Vertical Videos in FINAL CUT PRO: Reels, TikTok & Shorts

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if you're making vertical reels for tick-tock instagram reels or youtube shorts there's no reason it can't be just as precisely edited as a netflix show and today i'm going to show you how to get started doing that in final cut pro also this video is brought to you by art list more about them later for the sake of this video let's assume that we're shooting on our iphones and i'm going to edit this reel that i just did for my wife last night actually her nails getting done very simple and i'm just going to select them all and airdrop them to myself the first couple steps are in the finder before we move into final cut i'm going to select all of those downloaded videos create a new folder and call it i don't know whatever the project's going to be so anya's nails then inside that anya's nails i'm going to create a new folder and call it media and this media folder might have videos or images in this case just videos but it could have anything in there so i'm going to head over to final cut pro and create a new library and then i can save it inside that anya's nails folder and all this is moving too fast at the end of the video i'll have links to all my final cut videos that'll go even more in depth on some of these steps because i know i can move a little quickly something to point out along the way i do create a library for each project that i'm working on so here was one from kew gardens another from las vegas now inside this library we're going to create a new project now we're going to have to click use custom settings here because we're not doing things totally standard this isn't a horizontal video it's a vertical video this is basically the whole key step here final cut recently introduced these vertical templates that weren't there before and something important to note is it often defaults to 720 by 1280 i don't know why like not even 1080 you want it to at least be 1080 by 1920 that's proper hd and 29.97 is the most common frame rate um if you're shooting on a phone so i'm gonna stick with that you're gonna have to look at your footage to check what you actually did but if you don't know what frame rate you shot at it's probably okay things are taking a little more shape let's go to the next step and we'll go to file import media in the media folder we've got all of the videos and i'm just going to shift-click to select all of them because you're going to import everything at once and i want to draw attention to this option on the right here it says copy to library or leave files in place if you've watched my other final cut videos i like to leave files in place for more advanced edits but since we're doing a simple one here i'm going to say copy to library this is the default what final cut typically does so we're going to use that not worry about any of these other options here and just say import selected and now let's go back to finder take another look at what happened here so there's no confusion here's all that original media this is where those videos are that we started with now if we click on the library you'll see the size of it has grown it's 440 megabytes now that's because it copied all of these inside of this library so i can actually delete that folder if i go back in my project i can confirm all the videos are still there because there's a copy that final cut made and it's in that library all these different interface areas can be resized so that we can do a little bit of custom scaling i'd really like to see final cut let me make this as big as i want like put the vertical video on the right of the screen you can't do that right now all you can really do is stretch it up and down because you want to see as much of it as possible so all i have to do is select all of them and i'm just going to drag them down here into the timeline and to make this the easiest edit in history now that all this is in here i know that it just needs to kind of run sequentially all i'm going to do is say command a so i select all i'm going to right click and say change duration to one second and just like that my timeline's gone down from seven minutes to uh 23 seconds and if you're editing for social media that's probably more realistic now before i hit play i know that the audio in this is not useful so i'm going to select all these clips i can click and drag and over here in the inspector you'll see a little audio icon if you hover over it'll tell you what they do this is the audio inspector i'm going to click on it and turn the volume all the way down so none of these clips have volume anymore you see that at the bottom that there was a little waveform if i turn them back up if i turn them down that waveform is gone so there's no audio and now i can just play so if you've got a montage just clips that go one after the other this is a really quick way to get them in order but sometimes you need to select a certain part of it so for example these two last clips they're not really showing what she intended so i'm going to click on the clip drag it out and now i can see the whole thing you see how i did that either side has little handles that turn yellow and red as you click on them and then you know that you're grabbing onto the edges of the clip red means you can't drag it any further in that direction yellow means it's got some room to move and if you're seeing something different right now i'm on the default select tool the shortcut for that is a and other tools will behave differently but this is the one that we use most often so you can hit a to make sure you're using the same default tool that i am and expand this out and so what i'm looking for is where anya shows off her nails here just like that now i can just click on the right drag that shorter find where the clip begins drag that over here and i've got two different takes of this but i don't need the second one now i chose this take and now i've got a full sequence like this could be the reel just like this but of course we're going to take a little bit further let's say i want to change which part of the clip i'm viewing i press command plus to zoom in obviously command minus would zoom out and in our tools instead of the default select i'm going to use trim and what this does is as i click in the middle of the clip it's moving which part of the clip is being used so i can just kind of move it around until it's using the part that i want these are incredibly short here's a better example so in this one you can't even see the nail being painted so i'm going to move it over until we do now let's watch it great half a second of a nail being painted now let's say you don't want to use one of these clips great chance to show off the magnetic timeline that you've heard so much about this is what a lot of people love about final cut i can just click on a clip press delete and they snap together like magnets i'm going to undo redo so you see what's happening there it's kind of got gravity towards the left so that it always wants to close any spaces that you create in the timeline so if i move back to the start and i hit play which is also spacebar i can see well great i've got a reel of some nails being done cool now i know you might be really invested in this nail video we made but let's move to an even more exciting one this one we just did in las vegas it's a lot more exciting to watch but it's still missing something important that's music and i know just where to find it and go straight to artless dot io where i've been getting stock music for years now because it's not just music they have lots of sound effects too so let me show you just how quick and easy it is to find a song i can say video theme i already know that this is a travel video and now it gives me a pre-selected list of great travel songs i can narrow it down by things like the amount of energy that i want it to have let's say it's medium fast and then i can also add a genre let's say this is gonna be a pop song once i find something that i like the vibe of it i can also click this button over here and it's gonna recommend more similar songs that have the same tone or the same speed once i found one i like i can just click download mp3 to keep it small i'm going to put it in my media folder and i can actually just drag it into final cut it's another way to add things i'm going to put it below all of the video and i'll show you how easy it is to edit the video to the beat but first a few more things about art list they've got some great licensing options to get you access to unlimited music and sound effects starting with the personal plan at 9.99 or if you need to cover more uses like broadcast tv paid ads or any online platform you can get the unlimited plan for 1660 a month which really gives you this confidence when you're doing commercial videos that your client is going to get exactly what they're expecting and now is a great time to sign up because they've got this all in pack that just provides a ton of different features like sound effects visual effects in fact i'm going to drop in one of their included film mats that is in the bundle you can also add their film grain and also these color preset luts and all of a sudden my video looks a lot more like film so you've got a worldwide license at a great price and our list is always adding more songs and more musicians so you can stay ahead of the trends so sign up now because it lets them know you heard about art list on this channel and it also gets you that all impact with the presets and the sound effects and the vfx and then you will also get two months free at art list again link is in the description thanks again to our list so now if i hit play you get all of it okay but i want to time this a little better so i'm going to cut some of the beginning of this video off and bring this way forward so that the drop happens right as that first shot ends another thing you can see happening is that it's snapping between the clips that's this thing over here see snap it'll snap from clip to clip and i can drag this over and now we should get a nice perfectly timed drop [Music] perfect when you want to end the song you can click on any segment and press command b and now it is cut those in half it's a blade b is for blade here is the blade tool as well now using my default select tool i'm going to select the end of that and delete it and now the song is the length of the video i'm just going to drag out that end and it will snap to the very last moment now that we've got music in here i'm just going to show you how easy it is to edit to the beat without even listening to the song i know that these yellow peaks are when the beat is hitting so i can just click and drag each clip to line up with that if i play it all back i've got 17 epic seconds of our recent trip to las vegas [Music] all right now the last step we're going to export this all we got to do is go to file share export you want to double check down here that the settings are what you expected 1080 by 1920 and 29.97 frames per second also up here the only thing you want to change is go over to settings and this is where you set the format i don't know what it defaults to but let's choose a useful one i often use apple devices and go to better encoding h264 and make sure that the resolution is turned up as high as it can be that's all you got to do hit next and i'm just going to save it into this folder with all my other reels if you want to watch progress you can click this little circle up here and see it export we covered the simplest way to edit it but i know i can talk a little fast so i'm going to go through it all again and throw in a few more pro tips this time with a real of my photography and videos that we shot on another recent trip it was all shot on film actually this is the yashica t4 super d the first steps are similar i'm going to go on my phone and find all of the images i want to use air drop them to my computer create a new folder called euro trip film inside i'll make a media folder this time i'll have photos videos and audio and you'll see why i'm making manual folders in two seconds because i'm going to organize it myself this time i'll select and drag all the video and all the photos i'll go back to our list use some of the playlists i've already created and just download a song and add it to the audio folder now i'm all organized in the finder time to get back to final cut i'm going to create file new library put it in eurotrip film and give it whatever name you want now i'm going to import things a little bit differently first i'm going to change the default preference of this by going to preferences and i want to leave files in place this is how i do things for youtube and any more important serious editing project and then i'm going to go to file import media again if i open up your trip film here's all the photos and videos that i plan to use now i'm going to press command a to select all those files and look over here to the right we're going to use leave files in place i already organized them i know where they are i don't need to copy them to my library and i'm going to say import all again ignoring everything over here on the right and i don't have a project yet so i'm going to create a new project again i'll use that vertical template this time i'm going to make it 4k which is 2160 by 3840 same frame rate i'm going to quickly name it here again this is the one that actually changes the export name of your final file the project name so this one kind of matters a little more i guess and click ok so i've got a timeline at the bottom over here on my left in the browser i have all of my photos and videos and i still want this to be really quick but i want to be a little more precise about what i add in so i'm going to zoom in and see what these clips look like instead of just dragging them all in i'm going to select my favorite section from each clip it's going to kind of play out like a vlog so i'll start with this video of traveling from calgary to london and a concept that's in all video editing software so this is transferable you can press i and that's going to select an in point see how the selection moved this little yellow selector at the end of the part i want to use i'm going to press o and that's in and out now you see this is what is selected in the clip i can click and drag this down to the timeline i also have some buttons here that will help move it down to the timeline if i want but for now let's just click and drag to keep it simple and you can see i'm really quickly just skimming over these videos selecting my favorite parts and dragging them down i'm trying not to be too picky about it i can refine it later but also the point of reels or tic tocs are to post a lot of them so just think quickly follow your instincts just choose the best part of the clip as soon as you see it again i'm not going to use any of this audio so i will command a to select all i'm going to turn the volume all the way down and then go into my audio keyword and here is that art list song and i can just drag it down below command minus to zoom out of my timeline grab the end of it make it the same length as the clips since i know i've selected the best parts and i know i want this video to move fast i can select all again and say right click change duration and i can make this 15 frames now each one's only gonna be half a second because i know i want this one to move quickly also notice that i put two clips in the wrong place this is loading filament to the camera that should be near the beginning so i can just click and drag and the magnetic timeline will help me out and the other thing i want in this reel is to show the results from these video clips so now i just kind of need to match them all up photos to the videos that they align with so first i know i want those cactuses there they are i'm just going to drag it down drop it in right after the digital cactus and there it is there's the result grab the side make it shorter and now you notice there's black bars on the top and bottom maybe i want those maybe i don't i'm going to say that i don't and over here in the inspector if you scroll to the bottom there's spatial conform right now it's set to fit i'm going to switch that to fill it's going to make the image the same size as the frame so now i've got no more black bars after i've finished adding all the clips in i'm going to select them all again and let's do that right click make everything half a second again including the photos and also whether selected i'm going to click this little film icon over here in the inspector scroll down to the bottom spatial conform we're going to fill so they all are full frame and after i adjust the timing a little bit more this is my video [Music] now if you're confused about editing the instagram reels tick tock or any other vertical video you're working on don't worry i've got more final cut pro tutorials that go even more in depth so click on that video watch it next and i'll see you in the next [Music] you
Channel: Tyler Stalman
Views: 162,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tyler Stalman
Id: 0Ch7L5hHAkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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