Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Chatterbox | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] chatterbox it is a lovely sunny day and susie sheep has come to play with peppa hello susie hello peppa pepper and susie are best friends guess what happened to me yesterday yesterday i went to the duck pond and i saw mrs duck well yesterday then i went to the supermarket with mummy we bought bread carrots and what's wrong you talk too much you go blah blah blah blah blah just like that blah blah blah mummy susie said i talk too much well you are a bit of a chatterbox pepper chatterbox that's right chatterbox here chatterbox there chatter chatter chatter you never stop talking i can easily stop talking if i want to no you can't yes i can you can't i can you can't that's it i'm never going to talk again hello susie hello peppa hello zoe you look nice today thank you susie this is my new dress why are you not talking peppa yes why are you not talking peppa this is a silly game what game are you playing susie said i was a chatterbox and i could never be quiet you're not being very quiet now are you right i'm not going to talk ever again starting now hello everyone hello danny hello danny what's the matter with peppa she's not talking oh who wants a grape me please me please you can't nod your head that's cheating and you can't blink hello everyone hello pedro what's the matter with peppa she's never going to talk ever again why because she talks too much i do not talk too much anyway you're always walking like this oh look at me i'm susie sheep see what i mean and you say this that's nothing like me it is a bit like you susie you're just as noisy as me i can be quiet it's not easy it's not that hard peppa okay you do it then let's all do it we can show my [Laughter] mummy they're all going to be quite very quiet so quiet you can drop something on the floor and hear it quiet as a mouse you're not being quiet at all you're all being very noisy we can be quiet whenever we want start being quiet on the count of three one two i'm not ready okay now on your marks hello i'm home oh i thought the house was empty peppa and her friends are playing at being quiet it's not playing it's very hard work oh peppa peppa cannot stop herself from talking oh daddy i think i might be a chatterbox that's not such a bad thing peppa it's good to talk in fact i think you're an expert at talking that's right i am an expert at talking i'm an expert at talking too no you're not i'm the chatterbox i'm more of a chat box than you you two are just the same yes we are that's why we are best friends chatta chat peppa loves [Music] [Music] pepper and her friends are playing at rebecca rabbit's house let's play hide and seek we'll all hide and peppa can find us okay one everyone must find a hiding place before peppa counts to 10. danny and candy are hiding in the branches of a little tree zoe pedro and rebecca are hiding behind a fence susie and emily are hiding behind a bush nine ten reds you're not here i come i know where you are oh peppa cannot find anyone this is impossible freddy fox has come to play hello freddy hello peppa what are you doing we're playing hide and seek but i can't find anyone shall i find them for you you can try but it's impossible watch this found you [Music] how did you do that i'm good at smelling what smelling got to do with it i can find you by sniffing your smell meh i'm not smelly i had a bath last night i know you smell nice oh i could even find you with my eyes closed go on then find susie with your eyes closed easy hi suzy [Music] ready or not here i come freddie is looking for susie with his eyes closed he is sniffing where susie sheep has walked round the tree behind the little bush and back up the [Music] you hill oh thanks to my nose it's a supernose yes it is has everything got to smell oh yes everything has a different smell what do i smell of you smell of flowers and wellington boots what do i smell of you smell of wet grass and biscuits what do i smell of bananas and jam what do i smell of milk and fish fingers what do i smell of pedro you smell of toothpaste oh what's your favorite smell eggs what is the worst thing you've ever smelled blue cheese [Music] it's nearly dinnertime how do you know i can smell carrot soup i can smell carrot soup too dinner's ready come and get your carrot soup everyone is enjoying mummy rabbit's carrot soup this soup is yummy who can that be mr fox has come to take freddie home mmm i can smell dinner oh mr fox hello hello mummy rabbit hello dad i've just had my dinner down a rabbit hole good lad and can you guess what's for pudding smells nice i'd say strawberry jelly that's right mr fox loves smelling things [Music] everyone loves smelling things [Music] grumpy rabbit's lighthouse peppa george and danny are having a day out on granddad dog's boat can we go to pirates island today yes danny but first we've got to deliver supplies to my friend grumpy rabbit where does grumpy rabbit live on a rock on a rock yes in that lighthouse ahoy there matey i brought your supplies oh thank you granddad dog i've got my crew with me today danny peppa and george visitors i haven't had visitors in many a moon i get a bit lonely the just the sea and sky for company how long have you been here since tuesday oh i've got tales to tell if you'd like to hear no thanks just please well there's the sea and the sky and i'm learning the venger would you like to hear a song no thanks yes please i got up this morning the sea was still there so was the sky [Music] you see the spider here's your cheese i've missed cheese and a new book how to run a lighthouse oh that could come in handy why is your house called the lighthouse i'll show you pepper the staircase goes round and round [Music] it's called a lighthouse because it has this big light at the top it shines through the dark helping sailors to find their way and when it's foggy i use this fog horn frog that's loud no fog today just seeing sky the stories i could tell no thank you we've got to go we're sailing to pirate island goodbye grumpy rabbits enjoy the sea and the sky [Music] dog's boat has arrived at pirate island look our sandcastle is still here let's play hide and seek okay one two there are not many places to hide on pirate island ready or not here i come found you oh no where's george grandad dog cannot find george anywhere i give up where is he george was hiding behind granddad dog clever george let's set off home before it gets dark oh it is getting dark don't worry the light from grampy rabbit's lighthouse will show us the way home grumpy rabbit is ready for bed ah my new book how to run a lighthouse chapter one i'll read the rest tomorrow better turn the light out oh where did light go do you know what time it is i've just turned the lights out yes we know could you turn the big light on again oh sorry it is getting foggy i can't see the light anymore it's us again could you sound the fog horn of course i can hear something grumpy rabbit is guiding them home his voice is a foghorn this way home the parents are here to pick up the children have you had a lovely time we went to pirate island and to a lighthouse grumpy rabbit's lighthouse guided us home safely that's nice grumpy sang a song would you like to hear it no thanks please [Music] peppa and her friends are going on a train ride mr rabbit is the station master how many tickets one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ten child tickets and one teacher ticket please now children do not lose these tickets can i see your tickets please uh i've lost my tickets oh dear pedro you must be more careful there's your ticket oh try not to lose it again here comes the train [Music] miss rabbit is the train driver all aboard [Music] here are your activity sheets the children have to spot everything that is on the activity sheet a boat a signal box and a tunnel i can see trees are trees on the list ah no i can see clouds are clouds on the list no i can see granddad dog oh hi there [Applause] [Music] his granddad dog on the list silly peppa my granddad won't be on the list but he is sailing a boat and a boat is on the list hey the children tick the boat on their activity sheets tickets please mr rabbit has come to check everyone's ticket uh i think i've lost my ticket oh dear oh dear you know there's your ticket pedro you were sitting on it now you try not to lose it again pedro the train is going slowly uphill [Music] the train is going quickly downhill madame gazelle i feel a bit sick can i go to the front please okay pedro you can go to the front of the train hello pedro not feeling very well would you like to drive the train for a bit yes please [Music] the children tick the signal box on their activity sheets the signal has stopped the train so that someone important could cross [Music] oh we still haven't seen a tunnel oh it's gotten dark we're in a tunnel the tunnel is the last thing on the activity sheet [Music] [Applause] last stop wall change everybody up now but madame gazelle how are we going to get home oh peppa we're back where we stopped it the train has gone in a big circle tickets please um petra's lost his ticket again um pedro can i have my hat back please there's pedro's ticket oh that's where i put it [Music] daddy pig is doing the washing this morning daddy what's that shirt it's my football shirt daddy's playing football this afternoon but first i have to go to work see you later bye poor daddy having to go to work oh poor daddy come on let's play yes let's play mummy pig loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles oh dear mommy we splashed daddy's football shirt with mud oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy mummy pig and george have found more things to wash very good george we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on the washing machine is filling up with hot soapy water splash splash the washing machine is making the whole room shape oh peppa where's your dress i'm washing it what oh no [Music] look mummy my red dress is all nice and clean yes peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mummy pig i've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly peppa that's one of mommy's dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but i can't wear a pink football shirt why not daddy pink it's a lovely color hmm what do you think george george does not like pink here are daddy pig's friends mr bull mr rabbit mr pony and mr zebra steady pig coming out to play he'll just be a moment my team are in white i need a white shirt but daddy you have a white shirt just take off your jacket see fantastic thank you pepper hello everyone hello daddy pig like your shirt very smart thank you come on let's play football [Music] [Music] made your yes all muddy of course peppa football shirts are meant to be muddy daddy loves playing football everyone loves playing football especially when it's muddy [Music] whistling it is a lovely sunny morning and daddy pig is reading his newspaper daddy what are you doing i'm reading the newspaper you're making a funny sound i'm whistling oh whistling is fun you should try it i don't know how to it's easy just put your lips together and blow try making a smaller o shape [Music] like this and then you can whistle a tune [Music] uh i've got the wrong kind of mouth your mouth is fine you just need to practice it's impossible it takes time to learn how to do important things like riding a bicycle or playing the piano it took me years to learn how to wiggle my ears wow mummy pig is in the kitchen making cookies [Music] what are you doing peppa i'm learning to whistle oh i see mummy can you whistle i don't know i've never tried it takes a lot of practice oh yes mummy pig can whistle you can whistle because you are old mummy thank you peppa george is in the bedroom playing with his toy rocket george i'm learning to whistle you make an o shape with your mouth and blow don't worry george it's almost impossible like wiggling your ears george can wiggle his ear whistling is harder george can whistle i'll [Music] what's wrong peppa i can't whistle but everybody else can never mind i'm making cookies would you like to lick the spoon no thank you mummy can i ring susie sheep instead okay peppa hello mrs pig hello mrs sheep can peppa talk to susie please hello susie hello peppa what are you doing i'm learning to whistle but i can't do it yet hmm that sounds hard it's impossible uh can you whistle susie no oh good i mean that's sad if you can't whistle but good because i can't whistle what's whistling anyway you put your lips together and blow like this hello peppa the cookies are ready oh goody cookies they'll be hot you should blow on them first do you not want a cookie pepper no thank you mummy i think i might go outside and be on my own for a little bit can you whistle yet it's no use daddy i'm never going to whistle ever have you been practicing yes lots but it doesn't work you need a little rest pepper here have a cookie it's hot you should blow oh what's that it sounded like a whistle to me what a lovely tune peppa has learned how to whistle i can whistle [Music] it is springtime grandpa pig has made a chocolate egg hunt is everybody ready no grandpa freddie fox isn't here [Music] hello everyone hello ah hello mr fox are you staying i wish i could i loved egg hunts when i was a little lead see you later freddie now are we ready for the egg hunt there are lots of chocolate eggs hidden in my garden you must find them crazy but be careful not to step on my little plants oh it's so exciting in springtime to see these baby plants starting to grow we promise to be careful grandpa very good off you go then grandpa pig's chocolate egg hunt has begun have you got time for a cup of tea grandpa pig oh yes it will take them ages to find my eggs i've hidden them very well here's an egg peppa has found a chocolate egg in a plant pot here's another egg rebecca rabbit has found a chocolate egg hiding under a leafy bush hooray an egg for me emily elephant has found a chocolate egg in the branches of a tree i think i can smell chocolate freddy fox has a very good sense of smell yes freddy fox has found a chocolate egg in the middle of the bird bath grandpa we found the chocolate eggs it was really fun but it was a bit easy it wasn't easy for the little ones george richard and edmund haven't found any eggs [Music] i wonder where the other eggs are oh ah edmund i think there's something behind your ear everyone has found a chocolate egg what do we do now grandpa pig ha ha you eat them of course hello children granny granny we found all the chocolate eggs well where are they i can't see any eggs they're in our tummies and round your mouths did grandpa hide the eggs well no we big ones found them easily but the little ones needed helping hmm george richard and edmund don't like to be the littlest ones don't worry they'll soon be even littler ones in the garden oh yes the little babies it's so exciting grandpa already told us about the baby plants granny but it's not that exciting we're not talking about baby plants peppa oh what are you talking about let's go and see jemima vanessa sarah and neville they're chickens yes and they have eggs too can we eat them no freddy these eggs are about to hatch we're just in time the baby chicks are hatching now the chicks have hatched it really is springtime let's pretend to be baby chicks [Music] this rabbit stay off peppa george and susie sheep have had a sleepover at rebecca rabbit's house it's fun having carrots for breakfast mummy rabbit yes we always have carrots for breakfast i could eat carrots all day but i'd better go to work have a nice day bye bye mummy rabbit why don't you work i do work susie who do you think looks after these two little bunnies you do mommy and you can help me by tidying up your toys please before someone trips over them that'll be my sister hello hello miss rabbit auntie i can't stop long i've got lots of work to do today i've got the supermarket check out the ice cream stool and the bus to drive see you later then sister bye sister whoops wow miss rabbit has tripped over one of richard's toys oh my ankle i can still hop to work no you stay here and get better but i've got so much work to do i'll do your work for you which job is first the supermarket okay rebecca look after your auntie yes mommy mummy rabbit has arrived at the supermarket thank goodness you're here miss rabbit miss rabbit is ill i'll be doing her job today are you not miss rabbit no i'm her sister mummy rabbit is this where i sit uh yes have you ever worked at checkout before no how much is this oh i don't know i've got a voucher do you take book tokens can i pay with a card um suzy sheep is dressed up in her nurses costume don't worry i'm only a pretend nurse stick your tongue out and say ah ah rebecca rabbit's house who's speaking please it's mummy rabbit is everything okay yes good because this job is gonna take me all day what about miss rabbit's other jobs we'll need more help [Music] miss rabbit's ice cream stall why are you buying an ice cream oh peppa i was on the way to the gym when i thought an ice cream would be nice miss rabbit is ill you've got to sell the ice cream today oh oh i'm an expert at ice cream can i have a cherry ice cream uh strawberry vanilla banana with pistachio and strawberry place ah strawberry oh it's melted how about ice cream soup instead [Music] granddad dogs breakdown service this rabbit is ill can you drive a bus today of course peppa all aboard mummy sheep's car has broken down dogs breakdown service can you rescue me please i'll be straight there we would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to your journey driving a plus is quite hard selling ice cream is quite hard running a supermarket checkout is quite hard i'm feeling better can i get up now no you must lie very still but please keep breathing [Music] are you feeling any better miss rabbit it's not easy doing all your jobs it's not easy looking after your little bunnies we will be back to work tomorrow won't you yes and you'll be back at home won't you yes [Music] today children we are going to learn about instruments that you shake rattle and bang first choose an instrument each from the music rooms got drums they are called bongo drums danny you bang them with your hands like this i've got a flat bongo drum that is a bohran it is irish you beat it with a little stick like this i've got a chambering very good pedro you can also shake it like this i've got a big drum huh the best drum meow i don't know what this is called but it's scrapy that candy is called a hero and it comes all the way from south america wow how did it get here i brought it back from my holiday what are these they are maracas i brought them back for my holiday in spain this is a triangle my dad sells these in boxes of 10. thank you freddie i will remember that you don't need to go on holiday to get them thank you what are these these are castanets my dad sells them in boxes of five thank you freddie that is how you play the castanets here you are emily do i have to do the dance no just make the clickety-clack noise ah i see rebecca has symbols yes now you know what your instruments sound like we can play them all together ready guys [Music] stop stop stop that is not music that is just noise anybody can bang bang bang but to make music you have to listen to each other and keep in time madame gazelle i can't listen and do music can you clap yes if you can clap you can make music or the girls please copy me now boys madame gazelle has made the clapping into music [Applause] now we will learn how to play our instruments together the parents have come to pick up the children ah you're just in time may i present the shake rattle and bang orchestra children ready steady go bravo perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join in too find your instruments children yes ma'am madame gazelle used to teach all the mummies and daddies when they were little it's quite hard daddy but you do it like this let me see if i've got that right [Music] you can play the drums i am a bit of an expert at drumming that's good shake rattle and banging now for a tune [Music] my daddy can shake battle and bang [Music] it is christmas eve hands up who wants to go and see father christmas are we going to the north pole not quite that far peppa but father christmas lives at the north pole lucky for us he's got a grotto at the christmas fair peppa and george have come to visit santa's grotto hello everyone what are you asking father christmas for i don't know what are you asking for i would like a dog that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep i'll ask for that too how does father christmas remember what toys everybody wants he makes a list his slave must be very fast to go around the whole world in one night it's a super sleigh father christmas is really old he's hundreds of years old older than my daddy santa's grotto hello everyone have you all been good yes have you all kept your bedrooms tidy yes have you oh of course now come and tell me what you'd like for christmas can i have a football please a xylophone tiddlywinks a magic sets please racing car bouncy ball boing boing a twain please a toy train not a toy train a real train one i can drive with real passengers oh i'll see what i can do is that everyone we haven't seen you yet i am sorry what is your name i'm peppa pig we've met before oh yes nice to see you again peppa what would you like for christmas i would like a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep please um the same for me please very good you do know where i live don't you oh yes how old are you i'm hundreds of years old i told you goodbye for christmas don't forget to leave me a mince pie we need a drink we know and a carrot for the reindeer pepper and her family are driving back from the christmas fair daddy why have we got our bags in the car we're spending christmas at granny and grandpa's house but father christmas won't know where we are don't worry peppa father christmas knows everything [Music] granny pig it's merely christmas yes and i've got a very important job for you stir the christmas pudding and make a wish pepper and george are making a wish racing car oh don't tell me what it is here's the mince pie and a drink who can that be at this time of night we're not buying anything [Music] oh merry christmas it is bedtime for peppa and george this used to be my bedroom when i was a little piggy father christmas knows where granny and grandpa live doesn't he oh yes he's been here many times before good night peppa good night george peppa and george have fallen asleep when they wake up it will be christmas day [Music] gym class peppa and her friends are going to the gym today let's check you've all got your gym kits on pedro is wearing a superhero costume pedro where is your gym kit it's at home i thought it was dressing up day follow me children this is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves are you all having fun yes yes on your gym teacher for today is grumpy rabbit where is he hello children are you ready to exercise yes do we have to do that no the journey for big athletes like me not for little explorers like you we're not explorers i'll make explorers of you but you you look like a superhero uh it's just pretend pretending that's good right let's warm up everyone run on the spot and flap your arms [Music] [Applause] now we're all warmed up we can start start what your adventure i want you to pretend that this room is a jungle it doesn't look like a jungle where are the trees you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast flowing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river oh that's easy ah but it's night time and it's windy what that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night i was on an adventure ready but it's not windy or night time you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely well done my little explorers what's next grumpy rabbit your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles i can't see any crocodiles you've got to pretend let those crocodiles know who's boss go away you naughty crocodiles that's the spirit did you ever swing across a crocodile swamp of course i did why are you scared not as scared as they were of me [Music] ready don't forget to do the call everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely well done what's our next adventure this is a vault big athletes jump over it like this but you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs have you crawled through a dinosaur's leg scrampy rabbit oh yes once i was walking in the jungle when i stumbled into a lost world of dinosaurs [Music] [Applause] and that's it you made it out of the jungle did you have a good gym class children yes madame gazelle they're real little explorers now we walked across a river and we swung over crocodiles and we crawled under a dinosaur i love doing gym class with grumpy rabbits [Music] paper airplanes daddy pig is getting ready to go to work good that's all the papers i need bye bye daddy [Music] mummy can we make something yes what would you like to make dinosaur oh george you always say dinosaur for everything let's make an airplane george likes aeroplanes can we make an aeroplane that flies yes all we need is some paper we know where there's paper there is lots of old paper in the work room here's some paper perfect mummy pig is going to make a paper airplane fold the paper down the middle now fold the corners in at one end fold those corners in again to make a point then fold the sides back like this paper airplanes [Music] let's see if they can fly ready steady go mummy pig's airplane has flown into a tree my turn peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flower pot your turn george [Music] george's aeroplane is doing a loop the loop and has landed in the duck pond let's make a big airplane we'll need a really big piece of paper here's a big piece of blue paper [Music] pepper and george have made a big blue aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but i've forgotten some important papers daddy we're making airplanes we made a really big one wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it ready steady the big blue aeroplane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye aeroplane oh bye-bye now i need to find my important work papers has anyone seen any pieces of paper um uh maybe you should follow me is this one of your important papers yes that's one of them is this one of your important papers daddy yes thank you peppa uh why are we at the duck pond oh i see thank you mrs duck the only paper i'm missing now is a big blueprint hmm is it big and blue like the aeroplane you flew a long way away daddy oh um the one that we said bye bye to yes maybe i should ring the office this is daddy pig's office hello daddy pig did you find the papers i found some of them the only one we need is the big blueprint that might be a problem daddy threw it away threw it away and it flew and flew forever ah it's here it just landed on my desk eh what a great idea to make it into a paper airplane and throw it to us oh yes well i am a bit of an expert at throwing things thank you daddy pig now the blueprint is delivered daddy pig can take the rest of the day off work ah that's nice daddy we need your newspaper what for making paper airplanes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it is bedtime for pepper and george tomorrow we're going on a coach trip to the seaside we can make sand castles i fancy a swim me too the weather forecast says it's going to be sunny good night peppa good night george oh it is starting to snow [Music] it is morning it's sunny oh snow a lot of snow has fallen in the night snow mommy snow daddy what we are still going to the seaside aren't we well let's see how much snow there is oh where's daddy gone it's a walking snowman i'm cold oh it's just daddy poor daddy let's warm you up a bit mummy pig peppa and george are warming daddy pig up by rubbing him with towels that's better now we can go to the seaside but what about the snow i don't think the coach will be running today oh [Music] miss rabbit's coach has arrived at peppa's house goodness me how did you get through all that snow with my big snowplow snowplows push the snow out of the way hello everyone hello peppa all of peppa's friends are going to the seaside too next stop the seaside mr bull and his friends are gritting the road the grit melts the snow hello mr ball oh hello miss rabbit it's taken us all night but the road is clear all the way to the seaside that's good we're going to the seaside would you like to come along no thanks miss rabbit we've got more roads to grit have a lovely day at the beach [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow oh that sea looks cold i was looking forward to having a swim you still can the sea's not frozen over come along girl what are you waiting for um i can't swim because i've sprained my ankle and i think i might have a cough come on in mummy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim is it cold mummy it's a little bit cold it always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving you'll warm up okay i'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dry peppa george and daddy pig are warming mummy pig up by rubbing her with towels oh that's better are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today who wants an ice cream [Music] everyone likes ice creams at the seaside i wanted to make sand castles but the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we turn the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto a snow castle i love the seaside and i love the snow i love the seaside and the snow [Music] the biggest muddy puddle in the world it is bedtime for pepper and george there's so much rain that means there will be puddles to jump in tomorrow oh goody you can never have too much rain it is morning [Music] oh hello mrs duck what are you doing here wow the rain has made a flood our house is a desert island muddy puddles here i come wee oh who put all this water here how will we get our food daddy will have to swim to the shops uh grandpa pig has arrived on his boat ahoy there wonderful boating weather um yes we're sailing to the shops do you need anything yes please can you get us some tomatoes and spaghetti and spaghetti polly parrot copies everything that is said polly can be our shopping list who's a clever parrot uh who's a clever parrot can we come too please hop aboard [Music] look there's susie sheep's house we're going to the shops do you need anything mommy do we need anything from the shops yes we need food for dinner chocolate please [Applause] hello danny hello peppa i'm helping my grandad we're rescuing people great weather for it do you need anything from the shops uh maybe a newspaper and a comic newspaper call me grandpa what's that stick thing in the water ah submarine action stations ahoy there me it's hearties rabbit in his submarine lovely day to go sailing with just the sea and the sky the stories i could tell do you need any shopping oh yes uh cheese please cheers grandpa pig's boat has arrived at the supermarket hello it's very quiet today you're my first customers maybe it's because of the flood silly isn't it a little bit of rain and everyone stays at home what can i get you polly has a list who's a clever parrot who's a clever parrot oh dear polly has forgotten the list luckily i remember what everyone wants cheese thank you pepper you're a good newspaper and comment thanks it was lucky peppa was going to the shops or we'd have nothing for dinner here's your chocolates now we can have our dinner mummy [Music] peppa and george have arrived back home it is their bedtime it is morning the water has gone but left a big muddy puddle [Music] this is the biggest muddy puddle in the world [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 4,216,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: _01Ov3_dpXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 3sec (3843 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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