeting on zoom at my church my father is teaching my phone starts blowing up mark you need to log in click this link click this link i said yeah i'm gonna i'm in a meeting at my home church i can't i can't do that right now they said your pastor will understand click the link i click the link and it's the service for a church in oklahoma i've never been to never met the pastor but he's a household name for many of us in our generation pastor michael todd has a toddler's up and i'm trying to figure out what is why do i need to see this i can watch his service later and he's talking about the fact that their church wants to be generous and i said okay my friends wanted me to see this so that my faith can come alive that god's gonna bless me like he's blessing these people aren't you i said all right that's good i'm listening and he says we heard the story of a ministry in atlanta and i said to myself i live in atlanta so there's ministering atlanta and and they're trying to build a production studio i said man i'm trying to build a dungeon studio and i live in atlanta you know how the enemy is i start thinking is he about somebody that stole my idea i said so they wanted me to see this so i could know we need to call the attorney and and find a cease and desist because they even stole my little idea and he says and we heard that they were trying to finish a project by easter i said i'm trying to finish mine by easter then he said and it's led by a man named elder mark moore i said that's my name too and stole my vision and my name this ain't right i'm looking and then they put my picture up on the screen at their church and i said he looked like me and he looks in the company says pastor mark moore we just want you to know we heard about what you're doing and we're sending fifty thousand dollars to help you [Applause] y'all not hearing me i still ain't met i still haven't met him still don't still don't have his phone number but they sent that money and i'm saying all this to say i'm saying all this to say i'm saying all this to say that whenever we as covenant people do what god says when he says do it we have no choice but for provision to find us and i want to challenge somebody everything that preceded that was seed sowing the saturday before that happened bishop i was with my father in a service and he asked for seed and i stood up and sold it needing money i stood up and sold the next day a stranger sent me fifty thousand dollars i want to tell everyone in here i don't know what's on the other now for me a studio was on the other side of my seat a 50 000 seed into me was on the other side of the seed that i sold from without i don't know what's on the other side of your seat but i do know that god is not a man that he should lie and he promised us harvest it is no secret what god can do what he's done for others he'll do the same for you i want to challenge everybody in here there are a number of us right now right now right now that can sow a 200 seed i'm talking to you in the room but i'm talking to you at home as well there are significantly more people at home than there are in this room because of the power of technology thousands of people around the world will see this i see you brenda and yvette and regina and samantha and ayanna and gail i see all of you i see all of you mikhail and vanessa and i need i need all of you right now there are at least 10 i'm believing for in this moment in the room or online that will stand with a 200 seat if you're one of them i want you to hop to your feet now now now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. we're in overflow if you're at home and you're selling that 200 seed you see all the giving options on the screen if you're giving on cash app it's pc detroit dollar sign pc detroit if you're giving online go to and click donate i need those of you at home i need those of you at home that are sowing that 200 seed i want you to do it now i'm sowing into the fact that i'm not going to live off manna no more i'm sowing into the fact that god has taken me to a promised land i'm sewing bless you pastor into the fact that god is not going to leave me in the desert i'm sowing into the fact that god is about to change what my life looks like come on come on you see the four ways to give online cash app paypal you can mail it to the church right here on east nevada whatever you need to do i'm waiting on you i'm waiting on you i'm waiting on you you're moving now you're moving now you're moving now you're moving now you're moving now you're moving now i want you to sew i want you to sow i want you to sow i want you to sow i want you to sow this is good ground i see you in the comments that's right that's right now very quickly there's some of us that say i have my 200. bless you bless you but there are others that say i don't have two but i do have one i have one i have one hundred dollars i want you if you're joining us with the one hundred dollar seat i want you to stand i want you to stand i want you to say in the comments would you stand with me at home would you stand with me at home talk to me i want to see i want to let bishop weinings know that you're selling that 100 seat would you talk to me at home i see you michelle i see you samantha come on i need somebody else to get that 100 dollar seat instead get that seat and stand the struggle is on [Music] i believe that it is come on you're sewing now you're sewing now struggle is over y'all praise god for marsha online so in that 100 dollar seat come on you've got praise for marsha who else is it at home we want to celebrate you who else is sowing that 100 dollar seed at the house [Music] there's somebody else y'all got praise for gail gardner saw in her 200 seat at home come on in the room you've got praise for gail come on who else at home is sewing with us who else at home you are a part of this you are a part of this struggle is over [Music] michelle gardner is sewing for 200 dollar seat come on your praise god for michelle garner we gotta go but i want you to show i want you to sow so until your promise bring honor higgins 100 come on thank god for bring out the higgins we see you at home come on in so struggle is over timmins s.c timmons are 140 dollar c thank you you've got praise for sc tim and torn that see strong only struggling who else is it we're getting ready to go save the struggle i've been in that place long enough thank you i see you at home that's right that's right that's right we see you come on why don't you join with us demetria jones at 200 dollar seat bless gone for demetria well that's gone for you dimitri who else you got another few moments you got another few moments so at the house into what god is doing in this house [Music] listen listen some of you don't have the two that's fine some of you don't have the one that it's not equal giving in this moment it's equal sacrifice but i want you to get listen i want you to get if you can get 50 to get 50 but i need everybody so i'm gonna say everybody say it again say everybody everybody to get as close as close to that 20 dollar seat as you can and stand to your feet everybody get that 20 and stand at home i want you to get that 20 instead at home even at the house there's no distance in the spirit get that smartphone get that iphone get that whatever you got and go to cash app go to go to go to paypal that's right go to the website and i want you to store it we're all standing if we're able put that seat in your right hand that's your hand of strength and power raise it to the lord and say this is my seed i saw it willingly and joyful i boldly confess that the windows of heaven are open above me say i'm wealthy i'm prosperous i'll never be broke again look at the neighbor and say you're wealthy you're prosperous you'll never be broke again put it together purify we're wealthy we're prosperous we'll never be broke again in jesus name amen i want you to sow that seed now thank you angela for sowing thank you greener for sowing thank you cecilia for sowing thank you latoya for that hundred dollar seed come on put the cash out back up on the screen people want to know gotta [Music] say the struggle is over [Music] is [Music] [Music] we will see you tomorrow morning at nine o'clock am [Music] please be seated just for a moment hallelujah here's somebody take my offer thank you sir come on let's give god praise for that word today i want to personally welcome uh all of our cyber sanctuary off uh audience and those of you that have given i praise god he's going to certainly do it um [Music] i i in specificity i want to thank the reason i don't have much voices because y'all kept me up late last night after having to preach after having done a workshop but i praise god as the old folk taught me i'd rather wear out than rust out but how about those singing shepherds i want our singing shepherds to join me on stage right now pastor hurley coleman from saginaw michigan pastor larry trice from lansing michigan pastor daryl blair [Music] uh they ain't gonna call lady blair but make sure she get what you need pastor lafayette carthan from cleveland ohio [Music] really i want to thank them it was wonderful we had over i believe it's 600 folk 500 600 over 600 folk that joined us for the ticketed singing shepherds concert last night and so every year uh they give of their talent and of their time and um we want to thank them i think they have something for them come on sister cindy look at them look at over here praise the lord everybody well we have of course as bishop said the singing shepherds was the last night and uh brother bibi wyans had to leave but he's he's here tonight and every year we crown who is the singing shepherd right so last year was the rhythm man oh it's pastor blair last year right pastor blair was the was that in 2019 i'm sorry in 2019 pastor blair was the singing shepherd he won that year pastor trace i think won it the year before but we're going to announce the singing shepherd of this evening and brother bibi had to leave but he's actually here bibi are you here congratulations to all the singing shepherds on last night now i'm surprised and i'm shocked because i didn't know the uh results would come in so quickly so they did and so shepherd of the night belongs to bishop elect marvin [Applause] [Music] pastor um for your ride so he said he wanted to thank pastor trice for he the bribe slash blessing he sent him a check the week before holy convocation so bibi said that he was bribing him for to win the singing concert so cindy shepard there is your grand prize and we have gifts for all our pastors thank you so much for your participation [Music] we're standing let's give it up for our bishop again listen if you missed singing shepherds last night i i told them i had to go to the front row because i felt like i was at a whinings concert for real and a pastor for clerking donnie mcclurkin back then and it was awesome awesome awesome awesome again tomorrow we'll meet at nine o'clock in the morning we're asking everyone on facebook youtube to join us we're asking all of those who are signed up to be with us all tomorrow if you will be here we will start on time amen father how we love you we thank you for this time of sharing his time of fellowship thank you for the word from the elder mark moore bless him now strengthen him in replenish him now now father as we go we pray that you would just cover us send angels before us that'll watch over said protectors that will guard us every assignment that the enemy is sending against us we send it back to the pits of hell for which it was originated from we thank you father for safe travel safe passage go with us and be with us in jesus name we say thank you and we say amen y'all be blessed god bless you
Channel: Perfecting Church - Official Youtube Channel
Views: 14,631
Rating: 4.9629631 out of 5
Id: n4DcXUCuvsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 6sec (11286 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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