Peppa Pig Toy Learning Video for Kids - 20 minute Compilation!

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[Laughter] [Music] papa yes mummy I hope you've packed for the trip daddy pig will be home soon I am all packed there he is now I hope everyone's ready to go on holiday mummy yes Peppa can I say bye to Suzy sheep yes Peppa but please be quick we have to catch a flight Suzy I'm sorry but I'll have to play with you another time my family and I are going on holiday holiday how fun where are you going we are going to the beach the beach that sounds like so much fun I'll see you when you get back I'd better go get my luggage [Music] there's my luggage Peppa we're ready to go are you coming yes mummy I'll be right there [Music] opt to the airport [Music] there's our plane the first thing we need to do is put our luggage in the back of the plane I need a bit of help thank you [Music] time to board the plane is everyone ready to go to the beach yes daddy pig were all very excited [Music] mommy may I please sit in the front with the pilot yes Peppa but only if it's ok with the pilot miss pilot yes mummy pig would it be all right if Peppa wrote up front with you of course all right Peppa we'll see you when we get off the plane [Music] I'm going to take the luggage to the hotel be back soon mummy yes Peppa may George and I go play on the beach please yes Peppa but please stay where I can see you George look at all this lovely sand I sure would like to build a sandcastle perfect first we'll fill this bucket with sand [Music] great job next we'll turn the bucket upside down then tap on it with our shovel to loosen the sand that's on the inside now we just have to lift up the bucket look George it's perfect [Music] George did you hear that sound there's something in the sand behind you let's see what it is it sounds like it's somewhere over here oh well it's a big rip Wow George did you see the size of that crab I wonder what else is on this beach let's go exploring [Music] Wow George look at all that beautiful ocean orge Wow the clownfish just like in Disney's Finding Nemo George did you hear that there's something by that palm tree let's go see what it is look George it's a sea lion well George a blue sea lion I've never seen one of those before Peppa George I hope you had fun playing on the beach but we need to go to the hotel and meet daddy pig come on now [Music] well George I think it's time to say bye to our friends bye everyone it was nice meeting you all [Music] bye goodbye here comes daddy pig and he's driving a big boat called a narc I sure do love driving this mark let's start by placing animal stickers on our art our first sticker is a giraffe [Music] there you go giraffe next we have a koala and he's eating some eucalyptus leaves lion it's a cute rhinoceros and last but not least a blue elephant all of the animal stickers are on the art what's next [Music] [Music] nobody hello daddy pig fell off the arc and you accidentally let all the animals out oh no I have to get the animals back into the ark but there are so many this is going to take a lot of work let's start with this yellow giraffe this is no time for spinning we have to go back to the arc mr. draft art boy art can help us count how many animals we have it's the orange tiger let's go back to the arc mr. tiger oops sorry about that there's no time to waste [Music] that's two animals so far see one and two that are both tapi back in the arc and what's this it is sunny now let's go get some more animals are you ready to go back to the arc mr. zebra raining rain but it was just sunny a moment ago [Music] [Music] oh my it's starting to rain a lot I'd better hurry and get the rest of the animals come back here green alligator ah oh dear this alligators very angry bombs away oh wow fell from very high up I hope he's okay oh look it's mummy pig Peppa Pig and George pig I wonder what they're doing out here in the rain mummy pig I'm very surprised to see you out here like this is everything all right yes daddy pig everything's fine we just thought you could use some help we want to help gather the animals right but we must hurry the weather is acting very strange it sure is raining a lot I hope it stops soon it's getting quite cold snow we had better get these animals back in the ark quickly excuse me brown bear it's snowing outside and you should be hibernating I think you'd better come back with me to the ark it's right over here jump up [Music] that's six animals so far only two left [Music] red monkey please stop monkeying around it's quite cold outside and we have to get back to the Ark [Music] almost there badminton and the modes only one left there's the purple hippopotamus come here purple hippopotamus eight that's it all eight animals are back in the ark and mummy pig peppa and George are back - is everyone ready to go for a ride on the Ark yes daddy pig it's quite chilly outside and we don't want to catch a cold all right then let's go I'll Drive the Ark to someplace warm and I'll ride in the back with a view of the beautiful snowy landscape and I'll ride in the front with George I think for the next video we'll have to go someplace warm peppa and George are playing soccer in the park George I'm going to kick you the ball are you ready [Music] all aboard let's talk along to the part it looks like a toy trainees arrived for a peppa and George to play with look George this train has a button how interesting [Music] [Music] George has found some letters on the train we have the letters a B and C great job George it looks like Peppa Pig has found some numbers one two and three and what's this the wheels on the train appear to have some buttons as well Peppa can you tell us what shape is on this wheel that shapes a triangle that's right Peppa very good and can you tell us the color of that triangle it's purple well done now let's press the purple triangle and see what happens it's a white dog with blue is it appears George has fallen off the train are you okay George I'm okay good let's go back to the Train peppa and George walk back to the Train look George this wheel has a shape - that's right Peppa can you tell us the name of the shape it's a square great job it's a square and what color is the square George maybe this time you can tell us breathe excellent let's press the green square and see what happens there was an orange cat inside let's look at the next wheel there's a picture of a white cow and a brown bear I wonder if one of those will pop up next peppa and George think about what animal will be next what animal do you think it'll be this wheel is in the shape of a circle and it's the color blue let's press the button oh we can't press it maybe we can slide it up or down no that doesn't seem to work either maybe we have to twist it [Music] I'm yellow boom look George a yellow bird let's walk to the front of the Train mr. train can we learn some more please George the dog makes that sound let's go find the dog George that's not a dog that's the yellow bird let's keep going yellow bird George that's not a dog that's the orange cat let's go orange cat this is the dog he's a white dog with blue ears it's time for peppa and George to go home can we get to ride home please thank you [Music] Oh
Channel: ToyTubeTV
Views: 12,638,355
Rating: 3.6346762 out of 5
Keywords: Kids Learning, Toddler Educational, Kids Educational, Toddler Learning, Learn to Count, Learn Numbers, Kids Video, Toy, Play, Toy Play, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig Toy, Peppa Pig Toy Learning, peppa pig toy videos, Toy Learning Video, for Kids, Toys for Kids, peppa pig airplane toy, peppa pig plane, peppa pig holiday, peppa pig vacation, peppa pig beach, toy sand, fun peppa pig video, best peppa pig video, best peppa pig toy, peppa
Id: y76nhehXw1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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