Perfect High Quality Instagram Reels in ( Final Cut Pro X )

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yo what's up everybody js here with another video now today's video i've been searching for the best way to do this and this is going to be the best settings for you to do with your instagram rails and story because the ratio is the same so before we start make sure you guys go ahead and hit that like button hit that destroy destroy the subscribe button and the like button helps out the youtube algorithm and this is going to be a quick video so let's get started [Applause] [Music] so the first thing you're going to want to do is jump into final cut pro x and let me show you guys exactly what you're going to do so you guys see that i got all my final cut pro i have exactly what my file is gonna look like now this is my actual intro that i'm that i'm using uh for my instagram it's usually for my youtube and i wanna put this on my instagram and you might want to do the same as well so you have to do some ratio changing some aspect ratio changing because the format is really like different so this is what you should do right here take your video once you're done it's always going to be in 4k 3840 by 1920 whatever you have you can change it vertically for the story mode and reels because story mode story and reels is a different aspect ratio for the actual vertical ratio for uh instagram if you want to know that write a comment down below let you guys know in another video how that works after you got this all dialed in and this is what it looks like what you're going to do is simple and easy you're just going to take your whole project shrink it down so it'll be easy for you to copy it you're just going to highlight the whole thing highlight everything that's in it command c on the mac copy it now then you're going to go to file go to project now if you don't already have this dialed in to your uh into your final cut pro i'll show you how to do it it's easy but on mines it has vertical boom but when you hit vertical it says 720 by 1280 that's something you don't want you want to make sure you still do 23.9 uh 8 frames per second because that's what you want to use however when you do vertical this the ratio is right here 1080 by 1920 is what you want for your reels and your story you can change it just like that however if you can't do it like that vertical just doesn't happen to be on there just go to custom go here go 1080 by 1920 and then boom you're set already but since this is already plugged in i'm just going to go to vertical i'm going to go to 1080 by 1920 because that's what you're using and then you're gonna hit okay now that is going to bring up this right here which is i already have it plugged in all you do is just come in this is going to be blank watch this that is going to be blank it's going to set set it up like this it's going to be blank you're going to come in you're going to hit command v and boom it's going to paste in everything that you just had on your other uh other little uh video right there now the next thing what you're going to do is you see you got all these big black bars right here don't worry i'll help you out with that simple and easy now you if you don't have a lot it's it'll be easy but me you can see i have a lot going on here i got graphics i got words i got everything on here so what you want to do is you want to be able to see everything that's on your list everything that's on your video but the main thing you want to do is take whatever you have highlight it right just click it make sure it's highlighted you're going to go up to your little film strip right here and what you have to do for every clip is you're gonna have to scale it out until it fits the whole screen just like that that's what you gotta do you're gonna have to scale it out scale it out now you can see right here i got these text and i couldn't really move it so what you do is you double click whatever it is and it's easy to get back because you can hit this little back arrow and then you can see it but right now you can see i already compounded it which means i brought it together now what you're going to do is so i can fix that text right there the black version of the text here and this is the black version of the text right here i'm going to take that and i'm going to move it over a little bit and with the shapes i'm going gonna move this shape over a little bit and then i think we should be set but i kind of like the way it looks anyway so look boom and still need to move it over so i'll take it take my shapes center it that's what you have to do for this whole thing you have to center the whole project for the 1080 by 1920. fix our y and our x-axis and make sure everything is in the middle and this is what you're going to do for the whole video so let me go ahead and i will fast forward all of this and there you have it guys that is the whole project in a nutshell that is the whole project completed for your instagram reels and story modes so i'm gonna show you exactly what this look like from start to finish it's only 17 seconds so just watch it everything looks pretty good in place you always want to make sure you check and make sure everything is good at the end [Music] boom and there you have it just like that it is completed and that is what you can use for your instagram stories and your instagram reels super easy super simple uh complete edit i would advise that you guys if you guys are interested in doing something like this put some words on your instagram videos instagram reels or stories it gets a better engagement than just putting an actual video on there um make sure you guys hit that like hit that subscribe button and youtube and instagram if you guys learned something today so let me show you how to finish this now what you're going to do is you're now going to shrink it down again so it's easy to see and you are going to highlight the whole thing again command c copy the whole thing now if you have a mac you're going to want to go to file share now most people get this a little confused and messed up but what you're going to do is go to apple devices 1080 so that the file is small enough for you to airdrop give it a good name like uh this is called my intro 2021 instagram story mode or you can put real real so i'm gonna go ahead and save that and i don't generally save stuff onto my computer computer i always have hard drives that i save it on to but this is gonna go into my youtubes folder and i'm just gonna drop it into my social media to post because i already have a file that i already saved to and you can see i have a few other ones that's already here save it there and then once that is complete you should be able to literally save it to your iphone basically by airdrop now let's say you don't have a iphone what you can do is you can get the google drive app and then what you can do is on your computer you just save it to your google drive and then on your google drive you can go ahead on your app and save it and get it right to your phone right away which is pretty easy pretty simple so that is how you do that guys if you guys got some good information out this video hope you guys enjoyed it please go ahead and hit and destroy that like button destroy the subscribe button and i'll see you guys in another video and another day any comments you guys have please be sure to hit it below and i'll make sure i get to you peace out see you guys another video
Channel: Jeffrey Smallwood
Views: 66,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instagram reels, instagram reels tutorial, how to use instagram reels, how to get perfect high quality instagram reels in final cut pro, final cut pro, instagram, get more followers on instagram, how
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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