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all right let's get the thumbnail oh my god I can't do this this is scary you know come on Shane I'm gonna close my eyes oh my god okay good morning sisters you okay it was a finger but why I'm trying to decide on an instant oh my god you're really a changed person since you've got your Gucci's could you quiet down I'm trying to vlog where do you need help wishes to my god Shane yes okay so I'm starting to edit my new series guys get ready it's actually no youtubers ever actually started a porn channel just oh hey again I wanted to make sure that show that I'm like editing now oh my god sorry I just thought this and I'm Chuck so it's me by my computer with my root beers and I have two different options okay I took them these are fully edited there are my brows so they've already been face tuned I don't really faced you the wolves are curves that's a lot can I see the reflections hmm the only thing I do is I give myself like a little vibrance in my hair I like to be a redhead no I actually you know that we were doing conspiracy I actually don't facetune like my body or any of that but I think I photograph thinner than I am it's a weird thing that God gave me thank you so option one is just like smile like I'm here I'm ready I got my root beer let's [ __ ] do this [ __ ] and then option two it's a little more like oh oh you caught me I'm editing who didn't see you there I definitely think that one oh I was gonna say the complete opposite hmm I like that one you change your mind what made you change your mind can't you do a two part series what made me change my mind is I feel like you make that face a lot and this is like changing it up I see what you're saying and I'm hearing it okay we're three minutes into my blog Shane just do a two-parter oh my god Shane just choose a photo wait why don't you like this one what's wrong with that one that's what I was gonna go with I like them both well this one doesn't have a crinkly forehead so maybe do do that one you should not be talking eleven speaking of Shane's channel we were in Texas for the past week filming things for him and I think the combination of me not sleeping and us filming non-stop made me sick I woke up today with all the congestion in the world a sore throat you know the works of being sick and then my sister turned to me and she said well why don't you just get one of those help IV injections what are they it's a needle that you stab into your arms and inject you with health so you feel better it sounds like some rich people [ __ ] what I think I'm gonna do since I'm not feeling the bats is do things that I feel only celebrities or people with throw away money would do the Komen show right you really know this is for fun and because this video sponsored I yeah I mean I think like I don't live like this every day so I think it's fun to experience the luxurious life every once in awhile I wasn't listening to any of that any caption somebody's calling me no don't answer hello so after Morgan had suggested the strip IV immune treatment I lift it up and there's actually another youtuber that has done this before her name's Monica Church so here's the thing it costs $300 that's really expensive this is really bougie stuff the drip hydration immune boost treatment contains a blend of IV fluids vitamins and antioxidants to cleanse your body and boost your immune system into high gear and she said that it legitimately worked so I'm going no I do like you I saw her do yoga in public once I'm saw her like no I saw her do a video about yoga in public Morgan I mean I'm really hoping this will work I booked it online it was super easy and they texted me immediately I'm afraid of needles so this should be fun update my drip IV is thirty minutes late in the meantime I'm gonna try to get all my sister's shoulders yeah we wanted to see if she could carry me no no cuz then you're never gonna be able to stand back up don't drop me then I'd be more sick you wouldn't be broken yeah this is not a good idea oh my god you're gonna break the pigs oh my god collection.we you should do with those things like in the Muppets where like they put a huge trench coat on it's like it's one person hmm I have a blanket wait use the blanket like wrap it around you this is so scary wait get it drink out of the fridge like that walk around the house like that this is the grossest thing I've ever seen wait you have to cover your be on your head you kind of look like air right now Shane what a safe way all right my turn so fun did you take any pictures of that I was filming oh no I have to ask her but her name is dr. Bri and she just called and said that she's arriving soon yeah dr. breeze she's here to fix me like a doctor outfit this is real real you know going inside are you gonna explain your nails Oh mm we'll see ya oh there she is oh my god I see dr. Bree yes I got to put the dog somewhere before Bree comes okay so we're setting up your name's dr. Bree correct nurse Bree I guess there's a big difference in the medical world right all of this is just water that's gonna go into my body and how often do people do this for just common colds is it pretty effective yeah if you're sick like it's good to do it like a day or two in a row like it over it people do it as like part of their like health routine like some people go to the acupuncturist like every two weeks like people do this like every two weeks there's been a catheter in oh yeah are you nervous [Music] yeah I just like gonna process of the needle and everything I don't think I can show that oh I cannot watch with a needle going in and they're like hey you know you guys you have to get a gun in I want to monetize all right like when you're coming into a cupcake you see if it's ready yet like that Jermaine's OOP I am vain myself own a bar yeah you so thing Morgan I have to make sure I can get isn't it true if you get an air bubble no oh my god oh my god now we're talking about the nails oh shut up Shane oh my god I am really lightheaded like no you're lightheaded you didn't have to watch it go in I got my nails done for you what does it feel like just a pinch that's a lot of liquid your body so much like three degrees difference if your arms are gets cold or anything don't freak out that I like hit a nerve it's just like drinking ice water through your arm oh my god you have the needle doesn't stay in your arm right the needle comes out so this is the part that we're going to show this in focus so it's like a beveled needle and then once I hook that into your skin I advance the catheter which is like a straw that goes in your arm and then the needle comes out it's just like a flimsy like piece of plastic that stays inside to you so there's not like a sharp object that's still in your vein is it going inside of him yet yeah see it dripping oh my okay so I'm about thirty minutes into the trip and all I feel is a slight tingling sensation and the aftermath of like what would be emergency in my mouth pretty immediately my nose hasn't been running I haven't blown my nose once since this thing's been attached to me which is crazy because all day I've been blowing my nose so nurse Bri just left I have a nice little bandage right here what did you guys think what do you mean what we think I know I can't believe that you guys weren't like oh I want to do that too if I feel like this the rest of the day and tomorrow or moving forward in the sickness I will do this every time this is my intensive review of trip I think that's what it's called drip hydration yeah people want to know no seriously because if this cures my cold that's everything I would not what it's like something happened or like the cat did something where Morgan tripped like she always does and it blows up your vein and then you're bleeding everywhere like thirteen reasons Wow yeah she's literally done every celebrity they're all doing it why are you drinking sparkling water and not an W exposed Title I decided in between every third diet coke or diet root beer I'm going to throw in a sparkling water to make my chances of death slightly thinner good morning Riley oh I'm Ryland you're the Riley Anton's go ahead no you're visiting right welcome to day two of living like a celebrity winning morg Azam's I am orgasmic and today we're gonna having a more Janet won't love that same organic this is my channel and today we're living like a celebrity wait I have a question what you're so dark it's horrifying found the light you know I had a question you actually are going to use it because I was joking when I said that you should call your YouTube audience um the little mermaids of Riley Lantis yeah you didn't hear my new vlog intro it's good morning rylann to summer island welcome to the day wait I have an idea you said you want to look like a celebrity right oh yeah pepper spray it's Pete you should try it out oh my god I let my boyfriend pepper spray me in the face I'm not david dobrik oh my god it would be good actually read it oh my god it helps fight breast cancer I love that how bad does it actually hurt when you're trying to be a [ __ ] if to go through police training and they spray you in the face with us so you know like what it feels like when you're doing it and there's this viral video of all these teenagers in their classroom getting sprayed in the face and it's every [Applause] so I think you'll be fine if teenagers could do it I guess I could jump in the pool right after he's gonna let me pepper spray him in the face for the viewers if you're wondering how my IV went yesterday I think I mean okay here's the G sisters I think it works but obviously not a hundred percent they can't ever inject something into your body and you're gonna feel 100 percent immediately so I think it took me for him like if I disagree Atlantic makes you feel great you I believe that the IV took me from about a fifty percent to an eighty five percent do I feel like I can work out today and I'm the dancing singing Ryland I normally am no do I feel better yes and I guess I'll see you in a bit with my next bougie endeavor hold on oh yeah yeah this is a demonstration I didn't know that it was that thick it looks like somebody [ __ ] on his face yeah I didn't either real can we just spray it to spray it he's already shook why do the sunglasses on in the house come up to my lair animals you gotta stay down here because we sweat and never clean them you're probably wondering Rylan why did you bring me help clear bathroom I've had a lot of good experiences up here so no today's video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club and the crowd goes wild oh my god is that necessary Oh No through and you can fall in Shane and Andrew for a limited time you can get Dollar Shave Club starter kit for five dollars only and it features their executive razor there one wipe Charlies do normal people use butt wipes uh yes and if you're not you need to start they also have a body cleanser and a shave butter both of which smell delicious pink girls use this I look like a boy right now but are you kidding me Morgan then is literally the razor that's in our downstairs shower that you have been using every day oh yeah it's good come on beautiful razors it's so simple all you do is snatch it up pull it out so I'm gonna have her shave my back hair that is so disgustingly gross do I get a tip for this I have someone special coming over is it Kesha god I wish that would be everything president Kesha contract of Kesha and for Morgan okay it would you know who it feels nice though Shh Wow that's like a one striker yeah this racer is so good I've never cut myself with it that works really good it's all gone in five swipes wow your back is really white compared to your neck from drab to fab this offer is exclusively available at slash Ryland and that is only for five dollars for the whole starter kit and free shipping once again that's slasher island they are the best and thank you guys for sponsoring this video okay Morgan the moment has finally come for your very first anti-climactic surprise from me I couldn't think of anything to say so since I got us are you ready three two one a couples massage we're not a couple well my boyfriend didn't want to get one with me and I thought so I was the backup are you kidding me you should be thanking me you should be bowing where are we gonna set this up I don't know I know they're coming to us it's part of the boozy lifestyle that I'm living for this video sISTAR oh my gosh what if we could get on the floaties and they would miss all this wow we're floating in the know I'm not asking them to get into Bofur uh I don't know what I'm gonna do have you ever had a massage um only once yeah I can tell you much about it because I didn't have them come to me I've never had a massage never ever never ever I have rich friends growing up okay sister are you ready for oh don't break the chair [Music] you're ruining my relaxation la changed you [Music] my sister man oh my gosh it feels so good I literally came to goki and I look out the door and this is what I see say look at my hair I didn't know they could do that many things to my backyard rekt literally beat up but in a good way I didn't have the heart to tell her that it was like too hard I'm like a big old like their little no like have some good camera I do feel as though I just left yoga which is a workout without working out is it a substitute that's an expensive substance I don't think I lost any weight doing it let's see okay so earlier we were kind of joking about this pepper spray but we honestly got it because we need something in case somebody were to be attacked we have my sister living here now but we've never actually figured out how to use it so I figured why not let my boyfriend pepper spray me with an audience guess what pepper spray can be around what fatal yeah you can die from this can I inherit your dog oh my god you guys I'm gonna be a live I'm miss Ryland how are you gonna protect yourself sister I have the works hold you didn't think I was actually gonna do it I thought the whole point was to see what it feels like I thought the goggles were for me that's my heart yeah your socks are me aim for the eyes well you look cool no he doesn't you're gonna ruin your shirt [Laughter] yeah good okay now you know how to spray yes okay don't get my legs far my Gucci's oh my god okay are you okay [ __ ] you I don't like that you're acting I get her I didn't know that you had done it yeah honestly until I opened my eyes and saw that it was [ __ ] brown everywhere okay oh yeah I should do next teaser can I do it I actually want to get this week's video of you George to make sure you hit that like button and subscribe because I make new videos every single Tuesday I know this video it was a little weird it's cuz I was sick a very long sick day with Rylan thank you guys so much for watching and supporting my channel I love it very much good [Music]
Channel: Ryland Adams
Views: 5,939,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryland Adams, Morgan Adams, Shane Dawson, Garrett Watts, Prank, Pepper Spray, Instagram, Funny Fails
Id: kilzE_F7xjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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