Perfect Pitcher Guesses Cursed Piano Transcriptions

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Hey, how's it going? Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin! Now you might have seen our videos before where I play on the piano using my perfect pitch skills... *Singing* aah, that's an A... *Brett plays A* That's right. But today, the turn tables. Brett will be listening to some classical music. As he listens, he will be using his immaculate aural skills to transcribe it to his amazing piano virtuosity. And then I shall be using my charades telepathy to guess what he's playing. How many do we have? We have fifteen! If we get over twelve, then, uh... we deserve a bubble tea. All right, first one! I got the note right! Oh, nice! Oh, that's easy. Grieg, "Morning Mood." - Nice. Oh, nice! - Wow! Where was the accompaniment? - Where was the left hand? - I even got the first... Hehehe. - One out of one. - I'll add the accompaniment, make it complicated. Aw, this is gonna be easy! Dude, Brett has perfect pitch. It's all good. I can't hear myself. Eddy: Dv... Dvořák, Symphony No. 9, "New World Symphony." I can't even hear my... self. Next one! Is this some tribal... Ah, no. What...? What?! Is this classical music? Is this EDM, bro? Is this Blackpink? Oh, okay! Beautiful. - Did you get...? Oh, you got it! Haha! - Richard Strauss, "Also Sprach Zarathustra"! That was a... very beautiful rendition. Ah! "Waltz of the Flowers," Tchaikovsky, right? Brett: Yes! That's the harp. Brett: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Brett: Ahh. Yeah, that's... that kinda works, too. Jazzy. Hehe! Four out of four. Brett has perfect pitch. Immaculate perfect pitch. I can't hear myself. I can't hear myself! Ohh! Okay, gotcha! Wagner, "Ride of the Valkyries." - Yes. - Oh my god. I thought something completely different in the beginning. I thought it was Beethoven! It's so fast! Aah! AAH! Oh! Okay, okay! Okay, okay, okay... Stop. I heard a snippet, and that snippet's all I need. Everything else is a distraction. *Singing melodic and timpani lines* Which Beethoven symphony is that again? It's either 5 or 7. I think it's 5, fourth movement, right? Beethoven 5, fourth movement. Let's gooo! I can't believe we got there. Oh, whoa! I can't hear myself! Okay, okay. *Brett cracking up while Eddy sings the melody* Carmen! Yeah, Carmen... Brett: Overture. It was purely that rhythm! Every pitch was wrong! Dude, I can't hear myself! Wait a minute... *Singing correct pitches* Ah. Yep. What was I doing? No, you were doing: All right, next one. I like this. Mahler 5, first movement, trumpet solo. Sorry pianists, I didn't mean to do that. - Had to express myself. - Yeah you've definitely... been bashing the piano. Oh! Okay. Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto. - No. 1, first movement. - Nice. Bruh, I have no idea how I'm getting these. I was just counting on you getting the first few chords! Honestly, it sounds like freaking Schönberg or something, man. Okay, next one. Can't hear myself~ Guys... help me out here, TwoSetters. Ahh! Bro! Okay, okay, okay, got it. Elgar, "Pomp and Circumstance." Yeah! Dude, I thought it was Shostakovich. What were you trying to play in the beginning? I was trying to play that. Oh! You were playing like: Oh wow, ten out of ten. Right, five more! - Oh, god, here we go... - Nice. Oh! Uh, uh... I can't play this part! Brahms. - Violin concerto, third movement. - Yeah! You started in the wrong key, though. Did I?! Yeah, it's D major, that's right, yeah. That's right. Uh, what'd I start in? I don't know, it was not D major, though. Nani? Nani?! Whoa... Okay, stop. Stop. - That was... I have no idea. - I could not keep up at all. All I know is it starts slow and high, and then it gets to... Mendelssohn, "Midsummer Night's Dream!" Aw, nice! Let's goooooo! - Oh, I'm proud of myself for that one. - Next one. Cellos, probably... Oh! Okay. Debussy, "La Mer." Oh, that's so epic. I'm just enjoying music here while Eddy's suffering. Yeah! Oh, okay! Uh... Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2... Third movement. - There's no F natural. - Yes. Brett: That's right, yeah. - Play the clarinet, play. - Yeah. Yeah, and... I don't know. Yeah, that's it, that's it! Something like that. Last one! Oh no... This is a PTSD piece. Don Juan. - Yeah, I just heard Don Juan. - Yeah. It's the piece that gives all violinists PTSD. It's so hard, it's so unnecessarily hard - for an orchestral piece. - It's in every single excerpt. Yeah, audition... I hate it. Nice! - Wow, we got all of them! - Full home run! - Wooooo! - Bubble tea, let's go! Yeah, bubble tea! Oh, that's pretty loud. I was playing really loud. - Yeah, you were. You were smashing... - I was... 'Cause I was trying to hear myself! Thanks everyone for watching! If you don't have perfect pitch, you should practice. If you have perfect pitch, you should practice anyway. Make sure to legato the subscribe button and accent the like button! Check out TwoSet Apparel, Beethoven Spring Sonata, Vivaldi Four Seasons, AND! We will be seeing you guys on tour soon, hopefully! And you guys can hear whether we've practiced or not. Hehehe!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 419,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: gIvARdGq8tA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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