Let’s Reason Together | Isaiah 1-5 | Gary Hamrick

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Isaiah chapter 1 is where we are today let me give a little brief background and then we'll jump into the first few chapters here The Book of Isaiah we move now in our Bibles to the section called the prophets the prophets the last 17 books of the Old Testament are the prophets there are 17 prophets making up the last 17 books of the Bible five are considered major prophets twelve are considered minor prophets now don't don't think in terms of baseball like major league minor league like some prophets are really important and other ones didn't really make the a team you know this is this is about length of their writings so the major prophets are the ones who wrote more the minor prophets those who wrote less but they're just as important Isaiah is considered a major prophet because he wrote 66 chapters as you will notice in your Bibles so he's considered one of the major prophets and every prophet of Scripture was about fourth telling and foretelling sometimes when we hear the word prophet we think always future tense like they're talking about the future and that did include much of what the prophets had to say but a lot of it was also forth telling proclaiming in their day what God was saying Isaiah is doing both he's fourth telling he's telling the people of his own day what's important to hear from God but he's also prophetically speaking about future events we'll notice through the Book of Isaiah as we make our way through it over the next several weeks that even though he writes 700 years before Christ he's going to talk about John the Baptist he's gonna talk about Christ's birth he's gonna talk about Christ's suffering Christ's crucifixion his resurrection his second coming and the Millennial Kingdom so a lot in the book of Isaiah related to future events that haven't even yet transpired in our own day every Old Testament prophet with the exception of Elijah Elijah only spoke to his own generation but every other Old Testament prophet spoke both to their generation and foretelling for future generations and Isaiah is such a profit now let me tell you a little bit about his personal life his personal life we know from chapter 8 verse 3 that he was married to a prophetess and unnamed prophetess and that together they had two sons because when you take a prophet and join with another prophet you get a little profit it's just some humor folks go with me so they had two little prophets running around the house and Isaiah's name in Hebrews name in Hebrew is Yeshua and Yeshua means the Lord has saved his ministry and the Book of Isaiah fits within your Old Testament because from this point forward as we go through the rest of the Old Testament in our Bibles every prophet fits somewhere else earlier in their Bibles so the Bible is not in chronological order necessarily Isaiah fits back between you can write this in the margin of your Bible second Kings 15 through 20 so when you're reading your Bibles in second Kings 15 through 20 that's the time period during which Isaiah ministers and prophesies he prophesized during the reigns of four kings who are mentioned in chapter 1 verse 1 we'll see their names in just a moment when I read but that gives us the timeline of his ministry based on when those four kings reigned in Israel so that tells us that his ministry spanned about 40 years from the years roughly 740 BC to 700 BC so that's the background let me read now from chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 chapter 1 verse 1 the vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amos saw during the reigns of hear the Kings Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah hear o heavens listen o earth for the Lord has spoken I reared children and brought them up but they have rebelled against me the ox knows his master the donkey is owners manger but Israel does not no my people do not understand ah sinful nation a people loaded with guilt a brood of evildoers children given to corruption they have forsaken the Lord they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him let's pause there and pray father in heaven as we draw near to you now we thank you for your promise that as we draw near to you you draw near to us so Lord minister your word to our hearts today we're thankful we're so privileged Lord to be in your house to worship together many places around the world don't have the luxury of worshiping you openly and publicly so thank you Lord for the privilege of living in our country we pray while she's here Lord we pray today for congresswoman Comstock we thank you Lord for really ministry the the service to our nation that you've called her to and we just pray your blessing over her and all of our elected leaders Lord and we just thank you for the privilege of gathering here together in your name it's in Jesus name we pray and everyone said amen one of the things that I just because I you know have one of those kind of twisted sense of humors I just love every year they publish a list of wacky warning labels on various products I know some of you have seen these labels yourselves and the reason why companies resort to these kind of just crazy unnecessary labels is to protect them from lawsuits because unfortunately today people are quick to sue and so in order to protect themselves companies put ridiculously painful warning labels on some of their products so here's an example I've got four examples for you you know that the sleep a night tall so the sleep aid night tall actually comes with a warning may cause drowsiness do we need to know that isn't that the reason that someone would take night tall or take for example this product this is a Vidal Sassoon hair dryer it says this it warns on the box do not use while sleeping who was that person or take this one for example that this is I don't know but I guess we need to have this on a chain saw the warning on a chain saw do not hold the wrong end of a chain saw who's gonna shake hands with the business end of a chain saw I don't know and is it my imagination or does it look like they've already detached the fingers from this hand to illustrate what could happen to you okay one last one this is a cocktail napkin at a resort in Hilton Head South Carolina and it's a it's a mat the cocktail napkin is is a map of the Hilton Head Island and and the surrounding vicinity there it's kind of this ancient and a map of antiquity of the Hilton Head Island area and there's the small little warning on the napkin and the small little warning says this not for navigation now at first I looked at this and I thought how ridiculous and then as I looked further I realized it's for the guy who's drinking this that's why we need that warning some guy with the martinis like hey look at my napkin let's go sailing now the reason I share these with you in addition to my own warped sense of humor is because when you look at the Book of Isaiah the Book of Isaiah is a huge warning label Isaiah is warning the people of the southern territory of Israel called Judah to get their act together and he's warning them if you don't turn to God and if you don't get right with God destructions gonna come he warns them destruction is going to come on the other hand he also says but if you turn to him and repent it'll go well with you now friends this really isn't new information this is really this is really the theme of the Bible I mean all through scripture God talks about get right with me so it might go well with you otherwise otherwise there will be consequences in your life we see all throughout Scripture for example Deuteronomy 4 verse 40 Moses said keep his decrees in commands which I am giving you today so that it may go well with you and your children after you Jeremiah the Prophet said in Jeremiah 38 20 obeyed the Lord by doing what I tell you that it will go well with you Jesus himself said in Luke 11 28 blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it all through the Bible we see this theme get right with God that it might go well with you now here's the backdrop to Isaiah story about a hundred and fifty years before Isaiah the Kingdom of Israel went through civil war following the reign of King Solomon the third king of Israel there was civil war in the Land of Israel and the nation became a divided nation you had the north and you had the south much like in our own Civil War time period we had the north and we had the south you had the same thing happening in Israel and the during territory of Israel was known by the larger name Israel the southern territory was known by one of the tribes of the southern territory Judah and the capital city was Jerusalem so Isaiah steps into history at the point when the kingdom has been divided for about 150 years and he is ministering to that southern territory of Judah so you see in verse 1 of chapter 1 the names of four kings those are four kings of the southern territory of Judah okay these are Jews separated from the north because a civil war still God's people but Isiah is predominantly ministering exclusively here to the southern kingdom of Judah meanwhile let me tell you what's going on in the north in the north the Northern Kingdom of Israel is getting shellacked by the Assyrian Empire the Assyrians were a powerful formidable force in their day the Assyrian Empire if you look at a map today took up Iraq and Kuwait down to the Persian Gulf a little bit also to the east it took some of what would be Syria today it took some to the west took a what is today on a map some of Iran and that was the Assyrian Empire mostly Iraq who wait a little bit of Syria a little bit of Iran that's that's the the Assyrian Empire they converge against the Northern Kingdom of Israel they besieged and the Assyrians were a ruthless savage people they made the Taliban look like Girl Scouts the Assyrians would come into a country into a city into a village they would murder the children they would rape the women and they would take the men captive and they would for sport literally skin you alive they would skin the skin off your back and use it as wallpaper in their homes they would put rings through your nose and then they would string you together with other people with the Rope through your nose rings and then haul you off like fish on a string to Assyria you know today you pay for a nose ring back in the date was torture but anyway that's the Assyrians an Isaiah comes to the southern kingdom of Judah and he says listen listen you see what's going on to your brothers and sisters in the north because of their disobedience their idolatry their rebellion against God God has allowed now the Assyrians to come as his rod of discipline and if you want the same thing to happen to you then stay on the course you're on but if you want to get right with God to avoid that then get right with God and so he warns them he says do you see what is happening to your brothers and sisters to the north do you want the same thing to happen to you so get right with God then it might go well with you now God was merciful to the southern kingdom of Judah his hand of judgment would be stayed for about another 135 years because they would eventually they would turn in response to Isaiah's words not at first he's gonna have to call him out he's gonna have to preach to them long and hard 40 long years three and a half years if in chapter 20 tells us he walked around naked because God told him take off your clothes walk around think you talk about the shock factor but this was the ministry of Isaiah to a people who were rebellious against God he warns them you you you want to have happen to you what happened to your brothers and sisters in the north then turn get your life right with God humble yourselves surrender to his lordship honor him obey Him do what he says and Isaiah said that in his day this is what Isaiah tells us in Scripture in his day there were three types of people the disobedient the ignorant and the defiant as it relates to God and God's laws now what's the difference between these three I'll give you an example of the difference let's say that somebody has it on their in their yard a sign posted keep off grass all right keep off the grass you might find that you fit into one of these three categories so just go with me on this illustration but the disobedient basically see the sign like I don't care they walk in the grass the ignorant pretend they don't see the sign and in the grass claim ignorance and the defiant removed the sign and walk in the grass those are the differences so you had the disobedient you had the ignorant you had the defiant and that's the way the people of Israel were in Isaiah's day toward God and towards his law look again here in chapter 1 verse 2 you're gonna see the disobedient to God in verse 2 he says hear o heavens listen o earth for the Lord has spoken I reared children and brought them up but they have rebelled against me in other words they were willfully deliberately disobeying God's law they knew right from wrong they knew good from evil but they intentionally chose wrong over right well we see the song but I'm the sign but I'm just gonna do what I want to do that's the way they weren't isaiah says they're like children rebelling against their father they're being disobedient we see the ignorant mentioned in verse 3 verse 3 Isaiah says the ox noses master the donkey his owner's manger but Israel does not know my people do not understand now please understand that they were not ignorant for lack of information they pled ignorance out of disobedience because Isaiah says even the Ox know its knows its master and the donkey knows how to find its way to the feeding trough that's what the manger is he says Isaiah Isaiah saying Judah knows God they just refuse to obey Him and they plead ignorance well we didn't know we didn't know did you know that ignorant is never a defense for innocence you can put it to a test here this happens to you if you happen not encouraging you this but if you happen to be going 70 and a 55 and you get pulled over and you say I didn't know how fast I was going it won't matter you can't plead ignorance because ignorance is not a defense for innocence criminal intent is prosecuted in a court of law today in our land on the basis of you lawyers love this phraseology on the basis of whether you knew or should have known whether you knew or should have known you can't claim ignorance now it might be the difference between recklessness and negligence but it is still able to be prosecuted when one says I didn't know because it could be that you should have known and that's what God is saying here about Judah you should have known me you should have known my laws you were aware of that you you didn't lack for information you pled ignorance as a matter of your defense but ignorance is never a defense for innocence and the last group we see here the defiant toward God in verse four he says ah sinful nation of people loaded with guilt a brood of evildoers children given to corruption they have noticed the words they have forsaken the Lord they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him Isaiah says here the people have forsaken God in other words they have left him they've abandoned him he says they have spurned the Holy One of Israel some translations say they've provoked God or they've despised God in other words they haven't agonized him and they have turned their backs on him when you turn your back to someone if they're speaking to you what is that a statement of rejection I I don't want to listen to you I reject you that's what they've done in relation to God so all three of these groups the disobedient the ignorant the defiant they're all guilty before God and we're gonna see here in the first few chapters four quick things about what they did wrong now let me tell you in advance as we're going to look at these four things just just a quick survey of the first few chapters of Isaiah what did the disobedient ignorant and defiant do that was so wrong we're gonna look at four quick things and I want you to notice with me first of all how eerily similar their day was to our own I mean again this is like 700 BC so we're a couple thousand years removed and yet it is eerily similar some of the things that Isaiah says about the condition of the culture of Judah 700 BC as it is for us today the other thing I want you to bear in mind is we look at these four quick things is that this is gonna be really dark at first you're gonna believe wow this is sad this is terrible this is tragic but you know take heart because by the end hang in there there's a remedy that Isaiah also offers not only to the people of his day but to us as well so here's the first thing in chapter 1 if you still have your Bibles open at chapter 1 look at verse 10 through 13 this is what it says in verse 10 here the word of the Lord that you rulers of Sodom listen to the law of our God at you people of Gomorrah now pause for a moment Isaiah is comparing Judah to Sodom and Gomorrah in their rebellion against God he's not he's not prophesying literally to sodom and gomorrah that's been destroyed since the book of Genesis but he's saying you're like unto them verse 11 how so the multitude of your sacrifices what are they to me says the Lord I have more than enough of burnt offerings of rams and of the fat of fattened animals I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats when you come to appear before me who has asked this of you this trampling of my courts stop bringing meaningless offerings your incense is detestable to me New Moon's Sabbath's and convocations I cannot bear your evil assemblies here's the first thing that Isaiah says about the people that they practiced religion without a real heart for God they practiced religion without a real heart for God now you look at this list here and you might think to yourself well wait I thought God required them to bring sacrifices and offerings and to celebrate the New Moon festivals and the feasts and all these things and he did but the difference is in the reason he's pointing this out is because they were just going through the motions without the emotion they were practicing religious duty but there was a disconnect with the heart they were just going through the rituals with no real heartfelt intent behind it so God calls them out on it he says I know what you're doing you just there's a lot of you know religiosity here there's a lot of spiritualism you're going through the rituals you're going through all the routines you're practicing the feasts the festivals okay but this is evil in my sight because you're not connected to me with your hearts now Isiah would later say something about this similarly in chapter 29 verse 13 when he would say this these people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me and Jesus would even quo that verse in Matthew 15 verse 8 and apply it to his own generation Jesus said a lot of people who are doing a lot of religious things but their hearts are far from me and I think to myself if Jesus walked among us today would he say the same thing about us about our day about our generation a lot of people talk about God but are they really connected to him is it a heartfelt relationship there's a lot I think you would agree with me in our culture there's a lot of what I call God speak a lot of religious talk people mentioning God talking about Jesus you know you can you can turn on the television you can see a lot of entertainers celebrities athletes you can hear a lot of people and not just on television you can hear in conversation in the workplace people talking about you know dropping Jesus's name sometimes as an expletive and sometimes because they have a relationship with him no doubt but I wonder in our day when I hear somebody drop Jesus's name I wonder what Jesus are they talking about are they talking about Jehovah's Witness Jesus they're talking about Mormon Jesus are they talking about the Muslim Jesus are they talking about the feel-good Jesus are they talking about the get me out of a bind Jesus or are are they talking about the Jesus of the Bible the Son of God Jesus who came to the earth Jesus and died on a cross Jesus for our sins who says no one comes to the Father nobody gets to heaven except through me you can have your sins forgiven but you got to come through me that Jesus of the Bible because that Jesus of the Bible you start talking about that Jesus of the Bible you'll clear the room at a dinner party guaranteed you clear the room at a dinner party you start talking about that Jesus it's amazing it is amazing how tolerant people will be of the other Jesus's but the moment you start talking about the Jesus of the Bible how intolerant suddenly people will become of you so when people start talking about God in Jesus okay I want to always give somebody the benefit of the doubt but I do wonder not as a matter of judgment but just as a matter of a question these days because there's so much God speak and religious conversation do they know him and is this the Jesus of the Bible who died in a cross shed his blood for the sins of the world what God wants is not just religious talk he wants your heart he wants my heart he didn't just want your church attendance he wants your heart he's not impressed with what you give in the offering he wants your heart he's not impressed by raised hands and worship if the heart's not there what he wants more than any of our religiosity or spiritual expressions is the heart that's what he wants of us he wants relationship with us he wants our heart the people of Judah at this time they were guilty of just going through all the religious motions but not having a heart relationship with God that's the first thing that they were guilty of the second thing we see if you move further chapter 3 in chapter 3 look at verses 8 and 9 in verse 8 he says Jerusalem staggers this is chapter 3 verse 8 Jerusalem staggers Judah is falling their words and deeds are against the Lord defying his glorious presence the look on their faces testifies against them they parade their sin like Sodom they do not hide it woe to them they have brought disaster upon themselves now notice again Judah is compared to Sodom and when you read the Genesis account of Sodom and Gomorrah one of the things that is noticeable is how flagrant open and unashamed their sin was and that's why I say is comparing his generation to that day because he says there in verse 9 they parade their sin and he says they do not hide it they don't even blush about it and so the second thing they were guilty of was that they celebrated sin they celebrated sin it was out there in the open it was flagrant they were on shame they didn't really care how familiar does this sound I mean are we not living in a time when stuff that used to be commonly understood as immoral is not just tolerated in our day but now celebrated we're living in this day you say oh well pastor G no no it's it's just we're trying to be more progressive you know we're trying to just be more open-minded about things we don't wanna live in the Dark Ages anymore hey friends let me let me tell you progress is when we went from candles to the light bulb okay progress is when we went from horse and buggy to an automobile the moral decline of a nation is not progress the moral decline of a nation is a precursor to its demise there's it I'm not just saying it look at history look at the great civilizations of Greece Rome Carthage just three for example when morality started to decline and immorality took root you saw the eventual demise of that civilization it's a historical fact we have to be aware of this because what was true for the days of Isaiah is just as relevant and true for us today too we must as the church let our light so shine before men that they might see our Father in heaven and glorifying him we have to be salt and light in our world we have to share the loving good news of Jesus Christ now he died for the sins of the world so that as far as it goes for us it will also lead to how our own country goes when we are the influence in our own culture to change it for the glory of God because it might be a slow death but it will be an eventual death for any nation that allows morality to become redefined and unchecked an immorality takes root only the nation is blessed whose God is the Lord Psalm 32 12 when God is removed and sin is celebrated we bring disaster upon ourselves that's what Isaiah says in verse 9 this is what when when you remove God and and sin is celebrated he says there at verse 9 you bring disaster upon yourselves Daniel Webster said in 1820 Daniel Webster warned he said quote if we abide by the principles taught in the Bible our country will go on prospering but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity end quote and it's true let's move on to chapter 5 if you would turn there in chapter 5 and your Bibles I'm going to look at verses 8 through 12 I know it's dark it's dark but I'm gonna get to the remedy here so hold on chapter 5 verse 8 woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you live alone and live in the land the Lord Almighty is declared in my hearing surely the great houses will become desolate the fine mansions left without occupants verse 10 a 10 acre vineyard will produce only a bath of wine a homer of seed only an ephah of grain woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine they have harps and lighters at their banquets tambourines and flutes and wine but they have no regard for the deeds of the Lord no respect for the work of his hands number three on our list was that they valued the work of man above the work of God he's describing a culture that was preoccupied with self and personal ambition he's describing a culture where materialism had become their God where pleasure had become their goal they were living large and forgetting God not to unlike our world and how ironic is it that the one who is the source behind everything we enjoy is often the first we forget when we enjoy what we have it's a terrible irony but it's true luxury and materialism can blind us to the goodness of God in Deuteronomy chapter 6 before the Israelites moved into the Promised Land Moses warned the people in Deuteronomy chapter 6 he says alright now listen everybody listen up he says you're about to go into a spacious and fruitful land and we're taking over hope homes and vineyards and wells and things because the people that were previously there God has dispossessed them and so now we're gonna go in and we're gonna occupy their homes and we're gonna drink out of their wells and we're gonna enjoy the fruit of their vineyards and Moses warns in Deuteronomy chapter 6 when you get into this wonderful land and you live in homes you did not build and you drink from wells you did not dig and you eat from the fruit that vineyards you did not plant do not forget God it's a strong warning for us because I'm so thankful I live in the greatest and freest nation in the world and you talk about living in the lap of luxury this is Loudon County how much more so then should we never forget the merciful beneficent hand of God that has given us all that we enjoy they were guilty of forgetting God keep looking further down Chapter five I got one more point and then we'll talk about the good news chapter five verse 20 and 21 verse 20 what are those who call evil good and good evil who put darkness for light and light for darkness who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight Isaiah says in his day people started calling the things that previously were called wrong right people started saying things that used to be sweet or bitter and bitter sweet and they started inverting a system of what was right and wrong and they were guilty because they became their own moral standard they started to define for themselves what they thought was right and wrong and bitter and sweet Israel had refused to recognize God as the objective moral standard of right and wrong evil became subjective good became subjective evil is what I call it good is what I call it what do you call it and everybody had their own personal standard because they had rejected God as the objective moral standard for right and wrong think about our own day think about this don't shout anything out because it's not a trick question but there's not going to be an answer for it think of one thing one thing that everybody can agree is evil it's wrong there isn't anything as long as man as his own moral standard we'll never agree as to what is right and wrong when man becomes his or her own standard of morality there will never be agreement on things that are right and wrong you think well wait a minute what about something like for example something as severe as the Holocaust wasn't the slaughter of six million Jews evil can't we all agree on that well the Nazi regime who exterminated six million Jews didn't think it was all that bad and even recently a few years ago the former president of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the Holocaust didn't even happen there's not even agreement on something as sinister and evil as the Holocaust what about 9/11 can we all agree that that was evil there was a reporter after 9/11 who said this one man's quote one man's evil is another man's justice now what that reporter meant was that we who we would say are morally sensible would look at what happened in 9/11 and say that was evil but the radical terrorists who committed the crime saw it as justice why is it we can't get even agreement on something like that listen to me very carefully because man has lost his moral reference point and man has been made himself his own moral agent and what happened in 740 BC is still happening today so these are the indictments against the people of Judah [Music] 2700 years ago now here's the good news okay in all of this great Gary you've really brightened my day okay now listen listen this is where there's the last few minutes this is where it gets really good despite all this despite all the sin and mess and rebellion the disobedience the ignorance the defiance not just in Isaiah's day but in our own day and frankly in our own hearts in the middle of this God says something very tender and it's back in Chapter 1 if you go back to chapter 1 and it's a verse 18 and I'm gonna actually put the verse on the screen just because I want to highlight it in front of all of you but it's Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 and this is what it says come now let us reason together says the Lord though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they are red as crimson they shall be like wool now God takes two different things to illustrate his wonderful forgiving grace he talks about sin being like scarlet or red like crimson both those colors are shades on the spectrum of red and the only way in those days that you could get that color of scarlet or crimson they they would crush this shellfish that was indigenous to the Mediterranean region and when they would crush this shellfish it would emit kind of a purplish dye and people then would dip their clothing in it to dye it but once you did there was no going back because the stain was permanent what Isaiah the prophet is saying about our condition is the people of Judah like ourselves no different we've all been stained by sin it cannot be removed not in our own efforts we can't do anything of ourselves to remove the stain of our sin but God says come now let us reason together you can't do anything about your sinful condition but I can and I can take the stain of a nation and the stain of a human heart and I can make it white like snow and I can make it white like wool and it uses the analogy of snow and wool to help them understand there can be a cleansing to the stain God says come now let us reason together some ancient Hebrew scholars literally translated the Hebrew language where God says come now let us reason together to literally say this come please that's what God is saying to us come please that there is actually a rest stop on the way to judgment God beckons us come please now your skin though your your sin is like scarlet it shall be as white as snow though your sin is like red like crimson it shall be like wool because I God says will make all that is stained of your life clean how many are thankful for the cleansing work of God in your life amen and so the hope for a nation is the hope for every individual soul if you're here today and you realize my life has been kind of stained by some of the stuff I've done and you can't turn back their hands a time I know and you can't undo things but God can remove the crimson stain and make us white as snow and I just want to invite you to hear the words of the Lord saying come now let us reason together please and receive the cleansing work through Jesus Christ our Lord let's pray together father in heaven we thank you that the remedy for a nation is the same remedy for every single soul you see the stain of the sin of our lives and there's nothing we can do to change it not ourselves we can't be good enough we can't try hard enough Lord we are stained in our sin but you come and you dine across so that by the shedding of your blood we could be made pure like snow clean like wool so Lord do your cleansing work in our hearts today and I pray particularly for those who are just burdened maybe by their own past or their own lives and they consider their own stained hearts and they they don't know that it's possible but it is to be completely forgiven to be completely cleansed you're a merciful God who calls us to come please we might have our sins forgiven and our stain made white as snow so I'm just gonna pause in my prayer with your heads bowed still your eyes closed and if you don't know the forgiveness of Jesus Christ the one who died on a cross for your sins I just want to invite you to open your heart to him today let him let him cleanse your your heart let him remove the stain let him purify you all because you just receive all because you just asked him to so you can pray this prayer with me right where you're seated you can say this just repeat it after me you can say Lord Jesus thank you that you died in a cross for me please remove the stain of the sin of my life purify my heart cleanse me I can't do it myself there's nothing I can do but you died on a cross to cleanse us from sin so cleanse me Lord I respond to your invitation come please and I come and I humble myself and I say Lord forgive me forgive me Lord of the things I've done the things I've thought the things I've said and wash over my heart make me white as snow take away the stain Lord and cleanse me I believe by faith that you were the Son of God who died for my sins and I receive your forgiveness right now just tell them that say I receive your forgiveness right now I receive it more thank you thank you for cleansing my heart in Jesus name we pray and all God's people said amen amen
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 17,360
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: snow, Calvary Chapel, reason, Cornerstone Chapel, scarlet, Gary Hamrick, sin
Id: bcOzM-XShus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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