Peppa Pig's Fire Engine Practice with Mummy Pig | Peppa Pig Official Family Kids Cartoon

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[Music] the fire engine mummy pig is dressed as a fireman mummy why are you dressed like that i'm going to the mummy's fire engine practice it's just a good excuse for a cup of tea and a chat well what are you doing today daddy pig i've got a very important meeting with the daddy's football team that's just a lot of grown-up boys kicking a football around we're having a barbecue as well here are mr bull mr rabbit mr pony and mr zebra oh is steady pink coming out to play come on mummy can we see the fire engine yes oh goody this is miss rabbit's fire station hello pepper and george come and see the fire engine wow there's a ladder for climbing a hose for squirting water and a big bell to ring [Music] now let's go up the tower and look for fires hello everyone hello peppa hello george ah who's for a nice cup of tea and a chat that sounds nice a telephone peppa that is the fire phone it's only to be used when there's a fire ah fire fire fire station where's the fire where's the fire can i speak to mummy pig please oh it's daddy pig daddy pig you're not supposed to ring on this phone it's only for emergencies this is an emergency i can't find the tomato ketchup anywhere daddy pig shall i light the barbecue now yes please mr rabbit do be careful with the barbecue daddy pig trust me mummy pig we daddies know all about barbecues bye maybe it needs more charcoal give it a bit of a blow put a few more fire lighters on now we just have to wait for a fire how long do we have to wait oh it could be a long time i've been waiting ages how many fires have you actually put out miss rabbit uh none not one fire but you've got to be ready it's the fire phone oh can you answer it peppa it'll probably be your daddy again okay hello fire station hello peppa oh daddy it is you're very naughty this phone is for fires only can you put miss rabbit on please there's a good girl catty wants to speak to you hello daddy pig this phone is only to be used when there's a oh dear daddy pig's barbecue he's on fire [Music] tight [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's miss rabbit's fire engine stand back daddies mummy dark turn on the water aye aye mummy pig the fire is out thank you for saving us miss rabbit no problem it's all part of the service the mummy's fire engine service and now that miss rabbit has kindly flooded our garden we can all jump up and down in muddy puddles i love fire engines especially when they make [Music] it is a school day children dr hamster has come to talk to us today hello everyone hello dr hamster dr hamster is a vet who knows what a fat does let's help sick pets get better that's right and i brought some of my pets to show you this is binky the butcher hello can i stroke binky yes very gently he feels fluffy those are his feathers they help him to fly flying is how binka gets his exercise can you tell me what else binka needs to stay fit and healthy he needs to eat yes he needs to drink that's night he needs to breathe a bit very good he needs to sleep excellent sorry madame gazelle i overslept oh pedro you do like sleeping yes madame gazelle i have got a pet here who loves sleeping it's a tortoise it's tittles the tartares hello tittles tittles has slept all through the winter why has he got that shell thing on his back that shell is his house that's where he hides if he gets scared would you like to stroke him yes please don't be scared tiddles how old is he tiddles is 33. that's as old as my mum but tartoy says can live for a hundred years that's as old as my grandpa why is he so slow he has to carry his house on his back uh dr hamster i think tiddles is escaping he can't go far because he is so slow i've got someone else to show you here that i saw oh george you always say dinosaur oh it is a dinosaur she's not a dinosaur this is lulu they're lizards hello lulu she's scaly like a dragon can she breathe fire no but she has a very long tongue wow does she sleep through the winter like tiddles no oh where is tiddles oh dear tiddles that tortoise has run away don't worry dr hempster we'll find is not in the music room is he in the play house tiddles is not in the playhouse is he hiding by the coats tiddles is not hiding by the coats i can smell teals this way freddy fox has a very good sense of smell [Music] [Applause] tiddles is up a tree oh i better call for help this is miss rabbit's fire station ah fire fire fire station where's the fire my tittles is up a tree what again [Music] emergency emergency tortoise up a tree i don't know why you like climbing trees so much you're a tortoise [Music] thank you miss rabbit just doing my job and my job is looking after pets where are pinkie and lulu no i don't know oh here they are safe and sound [Music] captain daddy pig peppa and her family are borrowing grandpa's boat for the day remember daddy pig push the lever forward to go forward aye aye grandpa pig forward and back to go back and back simple and please look after my boat i've just had it painted oh grandpa pig what an old fuss pot you are are my crew ready yes yes then let's go oh the boat is moving backwards ah watch out for the bridge oops oh that was close bye bye bye bye bye have a lovely time i hope my boot comes back in one piece stop worrying it will be fine [Music] ring the bell aye aye captain daddy i'm a bit hungry so am i grandpa's left us a picnic in the galley what's a galley a galley is a boats little kitchen follow me peppa and george are going inside the boat wow what a tiny little kitchen where's the picnic the obvious place would be here then it must be here and that's not a picnic this kitchen has everything in the wrong place wow tv daddy cannot find the picnic it's impossible if this was my kitchen the picnic would be here peppa has found the picnic delicious oh it's the ducks hello mrs duck would you like some bread [Music] pepper and george love feeding bread to ducks look out long reads ahead don't worry grandpa's boat will easily go through them are we stuck no we can reverse now are we stuck yes oh dear grandpa's boat is stuck in the reeds i'll just give it a little push do be careful daddy pig i know what i'm doing when i say go start the engine daddy pig go daddy pig has pushed the boat out of the reeds hooray [Music] oh no daddy pig is being left behind stop the engine what's he saying daddy says yes i'm fine but let's head for home before we have any more adventures oh hi captain daddy pig they've been gone for ages i hope my boat's all right look there they are i'll just park the boat you park a car but you moor a boat i'll show you grandpa pig is going to moor the boat the secret of mooring is to do it carefully mind the bridge what look behind you ah oh i didn't mean to do that grandpa has broken his boat never mind grandpa you can have lots of fun mending it it is true that i love making things can i help men's promote grandpa oh of course you can peppa [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the powerpuff it is evening peppa and george are in the sitting room dancing to their favorite song daddy pig is in the hallway vacuuming the carpet and mummy pig is in her study doing important work on her computer oh mommy daddy it's gone all dark and the music is broken and my vacuum won't work and my computer has switched off [Music] mummy pig tries the light switch but the lights do not come on it must be a power cut what's a power cut a power cut is when there is no electricity what's electricity electricity is what makes everything in our house work well we let tricketty come back again yes but in the meantime we need to find a torch i think there's a torch in the cellar okay i'll go and get it will you be okay daddy i'll be fine i can see very well in the dark who put that there oh daddy are you okay yes it's just a bit dark down here oh i just remembered i think the torch is in the kitchen [Music] mummy pig has found the torch can i hold the torch mummy okay george look at me peppa is making a funny face don't worry george it's only pepper [Laughter] we'd better tell daddy we found the torch daddy is still in the cellar looking for the torch i'm sure it's here somewhere daddy we found the torch luckily it was in the kitchen all the time what a stroke of luck now we just have to wait until the electricity comes back how long will that be exactly um i would say exactly a long time oh but george and i want to do some dancing [Music] i know what we can do we can watch some television oh it won't go on the tv needs electricity too does it yes oh now what are we going to do in the olden days when there was no television children would have to make up their own games hmm i know i need a cardboard box what is peppa doing mummy will you cut a hole in this box for me what for you'll see mummy pig is cutting a hole in the cardboard box there you are peppa thank you now you all have to sit down there and george you have to point this torch at me [Music] welcome to peppa pig news with me peppa pig peppa has made her own television today the whole world stopped working when there was a power cut and all the electricity was lost very good peppa daddy pig says that the electricity won't be back for a long long time oh the electricity is back i haven't finished yet switch the lights off okay peppa good hit him i have some very important news the queen has just found some more electricity and says that everyone can now be happy again very good pepper quite enjoyed the power cut but she's happy the electricity is back again [Music] daddy pig's birthday today is daddy pig's birthday daddy pig has to go to work daddy i wish you didn't have to work on your birthday so do i but i'll be home as soon as i can see you later see you later while daddy pig is at work we can get all his birthday surprises ready first we'll make daddy's birthday cake we start with butter and sugar and flour then we add an egg and most important of all the chocolate pits mummy pig is making a chocolate cake daddy pig loves chocolate cake i give it a stir mummy can i stir yes peppa peppa loves stirring george wants to go okay george that's enough stirring there daddy pig's chocolate cake hooray now we just have to bake it in the oven mommy can i lick the spoon yes you can lick the spoon and george can lick the bowl pepper and george love chocolate cake mixture oh daddy pig he's missing all the fun mummy can i ring daddy at work and say happy birthday that's a nice idea this is the office where daddy pig works [Music] hello mr rabbit speaking may i speak to daddy pig please someone for you daddy pig it sounds important hello daddy pig speaking happy birthday daddy happy birthday thank you peppa don't be late home daddy bye bye bye bye happy birthday daddy pig thank you there's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes daddy's birthday surprise george remember it's a secret [Music] peppa and george have buckets of water mummy pig has balloons i wonder what daddy pig's birthday surprise can be [Music] daddy's home quick back to the house daddy pig is home from work happy birthday daddy pig [Music] thank you everyone wow what a lot of candles that's because you are very very old daddy you must blow out all your candles in one go i'll do my best hooray [Laughter] and here's your birthday present thank you new boots fantastic let's try them out peppa george and mummy pig are wearing their boots daddy pig is wearing his birthday boots daddy pig has found a little puddle let's see if these boots work the puddle is a bit too little for daddy pig hmm what i need is a big puddle why not try over here daddy pig oh what's this it's your special birthday surprise [Music] what are they up to a big muddy puddle fantastic [Music] my birthday boots work perfectly would you care to join me in my birthday muddy puddle daddy pig loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles this is my best birthday ever [Music] this i collide it is a lovely sunny day peppa and george are finishing their breakfast today is a good day for a cycle ride a cycle ride you pee peppa and george love cycle rides peppa has her bicycle george has his tricycle money and daddy have their tandem it's our bicycle [Music] i sit at the front and mummy pig sits at the back and we can put these two seats on the back for peppa and george but we want to ride our own bicycles george is a bit too little his legs will get very tired but i'm a big girl i won't get tired it will be a long cycle ride peppa are you sure yes daddy i'm sure okay are we all ready yes daddy pig then let's go i'm winning it's not a race pepper it's just a gentle bicycle ride yes daddy but i'm still winning now we're winning i don't like cycling uphill peppa we won the race no you didn't daddy because i wasn't racing that time but now i am can't catch me you cheeky little piggy ah i'd forgotten how much i loved cycling oh i'd forgotten how much i hate cycling up hills the ground is getting quite steep huh i don't like cycling up hills but look at the beautiful view [Music] my goodness this is hard work mummy pig you're not peddling oh sorry daddy pig i was just enjoying the view peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill [Music] all peppa's friends are here hello peppa hello we're going to have a race on our bikes do you want to race too okay as long as we can race downhill okay peppa and her friends are going to race down the hill are you all ready you can start when i honk the horn like this pedro has set off too soon stop pedro the race hasn't started yet sorry mr pig i was just letting you know that the horn sounded like this [Music] [Applause] sorry pedro that time it was my fault the next time i honk the horn go on peppa but daddy you didn't hold the horn [Music] danny dog is in the lead yes i'm very good at cycling downhill it is home time for peppa's friends home time for us too peppa mommy i'm tired all this cycling up and down hills has made my legs tired can i ride on your bike but where will daddy pig sit um daddy can ride my bike it's very nice oh okay [Music] i love the tandem daddy do you like my bike yes peppa it's very nice [Laughter] [Music] parachute jump it is raining and the school roof is leaking again oh didn't i fix this roof for you before madame gasel yes mr bull but still it goes drippity drip trip it's probably a broken roof tile i wonder it is this one as the dripping stopped no it's dipping more maybe these are the broken tiles is that any better no it's getting worse this is a big hole you've got here it's gonna cost a lot of money to fix oh dear where shall we get the money to mend the school roof this time my daddy did a parachute jump for charity he floated down and made lots of money good idea pedro hands up who thinks their mummy or daddy would like to do a parachute jump my mummy my daddy you need just one peppa and george have arrived back home mommy the school roof is leaking again is it darling yes madame gazelle says it needs a lot of money to mend yes yes i'm sure it does she asked if somebody's mommy or daddy would jump out of an aeroplane oh i hope you didn't say daddy would do it peppa you know he doesn't like heights but you don't mind heights do you mummy i'm fine with heights good oh thank you mummy pig for agreeing to jump from an airplane what but i've never done it before you'll be fine remember it is for the children oh in that case of course i'll do it it is the day of mummy pig's parachute jump i'm still not sure i really want to do this it's all in a good course mummy pig but i don't know how to jump out of an aeroplane don't worry you'll get lots of training first hello mummy pig mr rabbit is the parachute trainer this is a parachute it will help you float through the air after you jump should i practice that practice what jumping why not there you're a natural is that it yes you are now fully trained [Applause] all aboard i'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump daddy pig it's okay mummy pig i'll come up in the plane with you good luck mommy [Music] don't worry mummy pig remember you've got a parachute yes daddy pig oh we are a long way from the ground oh dear daddy pig has fallen out of the plane there she goes no wait that's daddy pig wait for me daddy pig mommy pig has jumped she is going to rescue daddy pig oh she's got him my mummy to the rescue thank you for saving me mummy pig oh teddy pig you're starting to slip mr bull has just finished mending the school roof lovely job it'll last for years i can't hold on ah daddy is daddy pig all right oh oh i'm fine good because you'll need to do that parachute jump again what to raise the money to fix this new hole in the school roof oh all [Music] today peppa and her family are visiting the caves molly mole is visiting the caves too hello molly the caves sound exciting don't they yes i'm looking forward to the ride of doom huh ride of doom what's that i don't know but it sounds good hello here is mr rabbit i'm your tour guide please put on these safety hard hats will the case be dangerous not at all follow me for a completely safe tour good all that talk of the ride of doom had me worried for a moment i'm your tour guide oh here is grumpy rabbit let's go on a wild mad adventure oh should we put on these safety hats why not does anyone have a problem with going deep underground um i'm not too keen on small dark spaces like a cave you mean and i'm not so good with heights i see anything else i should know george and i like exciting places brilliant these caves are ridiculously exciting please follow me these steps take us down into the caves oh this is fun yes it actually is quite fun it's good not to know exactly how deep we are we're 100 meters down now imagine if you will the tons and tons of rock just sitting above our heads great welcome to the caves it's so pretty and sparkly amazing look there's a little boat all aboard you know what because this cave is so huge and beautiful i feel fine about being down here now we go through this little tunnel it can get a bit squeezy breathe in everyone out of the boat i can't say i enjoyed that don't worry we won't go through any more tunnels good we just have to cross this chasm oh that looks like quite a drop yes it's wonderfully deep i'll show you see how long it takes this rock to hit the bottom wow so how do we get across did you hear anything about a ride of doom money mouse said the ride of doom was the best uh what exactly is this ride of doom nothing to be alarmed by it's a zip fire ride over this chasm and down to the deepest part of the cage it's really fun and of course completely safe wow [Music] uh i'm not very good with heights is there another way to uh see you on the other side wait for me if that isn't the craziest fun in the world i don't know what it is it was brilliant did you enjoy it daddy yes here at the deepest point of the caves our tour comes to an end any questions uh how do we get out oh a good question we take the lift here we are back on the surface again ah daylight welcome to the gift shop look there's a picture of us on the ride of doom daddy you look funny that will help you remember the ride of doom forever thank you very much peppa loves caves everyone loves caves [Music] today peppa and her family have come to the fun fair i love the fun okay see you later see you later roll up roll up hook a duck and win a giant teddy mommy can we have a go okay one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause then the giant teddy mummy i'll try peppa but i don't think it's that easy you're right you've got no chance what it's impossible waste of money if you ask me we'll see about that mummy pig has won hooray that's amazing here's your giant teddy wouldn't you like her little teddy instead peppa no way jose look mommy a giant teddy it's a bit big no it's not george and daddy pig are queuing for the helter skelter hmm it's a bit high george are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause oh dear it is a bit too high for george don't worry george i'll come up with you that's one pound please oh [Music] george isn't afraid of heights anymore oh it is a bit high isn't it i'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children that's the way down daddy pig oh okay [Music] [Laughter] roll up roll up hit the target and win a giant today you can do that easy mummy we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper damn worry you won't win women are useless at this i'm sorry what did you say it's a game of skill how much for one go one pound mummy pig has one unbelievable here's your giant teddy hooray i want a teddy like that one mummy they're too big no they're not daddy pig and george are riding on the big wheel hold tight now oh that really is high phew i'm glad that's over five times round four one pound five times round oh roll up roll up test your strength on the old hammer and bell what do we have to do you hit this button with this hammer if the bell rings you win a prize no skill involved but you need to be strong i'll have a go one pound bad luck oh oh i'm strong i'll have a go stand back everyone do be careful daddy pig you're not that fit oh yes daddy pig is looking a bit tubby what i'm just saying daddy pig is a bit round in the tummy give me that hammer [Music] [Applause] goodness me i've never seen anything like it that wins all the giant teddies we have hooray mummy can we give these teddies to my friends what a good idea thank you peppa most kind thank you very much [Music] skating peppa and her family are going ice skating today this will be fun peppa and george have never been ice skating before now george you won't be very good at ice skating so just do what i do i'm sure we'll all be very good yes especially me [Laughter] first we need some skates at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating here are susie sheep rebecca rabbit danny dog zoe zebra candy cat emily elephant and pedro pony peppa's friends can ice skate very well peppa wants to ice skate too hello everyone hello peppa is this your first time skating yes shall i show you how to skate no thank you susie i'm sure i can already do it okay come on man [Music] this is impossible i don't want to do ice skating anymore don't worry peppa everyone falls over when they ice skate even i fall over watch this oopsie daisy silly daddy george would you like to skate no george has never ice skated before and he is a bit worried i'll look after george while you teach peppa how to skate skating is easy peppa just push with your feet and glide push push glide see push push slide push push slide this is easy i can do it on my own now mommy [Music] push push slide push push well done pepper look at me i'm skating peppa is doing really well yes i'm a very good teacher slow down pepper you'll bump into someone don't worry mummy i'm very good at skating oh where are the brakes oh dear i forgot to teach peppa how to stop oh ah i can't stop look out mummy pig taught you how to skate but i told you how to fall over yes i'm very good at falling over george do you want to skate too no come on george it's fun i'll teach you it can first you need to george come back i'm teaching you how to ice skate what a surprise george can skate beautifully wow [Music] very good george now you need to learn how to stop well done george you're fantastic george yes you did very well george for your first lesson come on let's skate peppa and george love ice skating everyone loves ice skating mommy and daddy taught me how to skate but i taught george [Music] [Laughter] [Music] mr zebra the postman is delivering a parcel to peppa's house parcel for you mr pig thank you mr zebra goodbye look i just got a parcel in the post can anyone guess what's inside dinosaur oh george you always say dinosaur for everything the parcel is far too small to have a dinosaur inside i think it's a a new toy you're very close i know what it is your new camera a new toy for daddy pig that's right it's a movie camera we can make movies with it and watch them on our television could i use it first daddy it's a bit too difficult for children to use even i need to read the instructions hmm it's a bit harder than i thought suzy sheep's mommy has a movie camera she switches it on like this oh well done peppa thank you for purchasing the movie 3000. i am eager and ready to shoot your first movie is there a way to turn that voice off i'm not sure thank you for purchasing the movie 3000. on susie's camera you just press this button to stop it talking thank you for purchasing now we won't talk anymore well done peppa what shall i film first fill me come on everyone hello i'm peppa pig again again okay hello i'm peppa pig maybe we should film something new i know daddy pig must leave the room and we'll make a movie to show him this way daddy pig has to wait in the kitchen while mummy pig peppa and george make a secret movie no peeking daddy pig we all have to do something george do you want to go first are you ready can i come in and see the movie finished you can come in now george has made a movie and so has pepper let's see george's movie first dinosaur george is pretending to be a dinosaur that's a very scary dinosaur oh dear george is frightened don't be frightened george that's not a real dinosaur on tv dinosaur now let's see peppa's movie [Music] who is that meant to be i um daddy pig i see my tummy is very big because i eat a lot of cookies my tummy is not big but it is true that i like cookies and the more you eat the bigger your tummy gets okay what's next this is my sweet little brother george this is bobby pig this is me and this is the real daddy pig [Music] pepper and george are playing with pedro pony they are going to jump in muddy puddles [Music] pedro has slipped and lost his glasses hey where are my glasses without glasses pedro cannot see very well [Music] has found pedro's glasses silly george here they are thank you pedro why do you wear glasses i need to the optician says so what's an optician my daddy is an optician he checks that you can see clearly how does he look inside your head he does an eye test shall i give you an eye test yes give me an eye test okay hmm interesting close one eye and say what you see i can see george now close both eyes now i can't see anything hmm can't see anything very very interesting i think you need glasses oh do i yes pedro home time bye bye pedro no bye bye mummy i need glasses what pedro gave me an eye test and i need glasses i'm sure your eyes are fine no mommy when i closed my eyes i couldn't see anything but no one can see anything with their eyes closed oh what's this about needing glasses pedro knows all about glasses his daddy is an optician all right peppa let's take you to the optician for a proper eye test let's go now [Music] george would you like an eye test too no pepper is at the opticians [Music] mr pony is the optician hello peppa please sit down now what can i do for you i need an eye test please of course put these special glasses on and then look at the chart mr pony is going to test peppa's eyes can you read these letters for me please okay um a b c d e f good now these numbers please um one two three four five six very good and now these colors please red green orange blue yellow purple excellent while i check your results would you like to choose some glasses yes please how about these glasses peppa [Music] they're funny i know what about these ones they're too big [Laughter] how about these wow i like these ones mommy yes peppa you look fantastic i look fantastic [Laughter] good news pepper has perfect eyesight oh so i don't need glasses no but i really wanted glasses oh hmm i suppose you could have some sunglasses yes sunglasses here you are fantastic i hope it's sunny every day so i can always wear my sunglasses [Laughter] [Music] jumble sale it is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it children we are going to have a jumble sale the money we raise will pay for a new school roof hooray everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale what should we bring you can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore [Music] the parents have arrived to pick up the children home time don't forget your old toys for the jumble sale tomorrow peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale peppa have you decided um you only have to choose one toy yes and it will help pay for a new school roof okay i'm going to give mr dinosaur mr dinosaur is george's favorite toy peppa you can't give away mr dinosaur can't i no oh bother sorry george dinosaur why don't you give your old jack in a box okay now it's your time daddy what we must all give something to the jungle sale i'm giving this hat and george is giving this ball so what shall daddy give i know the television not the telly no it's too useful um i know daddy smelly slippers no too smelly i know daddy's old chair but that's an antique what does antique mean antique means it's very old and valuable but you found it on a rubbish tip daddy pig it's worthless it'll be worth a lot of money when i mend it you've been saying that for ages daddy pig i know i'll give these lovely socks that granny pig made me good i've come to collect your things for the jumble sale here they are thank you and would you like this old chair oh most genius goodbye bye mommy you gave away daddy's chair shh don't tell him he'll never notice [Music] it is the day of the jumble sale hello hello miss rabbit peppa how about this chair it's a bit rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood but it's an antique is it daddy said it's worth lots of money well i never i'd better put the price up bye hello everyone hello peppa what did you give susie i gave my nurses outfits i gave my parrot balloon i gave my toy monkey oh ah i will miss my jack-in-the-box can i buy this jack-in-the-box please and i'd like this nurse's outfit the parrot balloon please mummy mummy look what we've bought all your old toys we missed look what i've bought it's an antique chair oh daddy pig that's not an antique chair it is miss rabbit just said so and it matches my old one yes daddy that's because shh peppa it is your old chair what but miss rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it fantastic news everybody we have just raised all the money we need for a new school roof hooray thank you daddy pig you're most welcome [Music] mysteries [Music] peppa and her family are watching their favorite television program detective potato i am detective potato the world famous detective oh please help me mr detective i cannot find my flower anywhere hmm your flower is on the top of your head oh thank you mr detective that was easy i could do that i'm sure you could peppa daddy when i grow up i want to be a famous detective george wants to be a detective too if you're going to be detectives you'll each need a hat detectives always wear hats now you look like two proper detectives and we need one of those funny things that makes everything look big a magnifying glass i think we've got one in the kitchen drawer [Music] here we are a real magnifying glass wow how does it work you hold it in front of things and they look bigger the magnifying glass makes the little fish look big can i have a go wow the magnifying glass makes george's eyes look very big now what you detectives need is a mystery to solve daddy what's a miss story a mystery is something detectives are good at sorting out like finding things that are lost i know we can find george's toy dinosaur that's always getting lost dinosaur mr dinosaur is not lost oh what about your classes daddy you're always losing them not today i'm wearing my glasses it's not fair there aren't any missed stories would you like me to make you a mystery yes please daddy pig is going to make a mystery now what's on the table the little fish teddy the jack in the box and mr dinosaur that's right now look very hard and try to remember them all the little fish teddy a jack-in-the-box and mr dinosaur have you remembered them yes okay you just have to go outside for a moment i'll call you when i'm ready it sounds like daddy is going upstairs and now he is coming down again all right you can come back inside now one thing is missing from the table do you know what mr dinosaur is there little fish jack-in-the-box so who's missing um teddy that's right teddy's gone well done pepper and george it was quite easy for us we are famous detectives ah but that's only half the mystery where has teddy gone oh i don't know what are those little things on the floor they're cake crumbs the magnifying glass makes the cake crumbs easy to see i wonder if teddy has been eating cake and the crumbs lead this way teddy's been eating a lot of cake the crumbs lead into pepper and george's bedroom oh the crumbs have stopped how can we find teddy ask me some questions but i will only answer yes or no okay um is teddy in this one yes is george's bed no is teddy somewhere high up yes teddy's in my bed rain the mystery is solved do you still want to be a detective when you grow up peppa being a detective is quite hard next time i want to be the one who makes mysteries like you did daddy [Music] you
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 54,980,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, toddler, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, 2d cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, pop it, safe cartoons for kids, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV
Id: k_V0PO1X_f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 49sec (3829 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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