Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Granny and Granpa's Attic | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] [Music] and George of playing at granny and Grandpa's house today hello Peppa hello George bye bye see you later see you later where's granny pig hello my little ones that his granny pigs voice but where is she why is granny in we're tidying the Attic what see a sec it's where we keep all our old things things that are even older than me very top of the house that's the door to the Attic how do we get up I have a clever trick [Music] [Laughter] it's very full yes it's full of old junk peppa and George are here to help us throw some things out good let's start by throwing out this box oh not that box do we really need this that's my ship in a bottle Alice that's my other ship in a bottle please they're my other ships in bottles I need them all well we have to throw something out how about this box oh yeah we can't decide what to throw out I know we'll let pepper and George decide okay that's far away oh this isn't just any old place it's a record player and this was our favorite record can we play it yes oh we haven't heard [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and George mummy pig can't find anyone [Music] granny and Grandpa played it all the time oh and here's the record I used to play when I was a little piggy what is it it's called birdie-birdie woof woof not birdie-birdie woof woof you were always playing that I thought we'd go that was fun but we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out pepper what should we throw out and what should we keep hmm I think you should keep everything [Music] and her friends are going on a swim in the street attention please let's check that you're all here peppa and George Danny dog pony Pedro pony is not here sorry we're late hello you almost missed the school trip sorry Madame gazelle never mind you're just in time miss rabbit is the bus driver attention please today we are going on a trip to the mountains have you all got your lunch boxes pepper will eat lunch when we arrive in the mountains Peppa which we got in your lunchbox all right Apple I've got a green apple swamp okay Peppa Suzy what are you doing serious he told me to have my lunchbox Peppa told me to swap our apples oh that's fine but please save some food for the picnic yes Mademoiselle the bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains a mountain road is very steep peppa and her friends are at the top of the mountain look at the view Wow Wow who said that it's your echo my echo an echo is the sound you hear when you speak loudly in the mountains like this your leg [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun time I love picnics silly pepper backs don't live on top of mountains duck's toe very lucky today there is lots of bread the Ducks are eating too quickly it's time to go home everybody's had great time all right [Music] we're playing a tune and with singing a song with a bang and a bomb and a ping [Music] today is daddy pig's birthday daddy pig has to go to work daddies I wish you didn't have to work on your birthday so do i but I'll be home as soon as I can see you later while daddy pig is at work we can get all his birthday surprises ready first we'll make daddy's birthday cake we start with butter and sugar and flour then we add an egg and most important of all the chocolate pits mummy pig is making a chocolate cake daddy pig loves chocolate cake I give it a stir mummy no sir yes Peppa I love stirring George that's enough stirring there daddy pig's chocolate cake [Music] now we just have to bake it in the oven yes you can lick the spoon and George can lick the bowl peppa and George my ring daddy work is a happy birthday that's a nice idea this is the office where daddy pig works hello mr. rabbit speaking may I speak to Daddy pig please someone feel daddy pig it sounds important hello daddy pig speaking [Music] Thank You pepper thank you that's just one more thing to do before daddy gets home yes surprise Josh remember is a secret peppa and George have buckets of water mummy pig has balloons I wonder what daddy pig's birthday surprise can be big daddy pig is home from work thank you everyone wow what a lot of candles that's because you are very very old daddy you must blow out all your candles in one go I'll do my best Hey and here's your birthday present thank you you fantastic let's try them out ever George and mummy pink are wearing their boots he daddy's Lee is wearing his birthday boots daddy pig has found a little puddle let's see if these boots work the puddle is a bit too little for daddy pig what I need is a big puddle my birthday boots work perfectly would you care to join me in my birthday muddy puddle and George are painting today we need some old newspaper to put on the table yes daddy pig is reading his newspaper you can have my newspaper when I finished reading it can I have a potato mummy pig they aren't cooked yet daddy pig are you hungry daddy I'm not going to eat it watch this what is daddy pig doing now who can tell me what this is I loved painting when I was a young biggy where are my old painting this is my bear eh it puts me in the mood for painting pictures now what should I paint well chosen George I'll paint the old cherry tree it's an easel pepper it holds my canvas it's a bit like paper for very social paintings oh no pepper these are special paints for grownup artists [Music] there what color shall we begin with piece Y red pepper red is my favorite color but first we need to paint the sky look what color is it very good let's start with now for the cherry tree we need green for the leaves never mind if we mix blue paint with yellow paint we can make group mixing blue and yellow makes green we can make brown we'll mix the green and the red mixing green and red makes brown daddy pig paints the tree trunks and the branches yes Peppa put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree well done now it's George's turn what a great painter you are George the painting is finished daddy's paint shoot shoot stay away from our painting oh no the Ducks have made faint footprints all over the painting oh dear what was all that noise hmm let me see the Ducks are making paint footprints in the garden just like the ones on the painting daddy's painting isn't spoiled pepper it's perfect oh yes I am a bit of an expert painting [Music] [Music] peppa and her friends are at their playgroup today we are going to make a time capsule a time capsule is something that will show people in the future how we lived how we'll put special things in this box and then we'll bury it in the school garden it will remain in the ground for many years now what things should we put inside very good music very good Suzie carrot oh you do like carrots don't you Rebecca yes all those are excellent things to show our daily lives Madame gazelle what will the future be like what do you think it will be like I think in the future I will live on the moon and all my friends will come to visit and I will fly space rocket now we record a message for the people of the future say hello to the future hello to the future you're probably all living on the moon now and going on holiday to Mars and flying around it space rockets wonderful it is nearly home time and all the parents have arrived mommy daddy we made a time capsule ah daddy pig you're just in time to help us dig a hole yes of course daddy pig is digging a hole in the school garden for the time capsule it will remain in the ground for many years [Music] that long Peppa you are just like your daddy when he was little am i yes I remember and I was his teacher did you teach my daddy yes I taught all of your mommies and daddies didn't I when your mommies and daddies were little they made a time capsule - yes we did we buried it next to a little tree yes I think we buried it over here oh I thought it was a much smaller tree oh it was a long time ago the tree has grown a bit since then I found something it's our own time capsule I can't wait to open it stand back children yes what do we have here an old comic that was my favorite comic 18 toy my favorite toy music my favorite record and a very old carrot that's mine what a good choice mummy in the videotape of your mummies and daddies they were little that's daddy pig oh and that's me hello to the future what a squeaky voice you have you're probably living on the moon now silly little daddy pig is such fun peppa and her family are going ice-skating today George has never been ice skating before very good ice skating so just do what I do ha ha I'm sure we'll all be very good yes first we need some skates at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating you're our Suzy sheep Rebecca rabbit Danny dog Zoe zebra candy cat Emily elephant and head his friends can ice-skate very well pepper once twice Kate - I'm sure I can [Music] I don't want to are skating anymore don't worry pepper everyone falls over when they ice skate even I fall over watch this George would you like to skate no George never ice skated before and he is a bit worried I'll look after George while you teach Peppa how to skate skating is easy pepper just push with your feet and glide push push Glide [Music] [Music] Peppa is doing really well yes I'm a very good teacher slow down pepper you'll bump into someone [Music] oh dear I forgot to teach pepper how to stop mummy pig taught you how to skate but I told you how to fall over yes I'm very good at falling over skate to none come on George it's fun I'll teach you I'm teaching you how to ice-skate what a surprise George can skate beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the grass has not been cut for a while it is grown very long pepper and George cannot see each other George loved playing in the long grass daddy pig is going to read his newspaper what a nice day for doing nothing daddy pig loves doing nothing oh goodness me daddy pig we've let the garden get a bit out of control what do you mean mummy pig the grass gave me it's cutting oh quite liked it it's wild God okay this will play with this spotty ball the ball is lost in the long grass hmm maybe it is time to cut the grass yes daddy pig I'll get the lawnmower I'm sure it's here somewhere here it is daddy pig has found the lawnmower it's a bit old and rusty nonsense it'll have the grass cut in no time maybe I should phone Grandpa pig and ask if we can borrow his lawnmower there's no need to phone grandpa I just need to push a bit harder daddy pig's lawnmower is not very good I know let's phone grandpa hello grandpa pig speaking hello grandpa pig could you help us cut some very long grass Oh ha ha certainly I'll be over right away bye I think this is a job for Betsey [Music] grandpa pig is driving his motor mower over to Peppa's house [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone I hear there's some grass that needs cutting and it's just a bit too long for my lamella don't worry Betsy we'll have it done in no time you'll see she certainly is can we ride on Betsy of course you can hop aboard captain grandpa will have this grass cut in no time Oh tight here we go let's see is very good at cutting grass [Music] and thank you for cutting the grass cutting grass is easy with Betsy now we can play with our spotty ball daddy the ball bounces very well on the short grass to you George [Music] [Music] [Music] peppa and her friends are going to play game today the children each have their own hook to hang their coats on today we have a new pupil Emily elephant Emily is a bit shy who would like to show Emily where to hang her coat oh we just need one Peppa can you show Emily where to hang her coat yes we each have our own coat hooks this one is for you Emily Emily is hanging her coat on her very own coat hook now Emily what would you like to do today painting clay or building blocks I don't know maybe building blocks and everyone else painting clay or building blocks building blocks are popular today everyone wants to sit next to Emily elephant it's better if she put them side-by-side no this way you know this is the right way Emily no no Emily like this you are all being very helpful but Emily how would you play with the blocks mmm I'm not very sure I might do it like this Wow Emily elephant is good at building blocks it is playtime Emily would you like to play outside with the others yes please can someone show Emily where we play playtime peppa and her friends play in the school garden okay oh that was quite loud now it is Zoe zebra Stern now Suzy sheep now Danny dog that was very loud [Music] Peppa is the loudest my goodness that was loud would you like to play my favorite what is your favorite game jumping in muddy puddle that's my favorite game - Emily's jumping up and down in muddy puddles this looks like fun Madame gazelle loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] have you enjoyed your first day at our playgroup yes and I see you've made lots of new friends yes Georgie visiting their big cousin Chloe today as well as seeing Chloe you are going to meet your new cousin family have arrived at Chloe's house this is Chloe peppa and George's big cousin here's your new baby cousin the new cousin is a tiny baby piggy oh how beautiful baby no it's a boy oh I wish it was a girl me too George is pleased the baby is a boy I think the babies too little to play with Dinosaurs the baby doesn't play with you but if it can't play with a dinosaur or a board do it eats and it sleeps and it does that can I hold the baby yes if you're very careful you can hold Alexander Alexander that's his name baby Alexander what a big name for such a small piggy it's quite nice [Music] maybe Alexander's nappy needs changing when you were a baby you wore nappies I did not mummy can i play with pepper and George in the garden yes onyx ander is very sweet I wish George was a sweet little baby piggy I know George George does not want to be a baby George if you pretend to be a baby I promise to be nice to you forever and ever George is thinking and you can play with all my toys George is thinking more and when we get home you can play with all my toys George has destroyed what's a sweet baby piggy here a candy cat Suzy sheep George in that dolls pram it's not George it's a baby pig George George is a pretend baby piggy ah it's a go George does not want to be a girl baby I've got some cookies [Music] it's the best baby piggy George likes this game here is auntie pig with baby Alexander it's much sweeter than George oh dear George liked being the baby piggy Oh George you'll always be my baby piggy maybe it's time for a new game how about some dinosaur chasing George liked being a baby piggy but he likes being George [Music] the toy cupboard it is pepper and George's bedtime why are all these toys on your bed quickly put the toys away in your toy basket the toy basket is full oh so it is maybe you need a toy cupboard yes I could make one tomorrow oh the last thing you made daddy pig was this shelf I'm very proud of that shelf [Music] all right let's buy a new toy cupboard we can buy one now on the computer mummy pig is using the computer to buy a toy current aha now which one shall we get can we have this one please that looks perfect mummy pig is buying the toy cupboard congratulations your toy cupboard is ordered oh it is morning and mr. zebra the postman as a special delivery special delivery for Miss Emma pig and master George what is it it's a toy cupboard oh it looks a bit flat yes you built it yourself oh don't worry Peppa it'll be very easy for your mummy and daddy to build good bye now we build your toy cupboard that's strange there aren't any instructions maybe it's so easy to build it doesn't need instructions yes first I need a shelf Thank You pepper now I need four legs [Music] lovely we'll have this done in no time it is a red door mummy big thank you daddy pig finished well done mummy pig it is a little small maybe that's a spare shelf the cover is tiny because mummy pig has not used all the pieces we'll just have to take it apart and start again Oh No if only we had the instructions who can that be hello I just found this in my van it's the missing instructions that will make things a lot easier the instructions look very complicated it's no good it's nonsense leave it to me daddy pig I quite enjoy putting these things together really oh can we help in any way you can put the kettle on I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars please everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for mr. zebra mr. zebra has built the toy cupboard my goodness that was quick yes and I've put all your toys in there too but there's no room for these last two Oh poor teddy mr. dinosaur where are they going to live why not simply order another easy to make cupboard no I've got a better idea Teddy and mr. dinosaur live on your beds mommy that's where they lived before yes I know that's why it's such a good idea it is almost time for bed mummy pig daddy pig and pepper are having mugs of hot milk George why are you dressed up in that space suit you should be in your pajamas George loves everything to do with space to drink your milk [Music] [Music] George likes to listen to his space mobile it's easier to see the stars from outside pepper you're in your pajamas maybe if you put your coats on over your pajamas we could go outside just this once this is the best way to see the stars look at these little stars imagine you are joining the dots that's called the Big Dipper oh yes and the two stars of the end point to the North Star we get barren Oh pepper the stars are much too far away oh yes but they look a lot closer through a telescope no but grandpa pig has a very good telescope it's much too late maybe we can go just this once daddy pig it is the first time peppa and George have been in the car at night George have arrived at granny and Grandpa pig's house oh dear I do hope grandpa and granny Pig haven't gone to bed peppa and George were hoping they could look through your telescope grandpa pig's hobby is looking at the Stars [Music] [Music] we sailors use it to find our way home yes this is a planet called Saturn what are those pretty rings they are made of rock and ice Saturn is very very cold [Laughter] it's a shooting star you must make a wish I wish but when you which is old enough to have his own rockets take me into space and George have come to play in granny and Grandpa's garden grandpa's making something hello peppa and George that's perfect timing I've just finished making it and may we ask what it is toy train it's not a toy this is Gertrude she's a miniature locomotive but doesn't it need railway tracks to run on oh no I fitted Gertrude with car wheels so she can go anywhere she likes oh grandpa can we ride in Gertrude hop aboard [Music] and Georgian love grandmas little train [Music] [Music] here is granddad dog with Danny dog hello Danny I see you're playing toy trains toy Gertrude isn't a toy how's your little Laurie Laurie my breakdown truck is a proper work vehicle Oh granddad's can I write on the tray hmm it's your choice Danny if you draw the play trains dad this rabbit is driving the school bus and to our legs we can see some hills with trees all Peppa's friends are here can we ride on the train I'm giving the children an educational bus tour our trains educational they certainly are uh hands up all those who want to rise on the train and hands up all those who want to stay on the bus okay you can all go on the train and I'll follow along behind [Music] what a lot of mud don't want to get stuck maybe we should go a different way it's only a patch of mud hard good is stuck in the mud Oh bother hello miss rabbit how are you today I'm a bit stuck can you rescue me certainly you're strong enough trust me did it work no we need a vehicle with more power can I help in any way it's nothing that I can't deal with thanks anyway I've got an idea plum pop explain can tow me out of the mud good thinking miss rabbit grandpa's little train is going to pull the bus out of the mud [Music] oh well done it's amazing walking me down by a toy train toy Trude isn't a toy Gertrude is the very best train in the whole world and George playing is granny and Grandpa pig's house today [Laughter] [Music] hello George what are you doing I'm making a flower garden these seeds will grow into beautiful flowers I drop the seeds on the ground then I cover the seeds with earth Oh are they gone the seeds have disappeared that's strange I'm sure I put some seeds here yes grandpa we saw you well they're not here now oh well I'll just have to use some more as I was saying I simply drop the seeds on the ground little bird is eating grandpa pig's flower seeds hey get off my seat that's where all my seeds went two more little birds are eating grandpa big seeds what's all this noise granny Pig the birds are eating all my flower seeds so we're chasing away there's no point chasing them they'll just come back again look we need a scarecrow scarecrow a scarecrow is a straw man that scares birds away what a good idea granny pig I'll make one on everyone [Music] this is grandpa pigs garden shed there'll be plenty of things in here to make a scarecrow ha first we need two sticks and some strings we'll find has found some sticks George has found some string good I'll tie the sticks together to make the body granny pig has found some straw and an old sack I'll put the straw in the sack to make thingy now the Scarecrow needs something to wear here's a bag of old clothes George has found a dress he's found a coat very good George has found a hat very good George mr. scarecrow needs a face that's right would you and George like to paint the face yes please George paints the eyes and nose the mastic mr. scarecrow is ready the little birds are looking for grandpa pig's flower seeds don't worry Peppa mr. scarecrow will scare them off mr. scarecrow has scared the little birds away good now my flower seeds will not be eaten [Music] yes they must be hungry that's why I brought this it's a bird feeder grandpa please is that grandpa takes seeds with Vicky but she is even more glad that the little birds be hungry it is evening George are in the sitting room dancing to their favorite song daddy pig is in the hallway securing the carpet and mummy pig is in her study doing important work on her computer [Music] and my vacuum won't work and my computer has switched off [Music] mummy pig tries the light switch but the lights do not come on it must be a power cut what's a power cut a power cut is when there is no electricity electricity is what makes everything in our house work [Music] yes but in the meantime we need to find a torch I think there's a torch in the cellar okay I'll go and get it will you be okay daddy [Music] just remembered I think the torch is in the kitchen mummy pig has found the torch Peppa is making a funny face we'd better tell daddy we found the torch daddy you stood in the centre looking for the choice what a stroke of luck now we just have to wait until the electricity comes back exactly I would say exactly a long time oh but George and I want to do some dancing [Music] on the TV needs electricity - yes in the olden days when there was no television children would have to make up their own games cutting a hole in the hole and very good the electricity is back okay has just found some very good pepper [Music] I'd enjoyed the power cut but she's like Christie is back again [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 2,760,715
Rating: 3.7878952 out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Id: ok3NPJwDyqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 4sec (3844 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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