People Walking in On Their Significant Other CHEATING (r/AskReddit)

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a slash has credit ex-boyfriend slash girlfriends who have walked in on their partner cheating what was your reaction it was actually the best thing that ever happened to me my ex got me a job at a grocery store moved on to a way better job about four months after me and my ex split we had been together almost a year when I got the job I had realized about six months into the relationship that I wasn't happy but due to many factors I felt compelled to commit to the relationship that maybe it was all my fault we weren't happy anyways after a couple of months working there I became completely enamored with one of my customers just the small weekly interactions we had each day made my feelings for him grow stronger which sucked because I felt so guilty because I was trying to make things okay with my then boyfriend fast forward to my 21st birthday we're a huge group went camping on the beach he got drunk and cheated on me with a mutual cow walker in our tent long story short I break up with him shortly after I'm heartbroken totally disillusioned with love one night I'm at the bar and get a wild hare to message the customer previously mentioned to have a drink he lived close one thing led to another and it ended up that my boyfriend cheating on me allowed me to be with the love of my life going on two years now with plans to marry when I graduate college life can be so funny sometimes hopefully this is the answer yes are looking for I was full drunk going through a bad patch told her I was on my way to her house I'll let her know numerous times I'm on my way to hers I knew something was up I just had that feeling in my gut I walked him through the back door up the stairs and into the room she was still clothed on top of this guy who I half knew he always leads over her any time we were in the pubs and clubs of my local town I proceeded to knock the [ __ ] out of him raining down with punch after punch each one with serious bad intentions it was chaos complete anarchy in the crossfire she claims to have got caught with a few punches herself I honestly never ever ever intentionally laid a finger on her but it was absolute madness so it is possible it lasted around 3045 seconds but felt like an eternity I let him up he ran down the stairs covered in blood while she sat on the edge of the bed crying I paced back and forth around the room then left the house on tears do I regret it yes if I could go back and change my actions I would I reacted in the heat of the moment and I was drunk to be honest he is lucky I didn't kill him and I'm not writing this a from a prison cell in US so the mind I probably have reacted a lot better but I didn't I'm not out of any of it he didn't press charges for assault although he easily could have you can only learn from your mistakes people you live and learn I ghosted her in a big way I left on a Wednesday afternoon to go out of town for work until Friday night she wasn't working that day so I kissed her goodbye and left figuring that she'd probably crash at my place while I was gone once I got on the road I realized I left my paint neater I was going to an auto auction in PA at the house so I turned around and went back to grab it I guess I was gone an hour and how I get home and there's a strange car in the driveway I into the house quietly grab the paint meter that I had left by the door hear her clearly [ __ ] some guy okay it's on I walk outside snap a pic of his car in my driveway and leave I sneak back out call a friend of mine who works construction he gets me in touch with his friend the locksmith the next morning after she leaves for work the locks are changed that night I get a panicked phone call many of them I ignore them the next morning I text her a pic of his car told her the locks were changed and to not bother calling me or texting me as she was now blocked it makes you lose faith in relationships and the whole idea of love because no matter how attentive attractive charming kind or successful you are there is something you will never be different and sometimes different is all they want being single for a long time due to this well partially I guess lots of factors go into it reminds me of this post I saw a while back went like this a lot of people ask me what my biggest fear is or what scares me most and I know they expect an answer like hides or closed spaces or people dressed like animals but how do I tell them that when I was 17 I took a class called relationships for life and I learned that most people fall out of love for the same reasons they fell in it that their lovers once endearing stubbornness has now become refusal to compromise and their one-track mind is now immaturity in their bad habits that you once adored is now money down the drain their spontaneity becomes reckless and irresponsible and their feet up on your - is no longer sexy just another distraction in your busy life nothing saddens and scares me like the thought that I can become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in my eyes gets me every [ __ ] time I've been there and I found those words when I was at my absolute lowest point I showed it to my best friend and he found something else that author wrote I never expected this to be my most popular poem out of the hundreds I've written I was extremely bitter and sad when I wrote this and I left out the most beautiful part of that class after my teacher introduced us to this theory she asked us is love a feeling or is it a choice we were all a bunch of teenagers naturally we said it was a feeling she said that if we clung to that belief we'd never have a lasting relationship of any sort she made us interview a dozen adults who were or had been married and we asked them about their marriages and why it lasted or why it failed at the end I asked every single person of love an emotion or a choice everybody said that it was a choice it was a conscious commitment it was something you choose to make work every day with a person who has chosen the same thing they all said that at one point in their marriage the feeling of love had vanished or faded and they weren't happy they said feelings are always changing and you cannot build something that will last on such a shaky foundation the married once said that when things were bad they chose to open the communication chose to identify what broke and how to fix it and chose to recreate something worth falling in love with the divorced one said they chose to walk away ever since that class since that project I never looked at relationships the same way I understood why arranged marriages were successful I discovered the difference in feelings and commitments I've never gone for the person who makes my heart flutter or my head spin I've chosen the people who were committed to choosing me dedicated to finding something to adore even on the ugliest days I no longer fear the day someone who swore I was their universe can no longer see the stars in my eyes as long as they still choose to look until they find them again it changed my perspective and helped me find some strengths I was having a lot of complications when I was pregnant with my oldest daughter and had extreme pain one day so I came home early from work when I get home I see two purses that I knew weren't mine sitting on the stand I had to my room to see if my then-boyfriend could explain the purses I'm hearing noises coming from our room and I know exactly what those sounds were I opened the door to peek in and he's having a threesome I closed the door and just go back into the living room I was shocked I was supposed to be on bed rest that I was the only one who had a job so I was going to school and working while he got to stay home all day I was livid but what was scary is that I was so furious that I remained calm I went into the living room sat on the couch and waited for them to come out when they finally did I asked for if they had fun told them they needed to get out of my apartment he tried to talk to me but I told him he needed to get out I calmly packed off of his stuff up I had a friend come over because I couldn't do heavy lifting being seven months pregnant and dropped his stuff off at his parents house that night it's still shocking to me that I remain so calm being that angry I was out for a friend's birthday and bf was out with his friends but supposed to meet up with us we were texting but his replies got drunker until he just stopped replying so last call happens and I go back with my friend to her place which was just down the street from my boyfriend's apartment I'm drunk and I know he's drunk so I decide to head to his place so I can surprise him and get laid funny story I got surprised because he was getting laid i straight walked in on him with some chick naked on top of him there was lots of yelling and he tried to blame it on me [ __ ] that I will never forget the sight of him naked in the kitchen trying to hide his junk while telling me I made him cheat he also tried to tell me he couldn't get it up so he never really had sex with her all in all it was a really awful experience and it made me incredibly insecure for the next few years also jealous it really [ __ ] with my next few relationships so it wasn't a big love story obviously but it was pretty fun this pretty asian chicken we had been dating for three weeks now and we were supposed to meet in town for our fifth date but a few hours before she cancelled saying she was very sick maybe going to the hospital but that I didn't need to worry I still told her I was worried and to keep me informed that I'd gladly go with her but she told me not to she was adamant well I was already downtown anyway so I decided to go shopping check some stores get a hot cocoa and some cookies few hours later I'm on my way back home waiting for a tramway when she shows up and she seems well and she's with her friends so I walk up to her and say that I'm glad she's feeling better and maybe she could introduce me to her friends she blushes really hard and is panicking and takes me away and she doesn't have the time to say anything when this guy comes up and says who are you he looks to her and says who is he he's obviously jealous but in a way that he's suspicious that she's cheating on him before she says anything I tell him nice to meet you I mix and you nice to meet you too I'm Dennis so dennis is what I believed was my girlfriend s boyfriend I leave them both to it and tell the girl never to call me again or text me just plain and simple I tell her that I won't answer any of her calls and texts seems cheesy now but I couldn't come up with anything better I remember it was rainy and then there was a big scene at the tramway stop between them both people were watching I felt stupid making my exit because I couldn't just sit next to them and wait for my train after I had said that so I decided to walk to the nearest tramway stop on the same line at home in the evening I still received a text from her saying exactly word for word are you mad couldn't help but burst out laughing between that and the hospital excuse I had no regrets really this actually happened years ago to my sir with his ex-wife but so worth telling we refer to this as the trunk boy incidents by so we'll call him tom was married with two small children working his ass off to support his young family they were both early twenties she'd had an affair before saying that she was lonely because they didn't go out much remember he was working his ass off very long hours he forgave her and made an effort to work less slash take her out to play pool slash go dancing etc he had to work Thanksgiving and for whatever reason needed to swap out the car he was driving with the one that was sitting at home in the driveway it was late so he just went home and switched cars without bothering to wake her and the kid he only worked about a mile from the house and hadn't gotten very far when he hit a bump and felt something rolling in the trunk he pulled over into a parking lot to investigate open the trunk and lo and behold curled up in a bowl pretending to be asleep was the guy she'd had the affair with Tom couldn't believe his [ __ ] eyes he'd played pool with this guy on one of the nights he'd taken his wife out he closed the trunk and had an internal debate over whether to back into a telephone pole or perhaps drive the car into a lake concluded that this dude wasn't worth going to prison for opened the trunk and told him to get out guy be really got out and walked off Tom went home woke wife up and calmly coldly relayed what had just happened and said we are through divorced her at a SAP her loss my gain if there was a trophy for best husband ever he'd had it on the mantle this guy's golden we've been married 12 years now and I tell him every day how goddamn lucky I'm to have him edit trunk boy and floozy wife had gotten drunk and since he had nowhere to stay that night they came up with the brilliant idea of him sleeping in the trunk and leaving before Tom got home I had been married for 11 years and 11 months ago I found out that my now ex-husband was cheating I found out on our son's eight-year birthday I found out by reading it on reddit I had never been on a date before and he's an online man we met online ourselves and how I basically found out his username and read a post he had put saying he found the girl he's been looking for bla bla bla then I found out that he's a sugar daddy and had been spending our money on all these online [ __ ] I had never even heard of a sugar baby before that day as soon as I found out I confronted him and of course the lies started and never stopped until today he slept with prostitutes took money of me to pay these girls and lied so much but I had evidence and then he tried to blame me and say it's my fault he acted this way obviously I can't trust a soul now not even my own parents this guy wasn't just a husband he was my best friend for 11 years I am currently on antidepressants and weekly therapy just trying to recover and make sense of it all absolutely by far the worst experience I have ever been through and we have two amazing kids an eight and five year old boys so still have to co-parent and deal with the load sheet piece of nasty [ __ ] went to the bar with my ex-boyfriend the bar was conveniently right below our apartment after about three rounds of two full ones I had to pee something fierce and when I realized how cramped the ladies room was I decided to just run upstairs to my apartment and purse instead walked in on him naked as a day he was born [ __ ] in his hand as he just pulled it out of this bar [ __ ] with her legs up on his bed this happens after I'd helped him overcome his heroin / meth addiction for the past six months and showed him nothing but compassion and understanding I moved out the [ __ ] moved in and she's now the love of his life good riddance [ __ ] edit my immediate reaction was [ __ ] you slamming the door and subbing on my best friend's couch that night he didn't remember it the next morning conveniently I dated a pretty girl for three months from my college classes one night I had to attend a committee party for my society and I told her I'd be laid back to the dorm so I gave her my room card and left to go to the event which was about 20 minutes away from campus at around 8 p.m. I left early because truth be told I wanted to go back and [ __ ] my girlfriend so I left two hours before the event ended so I'm walking towards my doll block and I remember I left my phone next to my bed so naturally I walked over to the dorm reception and asked for a spare room card so I could open the first set of doors and knock on the second four single rooms within a bigger living room for each dormitory so i unlock the entrance door and as I'm walking towards my door I can hear faint moaning I remember my throat immediately clenched and my mouth went dry because I knew everyone in my quite well and I knew that they were single so the predicament arose when I was left with the choice of walking towards my door where the moaning sounds came from or leaving the door I chose the latter but maybe halfway down the corridor I felt really [ __ ] angry and I walked back to my dorm and knocked on the door the moaning obviously stopped immediately and a minute later my ex girlfriend comes out crying saying that she regretted everything and that I shouldn't hurt the guy since it was her fault I pushed past her and went straight for the guy who was already fully dressed pushing him into the wall and just as I was about to hit him in the face I told them both to get the [ __ ] out I've had trust issues ever since staying in that dorm for the semester also [ __ ] my grades are finally a question that I can unload I had come home from working out of town and when I pulled up to the driveway there was an unfamiliar car parked in what would normally be where I parked I didn't think much of it and thought it might be my ex-wife's sister so I parked right behind it I walked in through the door checked the mail and yelled that I was home the bedroom door slammed shut and I still didn't think too much about it as it was a few weeks before Christmas and thought they were wrapping presents after a few minutes I finally walked back to the bedroom and knocked on the door my ex-wife yelled back and said just a minute after a few moments I knocked and again was greeted with just a minute but this time there was a tone in her voice that made me believe something was up I quickly reached up and grabbed the emergency key and unlocked the door there was my ex-wife half-naked and the French doors leading to outside were wide open I immediately started to interrogate her asking her who is he what's his name she wouldn't give it up I continued on asking and probing over and over she finally gave me his first name and refused to give me his last name so I immediately got on the phone with a closed work friend of hers and asked her friend if she knew his last name and what street did he live after obtaining this information I looked up his information and got his home phone number I called the number and and told his wife now ex-wife what just happened she said it couldn't be true I told her that if she wanted the license-plate number from his car I would give it to her at that time she finally realized that what I was saying was true and she asked for my phone number and said she would call me in the next day or two after I hung up the call I gathered up his belongings shoes and shirt put them on top of his car moved my car I had him blocked in and yelled out into the darkness of night and told him by name to get the f asterisk CK out of here about ten minutes later I heard his car start up and he left my 25th birthday present to myself was cutting him loose I had suspected for a while that he had been cheating but had never been able to prove it we had a nasty confrontation about his texting another girl but he turned the situation back on me and made me feel guilty for even suspecting him Judah was a master manipulator when I was on my own and we analyzed the situation I realized what he did and decided that to prevent that kind of manipulation again the next time I confronted him it would be with solid evidence so I start putting out feelers among our mutual friends and one day one of them contacts me and says he has a recording of him bragging about his sexcapades his condition for passing it on to me was that my ex could never know how I got my info by happy coincidence this dear friend finally relinquishes the recording on my birthday and I decide even though I can't use the recording to confront my ex directly I cannot continue even one more day in this situation so I call him the bastard had not even phoned to wish me happy birthday by this point and tell him I have irrefutable evidence that he has been cheating on me and that if he wants to find out how I know he has to give me the name of the girl he cheated on me with he didn't know that I knew the girl's name already so he arms in our for a while and finally confesses but gives me a different girl's name and details about when it happened so by this point I know of at least two girls he cheated on me with after we broke up even more emerged from the woodwork I'll never know how many times he was unfaithful in the course of our four-year relationship marched myself straight to a clinic for STD tests the next day what fun so I was going out with this girl and it was back in high school so it isn't a big deal now but it seemed like it was back then everything was fine on Friday when I went home for the weekend and on Monday she's acting incredibly nervous I picked up on it but I had no idea what was up with her later in the day I was heading from one class to another and turned a corner to see her holding hands with some dude she leans in and gives him a kiss before he leaves to go to whatever class he was going to she turned around saw me knew I saw her and then starts trying to say she's sorry but that she has feelings for him like that supposed to mean something to me I tell her not to touch me tell her she's a [ __ ] and she runs to the nearest bathroom crying I don't give a [ __ ] and I go to class she tried to talk to me about a during break but I was in no mood one of my friends also a girl steps in and tells this girl that she's going to get the [ __ ] kicked out of her if she doesn't just leave clearly I'm done with her I have a good one I hope the [ __ ] see this he had just moved thirteen hundred miles to be with me in my hometown after a rough start and my large move back home I was living with a mutual friend who took the plunge with me to go to grad school it was two weeks to the day of his move he was celebrating getting his first big boy job out of college while I was working hard to make a name for myself at the company I worked for we were supposed to have date night but the roommate invited himself before I got home from work in the boyfriend didn't object I was tired it was Friday after another growing week since I had just been promoted I told them to go and have boys night I wasn't happy he wasn't happy and the roommate was oblivious to the entire situation for the two weeks my boyfriend was there he spent day and night with the rumored drinking and talking about whatever and playing video games while I worked I'd get home and the boyfriend would be with the roommate and barely acknowledged my presence they go out and I send the boyfriend a text letting him know what was up because while at home the rumored wouldn't leave our side so we could discuss boyfriend gets pissed I didn't say anything before he left he proceeds to get hammered along with the roommate story goes that on the walk home they decided they wanted to do the NDMA boyfriend brought from home I didn't know he had it rumoured was seeing a stripper he met one night during drunken escapes she gets invited I am asleep in bed with our beautiful dog and have no idea this is happening I wake up at about 2:00 a.m. to loud dubstep in my living room instantly I'm hit with sharp pains because I know my boyfriend so I know what he's up to I walk to the living room and he's under his special blanket with the stripper I grabbed my cigarettes and proceeded to bolt room at stops me and asks me to just smoke with him on the patio I do I tell him I know they're high and I know what is going on he plays dumb we finish and I return to my room and toss and turn hours later the boyfriend tried to join I asked him calmly why he thinks that is appropriate for him to be getting into my bed after that display he plays dumb now I let them play dumb because I want to play dumb two weeks is all it took for him to shatter my heart after 5 months long distance and 2 years of struggle before that he promised with the change of scenery and not knowing anyone that he'd be loyal and dedicated I was dumb to the leave he would change the need for female attention just for the chance to be with me a month goes by and I get a text from the stripper who is in the roommates room while the roommate is at the bar with friends everyone has treated me like an outsider for the month she wants to talk she comes in and tells her boyfriend walks in during and very quickly leaves when she's through I decided I needed to talk to him to compare stories they match he swears it was an any BRE ated mistake was sleeping with my friend at the beginning of our relationship for three months a mistake - I tried for a year after I went off the deep end now he's living in my hometown in our apartment with his new girlfriend who moved in the day I moved out and the rumor has a kid with the stripper I'm back in the town we started in and trying to piece my life together [ __ ] you Tim Pat you just wanted Portland not me second and last guy I dated seriously was a pet doctor he was young and establishing his practice had practically no staff except for his vet tech who was a married woman I'm an animal freaking good with people computers so I helped him out for an hour or two sometimes around my other job he was great vet and I wanted him to make it I cared about him thought there might be something real happening there he said so told me he loved me in fact I come in one morning and I hear giggles he's on the examining table with the vet tech and they are playing human doctor he saw me went to lay low and tried to button up but it was over I turned around walked out and never talked to him again didn't answer his calls his notes on my door nothing cut him dead he was frantic he knew what he had lost and he wasn't happy about it he sent me gifts tried everything to get me to talk to him nope it was fortunate that we had not actually slept together at that point we'd been talking a lot about it and I just gotten on birth control again I wanted him to get tested for STDs before we went there he'd had a lot more partners than I he'd agreed had an app to do that that week actually we probably would have gone to bed very soon but I'm ever so glad now that we hadn't he had told me though that we were exclusive in anticipation of what was likely to be us involved that way soon I had no reason to expect him to be more interested in being with me soon than with boning his much married VT dodged a bullet not sorry Iver I'm not too flexible on the infidelity thing once a man tells me I'm his only gf and that he loves me I expect the courtesy of him keeping his pants zipped if he wants to be with me I don't cheat ever the guy could be [ __ ] Sebastian stand current mega crush and I would still dump his ass as soon as possible for doing that to me even if doing so broke my heart a guy wants to bone others ok I get it some people are not naturally monogamous he needs to be honest and not lead me on you leave before you [ __ ] someone else that's the polite thing to do you don't risk your partner's health or cause the manju heartache that's just lazy and inconsiderate some people they just don't get that they can't have both I really don't like people like that who lie and lead on genuinely monogamous people it's one thing to not be and admit that give someone like me a choice it's another to hide lie and cheat knowing the other person really cares and will be devastated when they find out you are cheating thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 45,490
Rating: 4.8002701 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: sCgZgWijWaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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