Peppa Pig Full Episodes | School Bus Trip | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] and her friends are going on a swim in the street attention please let's check that you are all here peppa and George [Music] [Music] Danny Dhoni Pedro pony is not here sorry we're late hello you almost missed the school trip sorry Madame gazelle never mind you're just in time miss rabbit is the bus driver attention please today we are going on a trip to the mountains have you all got your lunch boxes pepper will eat lunch when we arrive in the mountains Peppa whatever you got in your lunchbox all right Apple I've got a green apple swamp okay Peppa Suzy what are you doing Susie told me to have my lunchbox Peppa told me to swap our apples oh that's fine but please save some food for the picnic yes Mademoiselle the bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains the mountain road is very steep peppa and her friends are at the top of the mountain look at the view Wow Wow who said that it's your echo my echo an echo is the sound you hear when you speak loudly in the mountains like this your leg your leg [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi Paulo picnics silly Peppa ducks don't live on top of mountains ducks are very lucky today there is lots of bread the Ducks are eating too quickly it's time to go home everybody has a great time [Music] sing a song can we have the Bing all right we're playing a tune and with singing a song with a bang and and a Bing [Music] daddy pig's office today is a special treat peppa and George are visiting daddy pig's office daddy what do you do at your office all day lots of fun things you'll see this is the building where daddy pig works hello it's daddy pig come in my office is on the top floor we have to go up in the lift I think it's George's turn press the top button George the lift is taking Peppa George and Daddy pig up to the very top floor top floor doors opening this is daddy pig's office hello everyone hello daddy pig hello daddy pig mr. rabbit and mrs. cat work with daddy pig I've brought two very special visitors with me today Oh peppa and George what an honor let's begin the tour mr. rabbit can we start at your desk we certainly can mm-hmm my job is all about numbers I take very important pieces of paper I take a rubber stamp and I stamp the paper wow what a great job mr. rabbit has can I do some stamping of course I'll just find you some paper maybe we should use some blank paper here you are next up is mrs. cats desk meow hello peppa and George my job is all about drawing sheeps on the computer oh then I print the shapes out Wow [Music] and here's another copy thank you what a nice job mrs. cat has maybe it's George's turn now that's right George it's your turn to do some work George is making blue triangles do you want to see my desk now [Music] this is daddy pig's desk my job is quite complicated I take big numbers transmute them and calculate their load bearing tangents daddy pig's job sounds very important no but I do use coloring pens daddy can we draw with your coloring pens good idea peppa and George love drawing with coloring pens [Music] my goodness five o'clock already it is home time I say what a splendid picture of a house and what a fierce dinosaur George and I have been doing daddy stroke and they've been doing it very well I like doing mr. rabbit and I like doing mrs. cats but I like doing daddy's job the best peppa and her family are at the swimming pool daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume mummy pig is wearing her swimming costume Peppa is wearing her swimming costume everyone's waiting George is wearing his swimming costume George let Daddy put on your armbands [Music] there George your armbands make you look very grown-up now we can go in the water it is George's first time at the swimming pool why don't you put just one foot into the water maybe you should try the other foot now Georgia try both feet at the same time good idea quite sober here is Rebecca rabbit with her little brother Richard rabbit and you can practice kicking your legs George would you like to try kicking your legs as a toy watering oh dear Richard has dropped his watering can into the pool [Music] sorry Richard I can't reach it's too far down mommy I can't swim underwater even I can't swim underwater please hold my glasses let me dig well done daddy pig I am rather good at swimming underwater babies let me jump off the diving boards now sorry pepper diving boards are only for grown-ups Oh cheer up you two you can watch me sir nonsense bye 1 trophies for my diving when I was younger that was quite a long time ago daddy pig its lucky I've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mummy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side of course I won't splash you pepper I think I need a higher ball please be careful daddy pig don't worry pepper I told you I wouldn't splash well dug daddy pig no need for my towel I've got a special way of drying myself daddy pig has splashed everyone with water daddy pig sorry everyone [Laughter] [Music] granny and Grandpa pig are going on holiday they are bringing Polly parrot to Peppa's house so peppa and George can look after them hello everyone [Music] Polly is very excited about her holiday with peppa and George what simple suitcase granny oh this is Polly's food George can you guess what Polly likes to eat best no not chocolate cake Polly likes birdseed yes it's very important not to give Polly too much food yes grandpa pig Oh grandpa can Polly come out of the cage yes but you must keep all the doors and windows closed so Polly doesn't fly away yes good bye Peppa goodbye George goodbye granny pig goodbye George has got Polly's birdseed that is too much birdseed Polly will grow very big and burst like a balloon [Applause] [Music] what's that noise oh dear George has forgotten to close the door [Music] ice cream lady hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit for ice creams please [Music] don't worry Peppa I'm sure Polly is still inside going to be very sad maybe we should try the garden look what's that what is mummy pig seen in the gun don't worry Peppa I'll rescue Polly oh no Polly has flown higher up the tree oh dear don't worry Peppa I'll be very careful I wonder where George is going George has got Polly's birdseed Polly loves to eat bird see [Applause] daddy pig's mobile phone is ringing what hello Oh granny pig hello daddy pig oh please may I talk to Molly yes of course [Music] better in Georgia drinking orange juice [Music] George wants to blow bubbles - George you really shouldn't play with your food sorry daddy pepper if you like bubbles why don't you play with your bubble mixture yes Peppa is showing George how to blow bubbles then take a big George now it's your time hold it up take big breath and boom George is trying really hard but he is running out of breath George you didn't blow Hodgins I know away George can make bubbles dip the stick in the mixture then lift it up and wave it around it's even better if you run along dear the bubble mixture is all used up do worry Peppa I have an idea mummy pig bring me a bucket please yes daddy page me some soap George bring me my old tennis racquet a bucket some soda a tennis racket what is daddy pig doing first I need some water then the soup and now the tennis racket please thank you now what this has made his own bubble mixture are you okay daddy pig yes I'm fine daddy pig has made the biggest bubble ever oh dear I've spilt all my bubble mixture but we can play jumping in muddy puddles look daddy pig's bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle jumping up and down in muddy bubbly bubble everybody loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] the toy cupboard it is pepper and George's bedtime why are all these toys on your bed quickly put the toys away in your toy basket but the toy basket is full oh so it is maybe you need a toy cupboard yes I could make one tomorrow oh the last thing you made daddy pig was this shelf I'm very proud of that shelf [Music] all right let's buy a new toy cupboard we can buy one now on the computer mummy pig is using the computer to buy a toy current aha now which one shall we get can we have this one please that looks perfect mummy pig is buying the toy cupboard congratulations your toy cupboard is ordered oh it is morning and mr. zebra the postman has a special delivery special delivery for Miss Emma Pig and master George what is it it's a toy cupboard oh it looks a bit flat yes you built it yourself oh don't worry Peppa it'll be very easy for your mummy and daddy to build good bye now we build your toy cupboard [Music] that's strange there aren't any instructions maybe it's so easy to build it doesn't need instructions yes first I need a shelf Thank You pepper now I need four legs [Music] lovely I'll have this done in no time here's a red door mummy pig thank you daddy pig finished well done mummy pig it is a little small maybe that's a spare shelf the company's tiny because mummy pig has not used all the pieces we'll just have to take it apart and start again Oh No if only we have the instructions who can that be hello I just found this in my van it's the missing instructions that will make things a lot easier the instructions look very complicated it's no good it's nonsense leave it to me daddy pig I quite enjoy putting these things together really can we help in any way you can put the kettle on I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars please everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for mr. zebra [Music] mr. zebra has built the toy cupboard my goodness that was quick yes and I've put all your toys in there too but there's no room for these last two Oh poor teddy mr. dinosaur why not simply order another easy to make cupboard no I've got a better idea teddy and mr. dinosaur can live on your beds that's where they lived before yes I know that's why it's such a good idea [Laughter] [Music] and her friends are going I don't feel very well the bus is very bumpy oh dear Pedro pony is feeling a bit travel sick poor Pedro come and sit in the front with me is that better a little bit Madame gazelle Oh do you feel sick - Zoe I might feel sick later can I sit at the front just in case can I sit front haha I'm sorry children who cut or sit at the front [Music] this is our campsite breathing the wonderful fresh air children excellent breathing now let's put up our tents you must each find a partner to share your tent I said I Sharon sorry oh sorry Susie I said I'll share with Rebecca Rebecca you said you'd share with me oh yes Emily who are you going to share a tent with um so okay good now you can share with me okay no I need sticks to make a campfire we'll get sticks but me and Pedro want to get sticks ha ha you can all collect and her friends collect sticks for the campfire it is nighttime pepper and her friends are sitting around the campfire children let's all sing a song yes the Bing bong song please oh I'm not sure all right we're playing a tune and with singing a song with [Music] move oh wow children I'm for bed good night children Susie are in their sleeping bag [Music] giggling please what was that funny noise I don't know there it is again Susie where are you going I'm a bit scared Oh would you like to come in I think I'm a bit scared - can I come in please of course I think I might get there later I might be scared later - me come in everyone please all right we're playing a tune and with singing a song with [Music] it is a lovely sunny day Heather and George are finishing their breakfast Oh today is a good day for a cycle ride love cycle right Peppa has her bicycle George has his price achill mummy and daddy have their tandem it's our bicycle I sit in the front and mummy pig sits at the back and we can put these two seats on the back for peppa and George George is a bit too little his legs will get very tired but I'm a big girl I won't get tired it will be a long cycle ride pepper are you sure yes I'm sure okay are we all ready [Music] it's not a race pepper it's just a gentle bicycle ride we won the race no you didn't daddy because I wasn't racing duck time you cheeky little piggy ah I'd forgotten how much I loved cycling oh I'd forgotten how much I hate cycling uphill the ground is getting quite steep look at the beautiful view [Music] hardly sorry daddy pig I was just enjoying the view pepper and her family have reached the top of the hill we're going to have a race on our bikes okay friends are you all ready you can start when I hunk the horn like this [Music] stop Pedro the race hasn't started yet sorry mr. pig I was just letting you know that the horn sounded like this [Music] [Applause] sorry Pedro that time it was my fault the next time i honk the horn you can go [Music] Danny dog yes I'm very good at cycling downhill home time for us to pepper mummy I'm tired all the cycling up and down hills has made my legs tired can I ride on your bike but where will daddy pig sit very nice peppa and her family are going ice-skating today George has never been ice skating before you won't be very good at ice-skating so just do what I do haha I'm sure we'll all be very good yes especially me [Laughter] first we need some skates at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating here are Suzy sheep Rebecca rabbit Danny dog Zoe zebra candy cat Emily elephant and head sippers friends can ice-skate very well pepper once twice skate - yes I'm sure I can already do it I don't want you are skating anymore don't worry pepper everyone falls over when they ice skate even I fall over watch this George would you like to skate no George is never ice skated before and here's a bit worried I'll look after George while you teach Peppa how to skate skating is easy Peppa just push with your feet and glide push push slide Peppa is doing really well yes I'm a very good teacher slow down pepper you'll bump into someone oh dear I forgot to teach pepper how to stop mummy pig taught you how to skate but I told you how to fall over yes I'm very good at falling over do you want to skate to none come on George it's fun I'll teach you how to ice-skate what a surprise George can skate beautiful [Music] [Music] well done George you're fantastic George yes it is very well George for your first lesson come on let's skate skating everyone that's my skating skate [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it is the day of the school fete miss rabbit is running the raffle surprise is a ride in my hot air balloon can I have a ticket please blue ticket wins a toy car well done Danny can I have a ticket please Thank You Peppa what are you hurting to win the balloon ride wouldn't it be nicer to win the homemade chocolate cake daddy pig loves homemade chocolate cake win Oh wanna Teddy and a dinosaur that makes six [Music] very impressive miss rabbit you must be an expert pilot not really this is the first time I've ever flown a balloon Oh hold tight miss rabbit heats up the air in the balloon to make it rise into the sky would anyone like to do the map reading I will are you sure daddy pig I'm very good at map reading then this map is a bit difficult should we go higher the balloon is rising high into the sky just flying through a flying really high pepper be careful you don't drop don't worry Peppa we'll rescue teddy whole tides everybody we're going down miss rabbit is making the balloon go down so the teddy can be rescued I can't see Teddy anywhere I can use this anchor to rescue Teddy slowly daddy pig has rescued Teddy oh dear no one is looking where they are going [Music] we're lost aren't we yes yes we must be in grandpa pig's garden as I thought goodness me oh hi there miss rabbit don't worry I've got a ladder everyone climbs down from the big balloon in her big balloon how very exciting I'm afraid the most exciting thing we can offer is a piece of my homemade chocolate cake homemade chocolate cake that is exciting [Music] and that was the best chocolate cake ever today Peppa is going to the park it is cold quick let's get our warm clothes on on cold days Heather and her family wear their acts and scarves and coats let's get the heating on everyone nice then let's go this is the park it's autumn time paper in the autumn it gets a bit colder and the leaves change color it's quite windy the wind is blowing the ball along the ball is in the pond I'll just use this stick to reach it daddy be careful daddy pig don't worry I've almost got it a little bit the wind has blown the ball out of the pond yes what a stroke of luck hold on to your hats no the wind has blown George's hat off [Music] I'll just climb up and get it the trees much too thin to take your weight daddy pig so how can we get George's fat simple I'll give the tree a little shake huh maybe if I shake it a bit harder that sort of thing already happened to me it's not funny it is a bit funny mummy I suppose it is a bit funny where's George's hat it's on your head here's your hat George hold on to it this time the wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees the wind is strong enough to hold the wind is strong enough to hold Georgia the wind is strong enough to hold up daddy pig I say this is fun come on Bobby pig give it a try but if the wind stops the wind will just stop the wind has stopped it's not funny it is a bit funny hmm what's your favorite game jumping up and down but there aren't any puddles just lots of boring dry leaves and what do you do with dry leaves no jumble sale it is a rainy day and the school roof has a hole in it children we are going to have a jumble sale the money we raise we pay for a new school roof everyone has to bring something for the jumble sale what should we bring you can bring an old toy or something you don't use anymore the parents have arrived to pick up the children home time don't forget your old toys for the jumble sale tomorrow Peppa is choosing a toy for the jumble sale Peppa have you decided you only have to choose one toy yes and it will help pay for a new school roof okay I'm going to give mr. dinosaur mr. dinosaur is George's favorite toy pepper you can't give away mr. dinosaur current I know Oh bother sorry George dine-saw why don't you give your old jack-in-the-box to the jumble sale I'm giving this hat and George is giving this ball not the telly no it's - I know daddy smelly slippers I know daddy's old chair but that's an antique antique antique means it's very old and valuable he found it on a rubbish tip daddy pig it's worthless it'll be worth a lot of money when I mend it you've been saying that but ages daddy pig I know I'll give these lovely socks that granny pig made me good I've come to collect your things for the jumble sale hey uh thank you and would you like this chair you gave away daddy's - don't tell him he'll never notice it is the day of the jumble sale hello hello miss rabbit Peppa how about this chair it's a bit rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for fun I would but it's an antique is it daddy said it's worth lots of money well I never I'd better put the price up what did you give Suzy I gave my nurses outfits I gave my parrot to balloon I gave my toy monkey Oh I'll miss my jack-in-the-box can i buy this jack-in-the-box please and I'd like this nurse's outfit the parrot balloon please look what I bought it's an antique chair Oh daddy pig that's not an antique chair it is miss rabbit just said so and it matches my old one what but miss rabbit has just charged me lots of money for it fantastic news everybody we has just raised all the money we need for a new school roof thank you daddy pig in Georgia playing with a pony Ned Roe has slipped and lost his glasses without glasses Pedro cannot see very well George has found Pedro's glasses Thank You Pedro why do you wear glasses I need to the optician says so what's an optician my daddy is an optician a Czech state you can see clearly how does he look inside your head he does an eye test shall I give you an eye test yes give me an eye test okay interesting close one eye and say what you see I can see George King now close both eyes now I can't see anything hmm can't see anything very very interesting I think you need glasses oh do I yes Pedro home time I need glasses what Pedro gave me an eye test and I need glasses I'm sure your eyes are fine no mommy when I closed my eyes I couldn't see anything but no one can see anything with their eyes closed oh what's this about needing glasses Pedro knows all about classes his daddy is an optician all right pepper let's take you to the optician for a proper eye test George would you like an eye test - pepper is at the opticians hey mr. Pony is the optician how long pepper please sit down no what can I do for you oh I need an eye test piece of course put these special glasses on and then look at the chart mr. Pony is going to test Pepper's eyes can you read these letters for me please okay good now these numbers please 1 3 5 6 very good and now these colours please read me orange blue purple excellent while I check your results would you like to choose some glasses [Music] [Laughter] wow I like these ones yes you look fantastic [Laughter] good news perfect I suppose you have some sunglasses the grass has not been cut for a while it has grown very long [Music] [Music] and George cannot see each other love playing in the long grass daddy pig is going to read his newspaper what a nice day for doing nothing daddy pig loves doing nothing oh goodness me daddy pig we've let the garden get a bit out of control what do you mean mummy pig the grass it's cutting play with this spotty ball [Laughter] the ball is lost in the long grass hmm maybe it is time to cut the grass yes daddy pig I'll get the lawnmower I'm sure it's here somewhere daddy pig has found the lawnmower it's a bit old and rusty nonsense it'll have the grass cut in no time maybe I should phone grandpa pig and ask if we can borrow his lawnmower there's no need to phone grandpa I just need to push a bit harder daddy pig's lawnmower is not very good I know let's phone grandpa hello grandpa pig speaking hello grandpa pig could you help us cut some very long grass Oh ha ha certainly I'll be over right away bye I think this is a job for Betsey [Music] grandpa pig is driving his motor mower over to Peppa's house [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone I hear there's some grass that needs cutting and it's just a bit too long the Milan Wella third worry Betsy we'll have it done in no time [Music] she certainly is can we ride on Betsy of course you can hop aboard Oh grandpa will have this grass cut in no time Oh tight here we go let's see is very good at cutting grass [Music] and thank you for cutting the grass cutting grass is easy Betsy now we can play with our spotty ball daddy the ball bounces very well on the short grass to you George [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 38,425,090
Rating: 3.6828089 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: 8EwziLkZt9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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