Making the Ultimate Holiday Breakfast for a Crowd | Claire Saffitz | Dessert Person

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you see how fluffy that is that interior crumb super light but packed full of stuff that's like not going to make you feel like you need a nap in 20 minutes oops hi everyone I'm Claire saffitz welcome to my home kitchen today I'm not giving you a dessert recipe I'm actually Switching gears I'm going to make a full breakfast for four specifically for the holidays because if you're hosting people and you're having family over you need to cook for a crowd so I'm going to mix up a batch of my whole grain and nut pancakes some bacon some eggs breakfast [Music] doer I actually love cooking breakfast I love preparing it I almost like making it more than I like eating it because I'm not like huge on like eating a big breakfast I just sort of like my coffee first thing in the morning this is kind of a variation on pancakes at Harris and I cook sometimes it has some whole grain some nuts in it so it feels like a little bit more wholesome than your average kind of all white flour pancakes plus I have some great that cut bacon we're going to fry a couple eggs I'm going to do the whole thing on a griddle which is great if you're feeding a lot of people but everything's really easy and really good so for the pancakes the ingredients I have here Allin One Bowl some toasted pecans some white flour and some whole grain flour you could use all different kinds of whole grain flour wheat rot by buwe whatever a couple of eggs 2 cups of Buttermilk some melted cooled butter kosher salt a pinch of nutmeg baking powder and baking soda a little bit of demarara sugar then for cooking I have some veg oil a little butter for serving some maple syrup and then I also have a few extra eggs and bacon for doing the whole spread the special equipment that I'm using is one a griddle I have a long gridle that's going to fit over two burners if you have an electric griddle you could use that I'm also going to use a food processor just to grind everything up for my pancakes because I'm basically incorporating nuts into the batter if you don't want to use a food processor you can still make this I would just replace the nuts with almond flow and then it's already ground for you before I get into the episode I want to take a minute to thank our partners at Maiden for sponsoring this episode so today I'm going to be cooking on the ma in carbon steel griddle this is a piece that I love maybe you saw our episode where I took it outside and cooked over a live fire to make some breakfast sandwiches today I'm using it on my induction cook top it's compatible with all types of heat sources which I love it is heat safe up to 1200° f one thing I love about carbon steel is it's naturally non-stick and it's so much lighter than traditional cast iron so it's super easy to maneuver now you can get it in a set with this lid as well as the made in press great for things like Smash Burgers or smashing potatoes you can get them so crispy on the made in carbon steel griddle so check out the link below I hope you check out their entire line of carbon steel but also their stainless clad and nonstick it's all such wonderful products that I use in my kitchen every day Harris makes pancakes a lot and he loves to kind of like really pump them up with a lot of kind of whole grains and nuts so I'm doing a version of that today but it's kind of just a spin on a traditional buttermilk pancake super easy so I'm using a little bit of white flour which helps to promote like fluffiness and just gives you that texture that you want but I'm also supplementing it with um some whole grain flour so I actually have here a mix of whole wheat and buckwheat just stuff that I had around the kitchen and I'm also adding a cup of toasted nuts I like pecans that's my favorite flavor you could use like toasted almonds or toasted walnuts last night I toasted the pecans I just put them in a 350 oven actually my toaster oven for like 8 minutes or so they smelled golden they smelled nutty and they look golden brown so they were done and now I'm going to actually just put everything in the food processor because I want to grind them up I think having the nuts kind of finely ground in with that flour mix it makes the pancakes really tender it adds a little bit of richness and of course a lot of flavor so if you don't want to use your food processor and you just want to kind of stir everything together in a bowl you can supplement this with an equal amount of almond meal that's totally fine or like another nut meal if you have it but I'm just going to go ahead and grind it fresh I like having the sort of fresh toasted nuts in with this mix and I'm just going to add my other dry ingredients to get them Incorporated I'm using a pinch of nutmeg which is nutmeg is not really a spice that I bake with a lot because I find it really overpowering but it just actually goes really well in pancakes I'm adding a little bit of baking soda that baking soda interacts with the acid in the butter milk helps to initiate the kind of Rise of the pancakes then some baking powder kosher salt just to season everything so I'm going to grind this and I'm just going to process it and kind of pulse it until everything's finally [Music] ground so I can smell how toasty it smells it smells so good I know that these are going to be super flavorful I don't don't just want the flavor to come from like adding maple syrup basically nuts are finally gone there's some slightly larger pieces like there's one this little piece is like maybe the size of a lentil but but the rest of the pieces are pretty fine so I'm happy with that you'll have like a little bit of texture in there from the bigger pieces of nuts so then this is go back in your bowl it smells so good the combination of bcans and Maples is really good you I think walnuts would also be really good but any nut that you prefer you could do hazelnut just make sure they're fresh you know if you've had nuts for a long time in your pantry often they go rancid because of the oils so store them in the freezer and if you're not sure I would say just get fresh so I have three large eggs I go with a very egg heavy batter this is something Harrison I've kind of realized over time is often when you're making a pancake with whole grain in it that whole grain flour is going to absorb a lot of liquid and can dry out the pancakes and one way to keep things just kind of supple and not dry is by doing a very kind of eggy batter it almost goes into like crepe territory I'm using three whole eggs I'm adding just a couple of tablespoons of demarara sugar it's like less processed and refined than white sugar I love the flavor and it still dissolves relatively quickly so I'm just going to whisk all this up until the eggs are streak free and I have two cups of Buttermilk here this is a local buttermilk from a local Dairy full fat buttermilk so it's often you see buttermilk in the supermarket is low fat like one 1% or so so this this is like a particularly Rich buttermilk you can see it's super thick almost like yogurt consistency you can use any buttermilk you can find but just know that if it's like a thinner buttermilk it's going to look a little different than the texture of this batter which is fine so once that's broken up I'm going to add I have butter here that's melted and cooled and it's best to make sure everything's room temperature not cuz it's going to affect it so much but because if you add melted butter to like cold eggs it's just going to harden everything incorporates more easily when it's the same temperature and then my buttermilk so simple like two Bowl kind of pancake recipe very standard so then I'm going to make a little bit of a well in the center my dry ingredients it's pretty sort of like standard operating procedure to do wet into dry that forms fewer lumps and one of the keys you probably heard the said about pancakes is like you want to only mix to combine and you can leave lumps in it you know a couple little lumps are fine those pretty much work themselves out during cooking so I'm just going to start whisking from the center working my way out one thing we'll add to this sometimes is like sometimes we have like ground a meal of some kind like a flax seed or ground hemp seeds We'll add some of that that will change the texture a little bit so just know that if you're adding like a flax seed you might have to add a couple extra tablespoons of Buttermilk to this okay so I don't want to really mix more than that I've just Incorporated all of the dry ingredients I'm I'm going to fold it once or twice just to make sure I have no pockets this batter is relatively thick if you have a thinner batter if you have a thinner batter because maybe you had thinner buttermilk or you're using like a different variation of flour and you feel like the pancakes are a little bit too thin when you add them to The Griddle let it sit for a minute because that buttermilk will kind of have a thickening effect come back 10 minutes later you have something that's set up a little bit I'm going to let this rest for a few minutes and I'm going to move over to the stove I'm going to get my griddle going get that heating and then I'm going to start actually the bacon while this sits and then I'll start cooking the pancakes and I'm going to use a mixture of oil and butter one of the great things about The Griddle is that it fits over two burners so I'm going to have one burner going on kind of medium for the pancakes and one burner a little bit lower for the bacon so that's what I'm going to start doing with pancakes it's like use a lot of oil so you can really get them crispy on the outside and a little bit of butter for flavor and the first batch isn't as good but like once you kind of have to get into a rhythm with a you know regulating the Heat and getting it dialed in but then that's it so I want to get my griddle preheating I have it across two burners and it's a nice large griddle so I have kind of opportunity for two Zone heating so I'm going to do one zone kind of like medium low that Medium low will be for bacon because I want that to go kind of low and slow and then the other Zone will be kind of medium medium high and that'll be for the pancakes I put a sheet tray with a rack on top just on that middle oven rack and that's going to be a kind of warming Zone because if you're cooking for a crowd I mean you can have people kind of seated like eating pancakes as they come out but if you want to serve everything at once you need a kind of holding area for the pancakes as they finish so I'm going to put the oven just on 200 very low and it'll just be kind of warming not hot enough to like continue to cook them so that they dry out and get like hard on the outside so I'm going to get my my bacon down I'm not going to put any additional fat on the pan on that side because the bacon has all of its own fat this is this thick cut bacon it's from a local Hudson Valley store this breakfast is basically for four and of course you could always scale up the quantities how many pieces of bacon for four people eight I can always add more cuz bacon shrinks so much this is thick cut so I think it'll be like on the kind of slightly softer cheer side but with Crispy edges so it's kind of just depending on the bacon and your preference so now here I have this side of the griddle a little bit hotter for the pancakes a neutral oil that Harrison I keep around is extra-virgin avocado oil which is super expensive he orders it wholesale but it's a great cooking oil so I'm going to do a combination of avocado and a little bit of butter on The Griddle I don't think it's quite hot enough turn up a little bit the Bacon's starting to give a little Sizzle so we'll do a first Pancake test this is probably a not more than like a 2 oz Ladle level so I'm probably doing maybe like 3 o Scoops oh I'm getting a little hot I got to turn my front Zone down it's a little bit of a sacrificial first Pancake I would call it burnt it's a little burnt the smoke coming out it's a little hot turned it down this is a fish spatula sometimes called a turning spatula it's great for flipping things and I love that with the carbon steel unlike a nonstick you can use a metal utensil which is really great these are some of the best pancakes I've ever oh my God thanks so The Telltale sign that a pancake is ready to be flipped is that the surface has gone from shiny to a little bit matte like it's lost its Sheen and that when the the bubbles pop the batter doesn't fill in where the bubble was it leaves a little bit of a hole so that's what I'm kind of looking for are you getting nervous about flipping I'm thinking about it I kind of like that the pancakes on this side will like mingle a little bit with the bacon fat but I think when you're frying pancakes cakes you really want to fry them like a you need a good amount of fat in the pan I hate flipping [Laughter] ah that side looks good the rest of it's a little under but we'll fix that all right this one's done put this in the oven this one is the chef snack because I kind of screwed it up so I'm adding a couple extra strips of bacon I made a little room because they lost they rendered a little bit so they shrunk oo hello this would be the point in which if you were adding like blueberries or chocolate chips or other chop nuts or banana slices whatever you could add them now it looks good I'm going to flip this pancake that's what I have a hard time with is getting the spatula like fully underneath it so see that kind of dark ring kind of thing that's what I'm looking for but I just tilted The Griddle to get like some of that bacon grease migrating over to the pancake side I'm like right at medium for the pancakes right at five and my induction goes from 1 to nine so so medium slightly medium high I have maybe just one or two pancakes left the bacon is basically done so some of the pieces see golden brown on both sides I'm going to remove I'm not actually draining them on paper towels I have found that draining on paper towels actually I think reduces crispiness I feel like little tiny this is my theory tiny pockets of steam accumulate like in the texture of the paper towel and it just doesn't crisp up the way it does if you just let it kind of like you know sit on like a hard surface all right so I'm going to take off the rest of the bacon as it finishes it's basically done and then I'm going to leave the fat right where it is and do the eggs on that bacon side fried in the Bacon fat and it's not just that like the Bacon fat makes it taste good even though it does it's that it's kind of like a low waist you know you use what you have kind of approach sorry you not had a wait like several hours for your breakfast last pancake last piece of bacon just came off the pancakes look so good this dark ring I have a feeling some people at home might be like that's a little too done I don't think so I think that that color with the kind of rest of it being like dark golden brown that's perfect that's going to be such a nice crispy Edge which you only get from using a good amount of fat in your Skillet or on your griddle now I'm going to get each of them going each of the burners going on medium high I have four eggs do you think four eggs is good one per person no how someone can't eat two eggs three pancakes and two slices of bacon they can is this a challenge all right we're going to cook more we're going to cook more eggs I guess I was going to do one egg per person but I've just been told by the three people around me don't look at the feathers on the eggs all right let's get these cracking literally oo it's a nice looking griddle all right let's give these a little bit of salt and pepper also how nice are our eggs then some salt oh they smell so good so the bottoms are starting to get crispy I know that I have like good cooking on the bottom I'm going to go ahead and put the lid on so see all the steam coming off of this G when you put the lid on you get like a little bit of convection like that the lid will actually kind of heat up it's just going to trap the steam it's going to like force heat back onto the surface so you can get something a little bit like an oven effect let's take a look ooh very nice okay oh it looks so good so see how this Edge is curling right there it's super crispy underneath the white has gone opaque over top of the yolk so I know that it's set this is like my ideal dness for a sunny side up egg it looks so good I'm going to turn the heat off I'm going to grab a platter for the eggs I'm going to grab my pancakes out of the oven everything is still hot looks so good and we're going to eat breakfast it is impressively kind of nonstick like these eggs are just sliding right off they're stuck to each other but they're not stuck to the griddle [Music] yum when we all shoot together me Minnie Cal we have breakfast before we shoot but today making breakfast so this is our first shood of the day no one's eaten yet so everyone's super hungry and also not surprisingly it took longer than I thought so point is we're all hungry and I really want to eat going to start with a couple strips of bacon I love when it becomes like stained glass stained glass bacon start with one pancake that crispy ring I'm so excited about so these have been these were warming in the oven and like they didn't dry out I can just hold them and and feel them and feel that they're like still nice and soft and then I'm going to get a nice crispy Sunny egg talking about stain glass I like this one a little bit of butter on my pancake almost just to like glaze it and then a little bit of maple I don't like a lot of maple but a little bit just to sweeten it ever so slightly all right I'm going to taste the pancake first I like it when the butter kind of mingles with the maple syrup I'm going to get that edge you can like hear the fork moving through that crispy Edge super fluffy on the inside I just feel like it's something different than you're kind of like that Diner pancake that's like super even golden brown and soft all over having that crispy Edge is so key pancakes I can get behind super crispy bacon I'm just going to rip off some of that the lace the egg lace crispy crispy everywhere so good but then like soft yolk soft interior of the pancake it's really easy to cook this kind of breakfast for a crowd I would say this was for four I don't know how many this looks like it would feed but a lot so I love being able to make everything all on my ma in griddle so easy you know I got to like use the Bacon Fat to crisp the eggs and everything kind to happen in one place I wasn't like torn in a bunch of different directions waiting for certain things to finish I love that warming trip trick of keeping your pancakes in a low oven while everything else finishes and then here you are a hot breakfast served all at once so thank you to our partners at Maiden makers of the Fantastic griddle plus a full line of carbon steel stainless clad and non-stick cookware this is really the perfect kind of entertaining breakfast for the holiday season but also perfect any time of year so thank you so much for watching and don't forget to like And subscribe all right let's let the crew eat good [Music]
Channel: Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
Views: 192,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, Egg, Pancake, How To Make Pancakes, How To Make Bacon, How To Make Eggs, Fried Eggs, Fried Eggs Recipe, Easy Fried Egg, Healthy Pancakes, Easy Pancakes, Grand Slam, American Breakfast, Breakfast Ideas, Recipe For Crowd, Pancakes Bacon Eggs, Bacon & Eggs, Claire, Claire Saffitz, Claire Saffitz Makes, Claire Saffitz Breakfast, Easy Breakfast, Griddle, Griddle Recipes, Made In Cookware, Made In, Carbon Steel, Bon Appetit, Gourmet Makes, Dessert Person
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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