7 Pro Tips for Microsoft OneNote

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in this video I'll share Seven Pro tips to get the most out of one note whether you're a student a professional or someone who just wants to get organized I'm sure that these tips will help one thing that I really appreciate about physical notebooks like this is that I can review my notes in chronological order I'm much more likely to review notes that I took this week than to review notes that I took six months ago but OneNote makes it difficult to do this so to get around this you can use the OneNote feed function from the desktop you can click on this icon that looks like a sticky note you'll have to sign into your Microsoft account for the first time I've already signed in so it goes straight into it once you do this it'll show you the list of notes in chronological order starting from the most recent regardless of which notebook and sections the notes are in this feed is actually an aggregate from your OneNote Samsung Note and sticky note there's a lot you can do here but that's outside the scope of this video I just wanted to show you that you can use this tool to browse through your notes in chronological order one big caveat is that when you first activate the feed it could take a long time to load and sometimes it causes one note to freeze all together at least that's been my experience your experience might be different and hopefully it'll work fine for you but I just wanted to call that out staying with the topic of search when you search for something in OneNote it'll actually scan and search through all of your active notebooks which could be a problem if you have a lot of notes it can take a lot of time and it could also make your search results not very helpful so for example if I were to search for a term let's say quality control you can see that there are a bunch of notes that actually match that search term so it's not very helpful so what I often like to do is to hit this drop down and change my filter from all notebooks to this notebook and as you can see it finds that one single note which is super helpful now I don't want to have to do this every time so what you can do is hit that drop down again and you can now set this scope as default okay so now every time you search for a phrase it'll only scan through the current notebook that you're in sometimes when I have a lot of notes on a page I like to group relevant sections together and bring visual interest by adding some colors unfortunately OneNote doesn't allow you to add colors to its container so for example if I wanted to color this container there is no paint box that I can select so one easy workaround for that is select all of the text in the container and go to insert table and just select a single cell and when I do this now I have the option to go to the table Tab and choose the color that I want to fill this in so let's choose the screen here and I actually don't like borders around it so I can select hide borders and I can do the same with the other containers as well I actually created a little shortcut on top because I use this so often I don't have to go to insert I can just choose the table from here select and I'll choose a different shading for this and again hide border and I will do the same with the rest so that's one way you can color blocks of text if you're someone who likes to make annotations on inserted images and printouts you probably already know that you can set the document as background so that they don't move around what I mean by that is so for example I have an inserted print out here and let's say I draw an arrow to this part I could very easily accidentally move the document around and that annotation no longer becomes relevant so what I can do in this case is I can right Mouse click on the document and set picture as background and now it's no longer selectable to accidentally move it around however if your document has multiple Pages you'd have to do this for every single page which could be really tedious and for most part when I do insert printouts I almost always want to have it set as a background so you could actually make this the default you can do that by going to file then two options and then under Advanced you can scroll all the way down and select automatically set inserted file printouts in the background so next time let's create a new page go to insert file print out and I'll choose the toaster manual again hit insert and you see that they've already been set as background if you ever need to create multiple Pages at once rather than going to add pages and renaming each one so for example Monday here Tuesday here so on and so forth I'm going to delete this you can actually just hit type them out on a note page spelling error you can select them all right Mouse click and choose link to pages and you'll notice that the note pages are created automatically now to take that a step further if the note pages that you want to create follows any sort of pattern you can use Excel to fill that out so for example I'll type in Monday and I'm going to just drag this down until I get to Sunday I'll copy that go back to OneNote paste that in select them all right click link to pages and that's a quicker way if you use OneNote for iPad the scribble feature has now been integrated to the app so you can use this pen with the letter A to convert your handwriting to text in real time and it works fairly well if you choose to handwrite your notes instead but still want to be able to search for keywords within your handwritten text you can but sometimes it does take one note a little bit of time for it to recognize the text so for example let's say I want to search for this word word I'm going to do Ctrl F to search for this page only and I'll type in Word hit enter and as you can see it says no matches found now in that case I will highlight this entire handwritten text right Mouse click and choose treat selected ink as handwriting now when I do that I'm going to do Ctrl F again to find on this page and type in word now you can see that it finds it okay that's it for today's video I hope these tips were helpful if they were hit that like button and consider subscribing to my channel for more contents like this and if you are interested in learning more about OneNote make sure you watch these videos next [Music]
Channel: Andy Park
Views: 93,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dMboUkW4dsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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