MERRY CHRISTMAS! | PJ Masks Christmas Special | PJ Masks Official

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Geko saves Christmas O'Connor it's Christmas tomorrow and it still hasn't snowed snow would be amazing but we'll still have a good time I can't do this what's wrong Greg it's the day before Christmas aren't you excited not about ice skating I've never done it before and I'm not any good at it we'll help you come on just try it's all part of Christmas like the tree yeah with all its lights and decorations what lights and decorations where are all the ornaments and the tinsel even the star has disappeared they were so beautiful and there were so many they can't just be gone someone must have taken them last night but how did that someone get up there it's so high we're going to find out and we won't need ice skates to do it PJ masks [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] whoever took those decorations went really high and we need to get up high to come on to the owl-glider [Music] [Music] what a girl [Music] it's Christmas Day tomorrow no one will have anything to open get her Luna bored she won't be able to reach the chimneys good idea Gekko let's go [Music] I'll get her down to the ground Halloween [Music] away from Luna girl but I've never ridden a lunar board before [Music] [Music] gaku are you okay yes I knew I wouldn't be able to fly them on a board sorry it's okay let's just go after her the al-qaida is too big to chase her down there I'll let you fly after her and we'll follow you from the ground let's go let's go why don't you just give those presents back because I don't want to come and get him if you think you can I need some extra weight to bring her down you know [Music] [Music] I'm gecko pop on the lunar board and get it out of here get on it again so long gecko I'd like you will be if you just give it a try [Music] are you okay I'm no good at new things okay don't worry I'll let me I'll take care of it let's catch up with Luna girl that's it Luna girl time to stop time to stop [Music] I'm too dizzy to do anything right now never mind fly straight enough to help you need to jump on the Luna board again to hold cat boy you don't know if you're any good at it cuz you keep jumping off you need to really try you can do it Kath wait you're right I would I've got to at least try to save him it's time to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] careful way to go I knew you'd get the hang of it see you just had to give it a try yeah let me go you PJ pests it's over Luna girl yeah we've got your Luna board so you can't steal any more presents I'm just here by myself what do you mean you're all alone at Christmas that's really sad hey why don't you spend the rest of Christmas Eve with us with you yeah we've got to put all these presents and decorations back any way you can help then we'll all have Christmas together what do you say okay I guess we're going to Christmas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now for the last one excellent and you're getting so good at riding the Luna board gecko Thanks now that I have the hang of it I love it you really helped us out Luna girls so you can have your board and magnet back okay but I guess you have to go now so Christmas is over for me don't worry we're not leaving yet there's one more stop to make first [Music] whoa isn't it beautiful lunar girl I guess but now Christmas really is over and I didn't get any presents oh yeah I've never skated before that's okay neither have I but we'll get the hang of it come on let's just try PJ masks all shout hooray [Music] [Laughter] Gekkos nice ice plan what's this ice what is the middle of summer icicles [Music] there's ice all over the place sliding but only to the end of the street then it just stops what's going on night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] Brinkley comes [Music] the gekko-mobile can stick to anything he'd be perfect for the ice what about the guy let's take the owl-glider we can check everything out from above we're thinking out what but I thought the gekko-mobile could no they're probably right come on Gekko let's go save the day [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's even worse now almost half the city's frozen even the cats and dogs have made friends to stay warm [Music] look over there this is so much fun I know Romeo was behind this on the front that looks like an ice machine I could use my super Gekko muscles to push your lap around on its wheels it's not just about having fun even though it is fun well you daytime Dodos are all slip-sliding around I'll be taking over Romeo is taking over the whole world [Music] [Music] we've got anything else hey maybe I could well I suppose I could wait I'll let we need your allies to find Romeo then your flying skills to make sure he doesn't see me and Gekko [Music] okay jet go I'm going to sneak onto the lab from below you sneak on from above and then we'll take control of the love before Romeo ever knows were there super Joe [Music] [Applause] [Music] cat-boy leaves like a panther on to the icy fight and climbs up with his super crown with a super nothing beats cat boy what took you so long [Music] [Music] I will let I think I might be able to stop Romeo look not now get no come back here captain Lee what can we do don't worry about me let me who's getting away quick stop [Music] we may be superheroes but right now Cowboys a super ice block oh so the two of us need a plan get go and fast that's what I was trying to tell you I hey I know what we could do that I'll need your help but with my plan I could okay what do I do that's better okay I'll tie this to the lab then you use your super strength to stop it movement yeah but then we take control of the ice machine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] slithering serpents if only I'd stuck up for my own plant and use my own superpower it's time for my plan you can help by smashing as much of Romeo's icy ride as you can ready for some ice pinball hey maybe you get goes playing could work come on let's smash some ice [Music] now I'm going to show Romeo how to move on the ice [Music] [Music] with my super lizard grip I'm better on the ice than you was made by a genius me so there's no way one of you mini minded mutton heads [Music] [Music] [Music] time to get you tea iced PJ masks [Music] oh yeah nice work Yakko Vaseline was the cat's whiskers yeah we're really sorry we didn't listen to you before no it's my fault when I have a good idea I need to stick up for it where are you looks like Romeo is really frozen on the spot there's still a lot of ice but if anyone can melt it by morning we can no ice today how about we go to the park I think we should ride our bikes sighs it'd be much better actually I've got a plan let's go to the water park great idea let's go blame it on the tree now let's go why are you so excited Amaya the fairs got an amazing new ride the fairground flyer train I saw them testing it yesterday it was so fast it's going to feel like everyone wants to ride this thing because it's the fastest ride in the world come on you have to check it out you were here first line Oh Maya ladies and gentlemen boys and girls the fairground flies rain is now Oh where's the Train huh it can't be gone ah it was so looking forward to flying but how can a big train disappear ah trance run on tracks right well there are twists and loop-de-loops but this track is still a closed circle so how could it get off its track and keep going look it's like there were more train tracks but now they're gone train tracks that disappear it has to be a nighttime villain PJ masks we're on our way [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day grape becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on to the Apple glider wait I like if we're going to follow that trail we need to be on the ground all right good point I just really want you guys to ride it okay so I know let's do it she's really impatient [Applause] [Music] wait elects the marks from the missing train tracks are here remember so if we follow them we'll find the tree was that Romeo's laugh it looked like a deco but it was all over the place maybe there's I never my Romeo if he's in his lap he can't be driving that train and we need to find out who is Go Go Go okay [Music] hmm no more tracks how we finna tree now oh I see something up ahead I told you it was fast now let's see who's driving [Music] you drive in your lap good thing I've got this super fast [Music] Wow that is pretty cool [Music] we've gotta stop him from catching his laugh and making that train even more dangerous on it outlet [Music] mono pilots this train is pretty cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks cowboy no more shallot hey let's sneak up on him really really slowly BJ masks couldn't be on my train could better make sure they're not sorry guys looks like Romeo found it on the train it's okay new idea we all go up to Romeo at once you can't stop three of us okay on three we already jump [Music] [Applause] [Music] why why didn't I listen to cowboy and gecko Romeo's almost caught up with this lab but because I was in such a rush are you alright yes but I'm sorry every time you meet a plan rushed ahead without you and then it didn't work it's okay you were just really excited about us running the tree I'll take care of this robot arm but now I've got a plan and for it to work I'm going to have to wait it's time to be a hero [Applause] their PJ masks but not for long [Music] what's your plan out what we're going to stop this train for good and we're going to do it together cat-boy you leap up and grab some tree branches gecko you call down next to the tracker whacker got it oh Allah then it's my turn I'll fly the branches to you and you can use them to jam the tracks whacker and stop the tracks without tracks this train will ever catch Romeo's lap great plan Oh what I think it'll work as long as I wait for you guys to do your thing first [Music] remember outlet don't rush your cheering cat boy I'll just you know wait [Music] [Music] okay now it's my turn nice and easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Romeo I told you we could catch your lap I might have lost my train now let's get this train back home everyone at the fair will be so happy [Music] don't worry Gekko we saved the fairground flyer train PJ masks oh it's almost time I've been on this train once but I can't ride it again yeah hey you guys go ahead really thanks Amaya they came heavy Dewey enjoy the ride it goes pretty fast cat-boy at the lunar dome sprinkler robot I wait till everyone sees our moves at the school dance off tomorrow I can't wait I've even got a new special room the spinning tornado spinning what I saw it on TV it goes like this that is cool how'd you do it stand on your tippy toes lift up one leg and swing your arms and you're ten lift up one leg swing your arms and okay guys it's not funny that was not a cool move it is it just takes practice I have plenty of cool moves I don't need a new one and I don't need to be laughed at [Music] fluttering feathers namasthe it's an invitation ready for a loony party bring your dance shoes and meet me outside your HQ tonight she's invited us to a party that's kind of nice for her maybe she feels bad about being mean and wants to make up a dance party would be kind of fun we can practice our moves like the spinning tornado Connor I don't think so a loony party sounds suspicious to me but maybe that's why we should go to check out what she's up to night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] let's wait are those school outs yep you borrowed our schools dance stuff I didn't borrow it I stole it you're welcome PJ pests that's no way to talk to your guests yes no yes can leave anytime they want but you guys well you know what I mean when you see I thought you wanted to make up nope sorry oh I'm miss dome it goes round you over you and down a long way too and while you're trapped I'll take everything else from the school dad what I don't want anyone else having dance fun it's going to be just me at my party muttering feathers the dance-off will be canceled if she steals all the stuff we'll never get to do our cool moves gasping geckos I really wanted to do my robot there's no way we're going to let Luna girl ruin everyone's fun we have to get out of here I've got this I can't move it I can't fight out and she said that dome goes way down so we can't go under unless you do a super fast spin you could it's a great idea you would be like the spinning tornado dance move cowboy I guess it is a bit like that it would just take some practice no way am i messing up again that was embarrassing let's think of another idea you'll be fine we'll see you again come on stand on your tippy-toes lift a leg and now swing up but do it at super cat speed okay too bad you won't get to show your moves at my party and what party would be complete without dome you won't the lunar don't really does go a long way down maybe if you guys did the spinning tornado move it wouldn't work you're the only one who can spin fast enough to tunnel under the dome maybe you could help another way okay on three we rush the dome together it won't be strong enough for all of our powers at once one two three [Music] next move PJ pests not ready to party because I am especially if there's someone else's try the spinning tornado I know you can do it hey cat boy then any spinning lately oh no I forgot you can't but I can gasping geckos we're never getting out of here not unless cowboy comes up comes up with a new plan and I have I can't do that move but I can super cat speed I'll run around inside the dome so fast that it will left right into the air [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know you don't want to no way I'll get laughed at again I've got a really good plan this time okay team well fire furballs and use the cat-car catapult won't break through the dome for sure fireball [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I wanted to get a sue but I only made things worse and now the school's dance-off isn't going to happen you won't get to do your cool moves there's only one cool move that can save the day and it's yours cat boy yeah the only way out is down and the only one fast enough to dig us out is you I know I should have listened to you about the spinning tornado move you were right okay so what if I mess up I'm not letting you down she's got the stage dance competitions really in trouble now I'm getting it out of trouble I don't care how silly I look what you need is a comedy show it's okay cowboy I needed a bath silly you're not here I come spinning [Music] let's save the dance [Music] [Music] [Music] you know you have great rhythm lunar girl really you're not just saying that I mean it show us your moves you're starving then do a spinning tornado finish oh yeah school Luna girls having so much fun she probably won't mind PJ masks Oh Sharon ray thanks whoa whoa nice footwork Connor I guess I slipped you know I'm going to call that my famous slippy spin you spin hey trip you keep on spinning anyone else want to try it yeah let's go ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] cat-boy squared line machine Romeo and a multiplying machine I'll use my super camouflage to speed up and take it then you throw it to me and I'll pass it's cowboy and I've got a better idea I'll grab it right now [Music] oh gosh [Music] [Music] now let's lock this machine up in HQ it was pretty close though one of us was always doing his own thing I'm sorry I just wanted us to win and we did right now what are we going to play basketball volleyball actually let's make it soccer look at all of these romeo must be practicing multiplying again but how the machines back in HQ let's check it out [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] [Music] cat ears I hear 100 [Music] how did you get that it's it HQ is why you'll never be a genius like me as soon as I invented the multiplying machine I used it on itself to make a spare belt applying multiplying machines flying robots gasping geckos we've got to get that machine I have an idea how sweep in and grab it from Romeo then pass it to you cat boy and you give it to gecko and I pull out the glowy thing and switch it off stand by for my super Gekko muscles the cat roar gets so loud it wrecks electronics [Music] Oh robot army that's right at last everyone in the entire world will do as I say what if we don't then my bull bots will pick you up and hold you in the air until you did if the robots do that people will do whatever Romeo says okay back to our plan fine do the plan with just the two of us now where did the multiplying machine go [Music] [Music] it's okay nothing happened you've been multiplied I know I know too well why does he look and sound different maybe the multiplying machine works differently on us because of our powers [Music] come on boys I've got a plan and you're part of it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] can we please do our plan now just give me one more try I've got another idea and with all these Cowboys they can't fail [Music] we'll use these logs offense Romeo win but how will we get the machine back [Music] [Music] [Music] they're doing their own thing like you I can still fix this I'll get the machine don't worry cat-boy puts in a fog grabs the multiplier [Music] [Music] one cat-boy copy master we're a team remember I'm sorry I forgot that my copies totally did if we bring my copies there will be enough of us to beat the robots any ideas out team I have a great one [Music] the PJ masks they're over by those trees behind you drop the Cowboys in get them boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now get those Gekko muscles ready but if red-pawed the glory thing you'll disappear me won't disappear we'll just be one couple together again now that's a team [Music] let's lock this thing up with the other one PJ masks all shout hooray everything is back to normal in here back to normal - Connor totally now what are we going to play today how about basketball soccer I love what you guys decide instead take to the skies how elec I can't wait for the loop-d-loop air show later there will be a hot air balloon and lots of old-fashioned planes soaring through the sky just like I do [Music] hey where all the planes I don't know they were here last night ready to fly but this morning they were gone we'll have to cancel we're so sorry this is terrible it's still a bunch of brains over here look at these little footprints they were made by ninjalinos night ninjas made a big mistake no one's going to help find me on a PJ masks mission PJ masks night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] to be our glider [Music] [Music] night ninja those flames are meant to be in the loop-de-loop ninja what no one can blind them as well as me you can don't worry PJ masks I can outfly those naughty ninjas with my eyes closed I will glutted turbo our gliders light beams to make them land careful wallet knight ninjas always got a tricky plan of his sleeve he's got no chance against a fantastic choir like me aerial maneuver 77 [Music] release that's black forever [Music] I can't go anywhere let's take this feathery fool and her friends for a bumpy ride shall we did you say duro very well then retract this black crabbers [Music] [Music] just a few more then I'll be the only and the best liar in the sky way better than you birdbrain what did he mean about being the only flyer in the sky huh maybe he's going to steal the hot-air balloon from the Air Show to a different thing I'll send a city that flies I'll let Jason but the I will glad it was broken you don't need the owl-glider you're a great flyer without it I can't what do you mean I mean he's too good I'm not as good a flyer as he is what you're an amazing flyer it's not your fault you wrecked the ala blighter with his splat grabber things yeah and weak you know let's take the owl-glider back to HQ then make a trip to the museum [Music] Hey that wasn't so hard its lucky I remember the museum at this old plane cool huh pew you're doing great you'll definitely catch night ninja but you're the PJ masks flying expert so we'll follow your lead my lead tell us what to do we can't let Knight need to take anything else that flies I okay don't worry we'll try [Music] [Music] anyway what happened doll let we really needed you up there I'm sorry nineteen Jenna ninjalinos are so good did you see those rules they did they're not as good as you and we're not very good at all you've got to help us you can do it outlet you can okay [Music] they've got the rocket ship model from the museum night ninja can't take that so what's the plan uh maybe we could we could uh well no that wouldn't work it's okay I'll think of something on the way [Music] [Music] where are they we lost him he's just so good and spinning and diving in and everything I can't compete wait where are you going to HQ you'll be better off without me no meanwhile we need you you're the best fighter we know LX we believe in you and glad someone does you're the only one who can teach us to fly and if you come night ninja will grab every flying vehicle in the city it's time to take another flying machine okay I'll let they're heading right for us so maybe we should hide behind each queue and take them by surprise okay [Music] the broken album glider must be inside HQ well these pjp brains get dizzy let's pull HQ down and smash the owl-glider for good [Music] [Music] [Music] now to save cat-boy oh that was amazing flying Thanks it was incredible outlet but right now we need to stop night ninja and you're the only one who can really fly you just proved it you're right he may have out flow me before and now I'm going to show him what flying's really about time to be a hero [Music] think fast outlet they're stuck to HQ come to see your little tower tumble down not while I have wings happily keep your nerve and your wings steady and follow me when I sit down push the lever heart forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jax them new Delino now we need to catch those planes that go we need your super strength boy follow me close it keep steady [Music] ready for landing fighters Cowboys ready captain now let's get you next time PJ pests you'll see now get me out of here ninjalinos that was cool chameleons howlite you really are the best flyer ever maybe in the end it's all the other things and there's just enough time to put them all back before morning PJ masks all shout hooray but if I was flying i'd loop-the-loop [Music] slow down cowboy Wow check out the incredible kid Cup I really want to win it but the races are hard the egg-and-spoon race the three-legged race the bull run race but if I have my cowboy speed I take home the cup for sure head regular corner speed I don't stand a chance huh the fastest always wins not all incredible kid Cup races are won with speed haven't you ever heard that slow and steady wins the race no way the fastest feet what every time hotter you're running the wrong way the cups here at the Sports Hall oh well I'll still be the cop where did it go Hey look ninjalino footprints so night ninja stolen it we have to get it back [Music] night in the city and a brave band of Heroes is ready to face fiendish villains to stop them messing with your day Amaya becomes [Music] [Applause] Greg becomes [Music] Connor becomes [Music] [Applause] look ninjalinos but why are they exercising I bet it has something to do with the stolen Cup to the cat-car [Music] we know you took the incredible kid cup night ninja give it back right now sure PJ pests yes you can beat me in three races whoever wins the most gets the cuff and it'll be me because I'm the best no way no one can beat me I'm a boy's fastest hero in the night then welcome to my edible Challenge Cup where I'm night ninja proved on the greatest racer the nighttime girl what do you want well I thought a rotten race might mean a rotten referee like me Oh as referee no way shoot just let you ring oh that's true take it or leave it PJ pests with my speed will be so far ahead even Luna girl will have to admit we've won excellent so hey where's that Cup I'd love to see it right now but you can have a good long look once I win find that cup moth I bet it's shiny and beautiful and all shiny and beautiful things should be mine in the first race each racer carries an egg to the end of the course on food Hey the naughtiest racer win ready [Music] now it's time to put the pedal to the metal super no I'm one race up with a legs gonna go we may have lost this race but I'll make sure we win the next one it's time for race number two but how are we supposed to run and tied together like this I don't know seems easy to me hey I'm going to allow it expect then keep looking I want it Cowboys you need to super cat jump at the same time I fly so we both live gecko got it just hurry on three one two I'm strong but I'm not stretchy let's try again but don't rush okay now we've got a walk in time with each other one two one two one two one two one that ninja cheat don't worry we're still in this race on three one two three one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey happily we nearly lost oh we didn't we won yeah bad news Minji it's all your fault ninjalinos oh okay one race one by ninja one race one by the PJ pests so whoever wins this last race wins the cup we can't lose since you useless moths have a foul neck up now up to me good news I'm entering the race hey don't worry Minji I'm just making sure you win unless I just happen to be here you never said we'd have to Reese won a girl to tough luck feathers you said you could be referee so she makes the rules okay for each team one racer has to balance on one of these giant balls oh no balance is like a cat okay but remember slow and steady on your mark [Music] take your time Hema wins oh if they want the incredible kick jump I have to speed up super cap [Music] [Music] you treacherous trickster I was meant to win oops going fast didn't help me at all if we're going to get that cut back I have to take it slow and steady it's here oh hey we've all won one race so it's a tie we need one last incredible challenge and whoever wins that wins the cup okay we'll race from here to the sports all on these giant balls what's so incredible about that yeah we already did that but did you do it while carrying a huge egg on a spoon easy peasy okay but with ninjalinos on our heads this'll be easy kitty litter boil just mess up again so I'll win no way Oh [Music] I know slow and steady [Music] slow and steady slow and steady boy [Music] [Music] thanks Angelino this belongs to the daytime PJ masks oh sure ray Connors the winner of the incredible kid cop [Music] you
Channel: PJ Masks Official
Views: 48,495,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJ Masks, PJ Masks Full Episodes, PJ Mask, Cartoons for kids, Pj masks toys, catboy, Kids videos for kids, Cartoons, PJ Masks Live, Tj maxx, Pj max, Rescue, Heroes, Patrol, Pj masks song, Kids cartoons, superheroes, Disney Jr
Id: Qd03ZjHr-fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 34sec (4654 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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