Perfect Breakfast Tacos with Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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well these smell so good I'm excited now we got a stew going hi everyone I'm Claire saffitz I am here on top of Mount Vel in beautiful Austin Texas with Chef ver nunz of Estee restaurant and sarte here in Austin we're going to be making breakfast tacos and he's going to show me his process for flour tortillas in Mexico we would just put this in a tortilla Cho potato yeah in the states people are obsessed with eggs and tortilla I'm not mad about it we're going to be making flour tortillas to make breakfast tacos we got some ingredients and it's going to be great I feel like I'm in good [Music] hands I have been an Eater of breakfast tacos but never really a maker what are like the principles of breakfast tacos I grew up in Mexico okay and I never had a breakfast taco until I moved to Texas okay okay I think it's a very Texas thing my philosophy on breakfast tacos is less is more just like in in in the great dishes that you find throughout the world the most important ingredient is the one you leave out so let's say you're making yourself a breakfast taco in the morning what are your three things you're putting in it I'm going to show you the closest one I had growing up in Mexico which my mom just would scramble eggs with a little bit of hem I like to take it a little bit like cheffy and take a little bit of cheese put it on the casser and the planta and get that really nice and gooey put the tortilla on top flip it and then put the eggs and ham on top of it you know I also love like a good just Cho potato and egg like keeping it simple it's all about a great tortilla and really nice ingredients inside yeah I love the like Universal appeal of ham eggs and cheese ham eggs and cheese there's always one way to to make it taste good all right the tortillas we have flour we have more flour because we couldn't fit all that flour in there then we have salt and then we have baking powder and then on this side we have all of our wet ingredients we have milk separated into two measurements then butter it's our fat this one can change this one can be bacon if you're cooking a lot of bacon at home and you're the kind of person that saves the Bacon Fat uh 51 G is going to go a long way and then oil this can also change right if you want to like squee this C for like oil and duck fat or just butter and lard like these are very interchangeable and then over here this is like also very interchangeable this can be just like whatever you have at home a little bit of leftovers from the night before or not anything that you would mix with your scrambled legs you can put it inside of a tortilla I have some triso that we make in house here at Estee I have some potatoes that I just cooked in a little bit of oil and some onions in there to soften them up some cheese that we're going to use to melt into the tortilla you can also use it to sprinkle what kind of cheese this is a little bit of cillo and mozzarella oh okay so when it melt little ham cuz it's my favorite I like to cook my eggs with butter but we can also use any other type of fat that we want and then some salsa that we just kind of have at the restaurant some guacamole some salsa meana I like to top my breakfast tacos sometimes with avocado all right so we're going to oh sorry this is my coffee cup this is not an ingredient all right it's vital ingredient so let's start with making our tortilla dough we're going to heat up a little bit of the milk butter and oil okay and are you heating it up just to melt the butter yeah okay and then oil we got to heat up these ingredients and that over here flour in here okay mix all the Dr we're going to mix the dry yeah so now we add salt kosher yes okay kosher and then this is powder not soda baking powder baking powder so the idea is when it hits the fat top it's going to get a little puffy that's that's baking powder and now I'm just just going to mix it all okay we're going to make a little well in there but not like pasta well so just like think that's an appropriate wellish wow is this a good well shot the milk is ready so we pour simultaneously at the same damn time okay ready ready are you guys ready okay action oh God I went a little first and then we just start working it together like a dough okay hands hands okay but you don't use like a scraper in the I like it cuz then your hands this is your hands don't get wet as as wet at first then it like doesn't stick so so much that's why you're the pro then you just got to like scrape everything off your hands that's way easier than how I do it my Savory brain it's like going like pasta dough M and I like always do that with my hand it already smells good it's looking smell buttery now it's kind of brought together so out on the surface yeah what level of like kneading are we doing just bringing it together or like or we're really trying to like work some just bringing it together you can overw work this very easily so just kind of making like an evenly mixed dough but not really working it yeah I can't believe you you never made flow tortillas M never so we're working it but then it rests yeah and then it rests and then it kind of like brings it all together similar to like you know whenever whenever I was like learning how to make pasta dough it was always really hard for me to like not want to have it super smooth it's like similar to that like where you feel like oh that doesn't look great and then you go for like 30 minutes come back and it's like crazy everything hydrates but I will say that because of the fat in there it's tacky not sticky right tacky not sticky it's not sticking to the surface but it's still a soft yeah pretty hydrated dough feels great keep going you think I think we can stop now okay now we can I'll go get another Bowl we can oil it what kind of oil Chef there neutral oil sunflower oil the most expensive oil so I'll put it in like rounded side and then coat and then do it leave it like that this gets covered and then we're going to let it rest for 30 minutes cater wrap yeah is this tacky not sticky perfect that's perfect is it really no it's not nice perfect hey guess what Harris is doing right now tax taxes at my sister's wedding at the brunch on Sunday Harris was doing is which is now a family joke although no one thinks it's [Music] funny when I do this is like you know pancakes the first one is going to be is my snack but here's here's my real question do you do a very brief like bench rest where you're portioning and then you're forming it into like a like a sphere so I would portion all of this dough yeah and then go back to the first one so I had time a little bit of time to rest to rest so you said 50 g 50 g maybe a little bit of flour in the the thing okay or not you don't you didn't you didn't agree with that I feel like it's not very sticky cool perfect I don't know I don't know I'm always afraid well I'm not a pastry person I'm always afraid of like stuff sticking to my hands oh I don't feel like I think because of the fat content it's like greased if you ever have dough that like cuz when you're rolling it you're working the gluten and it's going to want to spring back so sometimes you need the friction with the table for it to extend so I guess I'll just divide in half at first and you said 50 g 50 g yes okay so like let's see what that looks like oh wait I'm in I'm in ounces hold on 62 okay so more like uh close enough close I'm starting to figure out cats I think the first step is realizing they're not dogs yeah for sure I know I've always been a dog person I had a bad experience with cats at one point and I was like oh I'll never have cats and then found the girl that loves cats and and uh now I'm a cad dad proud CAD dad of two whenever we go on vacation he brings a stack of papers and he's been neglecting and goes through them and it's like doing his tax he's like doing his taxes a s [Laughter] bucket how are those invoices great I'm going to take all your s buckets the only thing that I'm like really strict on rolling this is is rolling it thinner than you think yeah cuz people when they do flour tortillas for breakfast tacos like if they do them too thick you're it's like PE you're not we're making tacos we're not making pasas not making flatbread as supposed to when we're rolling it I like to use a hefty amount of flour okay trying to kind of like Get It Free shape with my hand before I incorporate the rolling pin I'm going to try with this one so more of like a dowel versus like a fulls siiz rolling pin it's easier you definitely get I kind of like go back and forth uh between like which ones I want mhm you know that's why I brought different styles so when I see it like getting bigger on one side and just kind of like flip and turn I'm going to swi the bigger one a key in this this one is not forgetting like the edges you know cuz like you know you see people like doing this kind of like pizza and they always forget to like go that even thickness all the way around correct again keeping rotating why do you like flat over the like feel like it's easier to con I can feel the connection between the dough and the dowel and then the dough and the surface better and when it's tapered it's like I have a I I just feel like it's more uneven just uneven yeah so like most people will kind of like roll it into that yeah but I think that's still going to be too thick for the purpose that we're doing I like my flour tortillas cuz I'm from Northern Mexico a little bit thinner than most people are used to here okay forgive me cuz I don't know that are there regions in Mexico where there not there are no flower tortillas or is it everywhere there's just different styles I think there's there's a lot of there there's flour and corn all throughout Mexico but there's like different uh a lot more preferences uh where you find more flow tortillas like in northern Mexico it's really easy to find takas that have flour tortillas I would never get a pastor Taco in Mexico on flour that is like corn you know like in northern Mexico I would get barakoa on flour and and that's like it's in northern Mexico you have a lot more like meat Centric dishes Baraka which you also find in southern Mexico but the tortillas are more in corn over there northern Mexico is really traditional to do K and you always have flour tortillas it's like springing back a little bit but you're definitely able to extend it yeah it's funny to see it like when you see in the dough and it's kind of like a little not like super come together and then you're rolling and you're like okay I did it I did it right Pro if you want to like roll a few in advance and like if you tect them in them you just put them in part so they don't dry out yeah so I mean not perfect circle was pretty good yeah how many claes are on the CLA scale five five how many claes was that Tor just for roundness but is five the most round I would give it this your scale a 4.5 pretty good so the oil is for non-stick or Browning or both both so spreading the oil uh-huh and now we watch it cook the idea is that you put it down and within how many seconds do you start to see the bubbling or the blistering I don't I I don't really like to follow like seconds and stuff I like to just have theia tell me when it's time okay you know um kind of like when when you're cooking steak and you're able to like kind of like move it so it's not sticking I follow that same rule the time can change depending on how hot it is right and is it like a pancake where it's like you're going 75% on the first side and then the second 20 or it's half and half for you to move it around it's a little bit half and half I like to have a little bit of chart to in my tortilla but not like chartu where like you fold it in it breaks looks like a tortilla looks like a tortilla the ruls are in it's a tortilla o yeah imagine some pillowy eggs in there woo M the like slightly charred flour smell just taste it yeah M ooh hot so good I think it's a little too cooked on this side you want it a little more flexible yeah so the test was like a little big so we're reducing the size to more like 30 G so they'll be a little bit more appropriate for breakfast tacos so what's next we're going to go I'm going to crack some eggs I'm going to start cooking the fillings while you cook the tortillas how are you preparing the eggs a little bit of butter uh-huh and soft scramble is okay perfect that was the answer I was hoping for nice I think per Taco like egg and a half per Taco yeah okay that makes sense oh those are really nice looking eggs yeah they're the best eggs we keep chickens and now I'm very particular about my eggs I always judge an egg by its egg wipes like if it tastes like delicious the yolk is going to be great you know I would much rather have a medium cooked yolk than any amount of undercooked white you know what I mean I agree like any amount of undercooked white I'm just like no like I don't need a fully runny yolk but properly over medium where it's like a little bit overcooked on just the edge like custardy on the middle yeah like I don't want the yolk to be so runny that it's like a raw yolk like I I like a like a hollay texture yolk of like gets somewhat cooked and then it runs that's technique that's just yeah are you salt person on eggs when you scramble or yeah I put a little salt in the beginning I used to not because that was like what they told me in culinary school and then I was like I don't think it matters I don't think it matters either I also found that if I didn't do that I felt like I over salted them a little bit if I was just doing it at the end they were cooking I don't know I had like this feeling like if I just like put on the pan when they're like after they're like a little bit cooked there it's not going to like dissolve and go everywhere right right that's my thing so I do add salt to my Scramble PR pen I think we're good okay yeah and oil is good I think oil is good okay I already got it wrinkle not don't touch not going to got a little Wrinkle In It matte surface yeah flip it now maybe wait a little bit longer so it's like fully set on the bottom yeah yeah okay I think you'll be able to flip it soon okay I'm going to start cooking the chtis so okay and you said that you you make that here it here yes yeah oo should I get a couple going at a time yeah okay kind of just like press it to make sure it hits up all the spots yeah and then I think we're good on this one so you can kind of deflate it a little bit to make there make sure there's better contact okay and you give it a couple of flips yeah I think we're good on that one okay just adding some of the cooked potatoes to the chizo they'll get a little bit of that uh chizo fat seasoning flavor onto the potatoes and then the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to add the eggs so like in Mexico if you had like breakfast is Taco like this we would just put this in a tortilla chizo and potato yeah yeah and in the stat it's like people are obsessed with eggs and tortilla and I'm not mad about it like this is like traditionally called slank for Chi Papa chiso and Papa F it's a little hotter in the back so now that the chizo is cooked potatoes are Blended together I'm going to add a little bit of eggs in there then I would have a spatula I forgot I'm going to do it with a spoon how many eggs was that that you cracked total I cracked six eggs well these smell so good the is I'm excited now we got a St going inoo all right this is the last one well last tortilla are you a fan of ham and eggs yes I like ham and eggs but they have to be like lightly fried uh-huh so I wait to like fry it before I add The Wiggles ooh that's a good cracking ah is that for one taco yeah that's for one taco okay then put a tortilla on top of it okay we're just going to watch it melt now that the ham is fried I'm going to add egg to this it smells so good cuz I'm a professional I brought a spatula this time around that's a very well seasoned pan oh yeah i' made it and then we put the eggs in here yes that's the first break for Sako it looks so good for me yeah for you we can have we can put salsa on [Music] it that one is a little salsa Mikana Tomatoes like plastic P but we take tomatoes and we run them through the meat grinder so it's a little bit Saucier and this is just our guacamole super heavy loaded on herbs all cilantro or there's other cilantro a little bit of parsley any other herbs that we have from our garden right behind the restaurant we Us in there too okay this is uh like growing up ham and Edge but a little bit of cheffy dove with a little bit of uh crispy cheese on the plant CH tortilla on top then just a little bit of satana tomatoes onion cilantro sanos and a little bit of guacamole and then this one is chisa potato and egg this one I just like to have a little bit of cheese on top mhm and then I don't like to eat this one with salsa but you can add salsa just plain juice yeah this is how I would eat them the crispy cheese like making my mouth water okay so good ham and cheesee eggs how many players 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 I thought I scale was five I know I changed it do you feel like thickness wise I think they're good you're Happ what you think I mean I think it's great it's so delicious I think I I I like that we didn't overcook them yeah but they're still a little bit soft they steam a little bit flexible yeah these are kind of two of your favorite go-to breakfast tacos this is this is what I would make for myself at home at home okay and it's like it takes on variations too that you can find throughout the city so I'm going to be in Austin for another few days where should I go to taste breakfast tacos around the city Joe's Bakery okay they have the best flower tortillas in my opinion verac Cruz uh will have the best representation in my opinion of migas they've been doing it for so long and they perfected the art of making Migos nor they started doing breakfast tacos they do Northern style tacos so they have flow tortillas and they have really good flow tortillas with their eggs on on the weekends uh El Primo is another like traditional spot what I like about them is they crack their eggs on the Plancha and they scramble them there uh so you have like that scramble which is like egg white and yolk mixed together Conta also does great breakfast tacos awesome so those are like traditional breakfast tacos right if you wanted to like not forget that you're in Austin which is in Texas I would go to valentinas they do great flow tortillas and I know what you're going to say you guessed it right they put brisket so they smoke the brisket and they put it in the tortilla so to not forget you're in Texas go to valentinas for breakfast thank you so much for making time for hosting us while we're in Austin this is so great an education for me in flower tortillas and I can't me I learned a lot too well I can't wait to go home and replicate this and start making like really good homemade breakfast tacos so thank you so much thank you oh and don't forget to like don't forget to like comment and subscribe there we go thank [Music] you [Music] d
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 332,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Claire Saffitz, Claire Makes, Claire Flour Tortillas, How To Make Breakfast Tacos, How To Make Flour Tortillas, Flour Tortillas, Breakfast Tacos, Easy Breakfast Tacos, Perfect Breakfast Tacos, Flour Tortilla Recipe, Easy Flour Tortilla Recipe, Tortillas, Mexican Food, Tex Mex, Ham Egg & Cheese, Chorizo, Fermin Nunez, James Beard Award, James Beard Nominated, James Beard, Chef, Chef Recipe, Chef Recipes, Austin, Austin Texas, Gourmet Makes, Bon Appetit, Suerte, Este, Tacos, Taco
Id: 5cuFnuA0eWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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