How to Cut and Style a Shag with Curtain Fringe | Easy Tutorial

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welcome back guys i've got a special video for you today we're going to be doing a shag with curtain fringe curtain fringe is really huge right now so we're going to be cutting the curtain fringe first and then we're going to go into uh the shag after that so stay tuned guys it's gonna be amazing let's get that started right now my name is jake thompson i'm a hairdresser been a hairdresser for multiple years if this is your first time to this channel thanks for tuning in and if it's not welcome back all right guys so let's go ahead and get this started so when this comes down to cutting a curtain fringe and or knowing that you're going to be doing a shag as well so let's cut that curtain fringe first what we're going to be doing today is let's just imagine that our model parts their hair or customer parts their hair right in the center so we're going to find that little center part right through here now one of the things about when you're cutting some sort of fringe curtain fringe convex fringe concave straight whatever it may be we want to establish how much fringe do we want to have so first off when you're cutting a fringe on somebody most people if you look at this you know your temporal bone right through there right at that specific point is about where the hair is going to part between the front and the actual sides so with that let's keep in mind that we're going to find that point on this mannequin head and now how i'm going to do that is i'm going to find where that hair wants to part right through here and you can see where that hair parts and usually is that bone is about right there so i'm just following that line directly up right there so this is going to be the perfect amount of fringe for this mannequin head right through here because a lot of times when you're cutting a fringe and if you cut it too shallow you're going to notice hair that's going to kind of fall forward this is where this hair lives this is where this hair lives so let's go ahead and do this on the other side so this is going to be basically where our fringe is going to live right through this front area so you can see again right where those temporal bone is you just follow that right up through here now this would be essentially where her whole full fringe is at let's get this hair out of the way and let's go about cutting this curtain fringe when i approach this curtain fringe there's a couple different things that i do so first off we actually found where the actual fringe is going to be now i'm dividing this up into subsections okay now what i want to do is that we're if we're going to be parting this in the center we're going to find where the center part is now i'm going to take this specific section and i'm going to be standing on the opposite side okay now take this and i'm going to basically comb this all over so all of this hair is now going to extend this direction now what's going to happen is that we're going to create this line that's in there that's going to live just like that so with us combing this over and i'm going to go to the the corner of her left eye okay so i'm standing right over the corner of the left eye right through here now i'm going to [Music] start by point cutting i'm going to point cut this all the way down just like so okay now you can start to see how that line now what we want it to do as that is going to extend out just like so and you're going to start to see how that is going to create that curtain-ish fringe just like that so now what i want to do is i want to stand over here on the exact opposite side now i'm going to take a little bit of my previous cut section i'm going to take this right through here and you're going to see i'm going to see my guide right in here i'm gonna pull this over [Music] and i'm standing and now i'm right over the top of her left eye right through here her right eye sorry [Music] so now that i have cut the first section taking the right side over to the left and then the left side over to the right let's go ahead and take our sections down and we'll finish cutting those [Music] so now that we're going to move into the shag or the rest of the haircut we're going to go ahead and start to layer everything from this shortest point now we're going to do it pretty heavily now a shag is basically defined as it goes from short to long back through here so short hair up through here longer hair through back depending on how long you want to have this we don't really know yet but let's start that shag up through this area so first off what i like to do is i'm going to find a section that is going to mirror this hairline right through here so i'll take this a little bit thinner but this this section is going to be our guide for everything else so let's go ahead and put that back so you can see where my guide is right there now let's go ahead and cut her right side i'm going to take that section and it's going to mirror my hairline and if you have a hairline that is recessed like pretty heavily just make your line a little bit more zagged to follow that because you don't want this area right through here to be a lot thinner than the area on the bottom so just mimic whatever hairline you're working with so as i start to come in through here i'll stand directly in front and see where my guide is at right there i usually cut on the outside of my i cut on the outside of my fingers and the reason for that is because it's much easier for me to control the hair as i work all the way down [Applause] [Music] so now when i get up to the top of the crown right through here i am going to instead of now pushing things forward because again this hair doesn't really necessarily live through here kind of lives back through here we want to start to layer this kind of top area so how i'm going to do that now is i'm going to be taking my guides i'm going to be taking a small thin amount of hair right through this top area and i'm going to take it a little bit from the left and the right now i'm going to take this hair holding this straight up right through here now i'm going to take a little bit of a a triangle section where it's a little bit thicker in the back a little bit thinner in the front be holding this up now i want to start to layer everything throughout the top so we can start to see where our guide is this little hair right through here [Music] so what i'm going to do now as that hair if this gets blown back right through here you're going to see some height that's going to come in through that area then you're going to start to have like these longer these longer layers right through there and we'll probably bring up this length somewhere in there but right now as i take this section right through the top area now i'm going to start to kind of just pivot off of that and then kind of add that hair right into there so let's go ahead and take a little bit of hair right through here and then we're going to take a little bit of hair from our previous cut section that we just cut and you can see how the sections get a little bit thicker down through here they're a little bit thinner right through the top you start to see kind of like where your our guide was which was like right here and the reason why i cut it from behind is that's where the hair kind of bends and so i'll just usually cut that off right through there get rid of it and then i don't have to kind of like worrying about cutting through here and cutting through the hair so a little tip for you see where a guide was about right there [Music] all right guys so we finished all the wet cutting now i'm going to style this and we're going to finish the dry cutting refinement kind of really just bring this whole haircut alive so let's go ahead and do that right now [Music] [Music] the most crucial thing is really about the fringe right one of the things you want to keep in mind is that you always you always want to keep the direction of the blow dryer going down at first so you want to get that center little area working in that area and then as you move to the front you want to make sure that your your round brush stays vertical like this and you're slowly starting to kind of kick that back right we won't don't want to like get all like crazy winged but we want to have that movement that kicks back so that's the first thing right there now i'm going to go through and i'm going to work the rest of this and it's going to tie into that front area really nicely so let's go ahead and do that right now [Music] all right guys as you can see i just finished the blow dry right through here the key things to keep in mind as you're starting to do a style just like this is to make sure and keep that round brush vertical because if you start to actually tilt the round brush you're going to create the flips are going to be a little bit different so keep that in mind if you're liking this specific kind of style make sure and actually keep that round brush super vertical just like so instead of tilting it or even having it horizontal because your flips are going to be different your flips like this actually travel back and so they kind of like collapse into each other if you go with something more horizontal there it's just gonna look like ski jump kind of thing so make sure that that is super crucial as you're doing that so let's go ahead and finger right through here and then let's kind of play around with this and we're going to kind of finish this haircut but as you can start to see what is really just kind of making that whole shag look looks so super amazing is that it's giving a lot of width in this specific area right through here and as you can see how that fringe really just ties in that kind of curtain fringe and that's what kind of starts off that cool shag shape from short to long so let's go ahead and finish this haircut i hope you guys really dig what we're doing and if you do go ahead and like this video go ahead and subscribe if you haven't subscribed if you are subscribed go ahead and hit the bell button get notified i appreciate it thanks guys [Music] one of the things that i really just want to detail right now is i'm going to detail this fringe right through here and so i i've got some scissors some b-max right through here now these b-max are amazing because these b-max remove about 47 and so usually if you're going to be using any sort of texturizer like this you want to make sure that the blade is underneath because if the blade is underneath then the line is going to be underneath you know if i was going to cut it just like this and you have that blade up on top you would actually see your cut line up on top so turn that blade upside down we're going to go in and i'm going to really just kind of start to remove a little bit of this weight and i'm going in there fairly aggressive because again i really want to keep that angle going and so i'll come in here remove a little bit of hair you could actually come in here and get some of this hair off of the actual scalp itself and come in there and start removing some of that now and you can see i'm going to still keep that that line going the same type of line that i had in there before and so it's going to angle just like that now i'm going to do that same thing i'm going to come in over through here on this side now same thing have my the angle of my actual scissor just like [Music] this now another way to use this is you can take this and then remove a little bit of hair right through that area and you can see how that curtain fringe just really you know takes that focus those eyes just like that area and then you start to see the shape come down through there build that width out right through there let's go ahead and finish this off let's go and style this if you guys are going to do some sort of styling like this i would highly suggest you get some sort of powder volume grip many different lines have their version of it it's really easy to manipulate fringe like this to kind of squeeze and i know you guys saw that as i was styling that so i would highly suggest that because again you can cut the shape in the right direction but your product is just an enhancement of your hands so make sure you're using the right type of product that's going to get you the results you [Music] need [Music]
Channel: Jake Thompson
Views: 329,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to cut and style a shag with curtain fringe|easy tutorial, scissors, haircutting scissors, hair education, hair tool reviews, matt beck, christina cavalcanti, brian haire, drea boland, free education for hairstylists, hairdresser education, hair color, balayage, bob haircut, hair cut, haircut, haircutting, how to, step by step, salon reality, salon tools, salon marketing, salon business, new hope, pa, gratitude salon, salon gratitude, hair styles, Jake Thompson
Id: IlSo_sT939s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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