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oh no I'm good Oh No I wanted it to be bad so you lose this brandy hey guys I excited because today's video is actually sponsored by blue apron and when they reached out I was fired up because not only do I love their products but ever since I watched jenna Marbles a cook her boyfriends favorite meal for him I've wanted to do a video like that on my channel and I thought that this was the perfect opportunity so before I jump into the crazy video that Shane Andrew and I film I want to tell you just a little bit more about blue apron so blue apron actually allows you to create chef's designed recipes at your home they deliver it with farm-fresh ingredients to your door they have so many options and there's up to eight different recipes you can choose from a week the best part about this is there's absolutely zero commitment and you can skip pause or cancel at any time you want and those you are watching this video the first 100 of you to click the link in my description section below and sign up it get $50 off your first two weeks of blue apron without further ado I'm going to jump right into the video that we filmed you guys I'm sponsored I'm sponsored right remember the last week of my oh your sponsor canceled but mine's doing fine you're sitting right there this video has so many layers it was a sponsored video by the way at the last second we find out that the sponsor doesn't want to sponsor it anymore ah it benefits you I'm cooking you dinner oh it's blue apron it's never been done on my channel before what okay yeah you want to help no what how okay hmm can I at least show you what I'm gonna cook you yeah I'm a cute girl you're looking at her after you select your meal they come to your doorstep it's beautiful it's nice and organized oh I knew it Chrissy Teigen yeah this is actually a Chrissy Teigen mil they've like partnered up with her you're gonna do this yeah I think I could be a good cook is this supposed to show like people how easy it is because literally they make it so easy I think anyone can follow including me who doesn't cook I can't wait good to send this video to blue Abram and for them to take away your sponsorship because you made it look so crazy and complicated no it's gonna look just like that is the thing that they put every single thing that you need to cook it yeah so you like don't have to go grocery shopping it comes in here I mean you're gonna have to convince me that this is better than poach mates and if you do then you deserve that money oh wow all right we love it unboxing what is that vegetables [Laughter] so it looks pretty simple and we don't have like pots or pans how are you gonna boil spaghetti you didn't think this through this looks like Corina Garcia's slimy kids this is it oh my god we have seven gallons of fake blood we boiled eggs a goal of mine to start cooking so I thought this is the best way to start hanging out with her hmm we're just gonna have to use that I don't I think that's gonna not be good if they're gonna take away your money no it boils noodles that's all it needs to do so now we're racing down to world market of all places to find a pan what I'm sorry Christy Teegan okay yes she has been cancelled she shipped it out why she's so scared of you coming for her brand oh yeah she's definitely scared of me cooking her own recipe you think that's really her recipe I mean yeah she's a cookbook they'll call this video um a little apron made a mistake you can call it I ruined everything it works or I ruined the night or I are special okay I get it you don't think I'm a good chef I'm gonna prove all of you wrong oh I'm gonna prove it wrong one day I'm gonna have children to cook for that's not true what we are not cooking oh we're having kids but we're going out to eat every night you know I'm gonna cook homemade meals we're on our way to get a pan and also I'm gonna maybe find a backup meal in case this blew a poor thing doesn't work out dumpy I'm just saying [Applause] where your Gucci's in public Shane where were you the mingoes in Twix spread imagine usually right outside of our house like welcoming people and by people I mean profiles and then twigs wait like Nutella Twix I'm sure that was the loudest anything's ever been oh my god there's chunks it's like when you're a fat kid you put them in your pocket Twix and you take them to school and you like nobody knew and then they melt thank you huh oh my god I know I can't believe that they would encourage abuse wait this is so cute do you think it's big enough we don't even have spoon we have nothing right Oh guess we're gonna furnish the kitchen oh my god a kite with Shane's face on it I got my private jet they're very distracted so I have to go find a pan myself because this doors closing in literally two minutes ooh this looks pretty good for noodles right uh okay which one I can't decide between two different pans I just don't know which one cooks noodles I don't know either Andrew which type of pan cooks the noodles oh wait don't you like pop I mean all right we'll just that's me oh I also got an apron it's red oh god it's not blue yeah oh hello friends welcome to my unnecessary world market hall where I went to just get a pan and we ended up with two hundred dollars worth of junk hi first and foremost I got these we have changed what rigging it just keeps continuing here what are you trying to tell me Shane then I'm not a fat pig we got multiple cups to enjoy some party drinks while we're cooking some gold elegant straws I did indeed find a blue apron I'll be that housewife of my boyfriend's dreams back why do you think I'm hot I was just getting diet coke oh god no I tell me I'm pretty or something you look great these are the best ever I got one for Android shame and wait what elegant delicate of lime chips or he's a lime chips any glue glitter what are you doing getting gypped oh is that allowed it's not a competition blue apron its hint of lime just don't about the brand name and we're fine should I learn nothing but this welcome to another episode of cooking with Ryland today on the program we're cooking our boyfriend's favorite meals sponsored by blue apron now if you come over here we're cooking for our boy loves to see my boyfriend hopes brands don't pull out can't wait for my diet conquered to come great so in today's episode we're starting with drinks oh no I'm trying fish sensible blue apron moment with some diamond slides for something to sparkle it's being a sparkle can I pop no you may do that was that one shame no no I specifically wanted to pop that one but it wasn't ready yet but now it's falling out it's gonna go into the blue apron serious question should I beat my face before we continue does beat your face me meet popping the peple no like should I put on some glam before I like host my dinner show I could put on some makeup it's all over here what the hell is happening I could just get right what if I need to go for cooking should we skip the makeup okay I'm gonna clean some dishes we'll be back in a bit wait did you just buy the dishes why are you cleaning so many people in the sort of touched this Andrew you'll feel safe just drinking straight from this this is more complicated spread right is mega but as I was spreading I said okay spread left and then I could spread right and then I was like wait if I just rotate the cup then the left is right and right is left hey guys [Music] don't you hate being annoyed when you buy something new and this happens actually where are you gonna go with this because sometimes yeah but I like you alive oh my god okay I'm sure look how easy this is coming off out of little hot water I'm literally a DIY Channel I have a new career hello I didn't see you there I have all of the fresh ingredients laid out nice and perfectly the end result is boyfriend's going to be making us some virgin margaritas yeah we can't drink alcohol on our cooking show it is now time to chunk the chicken chop the veggies and get everything started my boyfriend has made my slipping one-of-a-kind really I hate or chicken shank as you cut it what I don't like touching raw chicken you'll do it yes ooh sorry we don't have another knife so I'm gonna do the veggies over here with this one yeah that's a cutting board know what soaks up all that like the meat juice you then just do it on the counter baby I love our cooking studio look out over the plastic take a bath why you like actually cut a lot pretty women what is Christie do oh it's so fun but it's fun couple activity here's the inspiration look we'll just leave it there yeah but like I think I prefer to edit chunks than that triggered look at him go [Music] honestly this is like the sponsored moment but all of the meals that they send you can be prepared in under 40 minutes nobody finished that's just one Tricia pays hotdogs all of the meals are 500 to 800 calories less than 40 minutes and we love being sophisticated sister I'm getting very excited and my taste buds are twirling should we see them in yeah I only do it Chrissy oh yeah me too all right so now I'm preparing the sauce that we'll put onto the noodles the red wine vinegar all right I love that they give you the exact amount that you need that way you don't have to do any measuring because I'm not talented enough to know yes oh my god perfect and then this is spiced how spicy you guys want the noodles time for another Slurpee medium baby I use it every day it won't like swap in right yeah with something that's not 1 centimeter from my hand oh really that's so sketchy what do you think that pasta was oh you just need like a little little wood spoon moment her so here we are grabbing the veggies we're gonna pop them in your chicken is there anything like throwing it at the wall no that's actually mess dirty cloths if it sticks more time it's done I don't know what I'm talking you're cheating on jokes it needs more time my boyfriend has never cooked for me once that's the love it you barbecue too hamburger I have cooked many multiple times and made you talk about like twice uh uh you do make a Crunchwrap supreme yeah and I'm always cooking up drama I love a free facial yeah what we're about to combine it's going to be so delicious mmm this is my favorite part of the entire experience Lulu apron I'm coming for you ASMR viewing heavens oh oh yes this actually looks beautiful oh it honestly looks just like the picture oh god this is gonna be a nightmare Oh God Oh God mother how do you plate pasta my hands are clean I just washed a million things everyone relax okay Jay what are you doing wake up favorite oh wait what why does that look good because blue ever made it so I really eat it what's happening yeah plate for all three of us we're gonna have a move on in a second wait what's going on sorry I had a Slurpee oh okay fine where's Chrissy [Music] all right you guys the final taste test it smells so good I already know the sauces we have to do first impressions you ready I wanted it to be bad so you lose his grandpa why are you putting on me just could you lose your Brando's if they call and cancel I'm gonna be so oh no this is really good if they call and cancel I'm gonna still have to say that's good it is actually really good and that sauce is actually really good so okay wait not like my mom like the one time she cooked she's that cooked it off and then she's ate it all in front of us because she's like I'm so hungry from cooking all day and weird to say but what about us that's me though like after shopping for a pan and working so well blue apron I just want to say I'm sad you didn't sponsor me but I understand which are you in the market a brand deal cinema okay yeah but also it is good you did a good job I can't believe that you didn't [ __ ] this up and I'm really proud of you thank you wait should we do the lady in the [ __ ] thing oh my god daddy I've never done this with somebody we as I have you have I haven't so many youtubers sorry I'm just going on to lick in my head this sauce is so good come on but how does it end us making out and then hardcore not doing Howard Anderson he knows us intimately this might be a better thumbnail and you're getting here why well you're reacting look homophobic we could call it like making him uncomfortable well it'll be looking look at me [Music] wait you can call it third wheel Oh what's not like or you can call it my friend and my boyfriend and me my leader spicy and their noodles spicy noodle challenge with all of my friends video if you enjoy time here make sure you hit that like button and subscribe because I make new videos every single week huge shout out to Pluto a foreign force on Tsering this week's video if you guys want to try them out the first 100 of you to sign up using the link in my description section below will get $50 off your first two weeks you guys if you ought to hang out with me in between uploads I have listed all of my social media accounts just right over there thank you guys so much for watching and supporting my channel I love it very much good [Music]
Channel: Ryland Adams
Views: 10,727,593
Rating: 4.9651432 out of 5
Keywords: Ryland Adams, Shane Dawson, Mukbang, Haul, Cooking, DIY, Funny Fails, Chrissy Teigen
Id: zKa230ouqI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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