Perfect Analogue Notebook for OneNote Users

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every one note user should get this notebook this is a reusable notebook from rocket book that you can use to write check off on one or more of the smart symbols at the bottom of the page scan using the free rocketbook app and it ends up in one note destination you set along with the appropriate page title and even a transcription when you're done you can wipe clean for reuse in this video I'll show you how to set up and use the rocket book core reusables more notebook with one note I type my notes into one note most of the time but sometimes I prefer to take notes by hand with pen and paper and I do enjoy the tactile feeling of writing with a pen and paper in hand it really helps me slow down and helps me think more deeply and creatively also when I'm in a meeting with a small group of people particularly if it's a one-on-one meeting I think it's important to appear present and engaged in the conversation and looking at a screen can be distracting but when I handwrite my notes I still want them in my one note I don't want my notes scattered all over the place CU that's going to make it hard for me to find them later so this is where rocketbook comes in it really helps Bridge my analog notes to All of the benefits of digital storage let me show you how this works first let's talk about the notebook they have a few different models and the one I'm showing is called the Rocket book core Smart Notebook in letter size and it has 32 Pages the paper is made out of polyester composite rather than wood pulps so it definitely has a smooth plasticky feel this is what allows us to erase the ink with Dam cloth you need to use it with a specific pen such as this pilot frion pen which is readily available and not much more expensive than a regular disposable pen but what what's special about this paper other than the fact that we can wipe and reuse is that it has symbols at the bottom of the page that can be used to send the note page to a specific Cloud destination in the app we can assign specific upload destinations to these symbols for example if I check the star symbol scanning this page will send a note to one note you can assign and check multiple symbols and have a single scan sent to multiple destinations we'll talk more about that later so the first thing you'll need to do is download the app in this example I'll be using an Android phone from the Google Play Store search for the rocket book and install when you open the app the start screen will show you a couple of tips you can either skip or click through to see the tips you'll need to sign up for an account I'm going to spare you from watching me set up a new account so I'll skip through it I'm now logged in I'll allow for no notification and follow the guide to set up my first destination by default my email is assigned to all of the symbols we'll change that I'll tap on this diamond change destination and choose one note of course you'll need to authenticate your OneNote account once you're in you can now choose which notebook and section you want the scann notes to go I'm going to go to my areas notebook and choose inbox so that part is done what's cool is that you can assign the remaining six destination icons to different OneNote notebooks and sections of course you can assign them to other Cloud platforms as well now the second step is to start scanning we need to allow rocket books to access our photos when I put my camera over the notes it locks on and takes a picture automatically you can then hit next and choose the destination from this list of course we'll choose one note that we just set up we can rename the note title if we like and send it's worth noting that if you actually Mark the symbol on the Note page you won't need to choose the destination it'll know where to send the note automatically okay now I'm going to share my process to really optimize this workflow and make it even easier to scan when I take notes I put my note title on top surrounded by two hashtags the rocketbook app will recognize this and set this as the file name which means our one note page will automatically inherit this name I'll write the rest of my notes go to the app and tweak some settings click on this three lines icon on top choose handwriting recognition and turn on smart titles go back and choose destinations I assigned this diamond symbol for one note so let's choose that I want my file type to be in PDF versus JPEG and I'm going to turn off bundle scan and turn on auto send and I'll turn on OCR so that I can get the transcription data the other settings I'll leave it as is now it's important to Mark the correct symbol on your note page for auto send to work so let's do that it's hard to see but I'm putting an x on the diamond symbol now when I hit the photo icon and scan it sends the file automatically to one note to the notebook and section we defined and with the title that we put inside the hashtags let's check it in one note you might need to manually sync the not notebook for the note to show up and there it is it has a proper page name the transcription on the left and the PDF on the right if you want to have the transcription go to its own separate page we can specify that in the setting as well and now that we updated the settings we don't need to fuss with it again you simply put the title for your note check the proper symbol at the bottom and just scan away it's super simple and there there's a lot more you can do with this in terms of using smart search smart lists and smart tags and I'll link some helpful videos in the description below and when you have used up your pages you can simply get a damp cloth and just wipe the text away which is amazing there's some great deals going on right now with these notebooks which you can pick up for around $20 it comes with the pen and the cloth and if you choose to pick one up for yourself or for a friend make sure you use the affiliate link below remember this notebook not only works with one note but with 13 other Cloud platforms as well I think this makes a perfect and affordable gift for both working professionals and students if you found value in this video hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more contents like this [Music] thanks
Channel: Andy Park
Views: 16,242
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Id: C4ebxNoKVOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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