Perch Technique Drop Shot Slab Grabber

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one of the techniques that I use for perch fishing a lot is a drop shot combination using a slab grabber Jack spoon on the bottom and a Berkley powering them from the top you can substitute with live bait on the top of a multitude of small rubber bait but the Berkley power bait has been an exceptional bait for me for all sorts of pan fish and white fish the technique is extremely simple just drop to the bottom kick up a little dust raise it up and let it sit the key to it is not overworking the bait you simply slash it around to get attention but once you have just let it sit perch crappy bluegill will all hit it dead stick you can use it to attract fish by slashing it on the bottom that tends to trigger big fish and then simply raise it up and let it sit jigging it wildly for extended period times the long you spook them away small subtle actions of the key they do pass on the spoon they'll turn up and hit the nymph the rod that I use for this is a 28 inch Fenwick a toes medium light the fast tip for more tips and techniques go to the lake simcoe message board in the video section tips and techniques by John White
Channel: john whyte
Views: 895,622
Rating: 4.807538 out of 5
Keywords: slab grabber, lake simcoe, perch fishing, ice fishing, john whyte, lakesimcoemessageboard, best perch lures, drop shot, best perch baits, best crappie baits, Aqua-Vu, Clamoutdoors, Berkley Fishing
Id: 60hfB25Dxpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 11sec (131 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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