5 Things That Hinder Our Prayers | Daniel 10 | Gary Hamrick

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let's go to the Book of Daniel chapter 10 we're gonna be Daniel chapter 10 I'm gonna read the first nine verses and then and then we'll pray and then we'll talk about this chapter today a lot in this chapter so Daniel chapter 10 starting at verse 1 in the 3rd year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel whose name was Belteshazzar the message was true but the appointed time was long and he understood the message and had understanding of the vision in those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks I ate no Pleasant food no meat or wine came into my mouth nor did i anoint myself at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled now on the 24th day of the first month as I was by the side of the Great River that is the Tigris I lifted my eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose waist was girded with gold of ephes his body was like Beryl his face like the appearance of lightening his eyes like torches of fire his arms and feet like burnished bronze in color and the sound of his words like the voice of a multitude and I daniel alone saw the vision for the men who were with me did not see the visions but a great terror fell upon them so that they fled to hide themselves therefore I was left alone when I saw this great vision and no strength remained in me for my vigor was turned to frailty in me and I retained no strength yet I heard the sound of his words and while I heard the sound of his words I was in a deep sleep on my face with my face to the ground let's pause there and we're gonna pray lord thank you for your word and for the example of Daniel and for the things that we read in this tenth chapter that you would use it to quicken us Lord to awaken us to help us to understand things that Lord you would you would have us to to recognize as you detail these things in your words so bless this time as we study the Bible together I thank you for all those who are here thank you for those who are watching online we pray that everything from our worship to our fellowship and including now the time in your word would bring glory and honor to you we love you Lord and we praise you together in Jesus name and everybody said amen I think my all of us might at some point in our lives admit that sometimes we do things in excess that were not always proud of sometimes we eat too much sometimes we spend too much sometimes we talk too much sometimes we worry too much but I don't think I will ever hear anybody say I pray too much I mean that just isn't something you're normally going to hear like it's never going to be the reason why you ended up being late for your favorite ballgame because you were praying too much it's not going to be there's never going to be a conversation in school where some kid didn't turn in his homework because he prayed too much and was late and turning it in Jose where's your homework well you know sometimes I pretty much know that conversations never gonna happen I don't know anybody who says that he or she prays too much unless somehow it would interfere with your life all of us understand we need to pray more than we do because prayer in its simplest definition is communing and communicating with God prayer is communing and communicating with God it's a chance for my heart to connect with the heart of God and in the process it can be about two things a list and a listen a list the Bible does tell us to you know offer our requests to the Lord Philippians 4:6 be anxious for nothing but in all things through prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving make your requests known to God and the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus we're encouraging you know lift up our requests make our needs known be specific it's okay to make a list in in terms of prayer but it's also not just about here's my needs here's my wishes here's my request Lord it's also about listening being still as Psalm 46:10 says and know that he is God to listen as Jesus said in John 10:27 my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me it is both list and listen hear my needs Lord hears my requests here's my desires and being still before the Lord being quiet before him inclining our ear to the things of God listening to that still small voice of the Lord now if everything we prayed for happened how we wanted it and when we wanted it we'd be motivated to pray wouldn't we I mean if God was like a slot machine and every time we prayed it was like dropping money in the machine and then winning the jackpot well we would all be praying all the time then you know because we'd be motivated to pray we have to start a support group around here for prayers anonymous people be praying out of control because everything they ever asked when they asked for it and how they asked for it was always delivered the problem is God is not a slot machine and prayer doesn't work that way and so when we don't always get what we want when we want it we get discouraged and we pray less and to make matters worse there are things that we can actually do to sabotage our own prayers we'll talk about that in a moment but first the reason why I'm talking about this topic of Prayer today is because here in Daniel chapter 10 we get a glimpse into Daniel's prayer life and we learn a couple of things not just about his prayer life in particular but about prayer in general from Daniel chapter 10 this is a very unique chapter and it's as if God kind of pulls back the curtain on some things in the spirit realm to allow us to have insight about things that are not seeing one of the things we learn about Daniels prayer life and certainly something that I admire here is that he is one persistent dude I mean he does not stop praying it tells us in this text that he's praying and fasting about something for three weeks 21 days this guy is praying and fasting now remember by the time we get here to Daniel chapter 10 is the third year of the reign of King Cyrus of Persia so Daniel is now about 85 years of age he's praying and fasting I mean to give up grape nuts and prunes for 21 days that's no small thing that's kind of an 84 or five-year-old humor but anyway that's that's what I saw my grandfather doing when he was 85 all right anyway verse 1 says also in this text nor did i anoint myself at all meaning that's another way of saying he didn't even bathe for those three weeks he had an unrelenting prayer life he didn't fast rather he fasted he didn't eat food he didn't bathe he prayed for 21 days he had an unrelenting prayer life he's like I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna keep on praying until I get an answer one way or another I'm not gonna give up another important thing that we learned from this chapter is what happens on the other side of prayer and by that I mean we know what happens this side of prayer when we pray what we ask for when we asked for it but what is going on in the heavenly realm in regards to our prayers before we answer that here's the backdrop to our story so we can appreciate and understand what's going on here in Daniel chapter 10 in Daniel chapter 10 it tells us that Daniel gets a message from the Lord some of your translations might say a vision or a revelation and he receives this vision from the Lord and it tells us in the middle of verse one that the message was true but the appointed time was long in other word in other words it was a far way off before the vision or them or the message would come to pass and in fact in my Bible New King James at the at the middle at the end of verse one there it says but the appointed time was long and there's an asterisk right there long and there's a footnote in your Bible that says and of a great conflict in fact if you have other versions that you're reading from ESV adds that spells it right out and it was a great conflict NIV says it concerned a great war in other words the message that Daniel receives the vision that he gets from God the revelation that he gets from God concerns a war that is a far way off it's a long ways away and in fact when we come to learn from chapters 11 and 12 which will be next week study is that the vision that God gives Daniel is of the Tribulation Period those things that are spelled out between Revelation chapter 6 and 18 we'll get into all that next week we're gonna talk about the Great Tribulation next week God shows Daniel these things and when Daniel sees some of the things are going to transpire during the period of the Great Tribulation he's disturbed I mean understandably so he begins to actually that with the word mourn is used here in in this first and the first three verses of chapter 10 he mourns over what he sees he's grieved over what he sees he sees all the carnage he sees a destruction he sees the natural disasters and all the fire and brimstone and things that are going to rain down upon the earth because revelation 6 218 tells us that it's basically God's final wake-up call to a lost end and God rejecting world that people who are upon the earth just prior to the second coming of Christ when it comes to rule and reign on the earth who have continued to deny him and reject him he's going to use God's going to use a series of natural disasters and cataclysmic events are going to come upon the earth in order to awaken a God rejecting Christ forsaking world and Daniel sees some of these things it's spelled out again in Revelation six to eighteen and as he sees this his heart is just I mean he's grieved over all of this and he just begins to pray and he begins to fast he doesn't even bathe for twenty-one days here and during this twenty-one days fast and prayer time it tells us here on one occasion he is taking a stroll along the Tigris River there in Babylonia which is where he has been living out his life and as he's taking a stroll along the Tigris he encounters a man but this is no ordinary man the man's description is found again look in your Bibles verses five and six and I'm gonna read verses five and six again notice how he's described daniel says I lifted my eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose waist was girded with golden foz so in other words there was this golden sash around his waist his body was like Beryl his face like the appearance of lightening so there was a brilliance about him his eyes like torches of fire note these things his arms and feet like burnished bronze in color and the sound of his words like the voice of a multitude now Bible scholars are divided as to actually the identity of this man some say an angel others say it is likely Jesus himself when you use the Bible as the best commentary on the Bible and you compare a description of Jesus in Revelation chapter one it appears that in fact the man that Daniel encounters here along the banks of the Tigris is none other than Jesus I'm going to read the description of Jesus for revelation chapter one you don't need to turn there but listen to how similar it sounds to what we just read in Daniel chapter ten verses five and six this is revelation 1 verse 12 to 16 John is writing here and then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me and I saw one like the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a gold band there's the gold sash his head and were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were a flame of fire very similar his feet were like fine brass as if refined in a furnace and his voice very similar as the sound of many waters verse 16 and his countenance was like the sun shining in its strength so it appears that the man that Daniel encounters along the bank of the Tigris is none other than the Lord Jesus now there are different times in the Old Testament that Jesus takes on physical form and appears listen there's a difference between when Jesus came and took on flesh that's New Testament born of a virgin the Incarnation of God God stepped into our world wrapped himself in skin and died on a cross for our sins fully God and fully man but there are other times in the Old Testament prior to the Incarnation when Jesus comes to earth through a virgin okay the seed of God through a virgin there are times in the Old Testament where Jesus appears where he takes on physical form it's called a christophany an appearance of Christ in the Old Testament because he isn't always has been God he's co-equal Co eternal of God because He is God and there are times that he makes appearances in the Old Testament this is one of them Daniel sees the Lord and then it tells us in verse 9 here in your Bible still in Daniel 10 verse 9 that then Daniel falls into a deep sleep with his face to the ground something that sometimes happens among you here on Sunday mornings and and so here so here so he is here deep sleep face to the ground and he awakens with someone else's hand on his shoulder and the subject now changes from Jesus to an angel an angel comes places his hand on the shoulder of Daniel and we know it's no longer Jesus because there's an inferior description of the second person that Daniel encounters inferior to the first and and and here comes this angel now perhaps it's Gabriel he's unnamed in chapter 10 Gabriel is a messenger angel that is mentioned by name in Daniel chapter 8 and in Chapter 9 but there's no name to this angel in Chapter ten could be Gabriel could be someone else we don't know and he speaks to Daniel pick it up with me in verse ten and your Bibles there in Daniel 10 verse 10 and it says suddenly a hand touched me which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands and he said to me Oh Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak to you and stand upright notice because it's not the Lord the Lord the angels not going to receive this this this prostrate position of Daniel as if worshiping this being so the angel system note I want you to stand up stand up for I have now been sent to you and while he was speaking this word to me I stood trembling and then he said to me do not fear Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart to understand when he started praying and to humble yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come because of your words but the Prince of the kingdom of Persia underlined that the Prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days and behold Michael circle his name one of the chief Prince's came to help me for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia underlying that also now I've come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision refers to many days yet to come jump down to verse 20 and then he said do you know why I have come to you and now I must return to fight with the Prince of Persia and when I have gone forth indeed the Prince of Greece will come there's another thing you can underline but I will tell you what is noted in the scripture of truth no one upholds me against these except Michael your Prince okay your attention for a moment when we read this description here about the Prince of Persia the kings of Persia the Prince of Greece when there's this mention of Michael the chief Prince and and then we take into consideration the one speaking these words what we need to understand is these references are not to human physical beings these references are to spiritual beings and you have a mixture in those terms of angels and demons this is what we have here presented in Daniel chapter 10 I'm going to talk to you today about five things that hinder our prayers the first thing that we notice here in this chapter and point number one I'm going to spend the most time on in the time we have left one of the things that hinders our prayers is unseen warfare unseen warfare this is a very unique section in the Bible that teaches us something important about what happens in the unseen realm when we pray it's as if this angel pulls back the curtain so that we can get a glimpse into what happens in the spirit realm in the unseen realm what impacts or what affect things in the unseen realm have upon our prayers somewhere between heaven and earth now we need to understand some basics here there is a scene realm that's where we exist right now there is an unseen realm that's the difference between what we would also say is the natural that's what we have here and the spiritual that is what is unseen God exists in the spirit realm in the heavenlies in the unseen realm as do angels and demons that's where they operate that's where they function now the risk of sounding hyper spiritual because I'm not a be bidding or a corner so long enough you know it you know I resist you know hyper spirituality but yet I want to embrace all of what the Bible says and this is an important chapter to teach us something so at the risk of sounding a bit hyper spiritual in this subject we presently are surrounded by angels and demons we just can't see them they are present in the unseen realm in the spirit realm they can at times in different ways manifest themselves the book of Hebrews talks about how sometimes we entertain angels unaware there could be encounters that we have with people that we think are people but they might actually be angels who have taken on physical form it's not the person next to you I mean it could be but if you know them for very long you know that that person probably isn't if they're a stranger maybe they are and demons can manifest themselves by actually possessing an individual who's not a believer and so they can take on physical form there can be a manifestation of these things but otherwise this is the unseen realm this is the spirit realm and we learned from this passage here that there is a battle going on in the unseen realm between this angel that God has dispatched with a message for Daniel and what the angel refers to as the Prince of Persia and verse 13 and so there's the spiritual conflict in the heavenly realms and an angel here comes to Daniel in response to Daniels prayer now this is not typically the way that God answers our prayers by dispatching an angel to come appear to us with the answer but in this case this is what happened but it tells us here that the angel was resistant in delivering the response from God to Daniel because there was a battle between himself and the Prince of Persia that lasted for 21 days the angel shows up to Daniel says hey your prayer was heard from day one but if you want to know where I've been and was in relation to the answer to the prayer for the last 21 days I've been engaged in battle so that whole 21 days Daniels been praying and fasting and he's been you know gone without bathing because he's waiting on the Lord for an answer but what he doesn't understand is what's happening in the unseen realm that he comes to understand when the angel appears to him and says you know 21 days ago we I had the answer for you but I've been resisted in the heavenly realms there's been a conflict here and then the angel says if not for the fact that Michael the chief prints came to fight with me I may have been delayed even longer now Michael is mentioned here as the chief Prince this is the same Michael mentioned in Jude verse nine as the Archangel there's only one Archangel mentioned in the Bible it's Michael and with all due respect to our Jehovah's Witness friends Michael is not the same as Jesus Jesus is infinitely superior to any angel okay this is not the same but this is Michael the Archangel nevertheless a powerful angelic being who comes to the defense of this other messenger angel in fighting the Prince of Persia all this is happening in the heavenly realms here this shouldn't really surprise this too much Paul gave us a glimpse of this reality in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 12 when he said for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places in other words in unseen places there's conflict in the spirit realm this angel was in a struggle with the spiritual forces of evil until help came from Michael now it tells us something in regards to this conversation that is noteworthy for us as well that there are apparently territorial demons assigned to certain countries and regions and cities and their motive is to influence and oppress those territories for evil because when this angel talks about the Prince of Persia this is the region where Daniel is living Iran was called Persia until 1935 and and so there's this territorial demonic principality over Persia and the angel calls him the Prince of Persia the angel also mentions when he goes back he's gonna have to fight the Prince of Greece there are territorial demonic principalities and it is very likely the explanation for why certain countries and cities seem to be so dominated more so than others in regards to crime or sex trafficking or murder and it is likely a reason why certain regions and countries seem to be so spiritually dark you look for example at the influence of voodoo voodoo lingers like a dark cloud over places like Haiti and some nations of the Caribbean in West African countries we're presently today more than 60 million people practice voodoo which is which is just basically a form of witchcraft and when when that is happening you better believe that demonic principalities have greater influence over those territories and you think about even our own country certain geographical regions where there seems to be spiritual darkness more so than other geographical regions case in point when you consider New England for just a moment New England used to be the bedrock of Christianity when the early settlers came here it was the bedrock of Christianity you do a little church history research and you'll find that the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings where revival spread across our country emanated from New England in the mid 1700s and late 1700s and out of the 1st and 2nd Great Awakenings were birthed Christian colleges seminaries and universities with the explicit purpose of training pastors and missionaries to go out and share the gospel those schools in New England that were originally established as Christian colleges and universities and seminaries Harvard Princeton Yale Brown Dartmouth Columbia all in new england all for the express purpose of training pastors and missionaries to get the gospel into the world and now today what once was the bedrock of Christianity is the bastion of secularism there are no large churches in New England not compared to the Bible Belt of the south and those institutions that were once strongly evangelical Pro Christ and Pro training pastors and missionaries are now some of the most liberal anti God institutions in our country why could it be that they're actually demonic principalities influencing regions as it appears here in chapter 10 to be the case of Daniel now I want to point out here that while unseen warfare can hinder our prayers it doesn't necessarily mean we're doing anything to cause that in Daniels life it is clear here that he didn't do anything to invite the spiritual warfare sometimes our prayers are hindered because we are actually living for the Lord and doing his will and principalities are opposed to those kinds of things and so some battle happens in the heavenly realms that we can't see or understand but remember the answer to the prayer eventually did come to Daniel it eventually came prayer delayed is not prayer denied prayer delayed is not prayer denied be persistent in praying and wait upon the Lord now in the time we have left I'm going to share four more things that hinder our prayer lives and this is going to be different from point number one point number one in the spirit realm whatever happens there Daniel had no awareness of it nor did he have any control over it but there are four other ways that our prayers can be hindered and that we have to master otherwise we're gonna sabotage our own prayer lives the second thing on our list to make a total of five is unconfessed sin and this is something obviously we have control over otherwise we're gonna just sabotage our our own prayer lives in Isaiah 59 verse 2 it says but your iniquities have separated you from from your God your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear that's isaiah 59:2 david concurs in the psalms when he says in psalm 66:18 if i regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear now that Hebrew word for it regard when did when when David said if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord's not gonna hear the Hebrew word for regardez wrath and it means to give attention to or to coddle so he's basically saying if I coddle my sin instead of confess my sin God's not gonna hear me walking in disobedience if I walk in disobedience to the known will of God how can I ever expect for God to reveal something to me as I pray to him because I'm already walking in deliberate disobedience unconfessed sin hinders our prayers now the good news is that when we come clean with God we confess our sin David also would add in psalm 32:5 I acknowledged my sin to you Lord I confessed it and my iniquity I have not hidden I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord and you forgave me the iniquity of my sin so David understood if I caught on my sin instead of confess it God's not going to hear my prayers but if I come clean with God and I confess my sins he forgives me the second thing rather than three on our list is unforgiving hearts they could hinder our prayers jesus said in mark 11:25 and whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyone forgive him that your Father in Heaven may also forgive you your trespasses Jesus tells us that our prayer for forgiveness will not be honored unless we practice forgiveness in Matthew 6:15 he says if you do not forgive men their sins your father will not forgive your sins so the question becomes who might it be in our lives that we have unforgiveness towards that we need to forgive because our prayers are being hindered by the bitterness of our hearts towards someone we have not forgiven number four on our list is uncaring attitudes uncaring attitudes will hinder our prayers in proverbs 21 verse 13 it says whoever shuts his ears to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be heard if we're crying out to the Lord on behalf of our own needs which is okay to lift up our request nobody's disputing that it's Philippians 4:6 but if we make our desires known while at the same time ignoring the needs of other people around us then we are hindering our prayers from ever reaching the ears of God we need to be mindful of people less fortunate than ourselves and minus-- and help them and supply their needs and attend to them have a caring heart a caring attitude otherwise our prayers will be hindered I am so grateful you know just in one small way by one small example the thousands of shoeboxes that when we partner with Samaritan's Purse this time of year every year that you take out of this building and then you fill them back up and you bring them back they're due back in a couple weeks and it's gonna bless thousands of kids around the world and it's just one small way of thinking about people who don't have anything for Christmas and when we get to send them around the world to bless kids and families that otherwise would have nothing and and there's different ways that we could just stay mindful of that you know we live in the most affluent County in the country and we should especially be attentive to the needs of people who are less fortunate than ourselves look for example this holiday season look for a single mom who might have trouble putting Christmas gifts under the tree this year and help her and maybe do it anonymously you don't you don't need to you know even let her know necessarily what you're doing but it's just the idea of constantly staying mindful of people who are less fortunate who have less than you do and I do and and to look out for them where we see a need to meet it as far as our resources are able to because jesus said in matthew 25 when you feed those who are hungry and you give a cup of cold water to those who are thirsty and you give shelter to a stranger and you put clothes on the back of the naked he said in Matthew 25 when you do it under the least of these my brethren you've done it unto me and God hears our prayers otherwise our prayers are hindered last one number five on our list is unacceptable motives this comes from James chapter 4 verse 3 James 4:3 says when you ask you do not receive because you ask with wrong motives that you may spend what you get on your pleasures yeah I think you would agree with me that all human beings at the core of our sinful nature are selfish No he had to teach us to be selfish you know we figured that out all on our own right have you ever have children you didn't have to teach your two-year-old to be selfish your two-year-old had his or her little toys and then the neighbor kid came over and your own kid was like no mine my toys you know you know and that's the way that's that's the way that we all are and nobody had to teach your kid no one that when the neighbor kid comes over just hide and hoard all your toys nobody had the teacher kid what do you say to your kid instead you're like hey Johnny hey Sally you share you'd be nice share share share share good because by nature were selfish and that becomes our prayer life she's all about me it's all about me now again there's nothing wrong with making our requests known that's Philippians 4:6 but we need to make sure that when we're making our quest known to God listen to me on this we always defer to the will of God now I've had some people over the years challenged me on this and I don't understand why because I'm gonna give you a biblical examples of why it's good to pray deferring to the will of God but some people think it's a weak prayer to end a prayer by saying and let your will be done because it's almost like we're not standing on faith and believing God listen you can stand on faith and believe God for whatever you want but I guarantee you he's not going to give you something that's contrary to his will because he always knows best and always wants what is best for you and the examples that we have in Scripture are our two from Jesus one was in the garden Gethsemane and just before he's crucified Jesus is pouring out his heart to the Father in prayer agonizing to the point of perspiring droplets of blood the Bible says and he says father if it's possible let this cup pass from me in other words if there's any other way to accomplish Redemption besides the suffering of the Cross I would love that but then he adds nevertheless not my will but yours be done say he was deferring to the will of the Father always your will be done your will be done and then of course in the Lord's Brenner part of the Lord's Prayer when his disciples said Lord teach us to pray part of the Lord's Prayer is thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven there's nothing wrong with deferring to the will of God in fact in 1st John 5:14 it says this is the confidence we have in approaching God that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us but if our motive is to always get what we want instead of praying for God's will to be done he will not listen to us God is able as Paul said in Ephesians 3:20 to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us never doubt God's ability in regards to your prayers but always make sure your faith is in him and you defer to his will so this is our challenge for all of us let's be consistent in prayer and persistent in prayer and in God's timing according to God's will watch him do immeasurably more than all we could ever ask or imagine amen let's pray together father your own son had to teach his disciples to pray praying doesn't always come naturally to us or easy to us frankly Lord if we were honest it's because we just simply are too busy to pray but we can't afford not to pray forgive us in our busyness forgive us when so many other things in our lives have crowded out the importance of Prayer thank you for the example of Daniel that he he just kept praying and praying he would fast and pray he would seek your face and he would not give up until he got an answer one way or another he was so faithful lord teach us to pray may we be men and women and young people who love to seek your face more so than we love to seek your hand forgive us when it's just always about what we can get though Lord it is good to commune with you to just seek your face David would say in Psalm 3 verse 4 I cried to the Lord with my voice and he heard me from his holy hill thank you for hearing us Lord we pray that there wouldn't be things in our lives that would hinder our prayers unconfessed sins uncaring attitudes unacceptable motives Lord there are things that are happening in the heavenly realms we have no control over but nevertheless we wait we pray and we wait we seek you we trust you to do immeasurably more than we could possibly imagine because your God our hope is in you our confidence is in you our trust is in you may we be men and women and young people who pray who seek you Lord and we thank you together that we have that access through Jesus Christ our Lord in whose name we pray and everybody said amen and amen god bless you all have a great day
Channel: Cornerstone Chapel - Leesburg, VA
Views: 58,485
Rating: 4.8566308 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone Chapel, Calvary Chapel, Gary Hamrick, Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg Va, Sermons, Christian, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Biblical sermons, knowing God, salvation, Pastor Gary Hamrick, prayer, what affects your prayers?, 5 things that affect your prayers, 5 things that hinder your prayers, why doesn't god answer my prayers, how should i pray to god, where do all our prayers go, when is god going to answer my prayer, does prayer work?, why doesnt god answer
Id: lHvvD4E5k2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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