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[Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're luy T too lucky it's the curse I try to live with [Music] please don't take this personally s but you remind me of something I scrapped off my shoe today no offense taken that makes St happens all the time salute problem is SE there is not the mix of shed is shed if it sticks to a shoe or walks into the wrong ctin well in that case my ball and I be happy to leave [Music] adios [Music] [Applause] my [Applause] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way [Applause] [Music] hey hey he started it what the hell you [Applause] taking That's my boy David David Benson this is your wake up Cole s you look like [ __ ] David you don't smell so good either do that mean I get a hug no but has getting out of this toilet sound to you I'm pretty happy here I've SP it with a Jailer y was are great David what do you say we go talk to a mutual friend of ours about little gig you walk out of your scotf free all charges dropped that's never work for you guys I was brought up a conspiracy fraud and that was way above both of us David and you know it hour your time you're out of here whether you take the job or not your schedule freeing up [Music] yet passport and paper please I think you're still bitter for being the Fall Guy I passed bitter two years ago now I'm pissed off the Iran Contra was bad business for everyone he doesn't seem to have hurt your standing in the community I'm not a Boy Scout like you Benson I'm flexible I understand the system tell me something Oxnard what does it hurt when he bend over that much kassas you get used to [Music] it [Music] [Music] dining facilities mission control for private Enterprise these days David guns for hire professional Defenders of pax Americana safe to commercial with someone else oxer so r m your F of ours right here B shackell it's been a long time too long well you look fit nice tan and keeping busy I suppose you could talk about my favorite color too but why don't we do that after you tell me what you want ah Benson Time Has Changed you you've grown cynical and impatient I like that Sant a small but uh strategically significant little piece of real estate the US government put the previous regime the Santiago family into power that was 50 years ago when their patriarch emelo Santiago finally died a couple of years ago Uncle sugar proposed a new deal in keeping with these enlightened times of ours no more USA unless Santa prava agrees to Stage a free and open election the beneficiary of this mandate was Fernando Casas elected El Presidente to Santa braa nearly one year ago today his wife's the one that hired us David against the wishes of her husband she's afraid that a reactionary element with in the government will attempt to eliminate the president during his first anniversary speech which uh is to be delivered air 72 hours from now where do I fit in a cas's greatest moment of vulnerability will be during the speech itself he'll be in the middle of a plaza completely exposed now the uh Santa braa security people are uh competent but they are not trained to cope with an outside professional no uh we need a specialist of Our Own in there we need you David come on guys this pretty basic stuff why me for one they're available and we don't have time to conduct joke interviews Mr Benson Mr David Benson may I present Senora Isabella Santiago Casas wife to president Casas Senora presidenta Senora Casas has taken a proactive part in overseeing the matter of her husband's security she was most impressed with your voice qualifications thank you you're welcome daveid inside you'll find a cashier's check for $10,000 paid in advance US passport and Visa papers included further a congressional pardon for your uh unwitting involvement in that Iran business the second chance David I am told you're the best Mr Benson please consider your decision carefully if you will excuse me correct if I'm wrong seora president's name have a Santiago somewhere in the middle her father was old Emilio's brother you know how it is in these banana republics if there's not some thread connecting him to the old regime cia's name Never Would Have Made It On To The Ballot got but Senor and Senora Casas are part of New Breed in this country educated at foreign universities politically Savvy and genuinely concern concerned about the welfare of the people the ghost of the Santiago Clan at the least of casas's worries with reactionary generals and gorillas lurking in the jungle gorillas Rebels Revolution arios you know the types enemies of the rich friends of the peasants supposedly there's been an Armistice in effect since the election a chance for Casas to make good on his campaign promises how long is that supposed to last who knows bottom line cus is a longtailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs not bad for girl it was my job to make you look good Washington gentlemen fall in please this is your team David I believe you'll recognize at least one of these ladies Oxnard classy setup he got here look at this [ __ ] home man this must be the place where all the flies come to die come on Mason we've been in worse damn hondures 88 bad days [ __ ] up is more like it buddy heard they cut your nuts off and shove them down your throat sure could have used a breath man to see you to see you to see you buddy Sergeant Styles formerly 82nd Airborne heard a lot about you sir good things nothing but good Washington rexl former Army Ranger pleas be aboard sir good to have you yeah people flew Choppers cobt Ops probably been his passenger a couple of times I'm sure how you doing man Oxnard you order a pizza with jalapenos you'll love it uhoh Oxnard should have paid that parking ticket yeah one of you gentlemen is Senor Oxnard I am capan Miguel Ramirez of the Santa brao police reporting for Duty seor the captain has been attached to our team what senores in our country it is generally understood that the federales the federal police are in charge of our own president's security well goty down hold it right there can I expect anywhere [ __ ] surprises this price was ours seor not yours I'm just here to make sure there is coordination between the different security details now is there a problem with them no problem I'm sure we can find a way to work this out right David you are David bon no you uh have some problem working with a local seor Bon not really maybe because you've been doing nothing more than chasing horse for the last 5 years I think we're all putas down here maybe it's because I've been down here too long don't take this personally Gyan but I just don't trust anyone who's wearing a uniform and I have been here too long to trust anyone who's ever been with the CIA I don't think it personal I'm you hey David come on so Mason how'd you get roped into this one as usual they hired me for my girlish good looks and my scintilating personality [ __ ] man last time I saw a face like yours had a [ __ ] hook in it look who's talking I'm not exactly growing a third leg staring at yours I'm an out of work grunt sha well called waving cash there was nothing else on my dance card how about you Styles same [ __ ] man just a different file speaking of [ __ ] boys capan you getting your [ __ ] together over there as you were men David if I'm not taking you away from anything terribly important Colonel would like a word Chopper drops us in Santa Bravo City 0600 tomorrow cia's personal guards will pick us up at the helipad I'd really sleep better tonight if he just televis his speech I don't like the plaza it's too open well you're welcome to run it up the flag pole and see if he salutes we're scheduled to have a security briefing with El presidenti at 0900 and gentlemen we have been asked to include El Capitano in the interest of diplomacy we don't have a choice he's a plant they don't trust us almost as much as we don't trust him no problem we'll just keep the good Captain's radio or switch to another Channel wouldn't want it any other way see you later that's L I go ah uh seor Presidente I would like to introduce to you our team leader David Benson yes Mr Benson my wife has already told me a lot about you I'd like to thank you in advance for your most aable assistance uh sir I've been told you said no to a televis speech in my opinion it's a big mistake Mr Benson let me be very very Frank with you I am told that you're being paid quite well for your services if I were to cancel my plans now then I would have no further need for you or your team of professional Killers now would I Fernando Mr Benson has made great sacrifices on behalf of his integrity and his ideals he does not do with these for money but for a chance to regain his honor and return to his country is that so then I have a question for you Mr Benson man of high ideals that you claim to be have you observed I mean really observed how the people of Santa braa exist yes sir I have then you've seen the poverty the misery and yet observe how their Presidente lives please tell me Mr Benson I'm very anxious to know how does a man of high ideal such as yourself reconcile such disparity what would you do with such a palace as this you're asking the wrong guy sir me a room this big I would turn it into a basketball court yes precisely precisely why not and what else Mr Benson a hospital Ward perhaps because you see this presidential Palace represents everything that was wrong with the previous regime Fernando are we not losing track of the reason Mr Benson is here yes perhaps so perhaps so you will forgive me Mr Benson if sometimes I jumped to conclusions too quickly but remember the words we've spoken here today because you'll hear them again tomorrow at the plaza sir I still wish it reconsidered the people must know that I am one of them Mr Benson don't you see doesn't anyone see I refuse to appear as some Untouchable televised Phantom sir I like what you're saying but it is my job to make sure that those convictions don't get you killed duly noted my friend duly noted keep me safe and sound I place my trust in you and in godl [Music] [Music] I want two minute checks to myself and major oxnar if a bird Parts I want to know about it Styles Washington ground level north south peoples Oceanside capan Ramirez I want you be the Gazebo somehow Mason you don't impress Mr a devout Catholic you kidding man deep down I'm as pure as the Virgin you're right check all three towers the staircase is leading up to them stay locked and bolted Jack I don't care if to pop himself cell pH on sometime got it buddy what the hell did I just tell you why don't I go with him three towers two men can check it out faster let's get something straight Gan if Senora presidenta trusted you to run the show she wouldn't be wasting her money on me okay so now get with the program and don't push your luck no you don't push and this is it's over Amigo you and I are going to have a serious discussion and believe me it's going to hurt I'm looking forward to it I enjoy [Music] rain you'll hear from me every 2 minutes Oxnard yeah Roger that top dog we got your inv visual keep the visual on Captain [ __ ] he's pushing on my wrong buttons you got him on a separate channel right brought your dad then we're cool just let him do his thing top dog he's window dressing gotcha Watch Dog Top Dog watch the hold up team in position Top Dog [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Show [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] friends one year ago you elected this Administration based upon one single promise that we would move this country forward now let me tell you that in that brief period of time we have taken the first steps towards declaring a state of War but a war against poverty against starvation against ignorance and above all against political corruption Sidra talk to me team southide clear ocean clear boss okay I realize I realize that such a war requires Sacrifice from each and every one of us come on Mason quit saying your rosers and give me a sidrap starting at the very top with us with your leaders and specifically with me Mason oxer I've got a problem every morning I look outside the walls of the presidential Palace and what do I see oxer what's the problem po silhouette bail chamber at the Clock Tower can't get Mason on the horn and where the hell is oxar don't waste time check it out yourself I've got the plaza covered I'm moving what's up boss hold your positions this might be a diversion I see poverty I see sickness I see disease godam it where are you I see Hunger Ramirez are you near the cathedral I see children dying in their mother's arms Ramirez so today my wife Isabella and I make the first series of personal sacrifices and perhaps sacrifice is not the right word we should simply call them duties our duties today my friends we return to the people of Santa braa that which rightfully belongs to [Applause] them we shall what was once a symbol of greed and selfishness to a symbol of benevolence into a symbol of [Applause] life a magnificent Palace built by The Sweat by the blood of the people shall take its rightful place as a palace for all the people as a palace of health and wellbeing for all the citizens of [Applause] Santa my friends please this Palace this presidential Palace is not a gift it [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] has son of a [Music] [ __ ] I've spotted the Assassins they're in the clock tower of the cathedral the Assassin's names David Benson and Captain Miguel Ramirez they are armed in dangerous mu Pelos do not hesitate shoot I repeat shoot to kill it was a setup those lousy bastards they're on the roof B house B I'm telling you my men are never going to believe this [ __ ] suit yourself I'm out of here that's exactly what Ro now wants us to do H Amigos H you were saying get ready to [Music] jump the street behind the cathedral let's [Music] go peop it's set up say again Top Dog Ox is [ __ ] [Music] son of a [ __ ] sorry [Music] buddy [Music] come on [Music] what are you waiting for move move get every road out of the city closed got get the droppers in the air I want them dead you hear me dead it sorry sir I try I know you did Serge It's the final loose end we'll tie it up Lucen yes sir we'll nail him we'll nail him get this loose end out of my sight now move [Music] out guys oh [ __ ] why did they do it why did your people kill our presedent pick a reason they getting the shackle and oxer damn I should have seen it coming they will pay for this you're dreaming Amigo these guys are experts are getting away with this kind of [ __ ] we got to keep moving you still think you are giving the orders huh you're still giving me [ __ ] why you change it wi in combination have you thought about where you are going if I may ask I just keep heading north sooner or later I end up right where I started a few days ago then you don't care if Shak and no not get away with this now you hold it right there let's forget for a moment that the entire country is trying to hunt us down but I won't forget CU all I want to do is get the [ __ ] out of s Bravo as fast as possible if that's your choice we should be heading that way it's more safe that's solid jungle up there I know this country if we go that way we can find food and water I uh I have a sister there a sister what he surprises you that I have family after what I went through today nothing can surprise me anymore she can take care of us hide us until he see for you to cross the border sound like a plan the way Jose I didn't give a [ __ ] about the others you were supposed to kill Benson and Ramirez it'll happen it'll happen it'll happen when you [ __ ] up if Benson gets to the board and squeals for the international news media we are in deep deep [ __ ] am I making myself perfectly clear crystal he again your sister is she ni stretch of the imagination good looking Ringo don't even think about it if she doesn't cut your balls off I will with a rusty knife okay okay chill out man I'm just asking hey Mr Personality would it offend you if I ask about her okay really know this country do you come in my dear seor Asus my profound condolences Isabel this is a tragic day my Fernando is dead which means you are now the acting president of Santa Braava I assume that role with no great joy seor glad to hear it seor because you're under arrest what we have reason to believe that Senor isza may be working with a guillas and that he in fact orchestrated your husband's assassination that is insane Fernando and I have been friends since childhood pending the conclusion of an investigation seusa I'm afraid that we must pleas you under protective custody albas are you taking the word of this there will be no further discussion on this matter take him away trust no one presid especially these americ if anyone is responsible for your husband's death it is them so what's her progress with venson Ramirez borders are sealed major Oxnard is personally scouring every square foot of the country these murderers were able to escape from your major Oxnard and the Federalist today two men surrounded by an army and you tell me they still leave I will deliver their heads to you personally Senor presidenta do that Coronel and quickly heing officials for their government believe that David Benson and capan Ramirez were part of a larger conspiracy local gas subsidized by colan drug cartels are believed to have participated Casia policies long opposed drug trafficking within our borders they've been broadcasting a description of the two assassins a Greeno and a capan federal who betrayed his country I suppose they will be offering a huge reward what is your name seor we didn't do it that's a very strange name we were set up by a couple of guys who supposedly hired us to protect the president of course the H would never never dirty their hands with a direct attack on the presid which explains the two of you exactly a psychotic mercenary and feder now that we got that straight so please can you say presid has probably been arrested and quietly removed by now and seora presant she will have little to say except which dress she wears tomorrow so the henal is slowly take back the country look this has been fun and educational and we can keep speculating all night the point is we didn't do it so if you please can untie me and my friend not yet seor why not because I truly do not believe your story oh this is [ __ ] look it's not asking too much can you please ask for y honcho Your Leader Senor you're speaking to her can we trust you he's not one of themel Casas is the One You're supposed to keep alive you always said they will find a way to kill him I have to let me know all right Teresa paito and time wait a minute she's your I'm the one who got the good looks she got the brains [Music] [Music] [Music] spee graas another smells like [ __ ] I got it from the water down river from where we leave ourselves you miss a little coffee and usually you can't tell the difference [Music] [Music] bottle the rifle against my shoulder El on the knee cheek on the stock notice how steady the barrel is now me try Okay now Focus your eye on the front side not the target I know it doesn't sound logical just trying I think so okay good now try again and this time don't cherk back the trigger just squeeze [Music] [Music] okay hey josito squeeze they have a lot of spirits R sir they're a long way from being real soldiers one time in his life neither was David B I wish back then somebody would have told me what you should tell them go home and start playing with guns perhaps I would if they had homes they could go back too you see many of them they are orphans their famili is murdered by the same headed Adas who now hunt for you they only Someone Like You Benson my name is David only have someone like you David to train then sure let's build up some false hopes that I might be able to take on a real army might as well be teaching them how to dig their own Graves lady because that's all I'd really be doing is there no shred of Faith left in your soul David sorry no I've seen what happens to kisss like these when you toss them into the meek grinder of combat it ain't a pretty sight Teresa maybe he's right and maybe he's just a coward her no if being a coward means I'm sick and tired of people dying around me and maybe you're right I too am sick and tired of people dying I took it out to the border and Escape but he will not stop me dying that this cannot continue excuse me Senator our Congress has been abolished all leg ation from the past 60 days has been has been invalidated by General B seor Marquez I recommend we speak of this matter immediately and in private yes ma'am Al seora you will join us please yes ma'am forret to inform you seora presidenta that our congressional power has been revoked by this very men the ability to reverse this travesty still lies in your seora presidenta the people loved you as they love your late husband they would support your decision without question you're right seor Marquez they do love me and will believe whatever I tell them oh you will please prepare statement for the Press statement it will offer my sincere condolences to the people these latest assassinations by by the bloodthirsty and murderous gas have caused me to fear for the safety of the man on the street sounds good regrettably we are forced to temporarily impose martial law eloquently articulated Senora presidenta thank you uh but if if I may suggest uh I I think it's a grave air for uh an anonymous voice to uh uh convey the announcement to the popul oh definitely I agree the voice of their beloved Isabella must be heard if you all insist have someone remove these would you they're bleding on my carpet until these butchers are brought to Justice we must must put our trust in the hands of our loyal military for these reasons sadly I must repeat martial law is now in effect regrettably it is my duty to inform you my people that citizens found on the streets after SE down will be arrested and hey wait up can you believe that [ __ ] shackel must have a head so completely turned around do not for a second believe she's so innocent or naive do you know what her real family name is yeah Santiago I all about do you really yeah when they realized your husband wasn't G TOA company line they decided to hire my illustrous K good company don't you David which explains maybe why you've grown so cynical look uh I'm really sorry about this afternoon what's there to be sorry about you expressed your feelings I expressed mine you're leaving tomorrow and I'm staying and they wants who really should be sorry continue lying to the people on National radio life goes on hey Teressa you're not going to try anything crazy are you eventually maybe we will Le of course by some Milagro another Casas is elected do you realize you don't have a single decent assault rifle we'll get one and we'll get another nothing is possible if you still have faith in your heart and where if I may ask Will Faith get those rifles for you there's an army base about 12 miles from here yeah heavily guarded I'm sure tonight yes but they will all change tomorrow martial law remember they'll all be gone deployed to the city I guarantee you they won't all be gone look you got kids with BB guns and World War I carabin detailed sketches and diagrams realizing of course the good plan of attack is needed and a few sticks of dynamite wouldn't hurt you we have exactly 10 low yield but loud all right one week that's all I'm giving you at the end of that week you give me a personal escort to the nearest border dear words cannot express my appreciation thank you David going to learn see how easy that was who's next RAC come on come on kill come on [Music] kill now you're [Music] dead my fellow countrymen I want to tell you what we know so far about the murder of my husband many of you blame the great beards of my husband's own party some have D accus my own family members some blame the corrupt police and the drug lords who bried them but I have proof that the dark hand of the ger is is behind my husband's murder and as for the two criminals who actually murdered murder my the little media darling isn't she I can promise you that they will be apprehended good job [Music] [Music] Teresa [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] moving come on [Music] guys but I have proof that the dark hand of the ins is behind my husband's murder and as for the two criminals who actually murder my dear I was quite convincing I think you phenomenal it's not too hard to understand why you weren't willing to let him give away the Family Farm I believe you Americans refer to it as um crossing the line very good you're learning oh God one moment what is it Coronel forgive the intrusion I wanted to remind you that the generals are waiting for you downstairs the budget meeting if you recall I did not forget coronal please inform the generals I'll be with them presently but of course oh and uh major I'll be needing a word with you two in my office if it's not too much trouble find a pair of pants glad you can make it major pretty girl who's she aside from Benson she may be the greatest threat this new government is facing why she's spreading a clap listen lover boy allow me to alleviate any further misunderstandings your dick is not running this show I am I never said you weren't sir you still haven't told me who she is intelligence has been interrogating some of Ramirez's former colleagues they've dug up some very interesting dirt federali kitan suspected gorilla leader now what does your finely trained military mind determine upon comparing these h no [ __ ] way it seems like the good Captain had a rather incriminating skeleton in his closet which may explain why he was so eager to join Benson's little boy scout troop now putting two and two together if we find her we find Ramirez we find Benson the whole nest of conspirators I want you to circulate these I want you to give copies to your search teams we're going to nail these insects I can smell it oh uh major one other thing uh do not allow your extracurricular activities to distract you from the task at hand dis servicing the client konal CIA has spent good money teaching me how to do that speech H look at the [Music] am [Music] the [Music] third explosion we have exactly 3 minutes we have to hurry hurry hurry Thea come here something's [Music] wrong cover me I'm going over what do you mean that's not part of the plans cover that again [Music] [Music] Pablo the sitting my ass we got to move [ __ ] get get out of here come on move move go [Music] come [Music] on get my sister out of there now change your plans Teresa you drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh headquarters first infantry battalion they were hit about a half an hour ago clean and professional right out of the textbook Benson Benson why is this Benson so hard to kill gentlemen it won't be so hard to kill once we find him and what will that be major the next SI AG [ __ ] I'll head out to the army base Benson whoever's helping can't be far off by the way it's Senora presidenta [ __ ] thank you major [Music] then what was you said about the me grinder of combat it hate a pretty sight that's all we can do with it right now you saved his life David clean and Stitch his WS I want to see if he's going to make it past the fever and the infection somehow I have a feeling [Music] [Applause] you sure it is necessary to buy the weapons our camp is too close to the army base the people are looking for us may be rapping but they ain't D so I suppose you want that escort now to the Border well uh come on come on I'll show you the way it's a lot closer than you thought Teresa I don't think it's a good idea I mean people are looking for us remember Miguel my dearo people have been looking for us since the day we came here I don't think it's a good idea how do you know I'm the one who's been living in the jungle for 5 years no you D you coming or no where did you learn how to S like that were you a doctor GRE Beret they don't just show us how to kill your people you know no I didn't know there's a lot of things about you I don't know David still don't know if you are leaving or if you are staying was that the purpose of the little trip here you help me make up my mind it's right over there the Border beautiful beautiful view so I was a pretty girl like you and in a place like this it was no planed I just finished College in Venezuela it was a bad time for Santa bra as bad as now maybe worse one night the santiagos came with their soldiers my mother and my father they shot and my brother M they beat him for two days just left for dead and me they took me with them and when they were finished they left me in a jungle to die some survivors in the village they found me maybe 20 children a few older people when I grew stronger I stayed with him and [Music] Miguel Miguel he thought things could be better changed from the inside I realized how impossible it was he started to give us information sometimes I say too much come on let's go back to the camp now I'll stay a bit there a couple of things I need to think over I'll see you later you will [Music] [Music] so how did the Border look couldn't really see it oh no busy doing something else well maybe if I score you there you're going to have better luck that's R of Jenners of you Miguel what's up you know what's up I think it's time we stick to original plans Kingo time for you to leave Santa braa before things get too hot I'll make that decision when I decide the time is right time for you to leave is now and there are two ways you can do it the easy way or the hard way and the hard way I guarantee it's going to hurt does this mean we're finally going to have our little talk after do you then I guess then I guess it's that [Music] time [Music] go [Music] you ah oh no they have taken her who took her the and soldiers when we came back to the camp it was an ambush they took a warehous a helicopter then it was over she's alive Isa she you know what they're doing now you she's bait fine we have guns now we take their bait slow down Miguel we need a plan it's easy for you to say Ringo she's not your blood no it's not easy for me to take me again and we still need a [Music] [Music] plan come in pres The Prisoner is here thank you Captain bring her in sir welcome Teresa Ramirez I'm Colonel shawell and this is Senora presidenta Casas that was a very impressive little job you pulled at the army base I don't suppose you had any did you answer him I said answer him Santiago garbage you're not face to walking for another as a shadow hold her back no stop it after you have finished with Her She's Mine is that before after her brother shows up right there would be a certain Poetic Justice if we allow them to witness each other's torture oh wait off to change her soil dress poor dear you know deep down she's really quite sweet do any of us really have time to dig that deep enough of this take your out follow me okay let's go VOS no way I'm letting you get killed Gringo still haven't finished kicking your ass yet my beloved people the policies and mandates of my husband shall leave on through me you're hurting [Music] me I have assumed the office of President by em I can't see myself by emergency order of the people's Congress you trusted Fernando Casillas I now beg you to place that same trust in me and you have my [Music] [Music] vote amig [Music] people of Santa braa this is a historic night for for all of us for tonight we enter into a partnership a marriage if you will for tonight we go to hell my beloved people the policies and mandates of my husband shall be B through [Applause] p i I have uh you have trust you trusted Fernando Casas I now beg you to place that I now beg you to place that they trust in me what's going on do something I'm not paying you to stand around look stupid okay Senora presidenta who are you where's the girl in the jail cells most likely you must be this venson they keep talking about then your enemy is mine I must get to the captain of the Guard okay Miguel leave me at the TV St okay please you have to come with us the gorill have broken through please don't you touch me D stay back sorry if it took so long where's Miguel get this a man hey where you going to find seora presidant I have no debt to be pay that might help [Music] drop it David I'm serious sorry we had to set you up old buddy you were just such a perfect Target yeah no problem man I'll live not this time David this time it's adios adios [Music] you this must stop now the gorillas the gorillas are not the enemy my [Applause] [Music] friend [Music] got [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] m [Music] a [Music] I know we your sisters we can make a deal trust me [Music] nevere training sure paid off find Isabella don't worry I will you know you answered a very important question for me tonight David which is you're staying aren't you no ironic no I'm the one who is [Music] leaving [Music] don't worry Benson she won't be lonely you are about to join her you thought you could ruin everything for me didn't you you and your filthy G friends but I'm Miss Santiago seor Benson don't you realize that my family has ownown this country for over 50 years years that I own it now that his people are just insan you had your husband assassinated didn't you Fernando Fernando was a fool he only cared for his wash masses he locked Vision he was a Ral lover don't take this the wrong way pres but you've just totally lost it not compared to what you are about to lose [Applause] smile D the fighting over the palace is ours advice has been placed under arrest no who did this who did this [Applause] this so-called victory of yours will only turn out to be a bad joke the people are still mine you will see Miguel no be okay get out of my way [Applause] talk to them Isabella talk to your people they're waiting my people here is the Assassin of my beloved [Music] [Applause] [Music] f [Applause] let me go the St [Applause] youart [Applause] I believe your people would like to have a word with [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] yeah [Music] you still need someone to show you to the Border Amigo I'd stick around for a while it's okay with you it's a free country now thanks to you us and a few others who couldn't be here today for your memory Tera Teresa didn't you and I have something to finish I think so but you know something I can't remember what it was it's right on the tip of my tongue maybe it was this works for me Amigo sure works for me salute [Music] Sal [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] oh
Channel: FFF Full Free Films
Views: 638,696
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Keywords: best commando action movies, english commando action movies, van damme action movies, 90s action movies, free action movies in youtube, mercenary movies, mercenaries full movies, action movies mercenaries, good action movies to watch free, good action movies to watch on youtube, action netflix, action hulu, action movies full movie english, military action movies, soldiers full action movies, jungle action movies, great action movies full, action, mercenary, full movie
Id: dvUdUcINBB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 53sec (5573 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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