PERFECT Blended Layers Haircut Tutorial - TheSalonGuy

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what's going on YouTube Steven a salon guy here and in today's hair cut tutorial I'm going to be doing a step-by-step haircut on this mannequin and this is the haircut that a lot of women want almost like the most demanded layered haircuts where you know everybody wants shorter layers but they want to keep the length they when I get some volume and you know I'm just basing this off of the hundreds and hundreds of clients that I've had over the years who have wanted a haircut like this and I see and and the reason they're coming in to me is because one other people can't do it properly or they're just getting it botched completely botched up and they're coming to me to fix it you know I like to call my haircuts it's like doing reconstructive surgery sometimes so here's what we're doing today and here's a typical kind of scenario where somebody you know their hair's grown out they have almost no layers they're complaining they can't get a haircut so if you're a client like that like let me know in the comments below or you know like the video so I know you can relate because people travel from all over the place for haircuts with me to focus on this stuff you know or the other scenario is I'm seeing women coming in with the layers so bashed up and it's not blended properly it's just a disaster alright so I want you guys to see this kind of before alright it's pretty much all one length there's really no layers in it and what we're gonna do is we're gonna create some layers starting kind of around this area and we're gonna angle it all the way down and create a beautiful short longer layered shape and you know I'm gonna break it down step-by-step so you guys can understand it and why it's important to cut the way I'm cutting it and also if you're a hair stylist you know experienced or whether in school this will be very helpful video for you too because this is a haircut that you really need to know so I'm going to wash this mannequin and then we'll come right back and get started alright so let's get started what I've simply done is I've part of the hair basically right down the middle and I've created a section on both sides here which is basically called the division point what separates the front from the back you know I like to do this just because it helps me and keeps me organized that anything you know from here for is really technically the sides and the front alright this is a whole different area back here we have to treat it as such because we have to cut this and then connect it into here so we can't really focus on this part too much what we're gonna do now is we're going to establish the base and I always talk about this in my haircuts where the base really when you think about it is the length right at the length of the haircut but like with any haircut or any foundation right the foundation is the most important thing right it's like when you're building a house or so you know the foundation is literally the most important part and with that a solid foundation you know you're off you're not really off to a good start and the haircut could collapse it just may not fall well you know and this is also the really the key part of the entire haircut you know because it really outlines everything so I don't always use clips to be honest with you I'm a guy who just kind of likes a section off and get through it rather quickly so you know do you have to use Clips not necessarily but if you are used to using them then fine so here's what we're dealing with right now all right we're dealing with the back and the length and this is the first part of the entire haircut now as a few things we can do okay you have to make sure that the back here is gonna be balanced with however short you're bringing it to the front now I'm gonna base this length off of the majority of the requests from what women have been looking for since I've been doing hair the old quater want this around this you know neck length like right pretty much right into the the bottom of the neck or that you know top of the shoulders around that area okay close because I noticed that women still like to have some length to their hair and ladies let me know if you're you agree with me you know not everybody wants it super super short but from my experiences sometimes women like to keep the length but also have some volume to it so that's why I'm picking this area now keep in mind even though we're cutting the back if you notice what I'm doing I'm standing you know or you probably can't see but I'm combing this straight down this way I'm not bringing this out to cut it because I want to maintain that weight in through the corner so I'm bringing everything not into the middle but basically straight down so what I'm going to do is we're gonna comb this all down and depending on the thickness of the hair really depends on the sectioning that you're how many sections are gonna take so this says relatively thick hair but because I'm experienced I can pretty much see the guide and I know where I want to cut this but if you are just starting out you know or top this the stylist you know discretion if whatever they come with but as long as you can see your guideline you're fine okay now remember what you want to do is you want to keep as little like no elevation whatsoever and not a lot of tension because what's gonna happen is you may start to layer the hair a bit too much or you may start to create some sort of different type of shape into the hair that you don't want to create so that's why I like doing it with really little to no tension whatsoever just enough that you can hold the hair and your fingers but without lifting it or elevating it alright you want to keep this really pretty much zero degree elevation which means straight down okay now as you can see right into here once again we're combing the hair back we're not I'm not over extending out to the sides here because I want to maintain that length alright and I'm really just standing directly behind where I'm cutting so if you want to just cross double-check this just to make sure it's okay comb the hair straight down again with no elevation of whatsoever as low as possible or you can comb this all straight just like that with no no finger tension whatsoever and literally just cut this straight across sometimes that works just as well but this is the part where you really want to make sure that everything is even so right now we're even-steven we're looking good it's time to connect in through the sides and the front all right so I'm just gonna unclip the hair and a comb is all straight down again depending on the thickness of the hair you may need to take two sections I personally don't I like to just take this all kind of in one section because it's not too thick and it's just enough so right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually connect this here and then also start my angle I'm gonna be standing directly in front of the section that I'm cutting there's the piece from the corner that we left longer and it's really important look at that see how straight that is it's really really important that you leave that corner because if you cut this you're gonna create a hole that's why I bring everything behind the ear so we have this room alright we have this room that take off this way definitely a little bit of a trick for you professionals out there or people that are other in school alright so now it's time to connect and create our angle so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to finish the length right in through here because you never know sometimes the client may freak out and say I don't want an angle so okay fine there we go we little one length that's it don't have to worry too much but now what I'm going to do is I'm going to establish the biggest part of the haircut which is the face frame and not only is this the face frame but again this is this is really the base for the layers because if we cut this here that means everything has to kind of flow into that and be balanced and there's a few ways we can do that you can do that by just bringing everything forward this way and creating a kind of forward direction layered cut with all kind of feathers back not a whole lot of movement on top or we can really kind of blend everything in and create more of a layered look on top to remove some excess weight so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna comb this all straight down I'm just about standing right in front of where I want to cut this so because I know those hair will shrink up this is where I'm gonna start this now the finger position is really really important you don't want to cut an angle parallel this way so if you see your stylist grab your hair and stand they're gonna go like this like literally get out of the chair and run get away hey you want to always make sure that the body position and the finger positioning look like it's actually right and and and you'll be able to tell right it'll be kind of obvious to you because they'll be kind of holding their fingers this way so the higher you point your fingers and work the steeper the angle is gonna be alright so now we're cutting there's our first cuts right there and we're gonna work this in to the side now I'm not going really really far into the sides because again this is the length and we want to keep that length for the most part but sometimes clients won't understand that you need you know us professionals we need to cut some of those hair in order create that to create this shape into here okay it's something we have to do and you know sometimes the clients will challenge us and say oh I don't want then I say well look you know the haircut that you want this is what needs to be done or else it's not going to necessarily do that so what I'm doing now is I'm just going back in and I'm cleaning up the layers to make sure everything is looking just right and there we go so technically what we could do is actually you know this is a haircut in itself right here we could actually brush this all back and I believe I've done this even in the past we can brush this whole thing back like this and we'll have a kind of soft flowing face frame right into here but keep in mind there's no layers here it's all just in the front so a wool appear to be a bit on the heavier side and not a whole lot of movement but if you're looking for something with just a slight angle and just very very slight texture right into the front here then this is the ideal way to do it so now what we're going to do is the same exact thing on the other side just like what we did there I'm going to comb it all without using two sections I'm gonna do it all in one shot there's my guide from before on the other side and I'm cutting it straight across again I'm going to even though we did cut the other side I'm still gonna cut this all one lengthen through here so I have my good my good base and then I'll go back in and layer it so now it just kind of gives me an opportunity to look at everything okay so now here's what we do here this is this is the piece that we cut on this side and guess what folks we have to kind of match this up so I like to take a little bit from the one side there and now I'm going to stand in front again there's the length and now I'm going to cut upwards all right I'm gonna cut upwards so that we can match the layers that we cut on the other side once again there it is I'm pointing my fingers downwards this way I'm standing basically almost directly in front you know obviously if the client is is here you'll you'd want to be on top of them but you know you're gonna need to to get pretty close because you need to stand right in front and what I'm doing is again now I'm pointing my fingers downwards this way which is going to allow me to create a shorter to longer shape so I'm cutting this to the guide from the other side which is keeping everything balanced so let's coments all straight down and as you can see we actually ended up pretty pretty darn good so I'm gonna comb this all forward right and this is this is the best way we can just kind of cross check this to make sure that we're pretty much on the same page all right bringing us all forward and we're gonna nip those kind of thinner ends to give it a nice solid strong foundation this is the key to the whole haircut is this real solid solid foundation okay I apologize for the elbow in the face but this is again the most important part we haven't even started really doing the internal layering yet we haven't started doing the internal layering yet which is really gonna be the next part so you want to make sure if you're a client that the stylist is really really being thorough with this all right and anytime I'm cutting someone's hair I actually reinforced that I let my clients know I say look I spent a lot of time on this this is just a base this is the most important part of the haircut because sometimes they're sitting there going I mean this guy is still cutting them cutting my hair in the length as you can started layering it well this is this is why because it's it's it's really really really important the last thing you want to do is drive your style is crazy by telling them how to cut your hair by telling them this by telling them just you know if they if they know what they're doing which will be pretty obvious then just let them do their thing alright you're gonna drive it you're gonna drive the style is crazy so again cleaning that all up and here we have the angle so now we're going to start the layers throughout the back here alright now I haven't done any layers yet in the back so we have the freedom to start right here okay right here at the top now keep in mind that this is always another challenge to is here is the front right this is how short the front is right into here and look at the difference okay look at the difference we have all this hair into here that needs to blend and you're probably gonna say how the heck we gonna do that we have a short range to do it that's why this is the most important part so you have to make sure that when you're cutting this you know you're not leaving it too long but you're also cutting enough hair that it's going to be well balanced because we do want to leave a little bit of length throughout the back because it always works best going shorter to longer and creating that flow but you also want to make sure that we can connect everything and make it look balanced so I'm gonna take another section and what I'm doing here is I'm pulling the hair up on this one side right here and I'm going to cut it to the guide right underneath here okay the guides right underneath again apologize for the elbow but what I'm doing is I'm literally cutting straight across and I'll probably do one more section because this hair is a bit on the thicker side you don't want to go too far down because you remove too much weight and you'll make the ends very very thin what you don't want to do so I'm going to bring one more section up to this top piece right here this top layer and we're going to cut straight across see that nice even beautiful layer right in through here and I'm gonna drop this down I'm not gonna continue to bottom yet I'm not gonna so I'm just gonna jump here to the other side and we're gonna pick up where the division point is and I'm gonna comb straight up now I'm using the fine teeth of the comb for when I cut I'm holding my elbows parallel and I'm cutting straight across I just want to show you guys here what it looks like I'm taking another section and then I'll probably do one more section here here's what it looks like facing frontwards so you could see this cut right through here and I'm cutting straight across one more section not very not a very very thick section because I want to leave that solid base and I'll show you guys how we're going to connect that but I'm bringing everything straight up again I'm standing right behind where I'm cutting the elbows the elbows parallel to the section and I'm gonna drop this down alright so now it is time to continue layering throughout the back remember we basically layered from here all the way across okay all this above here is layered this isn't the mistake that I see a lot of stylists doing is they'll bring this hair way up here and they'll over direct it and layer it and they and they leave all this weight down through here and you you really can't do that especially if the client is looking for some some movement and some layers but what we can do is we can still maintain length as long as everything's blended in alright so here is that weight it'll jump right out at you so you can see it we're gonna comb is straight down and those longer pieces that are kind of jumping out at us that is what needs to be cut that is the weight and we're gonna go all the way down here that's the length so that really what we're doing is we're just connecting the entire haircut that's all we're doing is connecting the entire haircut and this whole section now this whole piece is perfectly blended so next up I'm taking another section and I'm working from the center to the right hand side or the back of the head there's my guide I'm holding on to this always make sure that you hold onto the guide they're very important so they don't lose it combing it straight out and cutting remember hold on and we're gonna go all the way down here and we're gonna comb it straight out there's the hair that needs to be cut because that is laying over it and that's preventing it from having that movement don't forget those pieces the very very bottom all right it's very very crucial that that's gonna prevent the hair from having a nice flow to it and that's because you're not layering it and that's a very very common mistake all right a lot of stylists do that really don't go all the way down to the base here now remember we're not cutting the base because that's what that's the length we need that solid foundation but we're cutting everything basically right on top of it all right and let's do one more section right behind the ear again very very important so as you can see I'm combing this all straight back right I'm combing a straight back because I want to maintain that weight to carry and travel with me to the sides if we if we we move too much weight into here what's happening is we're gonna create a hole and we don't want to do that I'd rather get rid of the weight when I need to in through here as you can see we've maintained that solid foundation everything looks good and now I'm going to continue the same exact thing on the other side so I'm gonna skim through this and again we're just basically mirroring and what we did there's the guide and after I'm done with this then we'll come back and we'll work on the top alright so I'm done with the back here but what I want to do is I'm gonna comb this all straight down and the important thing right if you look at this if you look at this you actually don't see any layers that is the key to a good layered execution is you don't see it when you comb it straight down if this was really gonna be all botched up I would see like really harsh steps but look look at that when we do this you can see all the movement and the layers that this has and how its seamless okay how this whole thing is seamless all the way from here down to the very very bottom what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to cross-check this because I want to you know cross checking especially with me hey you never know what you know mood my haircuts are gonna be in that day is I always like to just kind of go back in and create any sort of shape that's needed or you know cut any hairs that need to be cut this really it you know it's kind of like that guarantee you know this is a guarantee by you going over it it shows the client if either professional it shows them that you're putting that extra time in that labor of love and it also is gonna help really maximize the haircut and the longevity of it that's really what's important and all I'm doing is creating slight diagonal sections going from top to bottom cutting palm the palm by doing this the hair is gonna really just again if it's something needs to be cut it's just gonna be very very obvious are you gonna get this haircut every time no and I get emails literally on a daily basis from women all over the country including men as well but you know for these types of haircuts I mean I literally have people travel hours and hours for haircuts with me for this stuff you know a lot of the times they ask me or they'll ask me oh can you recommend someone who cuts hair like you in like Texas and I'm like really ma'am I'm sorry I don't know anyone and I can't unfortunately control or predict how somebody cuts hair I really really can't and that's probably one of the biggest challenges and frustrations is that like I mean sometimes I get frustrated because people are like what do I say to my stylist where I go you know if your stylist isn't great like it's not my problem and I can't help you you know or if you can't find anyone your area I mean it's like nothing I can do about it you know I mean there's it's like a restaurant there's a good chef you know as well as bunch of bad chefs you know it's it's really hit or miss so I unfortunately can't really control it you know I would say just look up online look up reviews you know just do some research on the stylist look at their Instagram and just see what kind of work the salon in general is really you know producing all right so again the cross-check is almost complete everything is looking good and I'm just bringing everything down and cutting off any bits that need to be cut and I'll also do this as well I'll pull everything straight out now okay this side is a bit longer I think because I've had the head head tilted this whole time so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back in and I'm going to extend this straight down this way to look and see and there it is that is why you need to cross-check that's why you need to go back in because it's better to catch it now then have the client go home and find it alright so don't be afraid to ask the stylist to check it you know I have a lot of clients that do that to me okay they say Stephen somethings doesn't doesn't seem like even Stephen right now I go okay okay and then I'll go back in and and double-check everything all right so that's good we're looking good here folks now is the time to connect the top with the back and how I do that is this is this is really really crucial ladies really crucial for when you're getting your hair cut that your stylist does this so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn the head this way so you guys can see and I'm taking a piece from the back and I just want to show you guys here all right I'm going to lower this but more so you can even conceive even more so what I'm doing here is I want you guys to be able to see this on an angle I'm standing right where I was before there's the layers there's the layers there it stops and look all of a sudden we've got long hair what we need to do is we need to make sure that all that short hair that we cut back here is falling out of this section because we don't want to cut what we've already cut that is why we do this way I I go vertically I cut towards the face for the connection once the connection is complete then we can kind of move on from the back you know we're done with all this and then we can start to work through at the top if you don't if the stylist isn't doing this you know now they may have their own method of doing it but this is my method doesn't say that I'm one percent right or wrong but I also you know this is what works for me so there we go so now guess what the back completely done we don't have to worry about the back anymore and as you could see right into here look there's no harsh lines whatsoever this is really really important to see ladies there's no harsh line from here and to here because we connected it if I held this straight up without connecting it this way moving forward there'd be a line right into here so now what we can do let's bring us down again is we can work throughout the top right into here and it's good that I wore a black shirt for this because typically I'm wearing the wrong colors and what I'm cutting okay so now again we're done with the back and we can cut now horizontally and now I'm holding everything straight up from the head and I'm working towards the face now I like to always say we're kind of working and almost like a mohawk section because we're literally just going down the middle we're going right down the middle and that's it where I don't want say we're home-free but we're home-free as far as this top section right here because all we're doing is just following the pattern of combing the hair straight up and cutting it straight across and what's going to happen is once we get to the very top of every front there's not going to be really a lot of hair to cut and because we've already cut up a four so here we are at the very very front and we're combing it up and as you can see there's like nearly nothing to cut now there may be and I'm going to show you guys how to blend that and that's the most important part is the blending of the layers right the blending that sounds like a ritual the blending of the layers hey I should've been a game of Thrones episode I'm going to work in through the corners top corners sides very very important this is this is very very important too because this is where all the the blending and the connection is going to come in so there is the length and the weight it needs to come off and we're gonna bring oldest right down to the very very bottom and this is where we can remove that weight that we had before so I'm not cutting that because that's the length we don't want to cut the length we just want to cut everything on top of the length right to make sure it blends and has this has a smooth flow to it so once again combing it straight out to the corners there's our guide from before hold on to that hair stylist make sure you hold on to that hair comb it straight out there's the length and here's the weight that needs to be removed and now we have perfectly blended corners and sides I'm going to continue this all the way to the front and look I know I'm talking quite a bit but let's Akins again into consideration that you know there's a lot of stylists out there on YouTube where all they do is voiceover work alright I am doing everything live like if I was cutting a real client so none of my stuff is voiceover work it's all live it's all happening right now because I think that's the most relatable and I think that is what clients respect and appreciate is that they really see me in action and for those of you who are my clients that are watching this you know you know you see me in action this is what I'm doing plus throwing in a few bad jokes all right so okay so what have we done here I have no idea now what have we done here is we've actually blended in the entire haircut all this is now worked in we've got that layer right into here as you can see and it's all flowing in now we have to do this on the other side I keep forgetting there's still another side of the head we're going to go right here same thing now I've changed my body position this was called the armpit in face stance and now I'm kidding I'm kidding so same thing hold on to that hair bring it all the way down to the very very bottom this is where that weight is going to be from the back let that base drop down don't cut that base and here we have it so push this out of the way cutting the corners there's the guide and and depend hopefully you know depending on you you may be taking off more hair than you expected you may be taking off not you know not a whole lot but there's got to be some hair coming off because if there's no hair coming off then something went wrong somewhere because this is this is a heavily layered haircut all right a heavily layered haircut so there's got to be some hair coming off here but as you can see we're kind of cruising right along now I take about 45 minutes you know to cut so I booked about an hour from my appointments maybe a little bit longer depending some clients takes me you know two hours depending through you know if I'm on a valium or not all right you know but it really depends on my clients and what I'm doing but for the most part I'm spending a good hour so cutting their hair and the reason is because I know and it's kind of again my guarantee as I say to them I know your hair is going to look good you know a couple of months from now now if somebody wants this look and they want to the short layers and they want to you know come in all the time that's different that's totally fine you can do that but you know I can cut this and I know for a fact in like four months if they were just to grow this out that their hair would look phenomenal that's just based off of my confidence and also my experience so now here we go this is this is the money shot right here folks the money shot huh I feel like Bruce Springsteen right now I've been tall I think I'm doing a concert over here all right so I'm gonna go right down the middle again and this way too you see this right look at this we're gonna Col miss now again the hair doesn't grow straight up this way the hair grows out from the head all right it goes out from the head like this no one really has their hair grow straight up this way or like this it kind of grows out from the head and everyone's hairline is different so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna comb this straight out this way all right so you can see here let's bring this over a bit more and the good thing is is holy cow there's not really much hair to cut but what this means is that this is showing the actual connection between this part here in the front and this part throughout the top going all the way back and folks we hit a homerun here we hit a homerun because this seam seamlessly trap is blended from here all the way to the back hallelujah all right so now I'm going to pick up a section from the side and what what I'm gonna do is I'm going to yank the hair out of her head I'm gonna comb this all right to the middle right I'm combing us all right to the middle and checking and cutting all this really is doing is ensuring balance and making sure everything is blended this isn't it this is necessary because if you don't do this and you have pieces that are like three times as long in through here it's really not gonna be good for the haircut I'll be honest with you it's it's gonna prevent the hair from the flowing it's gonna you know block that all that layering you did it needs to all be connected telling you I've done this a million times this needs to happen and most of the time honestly if it was done properly there really wouldn't be a lot of hair coming off so that's done there and then what I like to do is just do one last brush through or comb through of all the hair get all these little knots out into here and the most important part really is here the corners so look that one little piece jumped out at me right there and I'm gonna keep combing to make sure everything is blended and connected right in through here we're looking good same thing on the other side and the reason I'm being a little more aggressive is because you know I know how to work with hair right I know how to handle here I know how to comb it and you know sometimes the experience comes into play but you want to you want to be a little aggressive sometimes with the hair right you want to make sure that you're really combing through it want to make sure that you're getting every section don't be afraid to be a little aggressive with the hair okay you kind of need to take charge sometimes well that's how I could honest that's how I could and then last but not least I'm notorious for this is you know you want to pull everything straight up and make sure it's even and if there's any little bits that aren't even then we have to create make sure we're even-steven for that day or else we'll be getting the phone call later on all right so I'm just going to finish this up here and then we'll proceed to do the blow-dry now what I want to do is I want to show you what this looks like as is okay with no product in it whatsoever I just want to show you kind of what we have going on into here look at all that lift and that volume and that texture alright look at that and I think that this shape looks great I think that you can see that the layers are all working in seamlessly it's got a great flow to it you know and I always like to show clients this too when I say look how its drawn that's why I cut wet into dry okay if you noticed I didn't once go back in and spray the hair down the reason is especially on blondes or finer hair or just because I want to see how everything is really working in that's what I want to see I want to see look at that you see how that's flowing in even even though it's a bit damp if we could see these kind of results from the haircut then we know we're in good shape I'm so excited about this haircut I'm out of breath over here any anyone have oxygen um no I'm just kidding so bring this back and there we go all right look at that beautiful so I'm gonna put a little product in it we're gonna blow dry it and then we'll come back and see the finished result okay and my arm and shoulder are killing me now here is the finished blow dry and I know you're probably saying who on earth wears their hair like that well nobody but this is how I blow dry this haircut so I always have the client do and this is my famous money shot ladies this is the money shot so we've got everything towards the face now what we're gonna do is we're gonna rake it all back off the face we're gonna rake it like that rake it rake it and we're gonna work all of these layers in through the haircut then we bring it forward and I go ma'am look at that look how it just falls right in okay let's look at the side profile the side profile is very very important all right when working with this type of look so look at that see we've got this starting look how short that is right here and it's not it's literally the perfect length okay look at that so this literally flows all into here literally seamlessly this has gorgeous it's actually makes a hair look a bit longer it actually makes the hair thicker because what we've done is we've actually created and when you have a good haircut that's balanced what it does is it actually creates volume and and really creates the hair to have it's all in sync together when the hair is all flowing and synced together it's just a seamless beautiful flow and that's to bring this back to the front so you guys can see now I I'm kind of a flip guy all right I like to flip a little bit you know I may be a little bit old school but I mean look at this see how gorgeous it is how much life it has to it how much bounce and let's rate this all back and then a little bit of hairspray we could spray that in but this literally is the haircut doing all of the work I've put in I literally I all I use is a repair spray this is my my fleek repair shine and smoothing spray so the haircut is creating all of that volume so this is really a beautiful haircut and I think you came out apps gorgeous Wow what a whopper of a video I feel like I just gave birth to a blow dryer yeah whoo what a what a video that was hot talked about but I gotta say I'm I'm so passionate about haircuts like this okay let's just see what this looks like underneath so in case your client is ever hanging from the ceiling you know they can give you good feedback on the hair all right but this is this is really really an amazing look and if the client wants to flip their hair around to the side I mean this is a really really gorgeous hair this is the money here cut I charge $150 student my prices will increase to about $500 in here could I think honestly but uh but yeah so look at that man I'm just so happy with how this came out so anyway again ladies if you're a client watching this I can't promise you or I may not know anyone in like throughout the country who knows how to cut hair this way I have really have no idea I just focus on myself do some research you know find somebody who may be on Instagram or social media who you see photos like this of the haircuts stuff that you're looking for again you know if somebody's charging say $25 or $30 for a haircut like this I mean you know are you gonna get that detail that attention you may or may not I'll be honest with you you know I charge 150 bucks I spent about an hour you could see what I put into this haircut I think Aaron see this client that their hair will look phenomenal in like three months because I just know what I put into it I can't can you you know can your stylist promise the same for you all you're getting those results and if you're a stylist why aren't you producing results like this I mean it really comes down to education and practice so ladies let me know in the comments below if you're a stylist professional if you found this helpful please let me know if you're a client and love this haircut and you're like oh my god you know and if you're asking how do I tell my stylist how to do this you can show them the video you can take a screenshot on your phone you know I'm sure their stylists out there who've seen eight million tutorials of mine from their clients I apologize I don't I don't force it on them but if they want to show you a video of mine and that's cool I apologize again but maybe check it out you know it may be helpful to you so thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and I'll see you next time for more videos with a salon guy
Channel: TheSalonGuy
Views: 334,177
Rating: 4.8562565 out of 5
Keywords: TheSalonGuy, Haircut, Tutorial, layered haircut tutorial, layered haircut men, layered haircut at home, layered haircut diy, layered haircuts for long hair, layered haircut asmr, layered haircut round face, layered haircut front and back, layered haircut curly, layered haircut definition, medium layered haircut diy, easy layered haircut tutorial, extreme layered haircut, perfect layered haircut, medium length layers haircut, the best haircut tutorial, step by step haircut tutorial
Id: tNnFj7X3oPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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