Alien Encounter Stories | Reddit Aliens Stories

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serious redditors who claim to have encountered aliens what's your story this may not be proper for this thread but i'm going for it anyway i was under heavy drugs for a surgery i was on tons of morphine and getting ready to be cut open just before i'm going under completely i look in the corner of the room and see three typical green aliens chilling sitting on the counter top they look at me and say something i don't understand i ask what then one says you can hear me exclamation mark question mark seemingly startled i look up at the nurse and ask if she can see them and look and point they look back at me and laugh the nurse tells me to lay back down and then i was out i wake up after my surgery and tell my wife about it and she already knows because the staff told her so obviously i chalk it all up to being drugged out of my mind but i swear if i didn't have that little bit of information i would be completely convinced what i saw was real i can still see it clear as the moment it happened and this was over nine years ago now so take it as you will if i had a drawing talent i would draw and frame the scene from my mind tl doctor drugged visions of free short green aliens just before surgery mine is simple but strange it's a summer night and i'm at home in my parents house i exit my room go to the kitchen and then return to my room i open my door and look at my digital clock it reads 11 30 p.m the next thing i know i'm laying on my bed and look at my clock again this time it reads 1 30 a.m for the life of me i have no recollection of what happened in those two hours just a general blurriness and that is it i know there are some possible explanations for this but it is an experience that disturbs me greatly when i remember it on top of this i had some very strange fears and habits as a child i was exceptionally fearful of the dark in my room at night sometimes i would wake up in strange places and doing odd activities other times i would wake up naked with bumps and cuts that weren't there before i went to sleep in addition as a child there was a certain point where the classical depictions of grey aliens became something that i found incredibly upsetting for some reason seeing these in shows and illustrations deeply disturbed me and for many years i had to hide my eyes and avoid these things all together i've had two strange experiences both involved waking up in a dazed state to be greeted by lights in the sky my dad was an air traffic controller all my life and i've lived next to many airports and bases aircraft have simply always been around the first is when i was young probably eight or nine i lived with my dad on the second floor as my parents were just divorced my dad was at the tower working a lot overnight i woke up alone in my bedroom to a soft blue glow i was wide awake as if someone had just yelled the air in my room began to feel electric as the light got brighter my room started to tremble causing knickknacks and toys to fall over next a large blinding ball of light rises past my window slowly it led my whole room like it was the middle of the day the sensation was so overwhelming it felt like the light was screaming then it zoomed off in a second my things stopped rattling and i felt exhausted i knocked out the only time i ever spoke of it was to my brother who lives with mom i only get to see him every year or so when i described it he went pale and told me the same thing happened to him years ago the next event happened with said brother just a few years ago every year he my dad and i go backpacking in the up of michigan you can truly tuck away from civilization up there and enjoy lakes that only see a person every few years we had the camp set up for three or four at this point we had really settled in the bugs were so bad that year you had to constantly wear a bug net you could dear the hundreds of thousands of mosquitoes flying in the trees waiting for something to walk by at times it was so loud i had trouble sleeping we had a good day exploring our surroundings hadn't seen another person for days and our water supplies were starting to grow we got comfortable dad turned in early just after sunset my brother laid in his hammock as we chatted and i wrote he dosed in his hammock and i fell asleep on the edge of camp while writing i awoken a daze as if i was stoned off i stood up and looked around confused to be in the dirt rather than my hammock it was only after standing up that i realized i wasn't seeing by the light if day the whole wood was illuminated by a white blue light that seemed to make everything it touched glow faintly my brother scrambled out of his hammock looking as disoriented as i was we both looked up mouths are gaped to see a large square light it hovered closer then over us then just past camp before shuttling off it flew in an arc heading west we later figured while it was over us our bodice felt so heavy we could barely stand and when it shot off we both lost our footing and went down to our knees then our backs our legs and arms were so tired we both fell asleep laying right there my brother woke up in his hammock i woke up in the dirt dad slept like a baby we talked about it all day the next day then the day after that we seemed to naturally avoid the topic the third day we pretended it didn't happen it kept on this way until we left a few days later a whole week early homebound we drove to the nearest bar to have a few drinks and enjoy fried food seven years ago i was staying in a cabin on manhattan island in ontario i was laying on the dock with my girlfriend at about 11 30 p.m we saw three bright flashes of light in the sky circular flashes best i can describe it looked like star trek warp yeah i know anyways we got weirded out so went to bed 20 minutes later were laying in bed talking then suddenly everything lit up bright blue there were no shadows it was like the light permeated the walls i went to the window and looked outside my heart was beating like mad i saw a circular patch of blue light in the forest floor behind the cabin i tried to look up but the overhang of the cabin roof made it impossible to see up above and there was no way i was opening the window so i just continued to look at the light on the ground for another maybe 30 seconds then the circle got smaller and smaller until it was a small dot and just vanished my brother dad and his wife were also in the cabin my bro remembers waking up but assumed it was a street light and fell back asleep as a city boy my dad and his wife didn't wake up in case you are wondering why i didn't go outside to look i tried i went to the door put my hand on the knob but couldn't bring myself to open it it's one of the biggest regrets i have i will never know what caused that blue light also i wrote this from my cell that's why all the eyes are lowercase lol one night i was sleeping with my wife in our bed all i can remember is her waking me up in a panic saying there were about four to six black shadows standing around the bed she said she knew who they were and they knew her she was woken up by them just standing and staring at the both of us she had also been having a nightmare before one of my friends told me that when he was younger he had an experience he stated that everyone in the house had been asleep and he was on the couch watching tv all of a sudden his door handles started to jingle as if someone were trying to get in he decided to check it out and when he opened the door there was no one to be found then he looked up in the sky and saw like a half circle of really bright lights fairly close to the top of the trees near his house he said they suddenly turned into a full circle of lights but there was no sound coming from anywhere he went to wake up his parents and by the time he got back it was gone apologies for the long story but i promise it is worth it while i can't for certain say this was an alien encounter i'm 99 sure it was and i believe most people would provided the circumstantial evidence i was provided first a bit of background i'm a military school teacher in nebraska and one year we had a man from out of town come and take a position as a teacher he was allegedly a gulf war veteran and a doctor i'll just call him drive smith now in a military school in addition to many of the same classes you'd have in regular schooling we also run drills like marching rifle cleaning mess clean tending to the grounds etc thus making his credentials extraordinary our school rarely gets out of town as to apply and almost none with drive smith's experience since we are a non-facility school meaning the students only go home for certain holidays or emergencies and the staff live on school property many of the staff bring their significant others to live there during the school year this man also brought what we initially believed to be his wife but their relationship seemed to be more of a professor slash in turn type nobody really saw her much but my friends would sometimes recall strange sightings where they'd see her duck off into a nearby cornfield at weird hours of the night so the extraterrestrial part of the story kicks in now so about a month or two into the school year and everything's normal drive smith is a competent teacher and great at leading some of the military exercises we run and he was a nice guy if not a little odd he was always mentioning a great war while looking slightly confused as to what he was talking about i just chalked it up to some form of ptsd one day i'm overseeing the pupils tending to the cornfield one of their non-traditional school duties when drive smith's companion appears out of nowhere from the field and comes up to me and starts asking very nervously what are you doing how far into the field are you going have you seen mr smith i'm a bit taken aback because prior to this encounter i had only ever exchanged small hellos with this woman i explained that my students are performing their duties and she just says one word caution and then runs off i was more baffled by the fact that she was running everywhere but i shrugged it and went back to overseeing the kids a week later i wake in the middle of the night to our school alarm we have unannounced combat drills quite a bit but usually the staff are pre-warned i figured it was a troubled student performing a prank but i jumped into action nonetheless as i met up with other teachers it's becoming clear that this might not be a drill or a prank at all nobody knows who pulled the alarm until drive smith's companion comes running in always running and yells that we need to prepare the students for an invasion of course we are all pissed that this crazy woman woke us all up but she points to some scarecrows coming out of the cornfield we realize that some of the students or some local kids must be playing a prank so our principal goes out and tells the scarecrows to duck off and that they were on private property they just all shout they want drive smith and they wouldn't harm us if we handed him to them now drive smith was with us and claimed to have no idea what these people were or wanted his companion keeps pleading with him that we need to get you back we need to get you back you need to trust me then before i could hear any more of their conversation all hell broke loose our principal rips off the bag from the head of the scarecrow leader and it's just hey then a little confused he grabs its arm and realizes it's all hey too and rips it off probably a majid hiding in the void nope he takes apart the whole scarecrow that we just watched walk out of a field and speak and all he could find was hay and cloth now everyone's starting to get confused and one of the other teachers quietly suggest that we should assemble the students for conflict i'm still skeptical until one of the other scarecrows walks over puts his hand on the neck of our principal and kills him everyone starts freaking out and in the chaos of us prepping for a fight drive smith and his companion sneak into the field without the scarecrows noticing they keep repeating to hand over drive smith and we won't have any further harm done to us amongst all the scrambling we see a giant light in the middle of the cornfield shoot up into the sky for about 10 seconds and then disappear completely i've tried to explain this many ways and can't i went to the spot later on and didn't find any signs of lights or even damage crops the scarecrows all start to head toward the light when drive smith appears from the complete other end of the cornfield many people will say he just ran there but there was no way he and his companion could get from where he entered to where he exited that fast and without damaging any of the crops have you ever run through corn leaves an indication only it wasn't quite drive smith i mean it looked like him but something was different he shined a small blue light it looked like one of those keychain led lights but i was far away and the scarecrows all dropped he turned to us and said that there wouldn't be any more trouble and that he was so so sorry for the loss of our colleague and that he never meant to put us in any danger he ran off into the cornfield again always running and none of us ever saw him again we were still all too panicked and busy running the students into position to truly process the sheer weirdness to what just happened now in the hours that followed i was ready to believe most reasonable explanations and aliens wasn't reasonable in my book it wasn't until morning when soldiers in uniform arrived claiming they were from a un task force but not in any u.n uniforms i had ever seen before and asked us questions that i started putting the pieces together they asked about things like did you see anything unusual in the sky prior and following drive smith's arrival were there any words he mentioned that you didn't recognize i said yes he was the science teacher after all what was his companion like did you ever hear anything about his past did he always look the same or did his appearance ever change random [ __ ] like that real men in black type [ __ ] i half expected to be brainwashed but they just relocated all of the teachers to other schools and had us sign confidentiality agreements tldr aliens land in a cornfield by my school and try to capture a teacher who we now believe to also be an alien i was hanging out on a roof with my then boyfriend looking up at the stars when i saw what i think was a ufo it looked exactly like someone was shining a flashlight across the ceiling only outside so it obviously wasn't a flashlight it was round though and moved too fast to be a satellite or plane i told my bf but he didn't believe me i was driving in the outskirts of fargo moorhead around 5 p.m when i saw a black dot above the road in the distance w then i sped up and got closer my truck died all of a sudden and then the craft sped faster than sound and stopped right over my truck felt the trailer start to lift up and once the clock hit 5 10 pm the craft sped off towards fargo he shape of the craft was sought or a triangular shape and had a giant light orb in the center surrounded by millions of strobes a bits re law maybe it's all the time alone on the road getting to me i was delivering newspapers at 2 a.m in the morning out in the country one summer it was a pretty good gig in high school i remember it 16 years later like it was yesterday it's a normal night i've driven this route in the country for two months i make my 20th stop that night or so to drop off paper i continue down the dark dirt road only my headlights the stars and the occasional farmyard light could be seen i take my left to make my way north for my next stop seven or eight miles away roll down the window to throw my cigarette out the window and i notice this pale light circling my car i figured it might be a drug task force helicopter because meth was becoming a popular drug in my part of the country in the late 90s i slowed down almost to a complete stop to look up to see if i could see or hear anything the white light intensified and turned to a dim red that's the moment i lost my [ __ ] i hit the gas and was going 50 60 miles per hour in no time t he light till red still surrounded the car it didn't waver as i teared down the old gravel road all of a sudden the light fades my heart is racing i slow down and look out the driver side window to see the red light fade away from location at an incredible rate the only people i have told were my folks who told me i was seeing things and not to tell anyone that story not really an encounter but a sighting one summer was vacationing with family on one of the great lakes we spend two days on the beaches hiking bbq lots of fun etc there were other families as well doing the same thing third night we are out on the porch doing a bbq and all of a sudden we see about 10 large orange orbs floating above the house at first there were two two three then slowly they grew to 10 in number over 20 minutes all were same size they hovered over the house and moved up and away into the sky i was convinced they were orange lantern slash balloons being lit and sent up from the beach nope drove to the beach and other areas to check if people were doing this nope 15 of us freaking out no rational explanation to this day when i was 14 about 15 years ago we heard the dog barking about 4 a.m it was summer and was very warm even at that early in the morning i went downstairs to let her into the garden as i got to the back door a red light was shining through the glass i didn't think too much of it just thought it was sunrise or something i opened the door still half asleep i took a step in the garden onto the beige patio we had the dog continued to bark like crazy it took me a second to realize that the red light wasn't from the sunrise or street lamps i looked up and saw a bright red almost neon pink light in the sky maybe 300 feet above my head at that time in the morning your cognitive abilities aren't great so i rubbed my eyes a bit and tried to justify if it was a plane or helicopter at that point my dad came down to work out the barking before he could say anything he looked up as well i think he said something like effying hell seeing my dad scared made me almost have [ __ ] my pants we both looked up at the light thinking back now it was more like three lights but the thing was so close it was like they melded into one you could feel what felt like heat coming from it but not quite the same maybe radiation or something you could definitely feel it on your skin it's hard to describe anyway we stood there in our garden both in our underpants with the dog barking like crazy still at that point it gained a little altitude maybe about seven to eight hundred feet and begun to veer off quite slowly my dad decided to follow it and we got in the car we lived quite near a main road which was the direction it was heading in so we gave chase by the time we were up to 80 miles per hour the thing had all but disappeared but we were doing 80 miles per hour then three unmarked police cars with blue flashing lights past us doing at least 150 because they appeared instantly i got the impression they were chasing it next day of course no one believes us or think there's some sort of rational explanation but we know what we saw funny two things that go with this story our house was next to an electrical substation maybe 50 feet away it served all the houses in our area we speculated that it might have been leeching off it second thing both me and my father within two years both developed myopia short-sightedness number one in our family ever needed glasses except reading glasses with age again we speculate that looking at the light might have damaged us the next day after we called the police and the local newspaper no one interested we didn't push it didn't want to seem like the town loonies f in only about six months later he see what could have been men in black guys in a black car hearing sunglasses poking around the substation moved a few years after he and my dad still talk about it old love it to be today with iphones and stuff he would have a record at least no way that's our story so i'm pretty sure it wasn't aliens but this is a weird story i still haven't fully explained i live in a small village about two miles or a 15 minute height walk from a large town in oxfordshire we live on the flight path to a nearby large raf base and often get fighters bombers helicopters flying over my house that said it seems unlikely that this was their doing given that my good friend lived next to the main runway there his dad was in the force and had literally the closest house to it on the base i visited there and it has a very clear view and he's under no obligations a fake to hide the existence of weird goings-on anyhow i was walking home from town at about 12 a.m one night the sky was clear with visible stars i saw out of the corner of my eye a small white light periodically darting across the sky every 30 seconds or so at first i had dismissed it as car headlights reflecting on the telephone wires however i soon realized that not only were there no cars at that time of night the lights were clearly visible and nowhere near the wires my next thought was that a spotlight from a food festival that was occurring across the county was somehow the cause but there were no clouds for it to reflect off of and it would have had to be extremely powerful given the distance there was no aircraft noise and whatever it was was travelling so fast from horizon to horizon in a second that it couldn't have been a jet or helicopter which we do get passing over us multiple times sometimes when they practicing or whatever i was pretty tired and i had a couple of beers so i just went home here's the kicker though when i got in i mentioned it to my dad and he said that while they hadn't seen the lights earlier on before she went to bed my mother had been sure that someone was shining a torch through the front door window but when she went to check the light was gone and no one was there now given we have a downhill driveway and it would be pretty hard to run and hide anywhere in the time it would have taken her and no car headlight could have caused it this was very weird any thoughts on what could have happened that night edit i've just recalled that around that time my friend had said the base was flying their bagradar dish fitted plane around a lot more than usual and the base atmosphere was pretty hectic his dad wouldn't tell him anything classified though now this i'm guessing was because of isis or russian planes flying close to our borders or whatever but still food forethought x-files theme so i've been reading through this for a while now and i've got chills also as i'm reading through these i'm tearing up which is very out of character for me source both my non-grandparents in italian passed over the course of the past two years and i never cried once over bread and butter i've never seen a ufo but i have the feeling i've been abducted or was at least visited by aliens to me it feels like my mind has no recollection minus some strange dreams that felt far too real but my body remembers and reacts to reading anything similar with tearing up so my biggest dream was one that happened maybe three times but some details are swapped i have this weird half awake feeling while being stuck in my family's car in the middle of the night the first time by far the longest i was in the middle back seat and i remember being able to move my head and talk but it felt like nothing i said was being vocalized in the first dream i remember trying to yell for my parents and i felt like there was a presence in the driver's seat that i was yelling at but visually i saw nothing there it's hard to remember because the instances were 14 years ago or older but i feel like the dream would end when i exhausted myself from yelling the second time it happened was the same exact setting family car i forgot to mention it was parked on the street in front of my home both times which was very uncommon for my parents to do back then this time same half awake can't move feeling but i remember this happened before and i just sat there this time the presents didn't seem to be in the seat though so that may explain my calmness the dream ended there my theory if this is alien related is that they were bored with my lack of reaction and cut it short this may have upset them again it's a theory the third time was the last and absolute worst that i can remember at least same car same seated position same feeling of a presence but this time the car was moving and turning seemingly driving itself i couldn't recognize the roads but i remember sitting there motionlessly why died until i started to yell the weird thing is that i remember the car feeling like it was going downhill at a further than 45 angle which seemed impossible for a car that's why i remember freaking out so much this specific time once again i exhausted myself and then it was over i haven't had any similar dreams since but i always get an eerie feeling whenever i do alien slash ufo research in my spare time bonus dream i remember having a dream that felt the same level of real but it was daytime my parents were leaving the house with my sister for some reason and were leaving me home alone as a child they'd never do this in the dream my legs couldn't move it felt like i was paralyzed from the waist down but that didn't stop me from moving and trying to get my family's attention the last part of the dream i remember is pulling myself down the small set of stairs leading to the side door of my house as i'm lying half in the house half on my driveway looking at my parents getting in the car the dream abruptly ends unlike my first set of dreams i actually made mention to this one to my mom when i asked her about it she said that that never happened to me the paralyzed legs portion it happened to my sister and that she had bacteria in her lower spine area made her unable to walk for a short time the strange thing is that i'm a year older than her and i have no memories of her ever being unable to walk my mom explained that the bacteria went away and she was fine i never asked my sister about this but i'm curious to now my theory on this one may be alien related but i'm leaning more towards a mental connectedness my sister and i had when we were younger people would always ask us if we were twins and even as a kid i remember unexplained events happening when i'd put mental energy towards them i actually thought to myself a lot that we might be twins since people would ask so often so maybe that's where the twin telepathy came from i don't know anyways though if you got this far thank you for being the firsts to ever hear these stories it's nice to get them off my chest when i was 10 or 11 i had just moved to a new place a year earlier and continued to live there for four or five years after that no other experiences like that before or since anywhere i've lived my brother and i always shared rooms before this so it was extra creepy i had a big room and he had a smaller room so it's late one night and everyone is asleep around 10 or so i stayed up late at the time just doing normal kid things drawing or something i think i was watching tv when this happened i see that the room gets this bluished into it and think it's the tv whatever right but after five seconds of this my brother starts screaming for me or mom dad was there but he usually wasn't so we never called out to him his room is right next to mine so i run over and let me correct myself i don't think mom and dad were sleeping because they ran in 10 seconds after me either that or my brother was loud enough to wake them and so were there and my brother is freaking the duck out saying there was a blue light that flashed in his room and he saw it coming from something like a car there was no street that can be seen from my brother's room but he then claimed he saw someone walk in front of the light he said it was all in the backyard so mom was trying to confront my brother he was a year or two older than me but he was always dependent on them still he's what you'd call a mama's boy and i'm staring out his window his window was at his bed so you could sit or lay on his bed and look out while dad ran to the kitchen for a flashlight so dad and i both see nothing we just tell my brother that it was a light from our neighbors all the lights from neighbors were also off so i stay in his room with him that night and we both saw the outline of someone from the window it's dark out there so we saw no details it looked like he was just something teenager because he was really tall and had really long and thin arms and legs and a thin neck and large head i think it was some teenager with one of those one color morph suit things but at the time it's terrifying especially as kids coming from parents who never let their kids think or believe in monsters or other things like that so of course we had no idea what it could have been at the time but when i first learned about aliens i talked to my brother about it and we thought it could have been that so unconfirmed because was a kid and didn't know what we saw pee but good ghost story as you say for scared friends i have now keck i honestly don't want to rain on a parade mostly because i believe there is alien life out there somewhere just unconvinced that it visits here although that would be cool that said hang out with many astronomers collectively we have thousands of man hours looking up at the sky and not one of us has ever seen anything remotely describable as a ufo we feel dipped from this experience as the hours observation ratio is quite low for us richmond virginia2013 i was living in the city by vku campus and had had a few drinks and was with my buddy who doesn't drink keto and another friend with whom we would hang out occasionally we are sitting on the front porch and suddenly look up at the sky and see three bright lights in a perfect triangle just hovering when i pointed it out my friend suggested it might be a plane however when i pointed out it wasn't moving and hadn't for several minutes we sat and watched in silence all of a sudden these three lights darted all the way across the sky several times i mean these things really moved and not at all in a fashion indicative of any aircraft or astrological phenomena i'm aware of and suddenly went back to their original position finally they shot across the sky in three separate directions but in a perfect geometric pattern again very strange and almost organic in nature and we're gone across the sky it wasn't me but my aunt so you can take it or leave it however my aunt is just not the sort of woman who would make things up to scare children she first told me this when i was a child she sheltered my cousins a lot and she would never purposely scare them we had to actually pry this story out of her after she told it to my mom because she didn't want us to know as she tells it my cousin her daughter was only a couple months old when she took her to visit some relatives who lived in a pretty isolated area she had a portable crib that she set up under a large window for my cousin at around 2 am my cousin started crying so she woke up to retrieve her from the crib as she was rocking her she looked out the window to see what appeared to be a very stereotypical version of a spaceship disc shaped with circular lights that rotated around the center she stared at it in or for about 30 seconds before it started descending slowly then made an abrupt change in direction and began drifting towards her left then suddenly within a second it shot upward and out of sight completely this will probably be buried deep but we'll see then always wondered myself hat if i ever experienced anything like this on a thing totally unbelievable heather i would accept my experience as reality or whether i'd assume i'd suffered some kind of mental illness brain injury and or psychosis comma my question is to those that have had such an experience and were alone no one to corroborate had makes you assume that the experience really happened indeed that you weren't hallucinating okay i can only assume that most people i if told such a story by someone else would assume if they didn't think they were a liar that the person had imagined it slash suffered a hallucination so why wouldn't people apply the same reasoning to their own experience i accept that experiencing something yourself is a very real thing and it's extremely difficult to accept that your brain just made these things up but almost all of us dream so we know what our brain is capable of it's not that far-fetched to experience dream-like situations and have them seem real in fact there are millions of people over the world with diagnosed mental illnesses that experience such things regularly when i was in high school i lived in a rural desert town in the southwest it was november and my friend's birthday was coming up he had gotten his license and a rolled car from his parents so that weekend we decided to go joy riding around anyway it was getting late and we decided to head back home we had stopped at walgreens to grab some snacks before making our way back toward our houses i only got a can of arizona tea so i was out of the store first i was waiting outside by my friend's car just looking up at the stars drinking mighty and i saw a strange grey mass just hovering in the sky initially i thought it was just a weird cloud it was similar in color to a dark cloud at night i didn't really get a change to scrutinize it because my friends had gotten to the car and we started to drive back home now there's a point in the town where the street lamps just end in the world is just darkness for miles around the conversation lulled and i decided to look out the window at the stars again this time in the darker area i saw the grey cloud again but this time i could make out that it had a sheen to it it looked very unnatural and out of place in the sky i told my friend about it and asked if he was seeing this too he pulled the car off to the shoulder and rolled down his window to look at it he agreed that it was weird looking he pulled out his flashlight and tried to shine light at it i had looked away from the object in the sky to help him rummage to find his flashlight and the next time i looked up the object was gone we both agreed that this was a weird experience and pulled back onto the road heading toward home this is where it gets really weird we had a cd player connected to his old stereo by one of those cassette adapters so we were listening to a disc and had turned the radio down when we pulled off the road as we started back on our way home i turned the radio back up and the song that was playing was six songs further on the track list than the one that had been playing when we pulled off the road i checked to make sure it wasn't shuffling and brought it up with my friend he said he didn't touch it and i know he couldn't have as it was under the seat the whole time i don't know if it was aliens or just a weird coincidence but we somehow lost about 12 minutes of time i can't really ever say for certain as i didn't make a note of the time when we pulled off the road and my only metric for this is the skipped cd tracks but this is one of those things that stuck with me and him for our whole lives is just a really crazy event okay i haven't really thought about this in a long while but since i just remembered i guess i should post it here now i'm not claiming this was an alien ship or something but i honestly don't know what the hell else it could have been i live in a pretty decent neighborhood and everyone seems to be asleep by midnight anyway i was in bed one night trying to get to sleep it was pretty late i can't remember exactly what time it was so i don't want to post a false estimate anyway i'm laying there when all of a sudden i hear what i can only describe as a sort of plane wearing sound right above me at first i thought it was just some stupid plane flying too low we get a ton of jets and planes flying by us on a regular basis and sometimes they fly pretty low but then after a minute or so i realized the noise was still just hovering right above what seemed to be my room specifically it was also really really loud which i took to mean that it was right above my house to be perfectly honest i laid frozen in my bed out of fright in my head i kept saying there is a rational explanation stop being so freaked out this went on for what seemed to be five or maybe ten minutes and then just like that the sound just disappeared i immediately bolted out of bed and looked out both windows of my room and saw absolutely nothing in the dark and skies above i then went into my mother's room to see if she was freaked out by what had just happened she is a very light sleeper to my shock she was dead asleep i woke her up and asked her if she had heard what i had just heard she said no i honestly couldn't believe she had not heard anything the noise was so damn loud and literally right above our house i felt like a crazy person i remember i kept asking are you sure over and over until she was very annoyed i was in complete and utter disbelief that my mother had not heard any of what had just happened how could she not have the noise was so ridiculously loud it felt like it was in my damn room almost like it was vibrating the air or something i thought the entire neighborhood should be awake or at least the house is neighboring our immediate vicinity then i went to see if my dad heard it but to my amazement he too was in a deep sleep i didn't sleep for about an hour after that no one ever believed me one time a few years back in oregon close to portland a friend and i were walking back to my house from the pool and we were on the tracks and this ship that had three green lights in a triangular shape was way eye up in the sky moving around at incredible speeds zigzagging all over the place and it even changed colors a few times and this went on for a good 15 or so minutes then went out of sight another time with the same friend a few years after that we saw this rectangle-shaped ship with red stripped lights running along the side slowly flying across the sky towards this church that had these big spotlights moving around in the sky shining beams of light the ship circled around the church then went back towards the direction it came from really awe inspiring stuff really wish one day we can get some answers haha thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 6,057
Rating: 4.8113208 out of 5
Keywords: alien abduction, alien abduction stories, kidnapped by aliens, abduction by aliens, alien abduction story, aliens abduction story, abducted by alien, abducted by aliens, reddit alien, reddit aliens, askreddit aliens, reddit alien stories, alien stories, aliens stories, aliens story, alien story, alien abductions, aliens abduction, aliens abductions, alien encounters, reddit paranormal, reddit alien encounter, alien encounter, aliens encounter, reddit alien story
Id: 0VA8Uz1O2fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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