Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig's First Long Train Journey Experience

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[Music] change pepper and her family are having breakfast Oh what's the matter daddy pig I need to go on a long journey for work it's worked pepper and it's a long long way by train it won't be fun I'm testing concrete I need to know the relative density to mass to calculate for voids in the aggregate what does mummy pig think I think it sounds lovely but it's hundreds of miles away in another country daddy pig all right we can all go this is the train station miss rabbit is the train driver it's a long journey so you'll just have to be patient why not sing a song to pass the time okay between oh oh there's still a long way to go Peppa we won't get there until tomorrow morning where will we sleep right here this isn't a bedroom daddy watch this here's where we brush our teeth and that's not all I wonder what this button is for hello passports please of course ah you are mr. pig live mr. pig you must be coming to test our concrete yes do you know me Oh your work in concrete is famous in our country oh but I have disturbed you good night good night it is bedtime 99 peppa and George night night my little piggies peppa and George aren't tucked up in their little beds on the train it is morning and time for breakfast on the train good morning miss rabbit out you meant to be driving the Train it's bowling train runs on Rails they can't get lost would you like coffee or orange juice I'd like both please no coffee all orange juice you can't have both I don't think we it will be so strict with the famous mr. pig coffee and orange juice thank you excuse me I am King Alfonso could I have a coffee and orange juice too no that is impossible pepper and her family have arrived at the end of their long train journey we are honored to have your visit mr. pig thank you here is the concrete for you to test daddy pig is an expert at concrete hmm very good Hey the trying journey wasn't too long and tiring no it was lovely my job is done so we can take the train back home train journeys everyone loves pepper and her friends are at Phegley today we are going to talk about what you would like to be when you grow up you can use the dressing up box to help you decide I don't know what I want to be when I grow up don't worry Peppa you have plenty of time to think about it okay when I grow up I want to be the queen so I can tell people what to do I see I think I might like to be a teacher what is it about being a teacher that you like the most Emily tell him people what to do okay I want to be a policeman when I grow up the police drive cows with flashing lights [Music] what is do you like about being a policeman they tell people what to do right I would like to be a doctor or a nurse why do you think you would like their job Susie because they help sick people get better wonderful and they tell people what to do yes not all jobs are about telling people what to do there are lots of other important jobs like being a builder or a poet when I grow up I will be a pirate Oh pirates sing happy songs and they go yo-ho-ho yes I'm not sure that being a pirate is a job as such either a pirate Oh a farmer oh yes being a farmer isn't much better you would close things and make food for us all to eat and I'll tell all the animals what to do right I will be a superhero being a superhero is a very important job you have to run faster than a train jump tor buildings and don't want to do all of those superhero things but I do want to tell people what to do yes of course [Music] to collect the children little piggies so tell me what did you learn at playgroup today Madame gazelle ask us what we want to be when we grow up that sounds nice not really mummy everybody knows what they want to be but I don't do you know what you want to be when you grow up George Oh George wants to be a dinosaur when he grows up don't worry Peppa you have plenty of time to decide what you want to be Oh what you do mommy I work on my computer do you get to tell people what to do no well that's no good then it is bedtime for peppa and George daddy I could tell you pepper but I think you'd find it a bit boring okay my job is to design and facilitate strategies of function by material means in concrete do you like your job daddy I'd like it but not everyone would everyone is different pepper think of something you like doing I like jumping up and down in muddy puddles uh there aren't that many job I want to be famous for jumping in muddy puddles ha ha I want to be famous for having a big tummy pepper but that's never going to happen but I'm very good at puddle jumping yes I suppose you are when I grow up I will everyone in the world how to jump in muddy puddles that sounds like a very good idea 99 pepper dye night George nice pepper and George are falling asleep to dream about dinosaurs and puddle jumping it is a lovely sunny day and the market has come to town apples get your apples here smelly cheese fish no it's fresh fish each market store sells one thing Oh chase fish mr. Fox's store sells everything oil is Gaston rocket engines pepper and her family have come to the market to do their shopping fresh oppose me buy some apples please what kind would you like big or small red or green why don't you try one hmm a bag of the lovely apples please George loves cheese I've got a very smelly cheese here maybe daddy pig girl should give it to Smith the smell of the cheese has not daddy pig off his feet Wow that's what I call a strong cheese good isn't it George likes smelly cheese maybe we buy that one please of course fish fish can we buy some please okay I've got trap addict mackerel or squid what would you like they all look good our bet I'll give you some of each then you can make a lovely fish pie thank you very much Oh Jays here is mr. Fox's store bags I'm selling anything really what do you want nothing thank you we've bought everything we need cheese and fish Oh what didn't you come to me first I've got all of that do you sell apples you never saved apples like these they're made of wood Oh brilliant aren't they they'll last forever who else did you buy cheese Oh cheese I've got all kinds at cheesier they don't smell of much it's because they are plastic made of plastic yes guaranteed to last you a lifetime buy one get four free no Thank You mr. box you bought a fish too didn't you I could have sold you a better fish no plastic fish thank you this isn't plastic well actually it is but this is an amazing toy fish look it sings and it only needs 24 batteries no please take 10 minutes could sing to us all day I'm sorry pepper but our house doesn't need a singing fish okay thanks mr. Fox but we really do have everything we came for there must be something else you need how about an antique china of ours that will never break because it's a made of plastic it's really lovely but we just don't need anything right no worries I've got just the thing we'll take yes for umbrellas please mr. Fox's store sells everything you see it's lucky you came to my store yes thank you mr. Fox and the listing is just for today bye four umbrellas and you get a singing fish free Beveren George are looking at storybooks constipating Povich he's looking for loud lady to eat oh don't worry George it's always a happy ending tini I wish we lived in the fairy story Peppa George it's time to go I'll be going on an adventure yes we're going to granny in grandpa pig's house for lunch that's not an adventure there'll be potatoes in the car we're not going in the car pepper we're walking there instead yes there's a shortcut through the park fairies in the park not that I know of but it will be a nice walk there won't be a magic maybe if we look hard enough we might see some pepper and George have arrived at the park magic place oh I don't know it feels a bit magic to me yes this is like the path in Little Red Riding Hood I wouldn't be surprised if we bumped into the big bad wolf hello there it is mr. wolf hello mr. wolf how are you very well thank you just a little bit hungry I'm trying to decide where to go for lunch I'm going to my granny's house for lunch are you really yes is it far not far this is the shortcut we'll be there soon very good oh well catch you later the woods when I'm going to Granny's house which way now daddy pig uh I'm not sure there's a little house over there let's ask them the way hello is there anybody home I wonder who lives here in the middle of the woods there are three chairs and three bowls of porridge here are Belinda bear and mummy and daddy bear hello mr. and mrs. bear sorry to trouble you the door was open so we came inside it's quite all right it's lovely to see you are you going to say for lunch pepper its porridge it's not too hot or too cold but just right we're actually on our way to have lunch at granny and Grandpa pig's house could you point us in the right direction please that path there will take you to granny pig's house thank you Wow that was just like yes with a little house and three chairs and three bowls of porridge we are in a fairy tale Peppa has arrived a granny and Grandpa pig's house hello here is mr. wolf mr. booth why are you here I'm just round for something to eat your granny's made a lovely lunch yes I've made a lovely lunch and it's ready now come inside [Music] Wendy wolf has come for lunch - lunch you can never have too many potatoes fairytale wood what's the fairytale words it's where you live inside a fairy story scary stories everyone loves fairy stories what a wonderful picture you have painted it is me I'm George and my mummy and daddy da house but where are you all I can only see a house we are all inside the house of course it really is a wonderful picture here is a playgroup star Wow thank you Madame gazelle it is home time and the parents have come to collect the children look I've got to play grip star that's fantastic pepper I remember Madame gazelle gave me a playgroup star when I was a little piggy a long time ago when mummy and daddy pig were little Madame gazelle was their teacher here a playgroup star Hey I was so happy did you get lots of playgroup stars mummy oh yes daddy did you get lots of playgroup stars - ah it was such a long time ago I really can't remember no I'm pretty sure you didn't get one did you [Music] no I never did get a playgroup star no anyway like daddy pig said it was a long time ago pepper and they're really not that important yes pepper are you sad that you never got a playgroup star daddy well I have done other things in my life to be proud of you know Madame gazelle she will give you one now playgroup stars are for children pepper not for grown-ups the roof is all fixed Thank You mr. Bourne that really is wonderful work have a play coupe stop thank you very much daddy mr. Bulls got to stop and he's a grown-up hmm it is evening time pepper and George are going to bed star daddy you know what pepper the more I think about it the more I think I should have got a playgroup star why because I love to make things and I was always drawing in class daddy would you write to see it I think I've still got it somewhere I'm sure I put it in the loft here's my old school bag and here is my picture yes I was quite pleased with it but it didn't get to star no hmm that's sad it is the next day pepper and George are going to play it's not fair Peppa you're too good at drawing it's not my drawing it's my daddy's oh not so good for grown up he drew it a long time ago when he was little ah pepper have you done another wonderful toying no Madame gazelle this is my daddy's drawing ah yes I remember your daddy did like to draw but she never gave him a playgroup star I must have given him one for this no you didn't daddy peak you deserve a playgroup star I've never been so proud daddy pig is a playgroup star pepper and George are at granny and Grandpa pig's house something to show you both this is the dolly I had when I was little she looks very pretty can I hold her yes but remember dolly is very old and delicate so do be gentle with her well granny anyway enough of that how would you both like to see something good yes please we need to go to my shed grandpa is always making little things in his shed I suppose it keeps him happy look at this I call it mark one it's my first homemade toy aeroplane joy loves aeroplanes hi grandpa of course watch this landing is the tricky bit it is the best little plane ever grandpa but it could be better if it were bigger so I made this one mark - then plea does it yes like I said landing is the tricky bit lovely grandpa it's good to get these things out of your system and now that you've made a big toy plane there's no need to make another is there no granny Pig and you know what I fancy a glass of orange juice good idea grandpa pig is anyone else thirsty yes please then I'll go to the house and get some juice for all of us see you later Peppa remember to take care of Donny I will granny bye granny right now I can show you what I've been working on this is Marc yes it's bigger and better it even has a place for a pilot to sit we can put George in it no I think that might be a bit dangerous maybe dolly would like to be the pilot but granny said I should look after dolly dolly will be fine okay let's see what it can do no need to panic let's try something even more exciting the door is open where is that you see I know what I'm doing now I just need to land it gently does it Oh juice for everyone ah granny pig perfect timing what is that it's a toy aeroplane a big toy aeroplane yes I can see that grandpa did some fancy flying and dotty did you enjoy your playtime with pepper and George grandpa Dulli Jesus we've all had a lovely time yes grandpa George loved to aeroplanes everybody loves toy airplanes it is the end of peppers holiday with Kylie kangaroo don't you children go and play in the garden I wish we didn't have to go back home yes but it's not just any old thing it's a boomerang a boomerang boomerangs are very special to us we've used them since olden times Wow thank you kindly ah what do you do with it you play catch with it like a bowl sort of but when you throw a boomerang it comes back to you that's impossible I told you it was impossible you need to throw it harder George you have a card it doesn't work you're just not throwing it right you need to throw it hard what like this watch out the boomerang has flown all the way back to pepper what was that oh yes you have to throw it hard and then it comes back allow me to show you mr. pig are you ready 1 2 3 throw so when does it come back ah keep a good lookout kids that boomerang could be anywhere I think we might have found it hello this is mr. wallaby he is the next-door neighbor uh hi mr. wallaby I was just teaching these kids how to throw a boomerang sorry about your window well there's no worries there mate what's a broken window between friends mr. wallaby is a very nice neighbor don't let it happen again though thanks like I was saying to throw a boomerang you need to throw it hard what like this here she comes here she comes missed it ah no the boomerang has broken another window well I think we should be going well you've still got some windows left hi oh you can't leave until I've had a go let me show you mates how a boomerang should be thrown thanks mr. wallaby ah don't mention it that's what neighbors are for now the trick is you need to throw the boomerang more upright like this oh it's good it's good it's a good throw here it comes god it's looking oh no oh dear the boomerang has broken another window so um we absolutely must be going now do you want any help mending your windows ah no worries make that time what was my fault mr. wallaby really is a very nice neighbor see you later see you later where have you all been ah just throwing boomerangs had a great time didn't we kids yes I've loved having you stay Peppa we've loved it too haven't we George best holiday ever with Kylie kangaroo today is Captain dog's birthday happy birthday captain drug thank you everyone that's a third oh it's nothing son just seeing this year boat reminded me how much I miss the sea captain dog loves the sea why not open your birthday present it's a boat trip a boat trip that's just what I wanted let's go there's nothing better than sail in a boat you could go anywhere you want in a sailing boat we could head for the tropics or have an Arctic adventure we might even see a wave just a day trip dear this is the canal now where is the sailing boat we're going on this canal boat I see we use the canal boat to get to the sailing boat no dear we are going on this boat for your birthday and we're sailing it down the canal Veronica now you can only go this way and that way it is about yes Danny you're right a boat on the water all aboard oh I wanted to say that oh I'm sorry oh where is the sail canal boats do not have sails you just push this button to make the boat go thank you mommy going faster than our boots want a race to hear mrs. duck full-steam can't this thing go any faster no this is the top speed Oh any way you want to slow down we're coming to a mountain we're gonna crash straight into it no we're going into the tunnel there is a tunnel through the mountain we sailed straight through the middle of a mountain ha ha this canal boat is actually quite fun and that means another tunnel not this time oh there's no trouble we're going uphill there's no way in the world a boat can go uphill there is and it's called a lock watch I'll show you mummy dark is opening the gates to the lock take a ring captain just wait there but I close these gates now I'm letting in the water from the top the rising water is lifting the canal boat up now I open this gate we're saving over bridge yes this bridge means we can sail high above the valley below sailing across the sky what could be a better adventure so high floating on the water sailing across the sky today I should say so I've sailed through mountains over hills and across the sky Heather and her friends have brought their bikes to play we have very important visitors the police are coming to our place drive cars with flashing lights hello ello ello ello ello ello that is how the police say hello I'm police officer squirrel and I'm police officer panda we're going to teach you how to ride your bicycle safely right let's see you all riding your bikes always keep your ears and eyes open now suppose you're riding your bike along and someone steps out in front of you what do you do I would bring my belt very good ringing your bell let's others know you are there can you all show me how good you are at ringing bells I have a horn a horn is just as good as a bell could you give your horn a tiny little toot so that we can all yes that should be sufficient to alert the public of your approach now for the last bit of the lesson police officer panda is driving to the bottom of the hill calling police officer squirrel over read you loud and clear over the police have special phones to talk to each other I'm in position over now when I blow my whistle I want you all to cycle down the hill and use your brakes to not bump into police officer panda I see them coming over [Music] very good breaking everyone I don't think I need to do this I am the teacher [Music] and that's how to ride your bicycles safely children thank the police for taking time off from their important work to talk to us today thank you you're very welcome when I grow up I want to be a policeman and what is it about being a policeman that you like I like blowing whistles very good but of course there's more to being a police officer than blowing whistles oh yes we're always very busy we do lots of very important things like the police solve mysteries and drive cars with flashing lights Nina spot on Freddie right we really must be on our way and remember always keep your ears and eyes open oh who put that tree there yes it's not a safe place to put a tree I'll make a note dangerous tree on public highway oh you see children a police officers work is never done hi everyone pepper loves the police everyone loves the police it is the start of another day at peppers plate morning children where is Madame gazelle hey MA I was wearing a mask you were in disguise yes and today you will all be making masks we have qaulity crayon pits cleaners tell me is greater no glitter please Madame gazelle no I have only just managed to clean up from the last glitter event now begin you masks children pepper is using a colored tissue paper Danny dog is using buttons and drinking straws Suzy sheep is using feathers I'm making a magic mask my little brother Richard is a baby carrots we like carrots George has made a dinosaur mask Edmund very good Edmund elephant is it clever clogs so are we all finished my man look better with some glitter walnuts please Mademoiselle glitter glitter lots of other shiny things you can you nah no glitter gets everywhere there is no getting rid of it once it comes out it is a menace but it's special magic oh all right but only if you all pull this to be very very careful with it okay I will unlock the glitter cabinet Mademoiselle keeps the glitter safely locked away now children you did promise to use this glitter very carefully it is holy time and the parents have come to collect the children don't panic please remain calm there was a glitter leak as we have it under control now excuse me mrs. butterfly I'm looking for two little piggies do you know where I can find them what a surprise but where is George George it's you I thought you were a dinosaur would you mind if I took these two carrots home instead silly mummy come on petrol time to go home I am NOT I am super pony oh does super pony want to come home or does super pony want to stay here for the night come home with you please me heaven if they all had fun making wonderful masks Madame gazelle loves masks everyone loves masks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 7,259,333
Rating: 3.8672187 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: cWM9XBB7-q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 53sec (2753 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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