Perfect Peace | Isaiah 24-27 | Gary Hamrick

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well good to see you here on this Memorial Day weekend we're gonna continue in our Bible study through the Book of Isaiah so if you'll take your Bibles please and join me in the Book of Isaiah and we're gonna be chapter 26 today Isaiah chapter 26 we only have a few Bibles left in this service to distribute if you didn't bring a Bible so if you happen to see an usher down your aisle you can raise a hand otherwise if you don't see an usher down your aisle maybe take your phone and go online and look up Isaiah 26 because that's where we're gonna be today and I'm only gonna actually read two verses from Isaiah 26 you can thank me later but it doesn't mean you're getting out early so don't don't get ahead of yourself but I only have two verses to read these are going to be the the the two verses for our text today out of Isaiah chapter 26 is page 500 in those church Bibles Isaiah 26 page 500 of the church Bibles and here are the verses we're gonna look at chapter chapter 26 verses 3 & 4 it says this you will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you trust in the Lord forever for the Lord the Lord is the rock eternal let's pause there and pray father in heaven we're grateful now as we open up our Bibles and we study this passage and we look at this section of Scripture and we pray as always that you would use your word to minister to our hearts we know the promise of your word that it will not return void but as it goes forth it will accomplish the purposes for which it is sent you know us individually you know the purposes that we have need of in our lives today and so I trust that you'll take these verses and you'll speak to our hearts if we've heard these verses before you'll speak to our hearts afresh if we've never heard these verses that you will in a in a wonderful profound way minister your love and your grace through this passage of Scripture today we love you Lord and we thank you for your words in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen for those of you who like to take notes you need to recognize and jot down that Isaiah chapters 24 through 27 are intended to be read as one section Isaiah 24 to 27 has often been called by some Bible scholars as Isaiah's apocalypse because in these chapters God gives Isaiah insight and a vision about things related to the end times and much of what Isaiah writes about in these four chapters have to do with future events that even are beyond our present present day and so what I want to do is I want to look at a quick survey of chapters 24 through 27 and then we're gonna drill down on the verses that I read at the beginning of our Bible study but but just so that we can understand the context in which he writes here and and just an overview of these apocalyptic chapters for those of you who like to take notes here's the first thing chapter 24 is about the judgment of the earth if you're flipping your Bibles back to chapter 24 I'm just going to do a quick gallop through these chapters so follow along if you could with me in your Bibles but in chapter 24 first three verses it says this see the Lord is going to lay waste the earth and devastated he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants it will be the same four priests as four people four master as four servant four mistress as four made for seller as four buyer for borrower as four lender for debtor as four creditor the earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered the Lord has spoken this word and so Isaiah here in the opening few verses tells us that the earth will be devastated that the earth will be laid waste and that the inhabitants will be scattered without regard for social class because that's why I say it talks about whether you're a priest or just people whether you're master or servant mistress are made that the the Lord is going to bring devastation upon the earth and it doesn't have anything to do with whatever social status you happen to belong to this is coming and Isaiah looks way in the future God gives him insight about what is gonna happen when judgment comes to the earth and he's looking at a day even beyond our own but in chapter 24 alone Isaiah uses the word earth 16 times talks about the judgment that is coming to the earth the earth the earth and the book of Revelation bears this out as well for you note-takers you can write in the margin of your Bibles Revelation chapter 8 verses 7 to 11 now you don't need to turn there but I'm gonna read these verses that are a complement to what Isaiah is writing here in chapter 24 here's what John sees in the revelation that God gives him in Revelation 8 verse 7 he says the first angel sounded his trumpet and there came hail and fire mixed with blood and it was hurled down upon the earth a third of the earth was burned up a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned out so try to imagine the devastation from cataclysmic natural disasters that will come at the hand of God upon the earth when vegetation is impacted in such a way that a third of the trees are destroyed and all green grass all green grass so now think about how this translates to livestock how will this affect livestock that grazes on grass continuing in Revelation 8 verse 8 John says the second angel sounded his trumpet and something like a huge mountain all ablaze was thrown into the sea now John's writing in the first century but what he's describing is probably what we would call an asteroid and he says the third of the sea turned into blood a third of the living creatures of the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed so this great asteroid plunges into the ocean it affects salt water it affects ocean life and shipping Commerce and then John goes on to say the third angel sounded his trumpet and a great star blazing like a torch fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water so now it impacts fresh water he said the name of the of the star is wormwood a third of the waters turned bitter and many people died from the waters that had become bitter some say this is a nuclear disaster wormwood can translate Chernobyl and we know the Chernobyl event that happened in the 80s eight metric tons of radioactive material was dispersed if the nuclear power meltdown in Chernobyl eight thousand people died 200,000 people were permanently physically diseased as a result of it listen that that might be a a foreshadowing but that certainly is not a fulfillment because a third of the freshwater was not affected from that event but it might give us a glimpse into something that is coming because it affects a third of the freshwater it could also be referring honestly to a comet which impacts the earth and affects the freshwater comets contain ammonia and methane which are toxic gases and so who knows but the point is that devastation is going to come upon the earth that some day in the future it's part of God's judgment upon the earth don't look at this and think to yourself what kind of a loving God would do this now I know a lot of skeptics will approach God in that way God was such a love of God why would he impact the earth and and devastate it in such a way let me ask you a question when when you learned some of the best lessons in your life that it comes to the good times and the bad times it often comes to the bad times and when God brings judgment upon the earth it is his last wake-up call to a God forsaken christ-rejecting world sometimes God will go to an extreme because people are so stubborn in their hearts and they've rejected him for so long that God will bring cataclysmic natural events and disasters upon the earth to wake people up because he doesn't want any perish so before he returns there's going to be the unleashing of this devastation upon the earth and this is what Isaiah sees this is what John sees in Revelation and by the way forgive me in advance because I get emails when I say stuff like this but when you read your Bibles and you see how the world is going to be completely devastated how the earth is going to be destroyed and not just here but in other places and second Peter 3 and it talks about how the earth is going to you know just completely disintegrate and burn and there's going to be a new heaven and a new earth but when you read your Bibles then you understand what is gonna happen to the planet this is why it just it grates on me the whole thing about you know save the planet hug a tree carbon footprint recycle why it's all gonna be destroyed now listen if you want a hug a trephine hug a tree I love trees but don't hold it too tightly because it's gonna burn and you don't want to burn with it baby all right so just hold it loosely ok now I'm not advocating mistreating the planet whenever I talk like this people are like it's God's green earth you should take care of it and be good to understand ok let's treat God's green earth you know with with respect but all I'm saying is it's gonna burn 1 they don't idolize it and that's the problem in our culture today it's trending towards idolizing the planet and that's what happens when you take God out of the equation when you take God out of the equation then now suddenly the planet is the biggest thing to you you see and it's white Romans 1 speaks about this Romans 1:25 says there's going to come a day and I think we're living in it when people instead of Wersching the Creator will worship created things and we will idolize created things rather than the Creator we're more concerned about the whale and the spotted owl than we are about unborn babies we've we've inverted God's whole system of what is right Isaiah says listen one day God's judgment is going to come upon the earth and there will be devastation and it will be laid waste isaiah sees it and he also points out in the next chapter chapter 25 Isaiah writes about the fulfillment of the kingdom if you'll go to chapter 25 with me in your Bibles and let me just read verses 6 through 9 in verse 6 he says on this mountain he's talking about Jerusalem the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples a banquet of aged wine the best of meats and the finest of wines and on this mountain he will destroy the shroud that unfolds all peoples the sheet that covers all nations he will swallow up death forever amen to that and the sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth and the Lord has spoken and in that day they will say surely this is our God we trusted in him and he saved us this is the Lord we trusted in him let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation so Isaiah now this is again not in chronological order but Isaiah sees the fulfillment of the kingdom he sees a day when the Lord will rule from the mountain meaning Jerusalem the holy mount of God and he and he prophesized about how in that day God will take away the shame of the people and they will end up declaring surely this is our God we trusted in him and he saved us and this will be the ultimate vindication of the righteous when Jesus comes again the Bible says and he will rule and reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years and then after that this earth will be destroyed present heavens will be destroyed and there will be a new heaven and a new earth and it will actually join together Revelation talks about the new city of Jerusalem on the new earth where we will be with the Lord forever but this millennial reign that Isaiah sees this fulfillment of the kingdom is something that will also happen and it will be a glorious day of rejoicing when Jesus is the sole ruler of the planet won't it be a glorious day that'll be a wonderful glorious day it's hard for us to even imagine it now but you know no no political fighting no different kingdoms no different kings just just one king Jesus on the throne in Jerusalem ruling and reigning over the whole planet you know Jesus taught us to pray thy kingdom come okay that's what we pray now but one day his kingdom will be here established on earth for a thousand years what a glorious day that shall be when we were rule and reign with him now before all of that Isaiah writes about in chapter 26 go over to chapter 26 he writes the next thing about the punishment of the wicked last few ver as a chapter 26 look at verses 20 and 21 he says this go my people enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by notice that it's a proof text about how the righteous are preserved from the day of God's wrath and in verse 21 see the Lord is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins the earth will disclose the blood shed upon her she will conceal her slain no longer so it is both a picture of the righteous being preserved and spared from the wrath of God which is consistent also with other pictures of the saints or the righteous being preserved from God's wrath you have lot and his family who are preserved from the wrath of God during the time of God's judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah you have Noah and his family being preserved as the righteous from the wrath of God during the day of the flood and you will have the saints who are preserved from the wrath of God during the day of tribulation so the punishment that comes upon the earth are for those who have rejected God had forsaken Christ not for those who have already yielded their hearts to the Lord okay there will be a day of reckoning for every human being but when you come to trust Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and you surrender your life to his lordship the day you surrender your life to his lordship is your day of reckoning that is the day that you then are judged righteous not because of our own merit but because of the righteousness of Christ that we trust by faith in his finished work on a cross he dies he pays the price for my sin for your sin he takes the punishment intended for me that is my day of reckoning then I exercise my faith I trust Christ because there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus so we don't face a judgment who have trusted Christ as their Savior because judgment has been satisfied for us on the cross when we receive Christ as our Savior so that's the good news here and second Corinthians 5:7 tene reminds us of this therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has gone the new has come and then Paul adds a verse after that he says God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ not counting men's sins against them because you see what Christ did for us on the cross was to pay that price for us so that our sins are not counted against us we can be forgiven we trust Christ as our Savior he died on my behalf and thus we pass from death to life but isaiah sees a day where punishment comes upon the wicked who have rejected god and forsaken him and then lastly just in this quick survey and then we'll get to the verses that we opened up with chapter 27 is about the re-establishment of Israel which is also something prophetic that Isaiah sees in chapter 27 if you look at verse 2 he says in that day talking about a future day sing about a fruitful vineyard now Isaiah has already told us in Isaiah chapter 5 verse 7 that the vineyard of the Lord Almighty is the house of Israel so this passage here in chapter 27 is about Israel and Isaiah says in that day sing about Israel sing about a fruitful vine he says in verse 3 I the Lord watch over it i watered it continually i guard it day and night so that no one may harm it and so God watches over Israel takes care of Israel and then look at verse 6 in the days to come Jacob will take root Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit now the day that in which Isaiah writes the Assyrian Empire is besieged the Northern Kingdom so it's a dark day and 135 years afterwards the Babylonian Empire is going to besiege the southern kingdom so what Isaiah is seeing is way beyond his own day he's seeing to a day that in part has been fulfilled because he speaks here about the reformation of the nation of Israel and Howard will come together and God will cause her to become fruitful again and bud and blossom and so in May May 14th 1948 in part this was fulfilled the re-establishment of this were coming back together and then this amazing prophecy here in verse 6 where he says and and then because Jacob will take root and Israel will bud and blossom they will fill all the world with fruit you know amazingly that Israel smaller than the state of New Jersey but is the 15th largest on the list of them of the most productive in terms of exports in value of all the countries on the planet Israel is 15th in the export of fresh fruits and vegetables around the world among all the countries in the world smaller than the state of New Jersey has God not caused Israel to bloom and blossom and spread fruit around the world it has we see part of this fulfilled even in our own lifetime and it wasn't always like this before the reestablishment the nation of israel 1948 listen to what Mark Twain wrote when he visited Israel in 1867 about just how devastated the land looked this is what he wrote in his book the innocents abroad mark twain wrote quote a desolate country whose soil is rich enough but is given over wholly to weeds a silent mournful expanse a desolation we never saw a human being on the whole route hardly a tree or shrub anywhere even the olive tree and the cactus those fast friends of a worthless soil had almost deserted the country and quote well that's what Mark Twain saw in that in 1867 but since the Reformation of Israel in 1948 my how God has caused the Land of Israel to be fruitful to even bless much of the rest of the world alright so that's the overview of this section Isaiah prophesies about things that are to come the judgment and destruction of the earth punishment of the wicked re-establishment of Israel the coming of the kingdom nestled right in the of all of this are these verses we started with from chapter 26 look again at your Bibles I'll put them up on the screen verses 3 & 4 you will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you trust in the Lord forever for the Lord the Lord is the rock eternal now the fact that these verses are nestled right in the middle of all this apocalyptic information speaks to me in two ways number one what it says to me that is is this in the midst of tribulation capital T because there will be a time of tribulation that comes upon this earth that's what we read about in the midst of tribulation capital T God's people will have peace and God's people will have peace in large part because when you read the whole council to scripture we won't be here for the tribulation that God will take us from the earth and keep us safe that we will not experience his wrath 1st Thessalonians 1:10 among other verses that speak about how we will not experience his coming wrath okay so we will experience this peace during the Great Tribulation capital T but it also says this to me that the reason I think why Isaiah has this right where he does is because he wants everybody who will ever read this to know that God's people in the midst of tribulation smalti' will experience God's peace you and I will experience over the course of our lifetime tribulation smalti' various trials various difficulties various heartaches things that we go through that we didn't imagine and weren't prepared for and God wants us to know that even in tribulation smalti' that's compared to comparatively to tribulation coming up on the earth not to diminish whatever you're going through but God wants us to know that even through tribulation small team his perfect peace will be with us this perfect peace will be with us so I'm going to unpack this passage with us the first thing I want us to focus on a highlight the words you will keep you will keep now that you in this passage obviously is God God will keep because God is a keeping God and the Hebrew word for keep is nuts are in the original Hebrew language nuts our God is a keeping God nuts our it means to protect it means to guard that God will guard us in all our ways and God will protect us in all our ways because he is a keeping God now don't misunderstand me when we talk about God being at keeping God it does not necessarily mean that he will keep you from sometimes he will but we also need to appreciate his keeping power through sometimes God keeps us from sometimes God keeps us through you know the default for all of us is God spare me from going through anything difficult keep me from God is he keeping god and he will often keep us from but if all he ever did was to keep us from how would we ever see his mighty hand he has to keep us through in order for us to recognize his grace and his power and his provision for us I mean think about it if God always prevented us from ever experiencing any heartache any difficulty any trial we would never know we would never know so what God does is I'm sure prevent us from experiencing things and we need to regularly thank God for things that he's saved this from that we don't even know but we will often most recognize his saving grace because he keeps us through in the midst of it you know take this story for example of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the Book of Daniel so Nebuchadnezzar is the king of babylon at that time it's the most powerful Kingdom and Nebuchadnezzar commands everybody to fall down and worship me this is what Nebuchadnezzar says these three Jewish boys who were taken against their will from the land of Israel a slave they are now in the king's palace serving there as part of the king's team there they refuse to bow down to nebuchadnezzar because they will only worship the one true and living god so he throws them into this fiery furnace many of you know this story it's often reduced to just a children's story which is kind of weird when you think about it because hey kids look at these three kids thrown into the fire I don't know why we shared as a bedtime story but anyway it has a good ending kids just don't look at them in the fire right now because it's all good but anyway they come out of the fire and as you know the story it was a miracle but in the midst of the fire what did Nebuchadnezzar see through some window of the furnace he saw one like the Son of God because it was Jesus who showed up in the fiery furnace to be there with them to sustain them and help them and then when he rescued them from it and Nebuchadnezzar gave orders a get him out get him out get him out not even the smell of smoke on their garments God is a keeping God but if he had prevented Shadrach Meshach and Abednego from ever experiencing it we would never have seen in that case the mighty deliverance in the power of God and now it's written and preserved for our benefit so that we can be reminded God is a keeping God he keeps us from no doubt but we most often see his great power displayed when he keeps us through and he helps us through it God is they keeping God look at the next part of the passage in perfect peace in perfect peace now in the margin of your Bible you might want to write down that the word perfect is not in Hebrew what is in Hebrew is a repetition of the same word peace it's given to us twice in Hebrew it reads Shalom Shalom Shalom Shalom and it is written in duplicate because it's written for emphasis that God is saying I will give you my peace upon peace I will give you multiplied peace I will give you undisturbed peace this is Shalom Shalom that's God's peace now please understand with me that peace is not the absence of strife because Jesus even warned us in the world you will have trouble take card I've overcome the world so peace is not the absence of strife but if we want a working definition of it here would be one that God's peace is a deep down calm and quiet confidence of the soul and it comes from the presence of the Lord because Ephesians 2:14 says for he himself is our peace so when everything's going crazy in your life and bombs are exploding in your life to have God's peace means that you have this calm this deep down calm and this quiet confidence in your soul that God gives Jesus even said my peace i given to you not as the world gives give I unto you so let not your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid Jesus even acknowledged there in John 16 the kind of peace that he offers us is not the peace you will find in this world the peace of this world is very circumstantial you're at peace when everything's fine and then you and I are terrified when everything is not fine and God's peace is this constant so that whether life is great or life is hard there's this constant abiding deep down calm and quiet confidence in our soul and I love the way that Isaiah describes it a little further in his book listen you don't need to turn there but isaiah 40:8 listen to verses 17 and 18 he says I am the Lord your God who touch it who teaches you what is best for you who directs you in the way you should go and he says this this is isaiah 40:8 18 if only you had paid attention to my commands your peace would have been like a river I love that that's chapter 48 verse 18 God says if you'll only listen to me obey me if you only will receive from me coz I have your best interest at heart I'm your loving father if you will obey me my peace will roll into your life like a river like a river this is the very thing that Horatio Spafford was referring to in the great hymn of our faith it is well with my soul when after the tragic death of his four daughters at sea Horatio Spafford chartered a boat went out to the spot roughly where the ship sank and his daughters died and he wrote it is well with my soul and he starts out that song by saying when peace like a river attendeth my way it's isaiah 40:8 18 when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrows like sea billows roll and what's the difference between a river and sea billows the difference is that a river is constantly flowing constantly sea billows are waves they come one delay delay delay they come again delay delay delay that's the nature of sea billows but the nature of a river is constantly rushing constantly flowing so Horatio Spafford understood he's in the midst of my despair in my pain I understand the difference between the way that sorrow comes one at a time in waves and the way that God's peace is constant it's constant well thank you Lord for your constant ever flowing river of peace that's the difference this is the kind of peace that we can have the peace like a river which is why then he can write the rest of that passage in in that song whatever my lot whatever happens good or bad thou hast taught me to say it is well it is well with my soul if you didn't deny the sorrow he didn't pretend the sorrow wasn't there he said but the sorrow comes in moments in waves but the peace of God flows constantly like a river and that that is what will sustain me God has his Shalom Shalom for us is perfect peace but now listen this part is on us you will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast the New King James and ESV says him whose mind is stayed on you so that's the idea here that a steadfast mind is is a stayed mine fixed on God now why is this so important because if if you don't wrestle with the mind and get the mind together okay you will not be able to enjoy and experience God's perfect peace see God is a keeping God he's got a double portion of his peace Shalom Shalom but the part that is on us is to keep our minds steadfast the Hebrew word for mind is yet Sara and it means thoughts and imaginations and all of us have wrong or bad thoughts and imaginations all of us do now now I'll go ahead and confess mine and if you want to if you want to tell me yours later I'll use it for the last service but I'm the kind of guide I'm not proud of it I'm just saying this is something I have to work on hard I'm the kind of guy that what comes into my mind when something looks like it could go wrong is the first place my mind goes is the worst-case scenario that's where my mind goes some of your chuckling because you're in my support group aren't you you know what I'm talking about so so some scenario comes about and then immediately your mind goes to the worst thing so you begin to and some of you might think well pastor gee I thought you were a positive guy I am I'm positive something bad is going to happen and I have to wrestle with it constantly now listen I prayed about this years ago and the Lord helped me to identify the root of it now I'm gonna tell you what the root of it is when I was a kid I was told devastating news that I was unprepared for and I rattled me and so without even knowing it for years subconsciously I just then deferred to thinking worst case scenario and here's and here's what I thought subconsciously I thought if I could prepare myself for the worst news then I will at least be prepared if it doesn't happen then great but if it does happen then at least I'll be prepared in some way anybody ever thought like that come on I know I'm not the only one confess with me right now let me see a show of hands all right so here's what's going on though 95 percent and it might be 99 percent but I'm just that kind of guy 90 95 percent of the time never even happened and I wasted a whole lot of time thinking about worst-case scenario so here's what has to happen because I don't know what you might wrestle with in your mind but I guarantee you every single one of us without exception wrestle with some kind of thoughts that we need to make steadfast it might be thoughts of fear anxiety it might be thoughts of lust or anger might be thoughts of bitterness or revenge might be thoughts of self-harm or unforgiveness you name it all of us have to understand this and this verse is going to become your very best friend it has for me over the course of my life second Corinthians 10 verse 5 write it down here's what it says 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 5 we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ the mind is a wonderful thing it is one of the most complex organs and God has designed a very complex and wonderful organ our mind but left unchecked left unbridled our thoughts can play games with us and our thoughts can rob us of our peace so God says to us I'm the keeping God I've got a double portion of my peace Shalom Shalom but here's your part you need to fix your mind on me that's what he says to us you have to fix your mind on me the Hebrew word for steadfast is Samak it means to lean to rest to lie hard to prop we need to prop our minds on the Lord so that in our everyday routines we're washing the dishes we need to think about the Lord we're driving to work think about the Lord get into his word think about the Lord constantly just be thinking about the Lord and dwelling on him and taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Christ so that we shall not be robbed of God's perfect peace because an unbridled mind will rob us of God's perfect peace and then the rest of this passage has to do with trust so I'll just kind of highlight the rest of it I'll underline the words trust you will keep in perfect peace God him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you trust in the Lord forever for the Lord the Lord is the rock eternal and I love the way that Isaiah ends that passage describing God as a rock he's our rock and he's our rock eternal the rock is a picture of one who was dependable that he will never fail us that he is strong and mighty so Isaiah says trust him trust him he's the rock eternal but there's a tricky thing about trust trust requires faith sometimes it's hard to trust because trust implies that something is not always tangible and so God calls us to put our faith in Him and trust him you know who are the most wonderful examples of faith and trust children because children are so quick to try they're easy to trust and and because they're so quick to trust we actually have to warn them as parents now you know stranger danger don't talk to strangers and you know don't take candy from people you don't know and all that kind of stuff it's terrible but we live in a dangerous world now so we're always trying to tamper our kids trust but we want them to be trusting people but then we're like you know be trusting people but don't trust anyone you know and that's the kind of thing and it's this mixed message that we're sending but I just love the way that kids are just such a perfect picture of trust and the reason that they trust so easily listen to me on this is because they always give the benefit of the doubt you've done them no harm so they have no reason to distrust you you see that's why they're so trusting they always believe the best in another person until that person were to ever spoil that trust and so the kid stands on the edge of a swimming pool with the inflated water wings pulled up to their armpits ready to go and mom or dad is in the pool in the water - come on honey come on come on jump jump first time in the pool come on you can do it daddy's right here mommy's right here we got this you'll be fine and then they take that plunge off of the edge of the swimming pool and they come up spitting water and you're holding them and hugging them and they have this smile on their face because they realize that in fact you were there you you were reliable you said I got you it's gonna be okay and they trusted you and it was and that's the way we need to be with our Father in heaven when you'd always think the best of him he's never done anything to break our trust he's never lied to us deceived us he's always been there for us he's the one in the water saying come come to Daddy come on I got this I got this I got this well maybe we learn from children to trust our Heavenly Father in the same way God's got this church so trusting let's say this verse together and that which is what Trust is the firm belief and the reliability of God it is believing that he loves you that he's good that he has the power to help you that he wants to help you and that he will help you so let's say this verse together and out loud can we you will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you trust in the Lord forever for the Lord the Lord is the rock eternal Lord this is our prayer that we would be people who would trust you that we would fix our minds and our thoughts on you because you are a keeping God and your perfect peace is available to your children help us Lord as we stand at the edge of the pool to just leap into your arms to trust you we don't know what the future holds but we trust you we don't know what tomorrow will bring but we trust you and we thank you for your peace that rolls in like a river to satisfy our souls with a a deep down calm and a quiet confidence that no matter what is going on a double portion of your peace is there for us thank you Lord for being our Father thank you for loving us we give you praise and glory and honor and we ask you Lord for your help to apply these verses we've read and I pray for those right now we're going through great difficulties great challenges in their own personal lives these verses will continue to minister to them throughout the week throughout our lives that you will keep in perfect peace in whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you Lord because she trusts in you show yourself strong in our lives of art we're needy people and we're grateful for your piece it's in Jesus name that we pray these things and all God's people said amen amen
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 10,444
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: trust, Calvary Chapel, Cornerstone Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Peace, end times
Id: 6uWbP1mD9yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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