🔴LIVE: Best of Bandit and Chilli 💕 | 1 HOUR | Funny Mum and Dad Moments | Bluey

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hello hi I'd like to make a booking please name Romeo what was it mcf flish MC flourish of course okay great see you soon hi do you have a booking yes MC flourish oh yes right this way please finally smooth Romeo I have of course taken you to the fanciest restaurant in town Bye b oh dear not yet a biger have they smoochi kissed yet no not yet I'm so sorry she's new now these are the menus you also have some forks and spoons told you this place was fancy now what would you like to order could you tell me what the special is H I'm not sure I'll check with the chef hey Chef what what's the special the what special the what there's no special I'll just have the baked beans then very good I'll be right back please enjoy your Cutlery H excuse me I'll be right back hey dodgy Brothers haven't you got anything other than baked beans what's wrong with baked beans well they're not very romance H yeah I guess we could make something else something special yeah something special o and I'll play some romance music leave it to us and now go and do a Smoochy kiss hey I'm back so has the romance started yet very soon my darling what's your name again super smooth ooh what's this some romance music oh it's lovely go bingo wo W wo woo go [Music] glowy go go go off the Rope off the rope and hey have you kids seen my green ball look Dad we set up an obstacle course do you want to have a go R I'll race you where's the Finish Line no one's racing anyone this is just for having fun yeah oh I see what are you doing I'm doing chicken why is Dad acting like a chicken he's saying you're scared of chickens no racing me don't you kids know what chicken means no and they don't need everything turned into a competition that's loser talk come on the hose is a Finish Line Ready Set no they're not racing yeah we're happy just having fun fun when it gets sherbet ready go I'm going to f [Music] you yes Dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my sheret a yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I want another race can you help me be Dad yeah I want sherbet okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheat yeah yeah wait no I meant practice you kids sure are ke to get whooped again oh yes we are all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see Mom losing doesn't stop these kids dad are you f find way to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am how long are you gone for just 6 weeks how long is 6 weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever it's here that the true challenge of the quest is revealed we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the med pie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect vase paint for you you want to know a secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stool this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I McKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their faces painted no I guess not well I think you have to do it even though I don't want to yes even know that yeah you're probably right what do you think I think I'm getting B see you B Collies enjoy the curry see you good luck with the magp now every good hero learns a few things on their Quest Mackenzie mom can you face paint one more [Music] thing ready yeah armed with everything they've learned along the way the hero faces their ultimate [Music] test the end you're my hero bingo okay so he's the Knight no he's a horsey yeah but he's called the Knight no the Knight sits on the horsey well yeah that's true everyone knows that I thought you said smart people played chess well whatever you call him mine's called Galah hop mine's called daughter of Galah hop he moves by jumping oh yes horses love jumping oo who is castlehead That's The Rook I'm going to call him castlehead fine castlehead moves straight like this castles can't move this game's confusing yeah it is bingo maybe you just want to do some coloring no she's on my team oh right let's just start there you're go Blue a I want my own chest team well there's only two teams bingo so maybe you just watch a don't worry Bingo look there's two horses see and two Castle heads and two pom pom elves Bishops and lots of prawns pawns so this could be your team and this one's mine thanks blue nice one bluee uh look that's not let it go deep blue hang on there's only one Crown lady and one wedding cake head ah now that's the king and that's the queen king queen can I have the queen blue um sure thanks ah you can't just no that's fine are you sure you have happy with the King yeah I'm okay don't worry blue the king's the most important piece on the board is that right yes and how many squares can he move well just one just one square that was a big Square wasn't it oh I better rest by Royal fees they're a little ties meanwhile the queen moves as far as she wants in any direction which is Handy cuz she has to do all the work are you finished yes oh s's at the door don't worry M will get it hey sheep can't walk hi how would you like to save $200 a year on your energy bill excuse me uh is there someone else I could talk to I'll go get my mom ah let go Ron uh I'll come back another time I know what you're doing you don't want me to see Mom well it's not going to work there where you going now sheepy Mom are you in there yes blue I'm in here I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you you didn't do anything to upset me sweetheart then why don't you want to see us I do want to see see you but it can be hard work looking after kids sometimes moms just need 20 minutes I don't understand you will one day sweetheart no Shey no what is that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work what's going on Wy go go go naughty sheep sheepy no drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry Wendy he doesn't listen to what anyone says I'm getting chilly [Music] chil oh dear that will not happen twice get up hey Tina I got her I got her hold it down hey that's got Tina get her legs I'm trying she kicks like a m biger use your toilet hand toilet hand get out of here little drub why does Tina stink so bad quick let's get her outside she w a t she's a lot of woman get her in the car [Music] [Applause] you didn't see anything Tina use your karate you're on your own ah Tina come on let's just talk about this Get It Tina hey easy easy tapping out tapping out okay okay we give up you win hey five E Bingo oh Tina I'm sorry but you stink yeah when was the last time she had a bath Tina's never had a bath and we don't having a bath either hey whoa wait whose tooth is this it's huge is this tinis yeah it is and look here's another one why did her teeth fall out well when was the last time she brushed them Tina doesn't brush her teeth a well that's why your teeth are falling out oh kids when we tell you you have to have a bath or brush your teeth or wash your hands it's because there's a good reason to do all those things but when we ask Dad why he just says because I said so yeah he says we have to because he's bigger than us oh really maybe I should just give him 3 seconds oh yeah look we'll probably still say those things cuz we're busy but now you know what we really mean okay Mom bring it in toilet hands is this what you had for breakfast yesterday baked beans on wheat toast yep Bingo what's the fluffy level on this hi thank you and then what did you have for lunch Mr healer ah just some U sourkraut excuse me sourkraut Binger fluffy level now we had dinner at Indy's house didn't we yep can you tell us what you ate no I'm not sure I ate much Mr healer okay I had a vegan nut roast oh dear anything else uh nothing comes to mind really nothing from the petrol station on the way home that might have come in this tray oh well maybe I had a pie a bandit well all I'd had was nut roast fingo where is the fluffy me now at the top sounds like you were ready to blow my food choices are not on trial Bingo on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did oh what Bingo you weren't even there yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave it's lpop hey you're on H bingo are you fibbing to get a lollipop yes give me that a everyone forget that bit Louie that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay Mom I would like to call on Mom me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cuz she was asleep yeah well I wasn't asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh no further questions Rona you can go now come on get I don't want to play musical statues neither do I too bad I need someone to do the music stopping can see where bluee gets it okay ready go and stop you blinked you blinked you blinked you're all out see you come on do it properly oh don't do it at all okay okay no give me that let's put some real music on oh all right that's what I'm talking about get that body moving come on Blue Shake It Out h no one okay here we go again oh yeah shake it Chell come on bie copy my moves yeah that's it whoop raise the room bingo you kept raing the roof come on kid help me with the music okay go Bingo if this was a dance off who would you say is winning M definitely I agree come on Bluey oh Dad I know play I love cereal hold it right there music fans we just had a song request come in from Ringo healer Bingo healer who do you dedicate this song to Ringo it's for my sister blue it's a favorite well all right this one's going out to Ringo's sister Lou [Music] Lou oh look out yeah that did it a yeah go Blue ooh this is tough sorry for the hold up folks we just have to check on some musical Stu statues sit tight M Bingo you ready to practice your Show and Tell for tomorrow um okay hello everybody hello Bingo um I have a crab claw it's called Show and Tell Bingo I'm good at the showing bit but not good at the telling bit Pro tip keep it simple kids switch off if you talk too long maybe you could talk about how crabs have an exoskeleton as opposed to an endoskeleton you see blah blah blah blah skeleton blah blah blah blah blah blah my to Conta make sense no see can I have some tomato sauce please yep thanks hey what's that tomato sauce oh uh this is my tomato sauce well who's is this tomato sauce that's your tomato sauce what's the difference with my tomato sauce and your tomato sauce yours is a healthy one it's got less sugar in it oh Can I taste your tomato sauce uh well okay just a taste I want this tomato sauce no mate that one's yours but yours tastes beautiful I want to try kids eat the healthy one end of this is beautiful why did you get the good one and we get little disgusting one uh looks like dad's good at telling but not good at showing please nope a that's it I'm going to count all the time she boss us around great do it while you eat your sausage ah eat your sausage bossing around number one number one don't talk with your mouthful that's two oh man a this is the good stuff hey all right squat let's get going let's go get going that's three let's get going that's not bossing you around yes it is once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around Barefoot yay you're in a c I can't see the page and why should I cat I forgot about the catchphrase if you block the words mom can't read the [Music] story why should I care because stories are nice my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending is boring she just makes don't spoil the ending why not cuz Bluey hasn't heard it what you unicor I'm trying to make you a nice unicor okay okay okay please continue Millie I won't spoil the ending where she makes shoes course one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will no not today up down up down up down up up down up unce that is bad behavior so is that shall we continue yes Meep so the queen walked a few steps and stood on a prickle ouch unic course that's mean how would you feel if you stood on a prickle I feel good I feel so good at dance you wouldn't dance youd be crying like the queen but maybe she should wear some shoes unicorn anyway the queen discovered that her whole kingdom was covered in prickles what was she to do make shoes Louie oh I know unicor what's your favorite food children oh just kidding I like chicken bucket oh great look here's some chicken bucket a thank you mighty kind okay we're good to go come here andies not you C I'll get that oh do you want me to carry those for you no it's okay I'm almost there oops it's okay I'll clean it up no I can do it okay here's the paper towels and I'll make a start the omelet honey I'll just crack the eggs can I help crack the Eggies um sure honey how about I sort this out and you get started on the eggs grab a silver bowl from the cupboard okay is this one [Music] okay oh man getting [Music] hungry how many eggs are in an omelette um three or four I'm hungry right better make it four one two three come on Bingo b quicker oh no one two three Hey where's four done how are the eggs doing Bingo there's four hello is Brey almost ready it's coming okay birthday boy's getting cranky let's get cracking Bingo ah get it cracking oh my goodness sorry BL it's okay I'll clean it up thanks BL okay try again honey I'll just hold it for you bit harder honey give it a good whack that's too hard oh uh no honey the shells don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain but sorry was that my breakfast that was a big one I got to go what is that oh no we got to go but what about the tablet get him what why grads come on okay [Music] okay that was too close what are gr Nomads the Nanas and grandads in big slogan Caravans if we get stuck behind them we'll be the last to the campsite and we'll have to Camp next to the toilet block E I like the gr Nomads their horns are funny but what about the tablets look mom forgot to pack them kid a don't worry I know plenty of non-computer games we can play hope you got 4 hours worth games like what games like ice spy yeah me first okay but please buy a hard one Bingo it's boring when it's to easy okay I spiral my little eye something color blue me yes please can I play computer games what's so fun about them well there's one way you have to make chunky chimp jump over barrels you don't need computers to play jumping games just use your fingers but there's no Barrel to jump uh yeah but you can jump go oh yeah one point two points three points hey you can't play you're driving oh yeah 7 8 9 10 100 a million 100 I win all right this is not an actual stop family so everyone just stay those things there's nothing boring about this is there blue no biscuits time to go come on going on it's not you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housework just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay see that looks good Boom come on uh-uh look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs oh yeah that's crazy that's what I'm saying she oh she okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feet okay arms okay I think we're good backwards and there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in three meters why do they do it cuz they're nuts your boat get me down the stream that's not even a walk I'm making a copper we're going to be here a while b b b b [Music] elephant can kangaroo what did I miss chicken working our way through the animal kingdom that's an emu yeah or maybe an ostrich or a big duck and that's some sort of uh um donkey some of these look really hard to do I know don't they get [Music] tired wao we have a winner holy doly that's impressive how do you even do that you have to like have your feet out like a duck out but then pop them in while spinning oh yeah while spinning ow my groin your lips are blue I'm a blue healer blue look I'm trying to get you out of the bath without being a meanie but you have to help me but we're not finished we still have to sell all these Burgers okay I'll take all of these delicious there you've sold all your Burgers wow now time to get out yes ah great after you pay huh let's see 100 Burgers that's $100 Bock please but I haven't got any money left well then how are you going to pay for all those Burgers you just ate I'm in a bath now and I'll dirty dishes more dirty dishes for you thanks boss you the bar I'm trying to teach personal respons it's bity her lips are blue she's a blue healer I'm pulling the plug no Mom this is our Burger sh it's 7:00 you're meant to be out of the bath and you're not even meant to be in it the book says to let them make their own choices they're in preschool they can do it watch kids no one wants any more burgers and it's past your bedtime I really don't want to be a meanie parent but I need you to make a good choice right now okay Dad so what are you going to do um well all right we'll close the Burger Shop great and open a taco shop yeah that's it I'm pulling [Music] the nice and warm now yes Dad I'm sorry we didn't get out of the bath sooner that's okay I'm sorry I didn't make you I guess I'll be a meanie for a bit longer right yeah he we look like hedgehogs okay kids straight into bed yes Mom Dad can we play hedgehogs well can we play with that knock yourself out ooh Pretend This is water yeah and we fish pretend I'm the mama fish and you're my baby fish okay the cartoon dog says to put some cardboard down underneath first I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog o weis's land yeah and with frogs Yeah Frog Dogs frog dogs ribit but keep pretending you're still my baby frog dog no pretend that I've grown into a toddler frog dog oh okay ribbit ribbit ribbit isn't the shiny bit meant to face up U I don't think it matters I think it does oh Pretenders are our Tails yeah we can be lizards lizards do this pretend there's flies little little yeah and I teach you how to catch them cuz I'm the mommy lizard look yell yell have you got it have you got it yeah sorry a babe I thought you had it I said sorry ah you cracked it well this is why the cartoon dog says to put cardboard down all righto y y you're go of course it's my fault quick Binger lizards can't swim should we pretend we're fish again no we've done that okay okay slide it in get out of the way cardboard ooh Pretend This is a volcano and can we be dinosaurs yeah T-Rexes I'm your mommy t-rexx right I'll just give this a whack watch out for my ow I'm okay ah quick fing I fly away yeah but time with bird what's going on out here hey this got pretty good Dan up hey Bravo I am Bova the famous ballerina it's her RIT my dance partner has sprained the uncle he is weak a little froggy told me I could find a new dancer here R you will dance with me tonight at the Grand Theater me and you this was your plan all along R it R it thanks little froggy [Music] well why did you stop making the whale noise yeah ah um the whale just went a bit quiet for a bit no don't stop they're funny mom why isn't Dad making a whale noise could it be this Majestic blue whale is embarrassed to be making funny noises in front of another daddy whale that doesn't make any sense no it doesn't make any sense oh come on come on well I'm sure the whale will be brave when he's ready anyway the Pirates were still stuck in the whale's belly with no one to save them dud oh wait a minute I know how you can get out the well belly oh but the Pirates couldn't hear the Lighthouse Keeper May were stuck inside the usually noisy whale HOH snow drop [Music] ooh that blue eight won't be able to resist this banana and when he goes for it we'll trap him well I should say so goodness knows poor snow drop will be so worried without [Music] me how long will this take oh I can hear them [Applause] no I'll have the tickle the big fell to sleep now take us to stumbly tastics please okay calculating shortest route to stumbly tastics mm continue on this road for 500 M thanks satna satn will get us there in a jiffy well I should hope so oh no m is getting CL don't let B on my seat in 5 M turn left onto this road okay I think turn it or was it right I think it was right I'm not quite sure let's just see where this takes us cheese and crackers we're completely lost almost there m oh wait I recognize that Kebab shop turn left here turn here okay yeah hello hi I'd like to make a booking please name Romeo what was it MC flourish MC flourish of course okay great see you soon hi do you have a booking yes MC flourish oh yes right this way please finally smooth Romeo I have of course taking you to the fanciest restaurant in town b b oh dear not yet sir big go are they smie kissed yet no not yet I'm so sorry she's new now these are the menus you also have some forks and spoons told you this place was fancy now what would you like to order could you tell me what the special is H I'm not sure I'll check with the chef hey Chef what what's the special the what the special I'm so excited right you get three dance modes Bingo and then that's it okay bra dog come on [Music] fing our music should we put Mom in dance mode um yes okay I'll do it dance mode wait this w kids she's not with us it woo shake it chil morning Wendy that was so funny you still got it babe you get yours Louie the next dance mode is going to be mine to choose one okay not you okay there's no special I'll just have the baked beans then very good I'll be right back please enjoy your Cutlery H excuse me I'll be right back hey dodgy Brothers haven't you got anything other than baked beans what's wrong with baked beans well they're not very romance H yeah I guess we could make something else something special yeah something special oh and I'll play some romance music leave it to us now go and do a Smoochy kiss hey I'm back so has the romance started yet very soon my darling uh what's your name again oh super smooth oh what's this some romance music oh it's lovely next please how can I help I just need to change the address on this okay I'll need to see two forms of ID please two oh hang on let me have a look oh music bingo Can I please use dance mode on your dad well it's just pretty pleasee okay yes oh thank you thank you thank you well I've got my gym card it's sort have got my picture on it uh no I can't use a gym card mate oh no dance [Music] mode uh are you okay I'm fine just ignore this now U what about my liut oh I'm sorry we can only accept look if you could just stop dancing for a moment would if I could mate hey Wile to hurry up that was glorious oh yeah yeah yeah we got down a secret tunnel to our underground base which also has hammocks well we go found the tunel too you can't there's a manhole cover which is locked well I get an Axe and drop a hole in it it's made of metal your ax breaks H what chops for metal uh Diamond Bandit don't help them sorry a diamond ax through it oh no Qui time to bail we get in the car yeah but a cool car let's go let's go let's go BL let's get in the dreamhouse car oh yeah what the dreamhouse car it's like a giant Dreamhouse on Wheels yeah it's got 11 Burger shops and 20 bedrooms and 40 toilets and a scar on the balcony who's driving it buters buters Oh no punch it Mom punch it I ran to feed the bunny no so Sam you feed my tummy no that wasn't it she said oh man I need the dunny squ s okay that's enough I wish we could say dny oh yeah why is that I just like it it rhunes with bunny look I just want us to use nice words so everyone thinks we're a nice family oh is that an okay thing to want yeah that's okay thank you let's play for in the bed okay ready in the bed and one roll over roll [Laughter] [Music] over [Music] roll finger on the morning of this morning did you see Dad fluffy in my face yes I did oh what Bingo you weren't even there yes I was thank you Bingo you can leave here a lollipop hey you're on huh bingo are you fibbing to get a lollipop yes give me that a everyone forget that bit Louie that has not helped your case remember the truth will set you free okay Mom I would like to call on Mom me Mrs healer on the morning of this morning you didn't hear me fluffy did you no let's repeat that you didn't hear me fluffy cuz she was asleep yeah well I wasn't asleep I was dozing I mean I heard you get up and move the bedside table what oh really tell me about this bedside table uh no further questions R you can go now come on get get up hey Tina I've got her I've got her hold her down hey Tina get her leg I'm trying she kicks like a m biger use your toilet hand toilet get out of here little drub why does Tina stink so bad quick let's get her outside she was a time she's a lot of woman get her in the [Music] [Applause] G you didn't see anything use your karate you're on your own ah Tina come on let's just talk about this Get It Tina hey easy easy ta out taing [Music] out oh yeah hang on I think I've got it you got to go why you doing it you're not spinning you got to spin oh yeah oo huh what are they doing I don't know but it doesn't look like house work what's going on heyy kids shouldn't you be tidying the blankets up we finished shouldn't you be doing housework we haven't started why we're trying to walk like you guys why we don't know yeah okay can you show us how you do the big walk yeah okay you start with your feet out and then to go in out in out in two three Hey where's four done how are the eggs doing Bingo there's four hello is Brey almost ready it's coming okay birthday boy getting cranky let's get cracking Bingo ah get it cracking oh my goodness sorry BL it's okay I'll clean it up thanks Chloe okay try again honey I'll just hold it for you bit harder honey give it a good whack that's too hard oh uh no honey the shells don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain but sorry was that my breakfast that was a big one I got to go bit more yeah you got it Dad you need to do duck be oh yeah I forgot and you have to [Music] say yeah Mom you're doing it oh so you done I'm doing it wooo [Music] the house is still a mess none of the vacuuming is done but we can both now do the be walk I think I'm okay with that me too well we finished our dra so we're going to play go for it girls well done bye B it bandit look huh what is that okay is that okay I'm swinging one foot and front of the other are we good are we good yeah I think we're good yes yeah grown up some nuts there he goes he rose up he was going to spit them out upo I don't have any your treas you're [Music] treasure thanks fing the whale prepared to spit them out and the pirate landed safely back on their pirate ship and it was all thanks to The Brave Little Lighthouse Keeper and the big blue whal swam off to find his blue whale wife who loved him that little bit more now and off they sailed again to look for more treasure yeah treasure it's sting how do you come on BL craw to Mama you can do it you can do it did I do [Music] it not exactly why was I rolling I don't know kid you didn't come with instructions the doctor said there was nothing to worry about some babies just roll before they crawl but I wasn't having that 99 bu the thing on the wall aha it's fun to crawl oh how good is crawling it's better than rolling my KNE did I do it did blue craw not exactly come on Blue you can do it CR to [Music] me yeah bum Shuffle you're really doing this I think I have to okay at least set the rules what will it take for you to get back to the housework just you know one foot in front of the other I don't think that's too much to ask okay H see that looks good Boom come on uh-uh look at her arms they're following her legs really yeah they meant to go the other way the opposite of your legs oh yeah that's crazy that's what I'm saying sheet oh sheit okay that's not even close to her normal walk oh hang on hang on here we go feet okay arms okay I think we're good backwards and there it is this is hard I'll even settle for the same crazy walk from there to there but look one two three different walks in 3 m why do they do it CU they're nuts roll roll roll your boat gently down the street this is all my stuff from when I used to be cool ah here it is what is that that this is what a real camera looks like are you ready Bob [Music] y but then who broke the curse well remember I said this fairy tale has a princess Bandit here is this your hat is that Mom that's Mom what don't listen to him it wasn't me don't listen to her it was well look it might have been we did used to go on holidays to that Caravan Park case closed but I've got no memory of that happening oh it's like a dagger in my heart how did she know your name it was written on my hat wow either way it's a good story but is it true or not true I need to know well I guess you have to decide do you believe in fairy [Music] tales here you go thanks see you later yeah see you later where are we going we're dropping you kids off at Nana's remember hoay TV no TV what why not cuz you've been watching it all morning but what do we meant to do I don't know use your imaginations and draw some pictures but I don't know what to draw oh nonsense don't worry Bingo nana will let us watch TV I heard that hey hang on why aren't you coming to Nana's because your dad and I want to spend some time together what without us yeah hard to believe isn't it what are you going to do well we're going to lie in comfy hammocks wearing sunglasses drinking from coconuts with those little umbrellas no kids allowed yeah no kids allowed what I should ring a this phone hello you did what I got to duck out again get back to work and no slacking off right I'm in charge frog Bingo I'm going to need you to throw all these papers on the floor please we it excellent work now jump on them please oh app play this okay I'm back hey what's going on why is that frog jumping on my work and what are you doing in my chair I'm the boss now what says who says this oh this all looks in order then you have to do everything I say what this chair is uncomfortable worker be my chair no bu yes boss what's the special the what that's special the what there's no special I'll just have the baked beans then very good I'll be right back please enjoy your Cutler H excuse me I'll be right back hey dodgy Brothers haven't you got anything other than baked beans what's wrong with baked beans well they're not very romance H yeah I guess we could make something else something special yeah something special ooh and I'll play some romance music leave it to us now go and do a Smoochy kiss hey I'm back so has the romance started yet very soon my darling what's your name again oh super smooth ooh what this some romance music oh it's lovely actually I will no not today up down up down up down up up down up of course that is bad behavior so is that shall we continue yeah yes Meep so the queen walked a few steps and stood on a prickle ouch unic course that's mean how would you feel if you stood on a prickle I feel good I feel so good at dance you wouldn't dance and be crying like the queen well maybe she should wear some shoes Beau anyway the queen discovered that her whole kingdom was covered in prickles what was she to do make shoes blue oh I know unicor what's your favorite food children oh just kidding I like chicken bucket oh great look here's some chicken bucket a thank you mighty kind okay we're good to go come on Bingo b quicker oh no one two three Hey where's four done how are the eggs doing Bingo there's four hello is Brey almost ready it's coming okay birthday boy getting cranky let's get cracking Bingo ah get it cracking oh my goodness sorry blue it's okay I'll clean it up thanks BL okay try again honey I'll just hold it for you bit harder honey give it a good whack he that's too hard oh uh no honey the shells don't go in let's try again okay hello hi uh will breakfast be in my mouth soon it's on its way I'm just letting Bingo help me I don't want to complain but sorry was that my breakfast that was a big one I got to go col blue me yes please Please can I play computer games what's so fun about them well there's one way you have to make chunky chimp jump over barrels you don't need computers to play jumping games just use your fingers but there's no Barrel to jump uh yeah but you can jump go oh yeah one point two points three points hey you can't play you're driving oh here 7 8 9 10 100 a mil 100 I win all right this is not an actual stop family so everyone just stay those things put there's nothing boring about this is there blue no I'm pulling the plug no Mom this is our burger shop it's 7:00 you're meant to be out of the bath and you're not even meant to be in it the book says to let them make their own choices they're in preschool they can do it watch kids no one wants any more burgers and it's past your bedtime I really don't want to be a meanie parent but I need you to make a good choice right now okay Dad so what are you going to do um well all right we'll close the Burger Shop great and open a taco shop yeah that's it I'm pulling the pl [Music] W nice and warm now yes Dad I'm sorry we didn't get out of the bath sooner that's okay I'm sorry I didn't make you I guess I'll be a meanie for a bit longer right yeah we look like hedgehogs okay kids straight into bed yes Mom Dad can we play hedgehogs well can we play with that knock yourself out oo Pretend This is water yeah and we're fish pretend I'm the mama fish and you're my baby fish okay the cartoon dog says to put some cardboard down underneath first I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog o Pretend This is land yeah and pretend we're frogs Yeah Frog Dogs frog dogs ribit but keep pretending still my baby frog dog um no pretend that I've grown into a toddler frog dog oh okay ribbit ribbit ribbit isn't the shiny bit meant to face up U I don't think it matters I think it does what oh pretend these are our Tails yeah we can be lizards lizards do this pretend there flies little little little [Music] so boring things are important sometimes then yes Mom brought the sinky [Music] y got it okay ready for the torpedo ready [Music] you can't get me cly thing what was I saying uh something about B [Music]
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 1,106,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, bluey bandit and chilli, bandit and chilli, bandit, chilli, bluey mum and dad, bluey mum, bluey dad, mum and dad, mom, bluey mom, bluey mom and dad, bluey very romance, bluey romance
Id: 8fdb4LDLkpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 21sec (3501 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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