Peppa Pig Official Channel | Hide & Seek | Cartoons For Kids | Peppa Pig Toys

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hello Susie hello Gerald hello Rebecca hello Peppa who wants to play a game of hide and seek yay okay every body hide and mommy pig and I will come and find you ready one two 3 4 ready or not here we come we've got five little ones to find so we better get [Music] started where did that noise come from there it is again Gerald you're a bit too tall to hide in there oops 5 - 1 is four four little ones to find I think I see Rebecca oh silly me it's just a picture did I just hear a little giggle yes I definitely heard a little giggle there you are Rebecca that's two down and three to go wee I wonder if someone's in the motor home H where could those noises be coming from oh no one in here are they in the bedroom oh nope not there either how about the bathroom nothing where could that squeaking noise be coming from ho George I found you that's three down and two to go [Music] did I just see someone go down the [Music] pole Suzy Sheep there you are found me there's five little ones we found four of them so that just leaves one Peppa yippe where could she be keep an eye out for Clues detective Pig oh look M Footprints I know someone who loves splashing around in muddy puddles come on team let's all follow the footprints and see if we can find Peppa together we see you Peppa found me we found them [Music] all and what better way to celebrate than jumping in a great big muddy [Music] puddle yay somebody's at the door it must be the postman the post man the postman maybe it's a parcel full of [Music] surprises it is a parsel what a big parcel can you see who it's for dear Pepper and George from Granny and Grandpa Pig oh can we open it daddy of course you [Music] can it's a box of paints and paint brushes wow imagine what we could paint with [Music] this cheddar my favorite well while you three have fun with your new paint kit I'm going to go and water the petuni hum dum dum dum I'm so excited to wait a second where did the paints go [Music] [Music] uhoh that's not good hello Peppa hello Mandy oh goodie my parcel arrived hello grandpa pig what's wrong Peppa you seem worried oh oh dear the house is covered in paint Don't Panic I'm sure the paint will wash off hooray heay we need some soapy water some sponges and we need to get this paint off before mommy and daddy pig see [Music] it here we are super soapy water and super spongy sponges there's just one more thing we need some clean up music [Music] it's my favorite [Music] song Silly Grandpa let's get [Music] cleaning and she had it she and now she plays this me and I sh it you sing alongmy [Music] join wow I've never seen the house so clean you can hardly tell it was covered head to toe in paint in what nothing I'm sleep sleepy me too I think it's time for a good night's sleep come on Mandy I'll take you [Music] home bye-bye Mandy bye-bye Peppa I'll put the little ones to bed [Music] good night Peppa good night Grandpa thanks for the surprise parcel oh that reminds me I've got one last surprise for you if you count these sheep you'll fall straight to sleep hello everyone hello today is a very special day because we're going to be learning all about dinosaurs yay my brother George loves dinosaurs who here can tell me something about dinosaurs they've got big Stompy feet very good Peppa anyone else they have big squshy Tails yes daddy the Diplodocus has a tail that's 15 M long I love the dimble dogus ooh they have really loud [Music] Roars and great big teeth for munching well I'm very impressed you all clearly know a lot about dinosaurs which is a good thing as today you're going to be making your very own dinosaur model hoay you can all use the crafting supplies from the cupboard let's get to [Music] work I'm going to make the big Stompy [Music] feet dinosaurs like muddy puddles too this can be the body a spotty [Music] body and these can be the claws raw watch out for the swishy swashy tail it needs big eyes so it can see all its dinosaur friends and big teeth so it can smile at them done wow it's not like any dinosaur I've ever heard of it's much much better I'm awarding this dinosaur first prize yay you know what that means home [Music] time Mommy Daddy can I show George the dinosaur we made of course you can [Music] dinosaur George I hear you're quite as a dinosaur expert what do you think of our model it's a silly Billy [Music] saurus what a great idea George we can make it a moving dinosaur [Music] dinosaur off we [Music] [Applause] go o I think someone's hungry me let's see [Music] no food no food oh dear well I guess we'll have to go on an adventure to the supermarket hooray okay Pepper and George I've got a fun Supermarket challenge for you both to do I love a challenge here's a shopping list if if you can find everything on this list you'll win a special prize how exciting come on George let's go I can give you a ride in the [Music] trolley be [Music] [Laughter] careful first on the list carrots can you see carrots anywhere George there they are well done George now to put them in the trolley I think you might need to get out and walk [Music] George okay what's next bread and cheese H if I was a piece of cheese where would I be there I found it but wait there's no bread and cheese here wow secret bread and cheese this really is an [Music] adventure next on the list Corn Flakes there they are George could you get a box of cornflakes please [Music] silly George we better put all these boxes back straight away [Music] yippe perfect next we need ice cream yummy yummy yummy this way George [Music] perfect almost done George just a few more things to get [Music] that's everything George let's go and find mommy and [Music] [Applause] daddy is it me or did it suddenly get chilly in here we're back we're back we found everything mommy even the ice cream did you remember to close the freezer door I'll be right back whoops well done but the challenge isn't over yet first we've got to buy [Music] everything yes hooray and then we've got to get them all home and finally we need to put them all [Music] away yay well done you completed the challenge and now for your special prize with all these yummy ingredients I can make chocolate chip cookies who wants freshly baked [Music] CH maybe later then oh oh oh what are you doing Daddy well I'm pretending to be a penguin of course a penguin why because we're all going off on an adventure to the aquarium [Laughter] yay four tickets please oh sorry five tickets all right in we go look daddy it's the penguin let's see how it's really [Applause] [Music] done why are they cuddling together like that mommy they do it to stay warm Peppa oh like this ho ho exactly hang on a moment where's George can I have a go can I ever a go it does look like [Applause] [Music] fun all right lots to see come on Peppa come on George look at all the fishies in the tank I can swim just like [Music] them what is it George what's [Music] wrong oh no you've lost your dinosaur toy well don't worry George we'll find it it can't have gone far whoops sorry it's only me I thought you were shark mommy well you're dinosaur isn't over here George maybe you dropped it in the fish [Music] tank two dinosaur have eight [Music] tentacles do dinosaurs look like horses are dinosaurs star shaped h then I don't think it's here look the penguins are acting awfully strangely it looks like they found something unusual unusual a I know it's George's dinosaur toy we found it [Music] hooray thanks penguin although I think your waddling needs a little [Laughter] work hooray we're off for an adventure to the petting farm come on everyone chickens and what noise do chickens make [Music] Peppa no George that's a cow m m it's Mrs Chicken she doesn't look very well I think you're right Peppa we should take her to the vets right away follow me Mrs [Music] [Music] Chicken okay let's see what's wrong with you do you have a temperature let's see ooh you're quite warm and now you're covered in red spots uh-oh I wonder if we have anything to cure red [Music] spots now you're covered in green spots too I think you might be turning into an alien H this is very strange I've never seen a chicken with spot great idea George there's sure to be something in the first aid bag aha is this the right medicine mommy perfect and well done for checking with me first Peppa here you are Mrs Chicken hoay she's well again well done Peppa you're a natural vet why don't we see if any of the other animals need some help hello Mr Turtle what seems to be the problem you've got a rumbly tummy let's have a look to see what's [Music] wrong turn on the [Music] X-ray you've got a ladybug in your tummy [Music] whoops silly me false alarm I think you're just hungry Mr [Music] turtle and you look hungry too Goldie BN Appetit well Peppa what a marvelous job you've done you've sorted Mr turtle's tummy ache you fed Goldie and you cured Mrs Chicken of her spots uh-oh is Mrs Chicken sick [Music] again silly [Music] George aw that's funny Susie was making that exact same noise at playr ah AO seems like you've got a case of the AO sneezes oh dear it seems like we've all got a case of the we better go home right away now we'll all need to stay at home until the sneezers stop that's right we don't want to give them to anyone else does that mean I can't go to playgroup I'm afraid so Peppa not until you stop sneezing I've stopped now it's important to keep good hygiene that means lots of handwashing with lots of soap okay Daddy daddy said to add lots of soap [Music] perfect how's the hand washing going in here oh good grief I think that's a bit too much soap pepper sorry Daddy I like your beard true we need to eat and drink lots of yummy healthy foods when we're sick who wants one of Mommy's special hot Ginger honey and lemon tease me me me me me me okay well I'll need your help to make [Music] [Music] it oh three healthy drinks for three sick Piggies don't forget me whoops sorry Mommy can I play with Rebecca Rabbit now H not in person I'm afraid Peppa you've still got the sneezes although Peppa Rebecca I thought we could play some games together yay how about hide and seek okay you count to 10 and we'll hide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ready or not there you are Peppa there you are George okay Peppa time to get a good night's sleep it's important to get lots of rest when you've got the sneezes okay daddy bye Rebecca bye Peppa night night Daddy night night Peppa [Music] I'm not sneezing I'm all better hooray mommy daddy I've not got the sneezes anymore I can go to play group let's go let's go let's go that's wonderful Peppa but today is Saturday [Laughter] whoops 8:45 oh dear we're late late late we can't be late come on everyone let's [Music] go what bad luck the car's broken down oh no not to worry let's see if Grandpa Pig can help us with his [Music] boat grandpa grandpa I need to get to play school but the cars broken down can you help us my my say no more Peppa jump aboard everyone live vest on and we're on our [Music] way that's a jolly strong wind hold tight everyone W where are [Music] we I can't see playgroup anywhere hm we've been blown out to sea by a very strong wind good thing I've got my compass what's a compass it tells you which way is north east west and south so we can use it to find our way back to shore hooray look there's a train station off the boat everyone we'll take the train to playgroup [Music] thanks Grandpa Pig any time good luck everyone you we can still get to playgroup in [Music] time mommy what are all these clouds I thought clouds lived in the sky it's steam pepper the train uses the power of steam to move forwards wee we have now arrived at our 1 and only stop the airport the airport that's not playgroup uh-oh we must have got on the wrong [Music] train oh hello Peppa what brings you to the airport Miss Rabbit can you help us we're trying to get to playgrou but we keep getting lost oh dear well of course hop in the plane and I'll make a special flight [Music] yay seat belts on and we're ready for take off wow it looks amazing from up here the view is quite Spectacular from 33,000 ft [Music] hooray you're a lifesaver thank you Miss Rabbit anytime hooray we're just in [Music] time Susie Rebecca where are you going it's the end of the day we're going home end of the day oh no we missed the whole day of play group oh I'm sorry we're so late we had a broken down car a storm oh it was quite the kafuffle what did we miss not to worry not to worry today we were learning all about vehicles vehicles Oh you mean like boats sailing through the sea with their compasses and steam powered trains and planes flying high at 33,000 ft wow Peppa that's very impressive knowledge I guess our little Adventure was quite educational after all it was so much fun mommy can we get a hot air balloon back [Music] [Laughter] home sparkling clean Mommy can we go and paddle in the sea H have you got your armbands check Sun cream check okay but don't go out further than the boy [Laughter] yay look George a shiny shell [Applause] and slimy seaweed and a seaweed monster slippery slobbery Pebbles H we can use these to decorate a sand castle [Laughter] what kind of sand castles should we make George Dina okay let's make a sand [Laughter] dinosaur it's the sand Saurus Rex oh dear don't worry George we can turn it into something new like a pig oh no not again H why don't you build it further in land far away from the sea good idea [Music] mommy there there's no way that will get destroyed by the sea but it might get destroyed by the rain quickly we need to get everything into the camper van can we take our sand castle mommy I'm afraid not Peppa but don't worry I've got a great idea now hurry along into the camper [Music] van TDA you can make your sand castle in doors wow this is amazing Mommy we can make anything with this sand anyone wants a sand milkshake you can't do a barbecue indoors oh really Peppa you clever little pig and you George what a Scrump ious Feast B [Laughter] Appetit Mommy can we take the canoe down to the lake please please what a fun idea why don't we all go down for a boat trip yay yay I'll join you all later once I finished making the fire I know these Woods like the back of my poor follow me [Applause] everyone we should have reached the lake a long time ago maybe I don't know the back of my pow very well uhoh are we lost where have they got to [Music] uh oh no that's not good we're lost we're lost what are we going to do Mr Wolf H well um we can use the Sun the lake is to the east of the campsite the Sun is setting in the west so it must be that way there must be something I can do to help find them if I fly that kite high up into the air they might see it and find their way back to Camp no wind ohoh there's some [Music] oh no this is no good this is the same map as before we're going around in circles look a little ducky maybe it's on its way to the lake worth a shot don't you think Mr Wolf I suppose so follow me every uh I mean follow the duck H maybe if I make some loud noises they can hear where I am oh oh that's a very small [Music] Lake a wolf don't worry not all wolves are scary huh oh dear what am I going to do the fire of course I'll light the fire and send a smoke signal up into the [Music] sky look everyone there's smoke in the sky daddy must have lit the fire hooray we're saved well done Peppa everyone follow that smoke you're back yippee we followed your smoke signals daddy that's some fine wildness thinking that Daddy Pig oh it was nothing so what do you say we finally go on that canoe trip eh um where is the canoe [Music] uh-oh I'm the marshmallow monster ra careful Peppa there might be real Marshmallow monsters out in the woods tonight real Marshmallow monsters that's right Peppa are you ready for a spooky story yay okay here it goes every night the marshmallow monster comes out of its marshmallow cave with a very rumbly tummy it pokes its big fluffy nose into the air and looks out for the smell of marshmallows cooking on a campfire and when it finds it it runs in and steals all of the marshmallows for itself okay my turn my turn there once was a teeny weeny tiny pig that lived in the forest it was a very special teen weeny tiny pig because every time the moon was full it turned into a giant pig with tennis rackets for years oh no the giant tennis reter Pig okay everyone my turn this is a story that will chill you right to your toes in the middle of the night if if you listen very carefully you can hear all sorts of noises in the woods creepy crawlies hooting owls and the loudest creature of them all the Abominable Snowman abominable snowman gotcha okay okay over to you George wait where is George and where is mommy pig George George George where are you where are you George come out George come out George now it's not the time for sound effects daddy that's not a sound effect oh my a [Music] monster it was just George Well Done George I think that was the scariest one of all indeed now what say we make some more choco mow Berry skewers good idea daddy oh uh where have all the marshmallows gone the marshmallow [Music] moner and then the T-Rex came scaring everyone ra yeah dinosaur did you hear that George that must be Daddy [Music] surprise wow a house with wheels that's right it's called motor home and we are going to use it to go on a camping Adventure yeah [Applause] yeah this looks like a very fun camping site shall we set up our motor home yeah yeah is that a hammock on the roof yes Peppa daddy pig or I can sleep up there well where will George and I sleep let's do a tour of our motor home follow [Music] me this is your bedroom okay so there's one hammock and two beds that makes three but there are four of us there's not enough space for everybody well spotted Peppa but we haven't finished our tour [Music] yet these benches can be turned into a bed so there's enough space for everyone to sleep I love our motor home it's magical it is how about you and George go and play outside while mommy and I finish setting [Music] up wee [Music] [Laughter] woo Daddy can you please tell us a scary story now that it's night time it will be doubly scary well I've heard that this camping site is home to a very creepy spider they say he [Laughter] whoa seems I'm not very brave when it comes to telling scary [Music] stories okay George how about you tell us a scary story dinosaur [Music] G I've changed my mind that's too scary George I think that's enough scary stories for tonight I know what we could do instead some [Music] stargazing well spotted George that's a shooting star make a wish some of the stars make shapes like those ones they look like well they look like me you're right Peppa a group of stars that make a shape is called a constellation who would like to see the constellations in the sky more clearly [Music] yes so you set it up as so and peek through this part at the sky [Music] a oh my what is it silly Daddy it's only a tiny little [Laughter] spider mommy what do you think George wished for earlier when the shooting star passed by [Music] [Music] what was that I think I know what George wish for [Music] now die [Music] do we really need to wear all this sun cream mommy yes Peppa the sun is shining very brightly today right who's ready to go to the bit have you put on your cream daddy pig um [Music] well now I have it's time for our adventure at the [Music] beach here it comes [Music] George welcome to your very own castle Prince George and princess Peppa [Music] wow don't worry George sand castles aren't supposed to last forever let's make our own [Music] this smells yummy Mommy Pig thank you it's so hot today it feels like we've all been on the barbecue too Daddy Pig oh don't worry I have just the thing to help cool us down [Music] [Music] who Fancy's cooling down in the paddling pool [Music] me this is so yummy ho it certainly is hot daddy pig look at you you're bright red [Music] Mommy why do crabs bury themselves under the sand I imagine it's to keep out of the hot sun [Music] pepper that's it ooh ooh uh be careful oh my it is rather cool down here there you go daddy that will keep you cool until we go [Music] home good work Pepper and George I'm very proud of you what an adventure today has been I'm stuck here it comes we oh my goodness mommy are we nearly at the petting farm I can't wait to meet the guinea pigs yes Peppa Grandpa Pig should be waiting for us outside but remember we are going to help Grandpa Pig get the farm ready for the animals first that's right Peppa Let's help carry this bag of seeds for the animals breakfast yes let's [Music] go this sure is a heavy breakfast oh thank you for your help bringing the animals food here everybody however the truth is the heavy rain last night has made the petting farm very muddy a little too [Music] muddy where are all of the animals they cannot come out until the farm has been clean Rebecca otherwise they will get too muddy for petting oh no how can we help Grandpa well I'll show you but it'll be very messy [Music] H woo W [Music] yippe amazing work everyone thank you but Grandpa there's still that big pile of mud we still have time to clean it up don't we Mr Pig H we should do as long as the animal as long as the animals don't come back just yet [Music] a oh no the guinea pig will get too muddy for petting at this rate well hey Mr guinea pig please slow [Laughter] [Music] down Peppa George Rebecca are you okay yes we're okay that cheeky little guinea pig is so cute he sure is oh my silly Mommy it's only chickens I suppose they are cute aren't they Peppa okay everybody the animals have safely been taken somewhere else whilst we finish cleaning this mud but how will we do that Grandpa it's everywhere we can use this great work everyone thank you for your help the animals are very happy with our work now who would like to feed Mr guinea pig and Mrs Chicken me me let's put the seeds over here in this trough mommy pig then we can feed the an [Music] animals oh you're all very friendly I love the petting [Music] farm today mommy and daddy pig are taking Peppa and George on an adventure in their brand new motor home wow this is the biggest bestest car I have ever seen well Peppa it's not actually a car it's a motor home I wonder where we should go first I'm not sure I suppose we could go anywhere we like what do you think George Moon Moon 2 1 George the motor home isn't a rocket ship we have to pick somewhere we can drive to I know how about we go on a Mountain Adventure that's sort of close to the Moon that sounds amazing I'm going to climb all the way to the top that's a wonderful idea let's [Music] go bule Geor no [Laughter] oh dear well we can't go on a road trip with all this mud on the motor home we won't be able to see where we're going Daddy and I will get this mess cleaned up and we'll be on our way in no [Music] time this is a lot bigger than our regular car I think we might need some extra help from Peppa and George good idea Peppa George H I wonder where they could be I think they must be playing hide and seek let's try and find them mommy pig and daddy pig are looking for Pepper and George they must be around here somewhere that sounded like Peppa I think it came from over there by the swimming pool [Music] that's strange I was sure that I heard Peppa's oink over here that was definitely George's oink I think it came from the [Music] kitchen they're not here either they must be very good at hiding that was defin defitely Peppa and George they must be in the upstairs bedroom where could they be boo no oh there you are we fooled you you certainly did we thought we were never going to find you clearing the mud off the motor home was a lot more work than we thought yes all that work has made me hungry I know maybe George and I could make you a snack before we go on a Mountain Adventure that's a wonderful idea thank you okay first we need to stir the cookie mixture I can do that perfect now we need to make one cookie for each of us how many is that George one 2 three four that's right one for you one for Peppa one for me and one for Daddy Pig yum they look delicious can we eat them now please not yet Peppa first we have to bake them yummy they smell scrumptuous why don't you take them to Daddy Pig I'm sure he's hungry after cleaning all the mud off the motor home look daddy we made cookies one for each of us oh just what I needed P No [Music] George oh dear now I'm all messy you look like a giant cookie Daddy
Channel: Peppa Toys
Views: 40,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa Pig Official Channel | Hide & Seek | Cartoons For Kids | Peppa Pig Toys, baby alexander, hide & seek, peppa pig, peppa pig camper van, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig english episodes, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig lunch, peppa pig play-doh, peppa pig toy, peppa pig toys, peppa pig toys episodes, peppa pig toys house, peppa pig toys house play doh, peppa toys, play doh, toy peppa pig, toys peppa pig
Id: pKrH708G1Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 49sec (3589 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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