Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Grampy Rabbit’s Lighthouse | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] lighthouse pepper Georgian Danny uh having a day out on granddad dogs boat but first we've got to deliver supplies to my friend Grampy rabbit where does Grampy rabbit live on a rock in that lighthouse I brought your supplies Oh Thank You granddad dog I've got my crew with me today Danny peppa and George visitors I haven't got visitors in many a boom I get a bit lonely the sea and sky for company would you like to hear a song no thanks [Music] mr. chief Anton you book how to run a lighthouse the staircase goes round and round to the very top of the lighthouse it's because it has this big top it shines through the dark helping sailors to find their way and when it's foggy I use this foghorn no fog today just seeing sky the stories I could tell no thank you we've got to go granddad dogs boat has arrived at Pirate Island okay there are not many places to hide on Pirate Island Where's George Brendan dog cannot find George anywhere I give up where is he Oh George was hiding behind granddad dog clever George sneaky let's set off home before it gets dark [Music] don't worry the light from Grampy rabbits lighthouse will show us the way home Grampy rabbit is ready for bed ah my new book how to ride a lighthouse chapter one I read the rest tomorrow better turn the light out do you know what time it is I just have the lights out yes we know could you turn the big light on again oh it is getting foggy I can't see the light anymore it's us again could you sound the foghorn Grampy rabbit is guiding them home hey the voice is a foghorn the parents are here to pick up the children we went to Pirate Island Grampy rabbit sleight house guided us home safely that's nice grumpy rabbit son the song would you like to hear it a georgian granny pig are going out for a day on grandpa pigs boat oh hi there pepper and George we're ready to go sailing I'll move the boat a bit nearer that's a mooring post I won't eat it it's just a scratch jump off a captain never leaves his sinking ship grandpa pigs boat has sunk to the bottom of the river it is Brenda dog pig lovely day for a sail and yes ahoy there I'm taking my boat to the boatyard today going to get a few repairs done would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard - please of course where is your boat and I'm standing on it oh well a little bit I'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago what it's a better boot than that rust bucket of yours Oh granddad dog and Grandpa pig are very best friends catch this captain aye aye skipper granddad dogs truck has lifted grandpa pigs boat out of the water is we're broken boats get mended this is Grampy rabbits boatyard someone drove it into a mooring post you should never let other people steer your boat grandpa pig yes can you mend it of course I just need to size up the damage Grampy rabbit is measuring the holes grandpa things but now I need to find something to patchy top it must be good to know how to mend a boat yes Grampy rabbit has collected lots of scrap metal to mend boats with now this is a gold mine but you can make things from piles of rubbish like what Grampy rabbit has made a submarine out of rubbish does it actually work watch this it fills up with water it's very good at going down but not so good at coming back up now this is what I be looking for it's the fixed-program Poppins boat is what it is you're going to mend my boots with a bit of washing machine yes [Music] that's as good as new now we test it for launch [Music] you sound surprised yes usually they sync up the task oh what a splendid idea this is the life out on a boat with just the sea and the sky either was home about the sea on the sky daddy pepper and her family are watching sport on television it means your best in the world at something then you are a champion and your name goes in a book there are champions for running jumping swimming I am in the book yes daddy pig is champion puddle jumper Wow no one has beaten me yet I don't think they ever will the next event is the puddle jump [Music] that was a very big splash in fact I think yes it's a new world record oh I'm sure they've got more important things to worry about pepper everyone wants you to be champion again it's important really yeah okay I'll do it tomorrow but I'll have to train myself to jump in muddy puddles again but not everyone is a champion pepper daddy pig is know I must be at one with the puddle what to jump in a puddle I must think no I need to sleep and dream about bunnies it is the day of the big puddle jump daddy pig is wearing his puddle jumping costume I can't find my golden boots I gave those old boots to Grandpa he's got my lucky golden boots to be used as gardening boots you've got other ones it's not the same hello remember those old boots I gave you yes daddy needs them back urgently you have they have the watered grandpa pig is growing tomatoes in daddy's lucky boots we need them for the puddle jump today right oh I'll meet you there everyone has come to watch daddy pig's blood along well cim your friend and good luck daddy pig oh but where are your lucky boots here they are Thank You grandpa pig I can smell Tomatoes and now for daddy pig's petal jump daddy pig is thinking Ready Steady Go I must become one with the puddle I must be the puddle daddy pig has become one with the puddle everyone has become one with the puddle [Applause] I've been training her ah to be trained by the master what have you learned muddy puddles [Music] pepper and her friends are going to the gym today let's check you've all got your gym kits on Pedro is wearing a superhero costume pedal where is your gym kit it's at home I thought it was dressing up hey follow me children this is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves no gym teacher for today is Grampy rabbit do we have to do that no that's Ernie for big athletes like me an orphan it can explore us like you we not explore us I'll make explorers of you but you you look like a superhero it's just pretend pretending that's good right let's warm up everyone on the spot [Music] [Applause] rest now we're all warmed up we can start to start your adventure I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle look like a jungle where are the trees you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast playing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river ah but it's night time and it's windy that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night I was on an adventure ready it's not windy all night time you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely well done my little explorers your next adventure is to swing across the swamp full of crocodiles I can't see any crocodiles you've got to pretend that those crocodiles know who's boss go away you Nazi crocodiles that's the spirit thank you as I swing across a crocodile swamp of course I did not ascared as they were love me raggy don't forget to do the call everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely next this is a vault big athletes jump over it but you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs you crawl through a dinosaur's legs Grampy rabbit yes once I was walking in the jungle when I step foot into a lost world of dinosaurs that's it you've made it to the jungle oh did you have a good gym class children yes Madame gazelle they're real little explorers now we walked across a river and we swallowed a crocodile and we crawled under a dinosaur I love doing gym class meet Grampy rabbit [Music] mr. zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house oh look someone's got a party invitation it must be for me it says to George pig from Edmund elephant please come to my party doesn't it say George and Peppa no just George hmm I didn't want to go to a silly baby party anyway hello oh it's for you pepper it's Emily elephant hello party as my friend yes please my mummy wants to help with the little ones hell yes I can help Danny and Suzy I helped us too Oh pootie everyone is here for Edmund elephants party let's get this party started who wants to play musical statues Ready Steady this one is still blinking you're amazing George Richard and Edmund are [Music] you've got a medal it's made of real plastic gold [Music] music plays pass the pass around when the music stops take some paper off [Music] [Music] edmond has got a medal richard has got a medal George has got a little passing the parcel [Music] oh really hard down has come to play with Suzy sheep on your face so people don't know it's me I'm in a secret Club can I be in your secret Club it's not easy to get into you have to say the secret word words double flipping double right your friend Danny dog has come too late [Music] what I'm in a secret Club Pedro pony candy cat and replica rabbit have come to play Susie and Peppa are in a secret Club can we join your secrets club it's very hard to get into you have to say the secret word that's not the word I said it changes all the time keep it secret Oh are we in the secret cup now you're in what do we do we do secret things in secret on secret missions talking about show us how you do a secret mission yes Peppa can do it you've got the mask on Susie okay my secret mission is to get biscuits watch this Susie sheep is trying not to be seen my friends please of course here you are mummy Susie sheep has returned with the biscuits did anyone see you no Wow only a grown-up you count would you like some juice to go with your biscuits its biscuits the biscuits I just gave you for your friends what's the matter told everyone Oh can I be in your secret club please please I've always wanted to be in a secret club it's very hard to you must say the secret word which is pick a needle noodle pick a needle noodle that's it yo what happens now it's daddy pig there you are mummy sheep what's new I always wanted to be in a secret Club can I join please my mummy is grown-up well which is done Papa what do I do now look out it's mummy pig mummy daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that Bush secret Club oh I've always wanted to be in a secret Club we can't have everyone in the secret Club it wouldn't be a secret oh I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret Club eat candy see everybody secret Club and everybody can be in it oh goody [Music] [Music] pepper and her family have come to the summer fete look I display rescue vehicles granddad dog is showing his pickup truck what this is the sound my pickup truck makes mummy sheep is showing the fire engine this is the sound fire engine makes and miss rabbit is showing her rescue helicopter this is the sound my helicopter makes would you like to go for a ride there's no room for me never mind I'll watch from the ground daddy pig doesn't like Heights yes it can go straight up they can go straight down yes daddy what ice cream please mmm that's nice maybe we should land now emergency emergency calling rescue helicopter mr. bull is digging up the road Oh miss rabbit I've got a big metal pipe links listing okay mr. bone how can you live that big high with my pig magnet what are you going to do with the pipe I'm not really sure I know I'll put it down here where someone can easily find it now I can give you a lift home mm-hmm can you make your own way home miss rabbit is giving us a lift who put that pipe there I know I'll take a shortcut it's a bit muddy come on car daddy pig needs to get home daddy pig is stuck while ring for granddad dogs pickup truck Oh breakdown recovery I'm stuck in the mud can you come and rescue me please sorry daddy pig I'm moving a big metal pipe that some maniac is left in the road I'll pass you on to the next Rescue Service hello bye service sorry daddy pig I'm rescuing a tortoise but stuck up a tree come down two dolls I don't know why are you like climbing trees you're at our time don't worry daddy pig I'll pass you on to the highest Rescue Service in the land miss rabbits helicopter rescued Danny pig yes it can go spray everyone likes going up and down round and round it is bedtime for peppa and George tomorrow we're going on a coach trip to the seaside we can make sandcastles I fancy a swim me too the weather forecast says it's going to be sunny good night Peppa good night George oh it is starting to snow it is morning a lot of snow has fallen in the night [Music] well let's see how much snow there is [Music] poor daddy let's warm you up a bit mummy pig peppa and George are warming daddy pig applies rubbing him with towels but what about the snow I don't think the coach will be running today miss rabbits coach has arrived at Peppa's house with my big snow plow snow plows push the snow out of the way all of Peppa's friends are going to the seaside to next are the benign mr. Buland his friends are gritting the road the grit melts the snow miss rabbit it's taking us all night but the road is clear all the way to the seaside that's good we're going to the seaside would you like to come along no thanks miss rabbits we've got more roads to grit [Music] [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow oh she looks cold I was looking forward to having a swim you still can the Seas not frozen over I can't swim because I sprained my ankle and I think I might have a cough it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today ok then mummy pig is going for a swim it's a little bit cold it's always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving your warm up okay I'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dry pepper Georgia daddy pig our warming mummy pig tongue by rubbing her with towels are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today everyone likes ice creams of her seaside the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we send the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto the seaside and I love the snow I love the seaside and the snide [Music] it is a lovely sunny morning and daddy pig is reading his newspaper daddy what are you doing I'm reading the newspaper you're making a funny sound I'm whistling whistling is fun you should try it I don't know how it's easy just put your lips together and blow try making a smaller own shape like this and then you can whistle a tune your mouth is fine you just need to practice it impossible it takes time to learn how to do important things like riding a bicycle or playing the piano it took me years to learn how to wiggle my ears [Music] mummy pig is in the kitchen making cookies [Music] what are you doing pepper I'm learning to whistle oh I see mommy can you whistle I don't know I've never tried it takes a lot of practice oh yes mummy pig can whistle you can whistle because you are old mummy Thank You Peppa George is in the bedroom playing with his toy rocket George whistles you make an ohm shape with your mouth and below don't worry George it's almost impossible like wiggling your ears whistling is harder George can whistle hmm what's wrong pepper I can't whistle but everybody else can never mind I'm making cookies would you like to lick the spoon no thank you mommy can I ring Susie shape instead okay pepper hello mrs. pick hello mrs. sheep can pepper talk to Susie please hello what are you doing I'm learning to whistle but I can't do it yet hmm that sounds hard it's impossible can you whistle Susie no oh good I mean that's sad if you can't whistle but good because I can't whistle what's whistling anyway you put your lips together and blow like this hello Peppa the cookies are ready oh goody cookies they'll be hot you should blow on them first do you not want a cookie pepper nice thank you mommy I think I might go outside and be on my own for a little bit can you whistle yet it's no you study I'm never going to whistle ever have you been practicing yes knots doesn't work you need a little rest pepper here have a cookie it's hot you should blow it sounded like a whistle to me what a lovely tune pepper has learned how to whistle pepper and George's cousins are coming to visit today mummy cousin Chloe is here not long now pepper baby Alexander is coming to remember babies I'm sure baby Alexander won't be that noisy it's baby Alexander [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you staying for a few days no this is metallic Xander needs but just one day can't go anywhere without all these baby things how'd you know what he wants we guess it is lunchtime for baby Alexander cousin Peppa is going to feed you today Alexander baby he keeps turning his head feeding baby Alexander is quite hard watch this likes it if you pretend the spoon is an airplane you have a go pepper can you say aeroplane I told you he can't talk he hasn't even said his first words yet pepper do you remember what your first word was no it was mummy I thought peppers first word was daddy no mummy what was George's first word I sure George's first word was dinosaur somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes what do you want to do now I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but in his buggy that's a yes standard Alexander likes it when you talk pepper that's because I am very interesting [Music] and I wants to go and see father Christmas not quite that far pepper lucky for us he's got a grotto at the Christmas Fair Christmas around what toys everybody won he makes Elise his sleigh must be very fast to go around the whole world and one night it's a super slide father Christmas is really old he's hundreds of years old even older my daddy Oh everyone have you been good have you all kept your bedrooms now tell me what you'd like I'll see what I can do is that everyone we haven't seen you yet I am sorry what is your name oh yes nice to see you again pepper what would you like for Christmas please very good you do know where I live don't you oh yes I'm hundreds of years old I told you don't forget to leave me a mince pie [Music] peppa and her family are driving back from the Christmas party [Music] we're spending Christmas at granny and Grandpa's house don't worry Peppa father Christmas knows everything yes and I've got a very important job for you stir the Christmas pudding make a wish Peppa George here's the mince pie and a drink for father Christmas who could that be at this time of night we're not buying anything it is bedtime for peppa and George this used to be my bedroom when I was a little piggy oh yes he's been here many times before good night peppa good night George peppa and George have fallen asleep when they wake up it will be Christmas Day and her friends are at playgroup today till then we are going to learn about instruments that you shake rattle and bang first choose an instrument each from the music home drums they are called bongo drums Danny you bring them with your hands like this I've got a flat bongo drum that is a bogan it is Irish you beat it with a little stick like this I've got to Samba range you can also shake it like this the best um I don't know what this is called but it's scraping that candy is called a key role and it comes all the way from South America how did it get here I brought it back from my holiday they are maracas I brought them back for my holiday in Spain this is a triangle my dad sells these in boxes of 10 Thank You Freddy I will remember that you don't need to go on holiday to get them beg you what are these these are castanets my dad sells them in boxes of five Thank You Freddy only that is how you play the castanets here you are Emily oh no just make the clickety-clack noise ah I see if a Becca has cymbals yeah now you know what your instruments sound like that is not music that is just noise anybody can bang bang bang but to make music you have to listen to each other and keep in time Madame gazelle I can't listen and do music can you clap yes if you can clap you can make music or the girls please copy me now boys Madame gazelle has made the clapping into music now we will learn how to play our instruments together the parents have come to pick up the children ah you're just in time may I present the shake rattle and bang Orchestra Ready Steady Go perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join in to find your instruments children yes ma'am Madame gazelle used to teach all the mummies and daddies when they were little let me see if I've got that right [Music] that's good shake and laughing and banging now [Music] [Music] pepper and her family are on their way to visit cousin Chloe hi there these my friends Simon squirrel and Belinda bear you can call me sigh it's short for Simon and I'm me it suits Belinda I will call you and this is George we'll call you Joe you didn't tell us you had baby cousins Chloe I'm not a baby neato why don't we all play a game yes we don't play baby games anymore we're almost grown up I asked a new aunt what makes that a game you mustn't say yes or no too easy do you want to play then yes there is a very good at playing there yes no game can I ask the questions of course you don't mind me asking you the questions I don't my am I ever going to make you say yes or no I don't think so oh I give up how do you always win easy I just think say yes or no I win you said yes and no that was fun let's play another game have you ever played sardines what's that someone hides I me all try to find them that sounds like hide-and-seek but when you find them you keep quiet and hide in the same space until everyone is hiding there like sardines in a tin all right let's try it George you hide first George is looking for somewhere to hide no no you must squeeze in with pepper and George no Belinda Bear must squeeze in two like sardines in a tin where's everyone gone yeah let's just chill out we just sit around and talk about stuff let's talk about music I dig blues music um I like Reds music I like greens music we don't like children's music no what music are you into I like this it's very grown-up [Applause] [Music] knees and toes [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time to go home now you will see Chloe again soon I'm coming to your house but we will be playing games we like playing games with pepper and George you can still have fun playing games even when you're almost grown up pepper and George are playing as Zoe zebra house Zuzu and Zaza I'm making a jungle with clay clay George has made a dinosaur out of play clay pepper and Zoe having a dolls picnic monkey says yes what's the magic word mr. monkey oh that means please we haven't got to Jesus we could make a tea set out of play clay yes George can we use a play clay please Zuzu Zaza we need to make a tea set for our Tea Party No you can help us make it this teapot is too soft real tea sets aren't soft my mummy makes real pots she does pottery can you help us make a tea set please okay come with me this is where mrs. zebra makes her pottery let's make this tea set clay all pottery starts off like that we need it to be soft so we can shape it but later it won't be soft mummy zebra is making a little cup on the potter's wheel there one cup would you like to try making a cup on a potter's wheel is not easy there is an easier way to make a cop first roll the clay into a long worm like this we wrap it round and round like this okay no I smooth it out with my hands and I add a handy now we have to yes but a tea set needs more than two cups George has made a dinosaur George always makes dinosaurs what a scary dinosaur now we need to bake the tea set in a king a kiln is an oven cooks the clay and makes it hard the tea set should be ready now we paint them clean the children are painting the tea set lovely bright colors tea set is finished now we can have our Tea Party there's a cup for everyone oh we forgot to make a teapot I know George's dinosaur can be the teapots yes let's fill it with water everybody knows that all the finest tea sets have a dinosaur in them [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 7,458,240
Rating: 3.654218 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: ex-Fi5I4dg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 5sec (3845 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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