Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Halloween Special 🎃 - Pirate Party | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] today is Danny dog's birthday he is having a party everyone has come dressed as pirates Pedro pony is dressed as a cowboy [Applause] it is granddad dog dressed as a pirate call me dog beard what Jimmy's scurvy pirates crave a ration of swashbuckling all the brainy seas why is he talking funny that's pirates talk if you want to play my pirate game say is this a dangerous game no Pedro granddad dog has promised me it will be a very safe game but it will be exciting so who wants to play he'll be the plan toy was a heap of gold it was mine by right but I was hard swallow one captain Olga what pirate talk is a bit difficult to understand captain hog took my treasure no you the captain hog is a fearsome pirate some of you may already know him as grandpa pig game is to go to captain hogs hideout and get back my treasure without being caught everyone is excited to be playing the pirate game hello grandpa pig we're on our way jolly good grandpa pig and Polly parrot are guarding the pirate and treasure the black carrion fast on the wind at our backs [Music] oh there put your life jackets on granddad Dolph vote all the children must wear life jackets that scurvy dog beard should be here by now here's a nice cup of tea grandpa pig thank you granny pig lost are we all ready now mr. dog pig I need to go to the toilet what can be keeping them hello granddad dog I thought you said you were on your way yes yes we're almost there it's taken a while to get my crew together [Music] the children have arrived at grandpa pig's orchard the game is to get that treasure without being caught I hope there are new pirates around here trying to take my lovely treasure peppa and her friends have got the coins without being caught everybody loves chocolate coins gosh granddad dog has been caught try and take my treasure would your dish mine I want it fair and square oh no you didn't oh yes I did Thank You captain hog and dog beard for the lovely pirate game you're very welcome oh yes it's been lots of fun Danny dog is playing in his pirate den peppa and her friends Danny dog has a dressing up box full of pirate clothes but it still baskets in who wants a biscuit [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it's a treasure chest let's find some treasure to put in it someone has to stay here to guard the pirate ship me I will guard it if you see someone coming shout stop who goes there stop who goes there okay let's go find some treasure Danny dog likes being a pirate everyone likes being a pirate Danny has found a pinecone Peppa has found a shell Suzy has found an old bit of rope Freddie has found a pebble oh just sleep Pedro always takes his glasses off before he sleeps let's creep up on Pedro yes Danny Peppa Suzy and Freddie are creeping up on Pedro yes sorry you're lucky we're friendly pirates we've got treasure that's nice let's put it in the treasure chest now we can bury it I'll stay here and guard the pirate ship okay pirate Pedro but don't fall asleep this time I won't the Pirates are off to bury the treasure chest over a hill x marks the spot Pedro has fallen asleep again mummy pony has come to collect Pedro I'm your mummy Pedro Pedro cannot see very well without his glasses where are your glasses um I don't know mommy when did you last have them when we put the treasure into the treasure chest what treasure chest the world we buried in the garden Pedro's glasses are buried in the garden oh dear how are we going to find them now we've got a treasure map mummy pony is using peppers map to find the buried treasure [Music] they have found the treasure Thank You treasure maps are very useful especially for finding your glasses if you accidentally bury them Harvick is taking Heather and George Polley parrot is going to have you got your mobile phone yes granny pig don't drop it in the water no granny Pig it's switched on yes granny pig here is granddad dog sailing I would go too but my boat needs a clean I don't know why you bother cleaning that rusty boat I'm surprised it's still afloat this rusty boat will still be afloat long after your old tin boat to sunk to the bottom of the river granddad dog is grandpa pigs very best friend I [Applause] am the captain of this boat and when the captain tells you to do something you must do it Polly parrot copies everything that is said George raised the flag [Music] ring the bell grandpa can I be the captain please okay but as captain you must wear this hat now is the captain everyone must do what she says he's a bit bossy perhaps I should be the captain again we don't want to crash into anything steering the boats can be tricky luckily I'm good at steering dear grandpa pigs boat has crashed into a little island I'll ring granny pig she can get help Oh grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water granny pig speaking hello [Applause] somehow we need to get a message to granny good idea peppa and I can teach Polly what to say grandpa pig says there you see easy-peasy you silly old bird you silly old bird hello Polly what are you doing here what does grandpa pig say usually old bird Oh help goodness me grandpa must need help granddad dog hello granny pig grandpa pig needs help please could you rescue him madam I would be delighted [Music] rescuing maybe would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you yes please granddad dog catch this captain I are skipper granddad dog is grandpa pigs very best friend yes Polly is a very clever parrot say I'm a clever parrot pig is taking peppa and her friends for a day out on his boat everyone on board [Music] and her friends all wear a life George you could wear my pirate hat today we are sailing to Pirate Island if we're lucky we might find buried treasure pirate island sounds like a great place [Music] pirate island what's that it's a metal detector it finds buried treasure grandpa pig is using the metal detector to find buried treasure [Music] detector has found something let's dig it up it's a little coin treasure let's find some more we found something else it sounds big my goodness this piece of treasure is quite heavy oh dear that is not very stretcher that is a rusty old shopping trolley maybe that's enough treasure hunting who wants to help build a big sandcastle what a good idea granny pig now I'll just check on the boot granny pig is going to help the children's build up big sandcastle and Grandpa pig is doing important folk things ah this is nice Oh baby I'll just close my eyes a little bit granny in the children are making a big sandcastle they need lots and lots of sand they use buckets to make the castles turrets what a splendid castle grandpa pig is fast asleep and the boat is drifting away we have to wake grandpa up shout as loudly as you can oh no grandpa pig is still asleep grandpa's too far away to hear us we're castaways we'll be here for a hundred years we'll have to eat wild fruit and berries and we'll have to eat insects and slugs the parents are here to collect the children hello everyone have you had a nice time yes actually I just left something behind back in the Cape [Music] welcome aboard me hearties naughty grandpa pig we thought you'd left us behind sorry about that granny pig next time I promise not to fall asleep [Music] oh of course we can Peppa daddy peppa and her family are borrowing grandpa's boat for the day remember daddy pig push the lever forward to go forward hi Grampa pig would and back to do back and back simple and please look after my boat I just had it painted Oh grandpa pig what an old fusspot you are let's go oh the boat is moving backwards watch out for the bridge I hope my boot comes back in one piece stop worrying in the galley [Music] George love feeding bread to Ducks long will easily go are we stuck no we can reverse now are we stuck yes oh dear grandpa's boat is stuck in the reeds I'll just give it a little push do be careful daddy pig I know what I'm doing when I say go start the engine daddy pig has pushed the boat out of the reeds no daddy pig is being left behind before we have any more adventures they've been gone for ages I hope my boats all right I'll just Park the boat no you park a car but you more a boat I'll show you grandpa pig is going to more the boat the secret of mooring is to do it carefully I didn't mean to do that you can have lots of fun mending it it is true that I love oh of course you can Peppa [Music] [Laughter] [Music] granny Pig and Grandpa pig are making a treasure hunt for peppa and George granny pig is drawing the treasure map grandpa pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden grandpa pig have you finished peppa and George will be here soon no need to panic granny pig never and her family are here quick grandpa pig they're here Oh almost done grandpa pig just finished in time hello my little ones Oh me hot is Peppa George we've made you a treasure hunt somewhere in the garden is buried treasure Wow you have to look for it here's a treasure map for peppa and George could wear my pirate hat oh hi there captain George is a bit difficult daddy can you know of course Peppa I'm very good with maps yeah it is a bit difficult daddy pig you're holding the map upside down yes I thought as much it's easy the Red Cross shows where the treasure is but we're in the garden of those two apple trees I don't know would you like a clue yes please the first clue is in a bottle oh but where is the bottle Peppa has found the first clue a message in a bottle well done Peppa let's see what the message says oh it's a message from a pirate honey do you meet the pirate's message hmmm this pirate has very bad handwriting the pirate's handwriting is excellent no I can't make it out at all the pirate is clearly written follow the arrows George has found the second glue sticks in the shape of an arrow and George are following the currents giorgia cheese pepper has found the next clue the key well done pepper oh now you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks but there aren't any more clues maybe you should take another look at the map look pepper the map has two apple trees on it let's take a look oh dear it doesn't seem to be anything here hang on there is something here I've got the keys to open it wow I can't believe it gold coins they must be worth a fortune it's better than that they're not gold coins they are chocolate coins and there's a chocolate coin for everybody [Music] [Applause] George loved chocolate coins everyone loves chocolate coins this is the best treasure ever [Music] pepper and George are having a fancy best party all their friends are invited pepper is dressed as a fairy princess and George is dressed as a dinosaur as friends candy cat Suzy sheep Danny dog Rebecca rabbit and Pedro pony Suzy is wearing her nurse's costume hello Suzy I'm glad the nurse has arrived have you just come from the hospital I'm not very good my my who have we here pirates shiver me timbers I can turn you into a frog [Music] what are you Rebecca rabbit I'm carrots fantastic come in there's a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you I'm princess Peppa you must bow would you speak to me hello your majesty me I'm not Suzy open wide and say ah did something funny Rebecca why are you dressed as a carrot I like carrots scary dinosaur pepper is admiring herself in the mirror I'm the witch and I've got a magic wand I've got a magic one too I can turn you into a children it's time to decide who has the best fancy dress costume we need a judge as it peppers party maybe she should be the judge oh I'm the judge the judge the judge decides who has the best costume pepper is going to choose who has the best costume Susie can I see your costume please I'm not Susie I'll make people better very good nice Susie now Danny what on the poet's shiver me timbers now candy no I'm a witch I can turn you into a squirrel well I'm very princess I could turn you into a frog children children sorry mommy who's next [Music] I'm the carrot my little brother George is a scary dinosaur everyone's costume is very good now you say who the winner is Peppa you can't pick yourself you're the judge Oh can't I you have to pick another winner okay [Music] peppers family are having a sleepover at cousin Chloe's house you must be tired after your long journey yes an early night would be nice first we'll put baby Alexander to bed this is baby Alexander's bedroom we're a noisy family [Music] Heather and George are excited to be sleeping in cousin Chloe's bedroom good night good night good night good night everyone is tucked up in their beds asleep baby Alexander is awake peppa and George are awake it's the vacuum cleaner [Music] why you vacuuming at night what who knew we fire noise is the best way to get baby Alexander back to sleep he likes noise we're a noisy family everyone is back in their beds asleep baby Alexander is awake [Applause] [Music] the noise was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times round the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby Alexander around the house 50 times good baby Alexander is asleep can you let me back in switch the alarm pepper what are you doing up it's a noisy night okay pepper let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in the light has woken baby Alexander it's all right I've got the vacuum cleaner stop stop I remember another quiet way we used to get George to sleep oh yes we drove him around in the car I'll get the car started daddy pig has set off the noisy house alarm the noisy house has broken everyone up it's miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter all that loud noise baby Alexander to sleep there's really fast asleep now well done daddy pig you should have you to stay more often [Music] it is night time daddy pig is reading pepper and George a bedtime story and so the prince the princess the budgie and the Frog all lived happily ever after the end the bedtime story has sent pepper and George to sleep good night my little piggies make Nick George is awake back to sleep George is not sleepy night time is for sleeping not playing I can tell you a bedtime story once upon a time there was a little pig his name was Georgie [Music] [Music] inside the forest and inside the house was a very hungry baby yes baby that was very big okay I'll do a baby there is a box of the world yes with wings breathing fire it was a very friendly drummer and he said you can have the treasure but then Georgie pink began to shriek he shrank and he shrieked and he's from until he was the same little dirty Pig as he was before how will we get back home now said baby bear I can fly you home said the dragon say Georgie pate and baby bad hon the Dragons back and flew all the way back to the little house George is asleep pepper is asleep pepper what are you doing out of bed nighttime is for sleeping not playing night night my little piggies sweet dreams pepper and George are in their little beds fast asleep George is playing with his favorite toy mr. dinosaur George loves playing with mr. dinosaur mr. dinosaur is made of plastic it is almost impossible to break him George loves playing with mr. dinosaur in the bath at nighttime George always takes mr. dinosaur to bed with him mr. dinosaur is broken Oh mr. dinosaur does not have a tail anymore poor George do you have had mr. dinosaur a long time I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur yes we can go to mr. Fox's shop tomorrow this is mr. Fox's shop mr. Fox is everything I'm sure we'll find you a lovely new dinosaur here George George does not want a new dinosaur look George a big dinosaur good morning can I help you we'd like the dinosaur in the window please certainly good choice this is the Dino roar it roars it walks and it sings a dinosaur song Dino roar Dino roar listen to the Dino roar roar we'll take it yeah George is playing with Dino raw in the gardens don't play too roughly with Dino roar George he has moving parts and might get broken George cannot play with Dino raw in the garden George wants to play with Dino raw in the bath George if you get Dino roar wet he'll stop working George cannot play with Dino raw in the bath it is night time George has taken Dinah raw to bed with him somewhere else George cannot have Dino raw in his bed at night it is morning why is George looking so sad George cannot play with Dino roar in the garden in the bath or in bed never mind George Dino roar can still raw oh I think the batteries must have run out daddy pig already Dino roar needs lots of batteries to make him roar that's not a trumpet pepper you found mr. dinosaur's tail oh now daddy pig can mend him I'll try hmmm I think it might be quite difficult to mend Oh daddy pig has mended mr. dinosaur I am a bit of an expert at mending things George loves mr. dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur hello mr. dinosaur mr. dinosaur is George's favorite toy in the whole world [Music] grandpa pigs boat granny Pig and Grandpa pig are taking pepper and George out for a day on the river welcome aboard me hearties pepper George let's put your life jackets on when peppa and George are on grandpa pigs boat they must wear life jackets on this boat I'm the captain aye-aye captain when captain grandpa tells you all to do something you must do it something silly captain grandpa never says anything silly of course not captain grandpa George raise the flag granny pig the wheel [Music] maybe you should go a little slower grandpa pig who died yeah granny pig I don't want to use up all my petrol don't worry Peppa we'll go fast later here's granddad dog he's taking Danny dog out for a day on the river granddad dog is grandpa pigs very best friend I'm surprised your boat is still afloat granddad dog it must be almost as old as you are this old boat can go faster than your rusty bucket a day grandpa pig all right you old sea dog race you prepare to lose you two are acting like little children granddad dog called me a water pond you called him a sea don't fast cry ah you should say sorry only if he says sorry first granddad's say sorry to grandpa pig is your best friend's no he's a water hog and my boat is faster than his all right sea dog let's race to the next bridge on the count of three one two use dodgy - such as fast as you can [Music] grandpa pigs boat has run out of petrol very clever captain grandpa maybe I did go a bit too vast how will we get home granddad dog can tow us home I'm not being towed by that sea dog I haven't offered to tow the water hog will you two ever grow up grandma say sorry to granddad dog I'm sorry I called you a sea dog granddad's say sorry to Grandpa pig I'm sorry I called you a water hog that's nice granddad dog would you be so kind as to tow us home it would be my pleasure madam catch this captain skipper granddad dog is grandpa pigs very best friend and a dog is telling grandpa pigs boat home the main thing is I won the race grandpa pig [Music] [Music] [Music] grandpa pig is taking pepper George for a ride on his little train Gertrude the Train and the good thing is Gertrude has rubber wheels so we don't have to go on train tracks miss rabbit is taking the grown-ups to work in her big train morning grandpa pig out on your toy train again Gertrude is not a toy she is a miniature lucu mutti I can't this is as fast as Gertrude goes the big train is going to very fast Oh big train has broken down what's happening we need to get to work hello miss rabbit having trouble with your train it's not funny grandpa pig all of my passengers need to get to work you need to get yourself a train that doesn't break down like Gertrude that's a good idea oh you get what I'm borrowing your train all change what am I going to do you can stay here and mend the big train right oh I do like mending things oh what fun riding a toy train Gertrude is not a toy she is a miniature locomotive of course all aboard the toy train mrs. cow is waiting for the train at the next station no this is a toy train Gertrude is not a toy train she is a miniature locomotive grandpa pig loves mending things so many interesting bits and bobs Oh traffic jam right on the grass of course miss rabbit is taking a shortcut ask the duck pond and to and exit station the big train is broken we're riding grandpa pigs toy train today is not a toy train stop the end of the line this goes here and that goes there grandpa pig has mended the big train good as new now you can all do your important work hang on it's taken us so long to get here it's home time Oh back we go then but if we travel on Gertrude it will take ages to get home i [Music] mended the big train excellent grandpa pig all change because of her behind yes don't worry we can take the toy train as well Gertrude is not a toy we know she is a miniature locomotive [Music] [Music] daddy pig is hard at work in the study daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello mr. Scooby likes where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs is not in the filing cabinet mr. skinnylegs is not under the chair mr. skinnylegs is not on the table oh I wonder where mr. sounds like okay we'll take mr. skinnylegs into the garden now mr. skinnylegs bye-bye mr. skinnylegs it is starting to rain mr. skinnylegs is running back to the house I don't want mr. skinnylegs in the house daddy pig let's take mr. skinnylegs a bit further into the garden a nice tree for you to live in he's making a web Peppa spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies yes it's hard web that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again bye bye mr. skinnylegs it is bedtime I liked watching mr. skinnylegs makers web today and tomorrow you'll make another web really yes mr. skinnylegs makes a new web every day daddy I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night-night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting of the office yes I do but not as hard as mr. skinnylegs what is it why not look mr. skinnylegs has built a web joining the car to the house yes if you move the car you will break the web but how am I going to get to work don't worry daddy you can borrow my little bicycle Thank You Peppa daddy pig is riding peppers little bicycle I will pepper bye daddy pig works very hard movie but mr. skinnylegs works even harder [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 7,635,689
Rating: 3.7956789 out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: sw3DgwE1aHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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