Peppa Pig Full Episodes | The Train Ride | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] today peppa and her friends are going on a train ride mr. rabbit is the stationmaster how many tickets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 child tickets and one teacher tickets please now children do not lose these tickets can I see your tickets please I've lost my ticket oh dear pedal you must be more careful is your ticket Oh try not to lose it again [Music] miss rabbit is the train driver here are your activity sheets the children have to spot everything that is on the activity sheet I can see my dad won't be on the lease but he is sending a boat and a boat is underneath the children take the boat on their activity sheets please mr. rabbit has come to check everyone's ticket I think I've missed my tickets oh dear oh dear no there's your ticket Pedro you were sitting on it now you try not to lose it again Pedro the train is going slowly [Music] the train is going down can I go please okay you can go to the front of the Train the children take the signal box on their activity sheets the signal has stopped the train so that someone important can cross [Music] the tunnel is the last thing on the activity sheet change everybody off no hello we come to get haha pepper Welbeck will we stopped it the train has gone in a big circle tickets please can I have my hat back please [Music] [Music] pepper and George are having a sleepover at granny and Grandpa's house can't see where you're going to sleep tonight this was mummy pig's room when she was a little piggy and this is the bed mummy slept on just like your mummy when she was little [Music] of course mummy tells us notes about some the beds when mummy was a little piggy she was cheeky just like you yes now let's go and see grandpa pig in the garden [Laughter] hello Peppa hello George come and see my carrots grandpa pig is very proud of his vegetables and here are my Peas but best of all are my lettuces because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid what's the matter grandpa pig your friends have been eating my vegetables again which friends Tom Dick and Harry their names granny pig has chickens say hello to Jemima Sarah and Vanessa and here is Neville chicken yes Peppa he's a cockerel he's the worst scratching up five vegetables never wouldn't hurt a fly I've seen him eat flies and he ate my lettuce you don't want to eat grumpus lettuce do you not gonna love the corn to eat George would you like to feed corn to the chickens that's the chicken coop it's where the chickens lay their eggs eggs eggs not now but there will be eggs soon it is bedtime for peppa and George at Iranian Grandpa's house maybe in the morning Peppa how well it's morning never know tell us now go to sleep it is morning good morning Jemima Sarah and Vanessa do you have any eggs for us now we'll have eggs for breakfast thank you Jemima Sarah boiled eggs for everyone chickens make yummy oh yes it's all that lovely corn they eat and my lettuces it is the end of another day at Peppa's playgroup children to mow is talent day what is a talent a talent is something you'd like doing and you're good at I like to watch television and I'm good at it think of something we might like to see you do my talent is playing the guitar [Music] the parents have arrived to pick up the children don't forget to think of something to do for talent day tomorrow it is bedtime for peppa and George I can't go to bed yet I haven't got a talent to show tomorrow but you have lots of talents pepper you can decide tomorrow it is talent day my talents are skipping singing and dancing I practiced them all last night I was practicing watching television last night that's not a talent Madame gazelle that's fine what can I do then who would like to show us their talent first Danny dog I can bang a drum I can bang it rounder no that was lovely Bernie hey Pedro pony what is your talent magic tricks here is a glass of water it is wet and seafood ah now I will make the water disappear please close your eyes open your eyes Oh water has gone thank you Emily elephant I'm going to play the recorder [Music] and what is your talent hi Becca I could make a special noise it only works if I'd up on mic it plays that was very good yes but what can I do candy what is your talent skating I was going to do skipping but I can still do dancing and singing my talent is singing twinkle twinkle I can still do dancing Suzy sheep what is your talent dancing oh dear dancing was peppers last Talent [Music] it is so nice that everyone has chosen a different talent to perform now who do we have left Peppa I was going to skip or sing or dance talent can be anything but not watching television think of something you really like to do [Music] [Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper is playing with her bouncy ball George and his friend Edmund elephant are playing with the space toys George is pretending the fancy ball is the moon Edmund space toy has landed on peppers head this looks fun are you going to the moon baby it's not but space is real pepper and there are real rockets that go to the moon the museum has a show all about the moon should we go and see it [Music] no pepper we're not going to the moon we're going to the museum ok here is the museum hello everyone have you come to see the moon show yes miss rabbit five tickets please there you are enjoy your trip to the moon no pepper it's just pretend this way for our trip to the moon mr. rabbit is the tour guide take off that's right pepper it's just pretend five four three two one we live on a planet does anyone know what it is called the earth that's right I'm a bit of an expert in space things there are seven other planets that go around our Sun does anyone know what they are called Edmund knows all about space does anyone know what these planets are made of made of cardboard these models are made of cardboard but the real planets are made of rock and ice aren't gas but of course the moon is made of cheese no the moon is made of rock and this is a serious tour so no jokes and no giggling here we are on the moon yes if this was the real moon you could jump over my head hmm does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon oh that's right Edmund gravity is what keeps us on the ground it is weaker on the moon so you can jump higher ooh we can make you feel like you're jumping on the moon with the help of science that sounds impressive how do you do that with big rubber bands everyone is strapped into mr. rabbits anti-gravity rubber bands and that is the end of the tour please walk this way no that would be silly welcome to the moon shop we've got moon maps moon books we've even got a picture of piggies on the moon with an elephant we've got moon rock - it's got a picture of the moon all the way through the middle how about some real moon cheese how much is it miss rabbit five pounds please five pounds it's all for a good cause very tasty grandpa pig is looking after pepper and George today know what a slide is Peppa I used to play on one myself when I was a little piggy we had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts but my favorite was the slide he's my favorite everyone takes it in turns to have a go on the slide you have to wait your turn Richard rabbit finds it hard to wait his turn it's not easy being small is it Richard because Richard is little I don't think you should have to wait I wouldn't change the rules if I were you grandpa peg nonsense the children understand don't you so he shouldn't have to wait either Oh Richard and George are taking all the turns on the slide don't worry Peppa they won't be on it for long here is petrol pony on the swing I just want to swing a bit small but you've been on the swing three gee grandpa peg can you push me a little bit please I think it is someone else's turn now Pedro but I have to go home soon oh I see that's different let me push you then everyone wants to get on the random has too many children on the roundabout everybody off grandpa pig I was actually here first ah then you can get back on the roundabout I need to get on - why is that Rebecca hmm because it's my birthday sing now is everybody ready I'm having glasses right oh please the children are making up their own rules I need to get them because I like carrots now are you all ready to go no we have to get on because I can do this here is mummy pig how are you getting on grandpa pig I'm confused these playground rules are too complicated there is only one rule grandpa pig and that is everyone waits their turn what even the little ones even the little ones even the very old ones like grandpa at the playground everyone has their turn it is a lovely sunny morning daddy pig is driving to work in his car breakfast time Goldie mummy pig is feeding Goldie the fish oh maybe she's not feeling very well let's bone dr. hamster the vet dr. hamster the vet speaking hello Goldie the fish is not eating and she looks sad no you better bring Goldie to see me right away we can take the bus this is the bus stop the timetable says the next bus will be here at 10 o'clock what time is it now ten o'clock how many tickets one mummy ticket and two little piggies please the fish goes through [Music] hold tight mr. bull is waiting for the bus Oh one ticket put a music shop Oh Paulie are we go D she can't talk he's this fence maybe she'd like to hear a tune on my that's why I'm going to the music shop to get it manage it mrs. sheep mrs. cat mr. zebra and Madame gazelle haven't got on the bus Oh tickets to the supermarket speed taking Goldie to the vets oh he's Goldie not well she likes [Music] [Music] [Music] the vet helps sick pets get better yes watch this Dobby has eaten the food she didn't eat at time maybe gold it was bought a home the interesting journey has cheered at all ah you have a very healthy happy fish she's loved mummy pig peppa and George are going home on the bus mr. bull is going home with his bended Cuba Madame gazelle and her friends are going home with their shopping I see Goldie the fish is happy again yes it was the bus ride that makes a better fish swim [Music] hello where've you been and now she's better hey dear gaudí has a cough I think we should take Goldie to the vet again tomorrow I can drive you in the car okay we'll go on the bus everyone go Dee the fish today pepper and her family have come to the funfair George wants to go on the helter-skelter okay see you later see you later roll up roll up hook a duck and win a giant teddy mummy can we have a go okay one pounds please one pound it's all for a good cause giant teddy mummy I'll try pepper but I don't think it's that easy your rides you've got no chance what it's impossible waste of money if you ask me we'll see about that mummy pig has won hey that's amazing hey Z giant teddy wouldn't you like a little teddy instead pepper No look mummy a giant teddy it's a bit big no it's not George and Daddy pig are queuing for the helter-skelter hmm it's a bit high George are you sure you want to have a go one pound please one pound it's all for a good cause - hi for George don't worry George I'll come up with you that's one pound please so George isn't afraid of heights anymore oh it is a bit high isn't it I'll just go down the stairs the stairs are full of children that's the way down daddy pig okay and today we don't want to win another giant teddy pepper Sam worried you won't win women a useless at this I'm sorry what did you say it's a game of skill how much for one go one pound mummy pig has won unbelievable here's your giant teddy I like that one mummy they're too big no they're not daddy pig and George are riding on the base wheel that really is high you I'm glad that's over five times round for one town five times round [Music] test your strength on the old average Bell Rock what do we have to do you hit this button with this hammer if the bell rings you win a prize no skill involved but you need to be strong I'll have a goal one part luck oh I'm strong I'll have a go stand back everyone do be careful daddy pig you're not fat wait oh oh yes daddy pig is looking a bit tubby what I'm just saying daddy pig is a bit round in the tummy give me that hammer [Music] [Applause] goodness me I've never seen anything like it that wins all the giant Eddie's we have what a good idea most kind thank you very much it is a school day for pepper and her friends Oh children today we will be learning all about numbers does anybody know what numbers are for numbers for counting yes Peppa who would like to do some counting now okay one two three four Pedro has counted to four way done Pedro can anyone count higher than four me me me Rebecca one two three four five six seven Rebecca has counted to seven excellent Rebecca yes candy my mum can count to ten Wow yes after seven five eight nine ten very good it is playtime like I like I like without stopping [Music] [Music] thanks pepper I'm a bit tired I'll do the rest later I can do them my own special way Emily elephant is fooling with her play leapfrog George likes playing leapfrog [Music] playtime is very good but we need to be playing to do it of course red sharp Edmund blend the extra-long skipping log hello I've come to collect peppa and George oh not to lie you can join in our game oh okay is everybody ready counting to ten oh you look tired daddy pig I'm fine I could skip to a hundred good idea daddy pig to a hundred ah maybe to 20 okay to 20 [Music] it is home time forever steady play hope is our school mascot its peppers term to take him home it's all in his suitcase I see pepper daddy pig and Teddy playgroup have arrived home mummy pig we have a special guest staying with us tonight really who's that what's the photo album for doing exciting things oh my friends of Teddy playgroup Oh London Paris Egypt Teddy playgroup does have an exciting life let's take a photo for Teddy playgroup to album say cheese how about the supermarket has ever been shopping before it is morning pepper is taking Teddy playgroup to the supermarket this is the checkout where all the food is paid for Jorge wants to take a picture with me ok Jorge that's enough pictures Jorge Teddy playgroup is missing don't worry pepper I'm sure we'll find him hello how was your day oh no but I've got a plan to find him we print out all the photos we took of him mummy pig is unpacking the shopping where are you going we're going to stick pictures of Teddy playgroup on trees when people see the pictures of Teddy playgroup they'll know he's lost and they can help us find him these are just pictures yes he's in the shopping bag with the pasta and tomatoes [Music] pepper is showing her class Teddy playgroups photo album that was an exciting adventure today is Danny dog's birthday he is having a party everyone has come dressed as pirates Pedro pony is dressed as a cowboy [Applause] it is granddad dog dressed as a pirate call me dog beard what Jimmy's scurvy pirates crave a ration of swashbuckling all the brainy seas why is he talking funny that's pirates talk if you want to play my pirate game say is this a dangerous game no Pedro granddad dog has promised me it will be a very safe game but it will be exciting so who wants to play he'll be the plan toy was a heap of gold it was mine by right but I was hard swallow one captain Olga what pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand captain hog took my treasure no you the captain hog is a fearsome pirate some of you may already know him as grandpa pig the game is to go to captain hogs hideout and get back my treasure without being caught everyone is excited to be playing the pirate game hello grandpa pig we're on our way jolly good grandpa pig and Polly parrot are guarding the pirate treasure be the black carrion fast on the wind at our backs we'll run to the boat oh there put your life jackets on granddad Dolph boat all the children must wear lifejackets that scurvy dog beard should be here by now here's a nice cup of tea grandpa pig Thank You Pig we already know what can be keeping them hello granddad dog I thought you said you were on your way yes yes we're almost there it's taken a while to get my crew together I goes away [Music] the children have arrived at grandpa pig's orchard the game is to get that treasure without being caught pirates around here trying to take my lovely treasure peppa and her friends have got the coins without being caught everybody loves chocolate coins gosh your granddad dog has been caught try and take my treasure would your dish mine I want it fair and square oh no you didn't oh yes I did Thank You captain hog and dog beard for the lovely pirate game you're very welcome oh yes it's been lots of fun this be the best pirate party [Music] mr. potato comes to town down peppa and her family are watching mr. potato on television I love watching programs about keeping Fred down now here are some lovely drawings have been sent this is an apple remember eating fruit and vegetables helps you stay fit I'm good at eating fruit and vegetables and exercise is important today you can see me open a new Sports Center in town we can see mr. potato it's a long way to go to see a potato pepper he's not any old potato please all right everyone has come to see mr. potato open new Sports Center Susie for you mr. potato I don't look like mr. potato no you're much too big mr. potato is bigger than me no he's not he's a potato and potatoes are this big potato mr. potato has come to town welcome your friend and mine mr. potato I declare this SportsCenter open we must all exercise and eat fruit and vegetables apples oranges carrots tomatoes potatoes why aren't you small like a normal potato because he's not a normal potato he's got legs normal potatoes don't have legs he's our super potato we watch your show every morning very good and remember to send me your drawings peppa and her friends are at playgroups children today we will do drawings for mr. potato I'm drawing a carrot very good what are you drawing Emily lovey and pedal it's a super potato oh I see and George has done a wonderful tomato pepper what vegetable have you drawn my daddy watching television Oh excellent now we put the toys in an envelope and post them to mr. potato it is morning and time for the mr. potato show please welcome your friend and mine mr. potato we posted some drawings to mr. potato in another light did you get the envelope [Music] oh yes of course I've received an envelope full of drawings this tomato looks very juicy that's George's picture well done George but this picture from Peppa Pig is my favorite Wow picture it shows daddy pig watching TV hmm looks like daddy pig needs some exercise hey what come on daddy pig let's do some jumping or pond on whoo all right up down Oh daddy pig likes jumping down down everyone likes jumping up and down [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 17,939,135
Rating: 3.6503522 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: dH8CymoRspQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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