Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Mr. Scarecrow | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] peppa and george are playing at granny and grandpa pig's house today [Music] hello grandpa pig papa egg hello peppa hello george grandpa what are you doing i'm making a flower garden oh these seeds will grow into beautiful flowers i drop the seeds on the ground then i cover the seeds with earth oh where have they gone the seeds have disappeared that's strange i'm sure i put some seeds here yes grandpa we saw you well they're not here now oh i'll just have to use some more as i was saying i simply dropped the seeds on the ground a little bird is eating grandpa pig's flower seeds hi get off my seats so that's where all my seeds went into the little bird's tummy two more little birds are eating grandpa pig seeds oh look ah shoe shoe what's all this noise granny pig the birds are eating all my flower seeds so we're chasing the birds away there's no point chasing them they'll just come back again look we need a scarecrow what's a scarecrow a scarecrow is a straw man that scares birds away what a good idea granny pig i'll make one come on everyone bye bye little birds we're going to make a scarecrow this is grandpa pig's garden shed there'll be plenty of things in here to make a scarecrow first we need two sticks and some string we'll find them [Music] peppa has found some sticks george has found some string good i'll tie the sticks together to make the body granny pig has found some straw and an old sack lovely i'll put the straw in the sack to make the head now the scarecrow needs something to wear here's a bag of old clothes [Music] george has found a dress silly george mr scarecrow doesn't want to wear a dress peppa has found a coat very good [Music] george has found a hat very good george mr scarecrow needs a face that's right would you and george like to paint a face yes please [Music] george paints the eyes and nose peppa paints the mouth fantastic mr scarecrow is ready the little birds are looking for grandpa pig's flower seeds look the little birds are back don't worry peppa mr scarecrow will scare them off [Music] it worked mr scarecrow has scared the little birds away good now my flower seeds will not be eaten oh grandpa the birds look very sad yes they must be hungry that's why i've brought this what's that granny it's a bird feeder grandpa may i have some seeds please come on birdies lunch lunchtime now the birdies have their own seeds to eat hooray the little birds are happy again peppa is glad that grandpa pig's seeds will not be eaten but she is even more glad that the little birds will not be hungry [Music] daddy pig's office today as a special treat peppa and george are visiting daddy pig's office daddy what do you do at your office all day lots of fun things you'll see this is the building where daddy pig works yes hello it's daddy pig hello daddy pig can i press the button too of course peppa yes it's me hello me come in [Music] my office is on the top floor we have to go up in the lift can i press the button i think it's george's turn press the top button george the lift is taking peppa george and daddy pig up to the very top floor wow top floor doors opening [Music] this is daddy pig's office hello everyone hello daddy pig hello daddy pig mr rabbit and mrs cat work with daddy pig i've brought two very special visitors with me today peppa and george what an honor let's begin the tour mr rabbit can we start at your desk we certainly can my job is all about numbers i take very important pieces of paper i take a rubber stamp and i stamp the paper wow what a great job mr rabbit has can i do some stamping of course i'll just find you some paper here's some paper maybe we should use some blank paper here you are peppa likes stamping with rubber stamps i like doing mr rabbit's job on with the tour next up is mrs cat's desk meow hello pepper and george hello my job is all about drawing shapes on the computer [Music] then i print the shapes out wow and here's another copy thank you what a nice job mrs cat has can i have a go maybe it's george's turn now that's right george it's your turn to do some work george is making blue triangles now we print them out i like doing mrs cat's job do you want to see my desk now yes please [Music] this is daddy pig's desk my job is quite complicated i take big numbers transmute them and calculate their load-bearing tangents daddy pig's job sounds very important do you use rubber stamps no do you use a computer no but i do use coloring pens daddy can we draw with your coloring pens good idea pepper and george love drawing with coloring pens i'm drawing a house george is drawing a dinosaur [Music] my goodness five o'clock already it is home time i say what a splendid picture of a house and what a fierce dinosaur george and i have been doing daddy's job and they've been doing it very well i like doing mr rabbit's job and i like doing mrs cat's job but i like doing daddy's job the best [Music] the long grass pepper and george are playing in the garden oh the grass has not been cut for a while it has grown very long come on george george where are you i can't see you george i'm coming to get you [Music] pepper and george cannot see each other peppa and george love playing in the long grass daddy pig is going to read his newspaper what a nice day for doing nothing daddy pig loves doing nothing oh goodness me daddy pig we've let the garden get a bit out of control what do you mean mummy pig the grass it needs cutting oh i quite like it it's the wild garden look mummy daddy come on play in the long grass it's fun okay let's all play with this spotty ball [Laughter] oh was it gone the ball is lost in the long grass now we'll never find it hmm maybe it is time to cut the grass yes daddy pig i'll get the lawnmower i'm sure it's here somewhere ah here it is daddy pig has found the lawnmower it's a bit old and rusty nonsense it'll have the grass cut in no time it does seem a bit rusty maybe i should phone grandpa pig and ask if we can borrow his lawnmower there's no need to phone grandpa i just need to push a bit harder daddy pig's lawnmower is not very good i know let's phone grandpa hello grandpa pig speaking hello grandpa pig could you help us cut some very long grass oh certainly i'll be over right away bye i think this is a job for betsy [Music] grandpa pig is driving his motor mower over to peppa's house [Music] [Applause] everyone i hear there's some grass that needs cutting and it's just a bit too long for my lawn mower don't worry betsy will have it done in no time is your lawnmower called betsy she certainly is hello betsy grandpa can we ride on betsy of course you can hop aboard aye aye captain grandpa we'll have this grass cut in no time oh tight here we go betsy is very good at cutting grass [Music] grandpa you've missed a bit oh yes what's this oh this body ball thank you for finding our ball grandpa and thank you for cutting the grass cutting grass is easy with betsy now we can play with our spotty ball to you daddy the ball bounces very well on the short grass to you george [Music] papa egg [Music] the postman's daughter mr zebra the postman is delivering a letter to peppa's house [Music] zoe zebra is with her daddy today she has her own letters to deliver hmm danny dog suzy sheep rebecca rabbit ah pepper and george [Music] just these ones left good let's get them delivered peppa and george love it when the post arrives we've got two letters this one's for daddy pig how exciting dear mr pig please pay your telephone bill oh what's a bill it sounds very boring bills are very boring mommy is the other letter for you no this one's for peppa and george wow a letter for george to me please come to my birthday party love zoe zebra zoe zebra has invited peppa and george to her birthday party you need to write a reply to zoey to tell her you are coming to her party can you help us write it mommy of course peppa and george are writing a reply to zoey what would you like to say dear zoe dear zoe um i don't know what to say next how about we would love to come to your party kind regards peppa and george what color envelope shall we use the red one [Music] miss zoe zebra and last of all the stamp [Music] the letter is ready to be posted this is the post box here are danny suzy pedro rebecca and emily elephant they [Music] hello everyone hello peppa did you get my letter about my party yes and i've written you a reply oh goody my goodness so many letters today and this letter is mine it is very very important is it for me can i open it now it is for you zoe but it must be delivered before you can open it that's how the post works oh and with so many letters to deliver today i'd better make a start and george and i come along too hop a ball george see you later peppa and george are helping mr zebra deliver the post this is zoe zebra's house this letter is addressed to miss zoe zebra miss zoe zebra zoe zebra zoe zebra zoe zebra oh all the post is for zoe that's my letter can i post it certainly peppa loves posting letters [Music] mummy look all these letters are for me oh amazing can you read it mummy dear zoey i would love to come to your party from danny dog susie sheep's coming to your party too and rebecca pedro emily candy they're all coming to your party and this letter is from me it says we are coming to your party love and kisses peppa and george wow so many presents you'll be writing lots of thank you letters zoey oh and who's going to deliver all those thank you letters you are daddy but i can help [Music] ice skating peppa and her family are going ice skating today this will be fun peppa and george have never been ice skating before now george you won't be very good at ice skating so just do what i do i'm sure we'll all be very good yes especially me [Laughter] first we need some skates at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating here are susie sheep rebecca rabbit danny dog zoe zebra candy cat emily elephant and pedro pony peppa's friends can ice skate very well peppa wants to ice skate too hello everyone hello is this your first time skating yes shall i show you how to skate no thank you susie i'm sure i can already do it okay come on man [Music] this is impossible i don't want to do ice skating anymore don't worry peppa everyone falls over when they ice skate even i fall over watch this oopsie daisy silly daddy george would you like to skate no george has never ice skated before and he is a bit worried i'll look after george while you teach peppa how to skate skating is easy peppa just push with your feet and glide push push glide see push push slide push push slide this is easy i can do it on my own now mommy [Music] push push glide push push glide well done peppa look at me i'm skating peppa is doing really well yes i'm a very good teacher slow down peppa you'll bump into someone don't worry mummy i'm very good at skating oh where are the brakes oh dear i forgot to teach peppa how to stop oh ah i can't stop look out mummy pig taught you how to skate but i taught you how to fall over yes i'm very good at falling over george do you want to skate too no come on george it's fun i'll teach you hit him first you need to george come back i'm teaching you how to ice skate what a surprise george can skate beautifully wow [Music] very good george now you need to learn how to stop well done george you're fantastic george yes you did very well george for your first lesson come on let's skate peppa and george love ice skating everyone loves ice skating mummy and daddy taught me how to skate but i taught george [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the baby peppa and george are visiting their big cousin chloe today as well as seeing chloe you are going to meet your new cousin peppa and her family have arrived at chloe's house hello hello everyone hello pepper and george this is chloe peppa and george's big cousin but where's our new cousin here's your new baby cousin [Music] the new cousin is a tiny baby piggy oh how beautiful is it a girl baby no it's a boy oh i wish it was a girl me too george is pleased the baby is a boy dinosaur i think the baby's too little to play with dinosaurs george the baby doesn't want to play with you it wants to play with me [Music] peppa the baby is much too little to play ball games but if it can't play with a dinosaur or a ball what can it do it eats and it sleeps and it does that auntie pig can i hold the baby yes if you're very careful you can hold alexander alexander that's his name baby alexander what a big name for such a small piggy it's quite nice even though it's a boy oh what's that smell maybe alexander's nappy needs changing disgusting peppa when you were a baby you wore nappies i did not mommy can i play with peppa and george in the garden yes [Music] chloe is it nice having a little baby brother yes alexander is very sweet i wish george was a sweet little baby piggy i know george can pretend to be a baby piggy he can go in my doll's plan that's a good idea no george does not want to be a baby george if you pretend to be a baby i promise to be nice to you forever and ever george is thinking and you can play with all my toys george is thinking more and when we get home you can play with all my toys george has decided what a sweet baby piggy here a candy cat suzy sheep rebecca rabbit and zoe zebra hello why is george in that doll's pram it's not george it's a baby piggy but it is george george is a pretend baby piggy ah is this a girl or a boy it's a girl no george does not want to be a girl baby okay it's a boy i've got some cookies would the baby piggy like one oh no it can't eat cookies george likes cookies maybe it can have one it's cookie clever and so handsome it's very funny it's the best baby piggy ever george likes this game here is auntie pig with baby alexander wow a proper real baby piggy it's so gorgeous it's much sweeter than george oh dear george liked being the baby piggy oh george you'll always be my baby piggy maybe it's time for a new game how about some dinosaur chasing but he likes being george moore [Music] [Music] peppa and george are playing at granny and grandpa's house today hello grandpa pig papa egg oh hello peppa hello george bye bye see you later see you later [Music] where's granny pig hello my little ones that is granny pig's voice but where is she granny pig here i am granny pig gang why is granny in the roof we're tidying the attic what's the asset it's where we keep all our old things like you grandpa pig ha ha things that are even older than me can we help okay [Laughter] top of the house that's the door to the attic how do we get up there i have a clever trick hello my little ones it's granny come on up [Music] [Laughter] this is our attic wow it's very full yes it's full of old junk [Laughter] pepper and george are here to help us throw some things out good let's start by throwing out this box oh not that box do we really need this that's my ship in a bottle and this that's my other ship in a bottle and these they're my other ships in bottles i need them all well we have to throw something out uh how about this box no not my hats oh dear we can't decide what to throw out i know we let pepper and george decide okay let's throw away this old case oh not that one this isn't just any old case it's a record player [Music] and this was our favorite record can we play it yes oh we haven't heard it for years [Applause] oh this takes me back [Music] mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and george hello where are you mummy pig can't find anyone what's that noise hello we've been dancing to granny and grandpa's favorite record yes granny and grandpa played it all the time oh and here's the record i used to play when i was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie birdie woof woof not birdie birdie woof woof you were always playing that i thought we'd thrown that out ages ago [Applause] the bad scale woof and the dog scale tweet tweet wolf treats wolf woof woof and the cows go back mud [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out peppa what should we throw out and what should we keep hmm i think you should keep everything [Music] [Music] george throws the ball as high as he can and catches it i can do that too peppa has missed the ball this is a silly game here is peppa's best friend susie sheep susie has two tennis racquets no peppa hello susie let's play tennis yes that sounds fun to you susie oh susie has missed the ball oh peppa has missed the ball peppa and susie like playing for tennis but george feels a bit left out [Music] oh sorry george you can't play tennis we only have two rackets i know george can be the ball boy yes it's a very important job george is going to be the ball boy he has to collect the ball when it is hit too far to you susie oh mistake oh boy [Laughter] thank you boy boy oh boy you bull boy bull boy oh dear george doesn't like this game [Music] can we play two but there aren't enough rackets oh let's play something else let's play football yes football girls against boys we each need a goalkeeper me me me pedro pony and rebecca rabbit will be the goalkeepers we'll start [Music] richard rabbit has scored a goal the boys are winning that's not fair we weren't ready hi that's cheating you can't hold the ball yes i can i'm the goalkeeper the goal is not allowed daddy the boys are cheating no the girls are cheating it sounds like you need a referee what's a referee it's someone who makes sure that everyone plays fair oh i'll be the referee the next team to get a goal will win the game where's the ball quick score goals [Music] go richard rabbit has scored a goal hooray the boys win oh football is a silly game just a moment the boys scored in their own goal that means the girls wins really hooray football is a great game [Music] foggy day [Music] peppa and george are going to the playground today should we drive to the playground no let's walk look it's just over there the playground is quite close [Music] okay let's walk this way everyone we're going to the playground we're going to the playground [Laughter] oh where has the sky gone don't worry peppa it's just fog what fog fog is a cloud that is on the ground instead of in the sky oh it's very thick fog i can't see a thing hmm maybe we should go back home yes we'll go to the playground another day oh it is too foggy to find the playground so peppa and george have to go back home now which way is home are we lost daddy pig don't worry i know exactly where we are this way oh who put that tree there daddy pig has walked into a tree are you okay daddy pig yes i'm fine this way [Music] daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course i do i don't think we'll ever find our house again i'm sure we will peppa we're only in our garden oh it's the ducks hello mrs duck have you lost your pond we're lost too we are not lost i know exactly where we are see you later ducks good luck finding your pond oh daddy pig has found the duck pond that's lucky yes what a stroke of luck daddy mrs duck says thank you you're most welcome mrs duck now let's find our house i'm sure it's this way hello did you hear something yes i thought i heard someone say hello it's mummy rabbit with rebecca and richard hello peppa we're lost hello rebecca we're lost too we wanted to go to the playground so did we but it's too foggy to get there come on everyone back to our house until the fog clears daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course i do this way yes [Music] our house should be just about here oh daddy pig has found a ladder that's strange we don't have a ladder in our garden goodness me can you see where we are daddy pig yes i can daddy where are we why don't you have a look okay wow wow i can see everything again the fog is going away we're at the playground hey we're at the playground we're at the playground we [Music] well that's lucky but i thought we were trying to get home so did i maybe we did get a bit lost after [Laughter] [Music] granddad all garage this is granddad dog's garage here a peppa and her family in their car hello danny hello peppa what can we do for you today we've got petrol air for tires and a new automatic car wash uh two ice lollies please oh certainly granddad dogs garage sells lots of things even ice lollies thank you goodbye goodbye i love our car and our car loves us too oh dear the car has stopped it's no good it won't start i know i'll ring granddad dog [Music] granddad dog speaking help our car has broken down daddy we've got some rescuing to do granddad dog knows everything about cars hmm is it serious no you've just run out of petrol what can we do there's plenty of petrol at my garage i'll tow you there granddad dog is towing peppa's car back to his garage [Music] granddad dog is filling peppa's car with petrol thank you granddad dog here is susie sheep and her mummy in their car hello peppa hello susie we ran out of petrol granddad dork rescued us wow that's exciting see you later see you later [Music] oh no all the air has gone out of the tire well granddad dog have to rescue us i think so granddad dog speaking i see don't panic mommy sheep i'm on my way to the rescue can i go too hop aboard peppa to the rescue to the rescue hello susie we've come to rescue you hooray granddad dog is filling the tire with air thank you granddad dog you're a granny pig and grandpa pig in their car hello everyone hello grandpa pig would you like some petrol or air no thanks i want to try out your new car wash certainly it's run by a computer hello i am the car wash of the future first soapy water a rinse and finally a polish wow sorry i have malfunctioned oh dear the computer has broken and grandpa pig's car is stuck ah do something granddad dog oh i don't know how to mend computers my daddy mended our computer at home uh well i didn't really mend the computer i just could then this is a job for daddy pig hmm maybe if i just switch it off and then switch it on again daddy pig has mended the car wash granddad dog is the best at mending cars but my daddy mended the car wash [Music] emily elephant peppa and her friends are going to play group today the children each have their own hook to hang their coats on [Laughter] today we have a new pupil emily elephant hello emily is a bit shy who would like to show emily where to hang her coat we just need one peppa can you show emily where to hang her coat yes madame gazelle we each have our own coat hooks this one is for you emily emily is hanging her coat on her very own coat hook now emily what would you like to do today painting clay or building blocks um i don't know maybe building blocks and everyone else painting clay or building blocks building blocks are popular today everyone wants to sit next to emily elephant emily you put one block on top of another like this one it's better if you put them side by side no this way emily meow this is the right way emily no no emily like this you are all being very helpful but emily how would you play with the blocks um i'm not very sure i might do it like this [Music] wow emily elephant is good at building blocks it is playtime emily would you like to play outside with the others yes please can someone show emily where we play yes madame gazelle at playtime peppa and her friends play in the school garden what a lot of noise let's see who is the loudest okay i'll go first squeak squeak that was quite loud now it is zoe zebra's turn now susie sheep now danny dog that was very loud my turn now my turn no my turn peppa is the loudest [Laughter] [Music] emily you try i'm not too sure please emily okay i'll try [Music] my goodness that was loud wow do it again [Music] emily is not shy anymore emily would you like to play my favorite game what is your favorite game jumping in muddy puddles that's my favorite game too [Music] whoever loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles emily loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles this looks like fun madame gazelle loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] emily have you enjoyed your first day at our play group yes madame gazelle and i see you've made lots of new friends yes emily elephant is my friend and emily is my friend and mom and mine and mine emily who do you like best um i like susie and danny and zoe and rebecca and pedro and peppa [Music] today peppa is going to the park it's freezing cold it is cold quick let's get our warm clothes on on cold days peppa and her family wear their hats and scarves and coats i'll put the roof up oh and let's get the heating on everyone nice and warm mommy why are all the leaves red and yellow it's autumn time pepper in the autumn it gets a bit colder and the leaves change color it's quite windy let's play a game to keep warm my turn oh it's not meant to go that way the wind is blowing the ball along the ball is in the pond hmm i'll just use this stick to reach it just a bit further daddy be careful daddy pig don't worry i've almost got it [Music] daddy is the water cold a little bit the wind has blown the ball out of the pond that's lucky yes what a stroke of luck it's getting even windier hold on to your hats no the wind has blown george's hat off don't worry george daddy pig will catch your hat [Music] look it's in that little tree hmm i'll just climb up and get it the tree is much too thin to take your weight daddy pig so how can we get george's hat simple i'll give the tree a little shake huh maybe if i shake it a bit harder i thought that sort of thing only happened to me it's not funny it is a bit funny mummy i suppose it is a bit funny where's george's hat it's on your head here's your hat george hold on to it this time the wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees look at me i'm leaning into the wind the wind is strong enough to hold pepper the wind is strong enough to hold georgia daddy uh i'm a bit too heavy come on daddy it's really fun oh all right the wind is strong enough to hold up daddy pig i say this is fun come on mummy pig give it a try but if the wind stops i'll pull over the wind won't just stop the wind has stopped it's not funny it is a bit funny now the winter stopped what can we do hmm what's your favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles but there aren't any puddles just lots of boring dry leaves and what do you do with dry leaves i don't know jump up and down in there [Music] this is the best autumn day ever [Music] granny and grandpa pig are going on holiday they are bringing polly parrot to peppa's house so peppa and george could look after her [Music] hello everyone hello grandpa pig hello granny pig polly is very excited about her holiday with peppa and george hello polly hello polly polly parody copies everything that is said what's in polly's suitcase granny oh this is polly's food george can you guess what polly likes to eat best chocolate cake no not chocolate cake polly likes bird seed bad seed can i feed her granny pig can i feed her yes it's very important not to give polly too much food yes grandpa pig grandpa can probably come out of the cage yes but you must keep all the doors and windows closed so polly doesn't fly away yes grandpa pig goodbye peppa goodbye george good-bye granny pig good-bye grandpa pig come back granny pig would you like a cup of tea would you like a cup of tea george has got polly's birdseed george that is too much birdseed polly will go very big and burst like a balloon pop [Music] what's that noise [Music] ice cream hooray oh dear george has forgotten to close the door [Music] ice cream ice cream it is miss rabbit the ice cream lady hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit four ice creams please [Music] thank you miss rabbit george you forgot to close the door paulie will have flown away don't worry peppa i'm sure polly is still inside [Music] polly's not here [Music] maybe we should try the garden look what's that what has mummy pig seen in the garden but daddy how are we going to get polly down from the tree don't worry peppa i'll rescue polly come on polly oh no polly has flown higher up the tree oh dear oh be careful daddy don't fall out of the tree like you always do don't worry peppa i'll be very careful come on polly bad seed i wonder where george is going george has got polly's bird seed polly loves to eat birdseed [Applause] george has got polly down from the tree hooray what's that noise daddy pig's mobile phone is ringing what hello oh granny pig hello daddy pig please may i talk to polly yes of course hello polly are you having a nice holiday hello polly are you having a nice holiday oh [Music] [Music] then let's go [Music] george is a bit too little for the roundabout he is playing on the swing [Music] here is rebecca rabbit with her little brother richard hello everyone [Music] can i come on the roundabout too hop on rebecca let's go really really fast richard rabbit wants to go on the roundabout too ah if richard gets on it means we can't go fast richard can play with george richard would you like to play with george no george is a dinosaur just like yours let's go and see richard rabbit is the same age as george richard wanted to see george's dinosaur dinosaur george can richard play with your dinosaur no richard can george play with your dinosaur no george and richard do not want to share their dinosaurs george it will be much more fun if you share that was really nice of george george does not like sharing richard let george hold the dinosaurs now richard does not like sharing either what's all this crying about george and richard always cry when they play together they're just too little to play properly can you two big girls teach them to play together of course we can help them make sans castles good idea let's go to the sandpit [Music] george richard today we are going to make sandcastles first we fill the buckets with sand we turn the buckets over and give them a little tap now we lift the buckets richard has made a sandcastle hey pesto and george has made a sandcastle you see playing together is fun [Music] oh dear this game has not gone very well it was your brother's fault he broke george's sand castle your brother broke my brother's sand castle first now now you two big girls are meant to be teaching richard and george to play nicely together that's right we're big girls and george and richard's are too little to play together properly hmm i've got an idea george what's your most favorite thing in the whole playground see-saw george loves the seesaw [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own richard wants to play on the seesaw [Music] look george and richard are playing together [Music] george and richard like playing together [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 8,211,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: ha1C4tSM2hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 2sec (3842 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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